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  1. snake obsidian

    [The Seven Deadly Sins] OOC Thread

    How long will it take me to heal all the wounds?
  2. snake obsidian

    [The Seven Deadly Sins] Intermission 1: The Dragon's Den

    OOC: So, what now?
  3. snake obsidian

    [The Seven Deadly Sins] Intermission 1: The Dragon's Den

    "Agh!" Yelps Elio, as green flames coarse inside his body. "This... This is Malfeas´ embrace, definitely!" The solar dangles from the claw, burnt out. "I guess that was as far as I could stand, after expending so much for not paying attention... I´ll definitely be needing more effective ways...
  4. snake obsidian

    [The Seven Deadly Sins] Intermission 1: The Dragon's Den

    OOC: I´ll let it pass.
  5. snake obsidian

    [The Seven Deadly Sins] Intermission 1: The Dragon's Den

    4th attack passes with 4 successes. 5th attack passes with 3 successes. 6th attack passes with 1 success. I´ll be using Spirit Strenghtens the Skin to decrease the number of damage dice.
  6. snake obsidian

    [The Seven Deadly Sins] Intermission 1: The Dragon's Den

    "Well, excuse me, we´re in the middle of a duel!" Elio shouted, as he blocked the first slash. "Serious Investigation can come when I´m not blocking claws off my face!" As the next two slashes appeared to bypass the Twilight´s defenses, the sword´s aura flared to a blinding brilliance...
  7. snake obsidian

    [The Seven Deadly Sins] Intermission 1: The Dragon's Den

    Elio slips through the clawed grab, floating too far from Viktor´s reach. The anima tiger crouches at the dragon´s manifestation, posed to strike. "Interesting. So you are able to gain limited control over reality, thanks to whatever the Yozis added to your third soul. Too limited to end...
  8. snake obsidian

    [The Seven Deadly Sins] Intermission 1: The Dragon's Den

    For once, the small size of Elio appears to be on his favor, slipping from the mental fingers... OOC: Parry DV for the attacks is 11 and 10. Paying for 1st Excellency x5 with IMM to block the first clinch. 2242 Both miss.
  9. snake obsidian

    [The Seven Deadly Sins] Intermission 1: The Dragon's Den

    OOC: It is your turn then.
  10. snake obsidian

    [The Seven Deadly Sins] Intermission 1: The Dragon's Den

    OOC: Can I still roll to see what´s the deal with all that?
  11. snake obsidian

    [The Seven Deadly Sins] Intermission 1: The Dragon's Den

    "Who says I haven´t put up a show? How many people here can take seven strikes from you and still stand, let alone do so without a scratch?" The twilight calmly takes his time to grab his daiklave correctly, and imbue it with the strength and protection of his anima. He looks up to Viktor, as...
  12. snake obsidian

    [The Seven Deadly Sins] Intermission 1: The Dragon's Den

    "Do not call that a glimmer of potential, and do not call me that. Unlike you, I have no need of a title." As the Supernal tried to strike him again and again, swatting his sword aside, he merely grabbed it by the blade, using the flat side with both hands to block, assisted by the suit´s...
  13. snake obsidian

    [The Seven Deadly Sins] Intermission 1: The Dragon's Den

    Elio´s anima is unleashed after stopping the first onslaught, a golden tiger, looking down on everyone. Its owner looks up, frowning. "Great. I got sloppy. This always happens when I´m upset." He stood as close as possible to Viktor, sinking his sword on the soil, and resting his arms on it...
  14. snake obsidian

    [The Seven Deadly Sins] Intermission 1: The Dragon's Den

    OOC: I guess you are right, but I didn´t want to edit it. I´ll just perfect them all then. Essence: Personal: 24 / 9 Peripheral: 58 / 18
  15. snake obsidian

    [The Seven Deadly Sins] Intermission 1: The Dragon's Den

    Screw it, I´m paying for all the dice. Essence: Personal: 24 / 9 Peripheral: 58 / 12
  16. snake obsidian

    [The Seven Deadly Sins] Intermission 1: The Dragon's Den

    OOC: Weren´t we able to activate scene long charms before battle? If we are not, then I´m not paying the dice.
  17. snake obsidian

    [The Seven Deadly Sins] Intermission 1: The Dragon's Den

    The second attack goes through with 2 successes. Hardness is 12 L/B, and Soak is 18 B / 17 L. I may use Durability of Oak Meditation to reduce damage die, so post the number of dice before rolling.
  18. snake obsidian

    [The Seven Deadly Sins] Intermission 1: The Dragon's Den

    "What do you know!? Trying to reason with you is like adding firedust to an open flame!" Elio shouted, blocking the first blow with his sword, as an essence shield formed around his free left hand as added protection. "And I did threaten you, all right, but I also tried to show you how I could...
  19. snake obsidian

    [The Seven Deadly Sins] Intermission 1: The Dragon's Den

    "Little boy? Little boy!? I´m trying to be reasonable with you, scaly bastard!" Elio said, smashing his feet on the ground. "I´m really gonna show you now!" 2210 You go first.
  20. snake obsidian

    [The Seven Deadly Sins] Intermission 1: The Dragon's Den

    The Twilight just shrugs, and straightens his back. "Aaagh... Yeah, sure, why not. A duel, one on one, just like in old times. Let it not be said that I shy away from fights." Elio raised up his hand, grabbing the hilt of his daiklave, as it marerialized. His armor fitted itself on his body...