[Apocalypse Roulette] Apocalypse Roulette OOC

Wow, what a pleasant surprise! Wolf's so happy this game is now live. Been wondering about it for days now :)

I'm gonna be all over to check the place out. Just one question though, Fayth: Can you explain to me thi- never mind, I got it :P
Ilhisaur said:
Wow, what a pleasant surprise! Wolf's so happy this game is now live. Been wondering about it for days now :)
I'm gonna be all over to check the place out. Just one question though, Fayth: Can you explain to me thi- never mind, I got it :P
Haha, well, as long as you got it in the end.

I'd just like to say to all players, let me know when you've got a solid character concept, so we can discuss your starting inventory and Day Zero thread.
You should send a group PM to inform all of your signed up players that this thing is now live. Some notice it later than others, and taken into account the time for character creation, it's best to get things underway as soon as possible so that we can begin playing... I dunno this or next week?

Also, the Day Zero threads are character-specific, correct? Does that mean only one player will post in each?
Ilhisaur said:
You should send a group PM to inform all of your signed up players that this thing is now live. Some notice it later than others, and taken into account the time for character creation, it's best to get things underway as soon as possible so that we can begin playing... I dunno this or next week?
Also, the Day Zero threads are character-specific, correct? Does that mean only one player will post in each?
Oh! I didn't know it worked like that, thanks.

And yes, Day Zero threads are character-specific. It will be only one player in those threads unless two players decide they want to start together.
In theory, it shouldn't have to work like that. When someone applies for a game they are expected to check its progress on a daily basis to see if it's ready - because if they applied then they're interested, and that's what interested people do. In practice, people need to be reminded for various reasons. Some are forgetful by nature. Some are otherwise occupied. Hell, some just like getting correspondence from their Storyteller. I know I do.

Either way, it's never a bad move to send out a group notification to let everyone know. Adds to your image as a Storyteller who cares about her game, while at the same time gently grabbing the attention of your players. In all honesty I have no idea who the other three people who signed up are, but Grey can easily fall prey to a certain degree of delay - even with his renowned multitasking skills. But that's perfectly understandable.

Offtopic, or ontopic more precisely, I have submitted my character for your review, Fayth. Took me six hours, from 2300 to 0500, but it was well worth it. Most of it was spent lying on my back and contemplating of course, and I lost nearly two hours looking for a picture, so it's actually less work than it seems. My perfectionism doesn't let me do things any other way. Hope you approve of her :)

Wolf's dead tired, so I'll retire for the night before it becomes morning (^^)
Alright, character is up for review, one question though, what skill would represent driving any sort of vehicle?
I haven't actually established a skill for that in Apocalypse Roulette. I didn't think it would be relevant; Chicago is going to be an incredible mess after Day Zero, and it's bad enough trying to drive through Chicago on a good day!
Got it, just thought it might be useful for escaping on a motorcycle, a car or even a bicycle and dodge all the parked cars blocking the roads.
I've been checking RPDom the whole week, waiting for Apocalypse Roulette. I didn't check the last two days and I found thanks to the Group PM. The system works!

I got my character uploaded. Tell me if the contents of his backpack are not approved (he's got a tonn of random stuff but so do I!). With the exception of a couple items they're there to describe the character, so I don't expect it to be a problem.
I just updated the 'character creation + template' thread with a clarification of the rules for skill point allocation, since I've had two people so far misunderstand it because of the wording. The points spent are cumulative, so 3 ranks in a skill actually costs 6 points. Sorry about the mixup!
[QUOTE="Lord-Leafar]Got it, just thought it might be useful for escaping on a motorcycle, a car or even a bicycle and dodge all the parked cars blocking the roads.

Unless someone chooses to play a character that is unable to use a bicycle (or a character for which it would be significantly more difficult for, such as one with asthma), it likely won't need a check at all. The only case I can think of where the character would need to actually roll is if they're being chased, in which case I'll just make it a Perception check to reflect watching out for (and reacting to) obstacles in time.

Of course, that's assuming you guys don't choose to race each other through the streets. :P
Fayth said:
I just updated the 'character creation + template' thread with a clarification of the rules for skill point allocation, since I've had two people so far misunderstand it because of the wording. The points spent are cumulative, so 3 ranks in a skill actually costs 6 points. Sorry about the mixup!
I thought so, but I wasn't sure. Skills edited!
I'll be putting up Day Zero threads tomorrow evening, since three of you are approved. Prepare for brains!
Day Zero threads are now up for all three approved characters. If you have any questions, post them here or throw me a private message. Let the brains begin, and may the odds be ever in your favor!
I'm going to occasionally throw pictures in posts, let me know if it helps you guys visualize the scene.
It helps :)

It may not always be of critical value, but a visual aid can hardly ever hurt. Just choose them carefully. You need to be sure of what you're trying to show.
I just can't get over how awesome this is starting to be. I keep reading through all the Day Zero threads and thinking how it looks like the beginning of a really good zombie movie :D

Happy Wolf is happy (^^)
Yay! I found a zombie! *Zelda's item found chime*

It's looking pretty good. Looking forward to forming the party and trying to survive in zombie-infested Chicago! There should be a racist character to add tension between the PCs, since they're all foreigners.
Thanks, Wolf!

And you guys don't necessarily have to band together. If you want to, I can bring you together, but if you'd rather sandbox in ones and twos, that's fine too.
I think it'd be more entertaining if we band toghether at one point and have as much interaction as possible between each other and the enviroment.
I do hope to have at least some interaction as a group at some point, as bigger groups create greater tension and drama possibilities, how long will we be able to remain together? Who knows hehe.

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