BESM 3rd Edition: Ad Astra Per Aspera

Heh, I could see him nick-named "Raven" or "Condor". I'll look at other species to see if any pop out. :)

Edit: I think Condor would be appropriate. Hung on him by some of his fellow agents as he nearly went extinct but is alive and well again.

Oh, one of his defects is "Marked". I picture him as badly scarred along his right side, mostly head and body due to the explosion.
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Here we go, a much more fleshed out concept.

“More of these trespassing reports. UEC guys don't get it do they, they don't own this place.” Marcus snarled at a terminal screen displaying new security alerts.

Marcus Legraneer works currently as a Weapons Master and security chief for one of the four engineering quadrants on LOPS42. A job that he is good at, it is boring to him, he longs for something greater. The death of his parents at the hand of UEC left Marcus wondering if there is a way to end UEC's bloody reign. A problem that he has been thinking on for the past ten years. With each passing year, the problem growing worse as UEC seizes more planets under the guise of Martial Law and the sinking hole of survivors guilt that could only be filled with justice bought to those that orchestrated the events on Mercury.
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Actualy, due to uni and stuff I can't afford to invest thetime at the moment. Sorry, this really does look interesting
GalaxyFang said:
OI Thorn, Here's my reply of interest you putz!
'Bout frikkin time. Now give me a character concept, and make it a decent one.

shepsquared said:
Actualy, due to uni and stuff I can't afford to invest thetime at the moment. Sorry, this really does look interesting
Sadness, D:
Here's my character concept.

Alexander Normandy: Colony Scout.

Alexander Normandy's Character concept in more finer details… hopefully

Space... A vast if not nearly infinite expanse... now with gate technology and ether drives but even then there are a few things that are always the same. The need to find new places to live and resources to make stuff from ships, mech’s all the way down to the guns we use in defense and murder. Enter Alexander Orion Normandy. Martian Born Into a rather large family within the hab-shell at Mt.Olympus who work at the fleet yards building ships and mech’s for a living.

But that wasn’t what Alex wanted to do with his life. After a few years of working in the yards as well as making some credits on the side in the racing and Mech Battling circuits, he applied for the Task force cocoon to find new worlds for colonization and or mining to get the hell off the red rustball.

And so on his 19th birthday Alex left the red sands of Mars hopefully never to return, six years and dozens of light years traveled via Gate Technology and or sleeping within a Suspension Tank later Alex finds himself back within the stations of Phobos and Deimos, his small craft barley holding together… Colony Scouting was good work but the pay depended on the planet’s value.

And so here he is, his tenure of service done...his ship paid off, but barley holding together and possibly looking for a new line of work... Anything to keep from stepping foot on mars, and or vising that one crazy girl...
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@GalaxyFang Not including too much in the way of giant mechs...a Gundam sized battlesuit ought to collapse under its own weight...but reasonably sized (i.e., no more than 10-12 feet) combat frames would be acceptable, if impractical, tech for land based combat. For space salvage operations, however, a mechanical frame -could- be an asset, and I could see an underground fighting ring wearing frames. I do except a decent writeup of why such a mechanical frame became commonplace though, :P
Millershipper said:
I have the stats done.
@Millershipper Message me the stats...any items that aren't standard issue whatevers, plus defects and such, give me a decent write-up. I wanna know your character inside and out. The link I gave Maus early on has examples of what I expect from the previous incarnation of this game.
Thorn Darkblade] [URL=" said:
@GalaxyFang[/URL] Not including too much in the way of giant mechs...a Gundam sized battlesuit ought to collapse under its own weight...but reasonably sized (i.e., no more than 10-12 feet) combat frames would be acceptable, if impractical, tech for land based combat. For space salvage operations, however, a mechanical frame -could- be an asset, and I could see an underground fighting ring wearing frames. I do except a decent writeup of why such a mechanical frame became commonplace though, :tongue:
Mech: A rudimentary if not simple term that refers to technology involving frames involving movement with Bipedal or Quadrupedal momentum. The concept of Mech's often harken back to the old late 20th century animated television shows such as Gundam, Macross and Votoms. However despite the imaginative concept a true "Mobile Suit" in lieu of the lines of gundam is highly impratical if not outright near impossible.

The technology that is considered by both military and engineering historians to be the grandfather to modern Mech's is the Poly-muscular Combat Frame suit, first utilized in the early 21st century around the advent of the 2nd Afgan Contra War a "Exosuit shell "inlaid with synthetic muscles that allows it's user superior movement and speed as well as it's high defensive capability

The Muscle Combat Frame suit underwent upgrades and revision's over the centuries however it's two most important upgrades happened during humanity's first conflict's in space. With the introduction of Fully Realized AMBAC (Active Mass Balanced Auto Control) Technology to allow Human like movement in Zero/low-Gravity environments Allowed the Poly-muscular Combat Frame to operate in new environments such as the Moon.

The Second Upgrade is the Super Compact Solar Particle Reactor which expands the operating time from the Combat frame from 4 day from palladium battery cores all the way to 3 weeks, in continuous use. The Super Compact Solar Reactor allows the combat frame to absorb solar radiation and convert's it into Electricity through a new method of photovoltaic fission. Allowing the dream of a mechanized infantry to truly come to life with bloody efficiency as seen during the Martian Civil wars.

As time Progressed the Combat Frame has undergone various revisions and experimentation to find out it's true limits... Frame's Larger than 13 feet in height are prone to operating failures mainly from the stress the Synthetic polymer muscles endure to support the weight of the frame.

With these upgrades the Combat Frame, now dubbed The Tatical Armored Personel System or TAPS, Warfare Theaters have expanded to virtually everywhere though supprisinglly enough TAPS Are used for such things such as Mining and Ship building due to the fact that the human frame/polymuscular mimiciry system grants interesting advantages in space and aquatic operations.

Image Refrences

Polymuscular Combat frame Circa 2021 AD

Polymusuclar Combat Frame, Lunar Warfare Spec


Super Compact Solar Particle Reactor:

Particle Reactor Overclock Fin's Deployed
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Also here are my Stats... Since I don't have the book I found a handy dandy website

BESM 3rd Edition

Game Stats

Score Cost

Body 6 60

Mind 6 60

Soul 6 60

Stat Cost: 180

Modifying Attributes

Level Cost

Attack Combat Mastery 2 20

Defense Combat Mastery 3 30

Super Strength 1 8

Tough 1 2

Not So Tough 0

Energy Bonus 1 2

Hardboiled 1 2

Attribute Cost: 64

Total Cost: 244

Derived Values

Attack Combat Value 8

Defense Combat Value 9

Damage Multiplier 5/6

Health Points 65

Energy Points 65

Shock Value 23
@GalaxyFang has contacted me personally and worked out his character with me to be more in tune with the setting, and less horridly built. A note to others: Try to avoid the chargen tool, it sucks.
I had an excel sheet that was done for character creating. It is not perfect and still needs to have book or access to options but it works. I lost most of recen versions of it but I have version 1 which I did for an old character. It can serve as a calculator too but I need to check it to be sure it is working. Anyway here is a speedster character I done with it.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/jason_zip.10bdc47c125d446ba7d256da238bdfe5" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24556" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/jason_zip.10bdc47c125d446ba7d256da238bdfe5" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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Okay. I'll finish statting out my char in the next day or so. I'll see if that changes any of the costs.
Yeah sorry Thorn recent illness threw me off a bit. Still very much interested and shall have something up for you tomorrow or Saturday.
Yeah, sorry. Was considering it, but play by post...I've been burned, hard, by GMs bailing silently once the free time they had when proposing the game got soaked up. I was wondering if the proposed co-GMing included a full means around that, but that does not seem to be the case.

I believe that you bet your honor on sticking around, and that you have no intention of leaving w/out notice. So did those other GMs. Nothing on you, but I'll pass.
Fair enough, but, honestly that can happen with any kind of game...more of a GM issue than a medium. There's a few pbp games on here that have been going for -years-, :)
I got my book today (a coupel of hours ago actually) I was using a PDF printed one before and after checking book once again I want to play in a game and interesting enough space opera is one of favorites so if there is still room in this I want to join.

I am planning to play a melee oriented infiltration/assassination character much like a guy version of 'Twilight' Suzuka from outlaw star.

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