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  1. GalaxyFang

    [Ad Astra Per Aspera] Launch Day

    "And now the god's descend from mount Olympus to join with us mortal rabble." Alex muttered to himself as he saw Dr. Beckett coming towards him. Other thing's were going through his mind at the moment one of them being the ship that he was loading cargo to, It was one hell of a piece of work and...
  2. GalaxyFang

    [Ad Astra Per Aspera] Alexander Orion Normandy "Owl"

    He's not finished yet do mind the mess Alexander Orion Normandy. Stats Body 5 Mind 4 Soul 4 Skills Gaming: Cards 2 Demolition: 3 Points Driving: Big Rigs: 4 Points Sports: Hockey 1 Point Mechanics: Aeronautics: 2 Points Electronics: 2 Points Computers: Programming: 4...
  3. GalaxyFang

    [Ad Astra Per Aspera] Incoming Transmissions (Soundtrack Thread!!!)

    Here be My theme
  4. GalaxyFang

    [Ad Astra Per Aspera] Launch Day

    The whines and groans of pistons echoed in the hallway down below as Alex clad in his power suit was finishing loading off the last of the cargo. He had just spent the last 9 hours connecting, double, triple and quadruple checking the power couplings. This was one hell of a big job and if he...
  5. GalaxyFang

    [Ad Astra Per Aspera] Captain's Lounge

    Posting will be up momentarily, as for my sheet It will be up sometime late sunday or monday at the latest :P I admit I was a herp de derp and didn't copy the besm book to my flash drives
  6. GalaxyFang

    L5R interest check

    L5R X 40K Mashup... Color me intrigued
  7. GalaxyFang

    BESM 3rd Edition: Ad Astra Per Aspera

    Also here are my Stats... Since I don't have the book I found a handy dandy website BESM 3rd Edition Game Stats Score Cost Body 6 60 Mind 6 60 Soul 6 60 Stat Cost: 180 Modifying Attributes Level Cost Attack Combat...
  8. GalaxyFang

    BESM 3rd Edition: Ad Astra Per Aspera

    Mech: A rudimentary if not simple term that refers to technology involving frames involving movement with Bipedal or Quadrupedal momentum. The concept of Mech's often harken back to the old late 20th century animated television shows such as Gundam, Macross and Votoms. However despite the...
  9. GalaxyFang

    BESM 3rd Edition: Ad Astra Per Aspera

    Here's my character concept. Alexander Normandy: Colony Scout. Alexander Normandy's Character concept in more finer details… hopefully Space... A vast if not nearly infinite expanse... now with gate technology and ether drives but even then there are a few things that are always the same...
  10. GalaxyFang

    BESM 3rd Edition: Ad Astra Per Aspera

    OI Thorn, Here's my reply of interest you putz!
  11. GalaxyFang

    Welcome To Milky Way City, the city of the Zodiac's and Martial Arts. (Worldbulding and discussion?)

    Mnn I sorta do, A part of it was due to me being a fan of crossovers. As for the other reason's I was thinking that some of the people that funded the original buildings for Milky Way City were Avid Martial Artist's in their own right. And Milky way city was built shortly after the end of WW2...
  12. GalaxyFang

    Welcome To Milky Way City, the city of the Zodiac's and Martial Arts. (Worldbulding and discussion?)

    In some way's it could be considered that but hence I said most of the people there are martial artist's. But It's more of a huge metropolitan city that's like a mecca of martial arts, sports, technology and what not. What other questions do have
  13. GalaxyFang

    Welcome To Milky Way City, the city of the Zodiac's and Martial Arts. (Worldbulding and discussion?)

    Hello there folks, as stated in my intro posting here I'm a real big fan of the Martial Art's and what not, and of course that extends into fighting games and anime well but I'm getting ahead of myself here. This thread is a potential discussion/world building for a setting I'm working on yet...
  14. GalaxyFang

    Introduction -taps a microphone-

    I know the man, we went to college together and he's very good at badgering... he's a black belt at Badger-Fu but it's all friendly badgering with some witty banter here and there.
  15. GalaxyFang

    Introduction -taps a microphone-

    Hahah, Thanks a lot you guy's. Also Thorn is badgering me so I guess mission accomplished
  16. GalaxyFang

    Introduction -taps a microphone-

    Mhmm, Will do or I'll just Pester Thorn Darkblade for info since I know him xD
  17. GalaxyFang

    The Newbie

    The Newbie
  18. GalaxyFang

    Introduction -taps a microphone-

    Ah, yeah... so Hi folk's. The Name's Galaxy fang, browsing out this place and it seems nice so far. But Let's get to the meat of the matter so to speak. I'm a bit of an avid Rper and as for what I mainly focus on. I'm a sucker for mecha and or martial art's. Well there's not too much to say...
  19. GalaxyFang

    HOOOOOWAAATAAA! -Dropkicks the Thorn-

    HOOOOOWAAATAAA! -Dropkicks the Thorn-