[The Seven Deadly Sins] Intermission 1: The Dragon's Den

"And now that my grip on local reality is solid, it is time to end this charade." Viktor's anima flares totemic, the vast, red dragon roaring into being over the arena, snapping and clawing at Elio's tiger. As this display draws all attention, shining, white claw of pure mental force appears behind the Solar, wrapping around his body to hold him fast. If he dodges the first assault, Viktor's own hands are waiting in just the direction he jukes to seize him.

Two clinch attacks, first with MHM and second one normal if the first fails. First buys 10 dice, second buys 11, for a total of 2m. If both miss, I'm done, if either hits, say so and I'll describe the results.


For once, the small size of Elio appears to be on his favor, slipping from the mental fingers...

OOC: Parry DV for the attacks is 11 and 10. Paying for 1st Excellency x5 with IMM to block the first clinch.


Both miss.
Elio slips through the clawed grab, floating too far from Viktor´s reach. The anima tiger crouches at the dragon´s manifestation, posed to strike.

"Interesting. So you are able to gain limited control over reality, thanks to whatever the Yozis added to your third soul. Too limited to end anything yet, however."
He said, passing his left hand over the daiklave´s blade and putting it to his side, as if sheathing it, with deeply ingrained and practiced movements. He then concentrated on the Supernal´s influence of the arena. Moving to reach his opponent, he attacked with one slice, intending to sever the connection between Viktor and reality, by disrupting the interaction of essence on its very source.

OOC: Using an aim action to add +3 dice to the attack roll, besides the 5 dice added by Infinite Mastery and a 2 die stunt.

"Viktor!" Xentair shouted, "I know you can do better than that! End it and show him why you are no to be trifled with! You've shown off for long enough."
"Limited control over reality? Also known as channeling essence, if one is to be honest. Mine is simply more... overt... lasting... dominant, than yours." He glances aside to those shouting in the audience. "Indeed, though I thought you the patient one, Xentair!."

He casually bats aside Elio's thrust with one hand, then while the Solar is overextended, slashes at him with a flurry of claws once more, followed by the telekinetic hold seeking him. This time, both the true and mental claws trail wisps of green fire...

Free dice to defense plus two-die stunt blocks your attack.


Six attack flurry, four claws, one normal clinch, one TK clinch. Also using an Aim for +3, since it apparently doesn't change the order of turns. Twelve dice on the first five, sixteen on the last (Willpower + Occult dice cap). All but the first two carry Green Sun Nimbus Flare. Do not forget onslaught penalties.







Willpower 8 / 10

Personal: 28 / 28

Peripheral: 30 / 39, 00 / 10

Overdrive: 0 / 10
"Well, excuse me, we´re in the middle of a duel!" Elio shouted, as he blocked the first slash. "Serious Investigation can come when I´m not blocking claws off my face!"

As the next two slashes appeared to bypass the Twilight´s defenses, the sword´s aura flared to a blinding brilliance, stopping them as it scattered into nothingness. With the charm´s protection gone, he attempted to stop the rest of the onslaught on a much weakened state.

Parry DV is 11, 10, 9, 7, 6, 5. First attack is parried normally, Second and third are perfected by Protection of Celestial bliss, which ends, since I´m not sure if it lets you round up for the effect. Buying 5 extra dice for defense by Infinite Mastery, plus 5 First Excellencies for the fourth attack for 5m.


Personal: 24 / 9

Peripheral: 58 / 0



4th attack passes with 4 successes.

5th attack passes with 3 successes.

6th attack passes with 1 success.

I´ll be using Spirit Strenghtens the Skin to decrease the number of damage dice.
OOC: damage is 2L, 1B and 2B due to your soak. Let me know if any damage is left from any of them. Also, note that you are now Clinched, and inactive. Your DVs are inapplicable unless you escape with an opposed Martial Arts roll on your turn.
One claw finds a chink in the Twilight's armor, drawing only a pittance of his blood through the layers of protection... but that is more than enough. A surge of poisoned emerald fire, Ligier's distilled wrath, pours through that claw and into Elio's body, then erupts out of his every pore, burning him from the inside out. As he screams in pain, the disembodied talon of mental force seizes him, and holds him fast. With his opponent still, Viktor's left hand takes hold and begins prying the plates of Elio's power armor apart. Amid the shriek of straining mechanisms, another dose of of the Green Sun's light finds its way from claw to skin. This time, the Supernal holds it back just the smallest degree, to abide by the strictures of the duel; though viridian hate again pulses through every fiber of his being, the Solar is alive, and clinging to consciousness by a thread in his opponent's grasp.

The Emperor flaps backwards, leaving Elio hanging in his mental grip, and hovers a few feet away from him with a cruel smile. "Ha! You were the best opponent I've fought in a long time, boy... but still not good enough. You weren't even close," he scoffs. "Yield, and learn your lesson, or I will incinerate you."

OOC: I rolled a total of 1B and 1L damage, but that's pretty much irrelevant. GSNF and it's upgrade, Wrath-Stoked Bonfire Soul, let me add any number up to my Essence of automatic, unsoakable levels of Aggravated damage onto an attack that deals any normal damage at all. I was expecting to have to go through a few more turns of wearing down your Essence, but this has been dragging on a bit.

You take exactly enough Aggravated to put the Bashing level into your Incapacitated. Here's the rolls just to keep it legit:

"Agh!" Yelps Elio, as green flames coarse inside his body. "This... This is Malfeas´ embrace, definitely!"

The solar dangles from the claw, burnt out.

"I guess that was as far as I could stand, after expending so much for not paying attention... I´ll definitely be needing more effective ways to spend essence on battle and to avoid getting bogged on multiple attacks when I get the time. Very well, you won, I must yield. Now, will you let go already? I prefer fainting on solid ground and not high above the air."
"I told you once, foolish child, though they do not command me, the Titans' power is mine. It could easily have reduced you to nothingness... but unlike the Fallen King, I can exercise restraint in its use. That is twice over that restraint on my part has spared your life, and lack of it on your part could have killed you. Sleep on that, and remember it. Insult me again, and I will show you what happens when I cast restraint aside. It will be the last thing you ever see."

None too gently, he lowers Elio to the ground, giving him a face-full of the sand on the arena's floor before releasing him to pass out.
Viktor is escorted off the arena by two guards while Elios is dragged off the field unconscious.

"After that splendid performance by our Lord, we shall move onto the third and final match." the announcer says, "Kyros and Aldiminius, can you please step forward to begin?"
*Aldiminius walks out, cracking his neck* Seems like it's good practice, so why not..

OOC: Viridian is already up, as is Bronze Body, the Spell- putting me at ...

Health Levels:

-0 Bruised: 1

-1 Hurt: 2

-2 Wounded: 17

-4 Crippled: 6

Incapacitated: 1

Dying: 3

Defensive ---

Dodge MDV: 9

Join Combat: 5

Dodge DV: 8

Bashing Soak: (Armored) 16 (Unarmored) 9 (Viridian Legend Exoskeleton +Armor) 26 (-5 VS Magic) Current: 36

Lethal Soak: (Armored) 18 (Unarmored) 9 (Viridian Legend Exoskeleton +Armor) 28 (-5 Vs Magic) Current: 38

Agravated Soak: (Armored) 7 (Unarmored) 0 (Viridian Legend Exoskeleton +Armor) 17 (-5 Vs Magic) Current: 17

Hardness: (Armored) 15/15 (Unarmored) 9 (Viridian Legend Exoskeleton +Armor) 15/15 Current: 25/25

Offensive ---

Artifact Grimscythe:

Speed - 6

Acuracy: 10

Damage: 18L ((+14 L)/4

PDV: 2

Rate: 2

Tags: 2,0,P,R

Martial Arts


Speed- 6

Accuracy: 7

Damage: 4B (+0B)


Rate: 2

Tags: C, N, P


Speed: 5

Accuracy: 8

Damage: 4B (+0B)

PDV: 5. (+2)

Rate: 3


Speed: 5

Accuracy: 7

Damage: 7B (+3B)

PDV: 3. (-2)

Rate: 2


Essence: 6

Personal: 27/27

Periphereal: 64/64
Kyros sauntered in to the arena like he owned the place, anima burning sky high. Casually swinging his sword on one finger by the hoop on the pommel, he gave it a grand flourish before point it at Aldiminius. "En guard, Infernal!"

Spending 20 motes on Infinite Melee Mastery to gain ten dice

Personal Motes: 5/25

Peripheral Motes: 42/42

Immanent Solar Glory: 30/30

Overdrive: 0/10

Join battle roll: 7 dice for 5 successes
*Aldiminius pull's out his scythe in a fluid motion, grinning widely, as his own anima banner burns green*

Kyros lunged forward, his daikalve launching outward like a bolt of lightning from an angry storm god. The first thrust was a feint intended to distract, while the followup strike would land home and cut deep. "Come on then! Show me what you've got!"

Wavecleaver Daiklave: Speed 4, Accuracy 16, Damage 9/2, Defense 9, Rate 2

2 attack flurry.

0m for +10 accuracy from Infinite Mastery

12m for an making both attacks unblockable and undodgeable via Rising Sun Slash

2m for tripling the raw damage of both attacks via Golden Destruction Cut

Passive 2 die stunt nets me 4m back, stunt value levelup from Lion's Roar Recovery is 6 motes gained back

Total dice rolled: 26 dice for each attack for 12 and 7 successes total

Total Motes spent: 6

Personal Motes: 0/25

Peripheral Motes: 41/42

Immanent Solar Glory: 30/30

Overdrive: 0/10
OOC: So nevermind that. Instead, this.

*He stands there, smiling as you come on- and then, he moves his hands- and your blade hits crystals, which shatter into the wind- then reform, to do the same to your second blow, as he twirls the scythe like a pole*

OOC: Activating my Perfect Defense Twice, for 16 Motes Total Spent.

Health Levels:

-0 Bruised: 1

-1 Hurt: 2

-2 Wounded: 17

-4 Crippled: 6

Incapacitated: 1

Dying: 3

Defensive ---

Dodge MDV: 9

Join Combat: 5

Dodge DV: 8

Bashing Soak: (Armored) 16 (Unarmored) 9 (Viridian Legend Exoskeleton +Armor) 26 (-5 VS Magic) Current: 36

Lethal Soak: (Armored) 18 (Unarmored) 9 (Viridian Legend Exoskeleton +Armor) 28 (-5 Vs Magic) Current: 38

Agravated Soak: (Armored) 7 (Unarmored) 0 (Viridian Legend Exoskeleton +Armor) 17 (-5 Vs Magic) Current: 17

Hardness: (Armored) 15/15 (Unarmored) 9 (Viridian Legend Exoskeleton +Armor) 15/15 Current: 25/25

Offensive ---

Artifact Grimscythe:

Speed - 6

Acuracy: 10

Damage: 18L ((+14 L)/4

PDV: 2

Rate: 2

Tags: 2,0,P,R

Martial Arts


Speed- 6

Accuracy: 7

Damage: 4B (+0B)


Rate: 2

Tags: C, N, P


Speed: 5

Accuracy: 8

Damage: 4B (+0B)

PDV: 5. (+2)

Rate: 3


Speed: 5

Accuracy: 7

Damage: 7B (+3B)

PDV: 3. (-2)

Rate: 2


Essence: 6

Personal: 11/27

Periphereal: 64/64
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As the two blows are negated, he spins around at Kyros, as he has come in close- and goes with the scythe, burning with essence, as he swings it down at him with all his might, "Alright... So that's how you fly, is it? Then this should be.. just enough!" - He says, smiling, as his Anima Banner flares up- the Bizzare Demon, it's puppeteer strings attached to his limbs*

OOC: Rolling to attack.... One from the Scythe- using SWLIHN Excellency One, for 20 Die, 20M there- And 10 Die for 5 Automatic Successes, on Excellency two of the same Yozi.

Health Levels:

-0 Bruised: 1

-1 Hurt: 2

-2 Wounded: 17

-4 Crippled: 6

Incapacitated: 1

Dying: 3

Defensive ---

Dodge MDV: 9

Join Combat: 5

Dodge DV: 8

Bashing Soak: (Armored) 16 (Unarmored) 9 (Viridian Legend Exoskeleton +Armor) 26 (-5 VS Magic) Current: 36

Lethal Soak: (Armored) 18 (Unarmored) 9 (Viridian Legend Exoskeleton +Armor) 28 (-5 Vs Magic) Current: 38

Agravated Soak: (Armored) 7 (Unarmored) 0 (Viridian Legend Exoskeleton +Armor) 17 (-5 Vs Magic) Current: 17

Hardness: (Armored) 15/15 (Unarmored) 9 (Viridian Legend Exoskeleton +Armor) 15/15 Current: 25/25

Offensive ---

Artifact Grimscythe:

Speed - 6

Acuracy: 10

Damage: 18L ((+14 L)/4

PDV: 2

Rate: 2

Tags: 2,0,P,R

Martial Arts


Speed- 6

Accuracy: 7

Damage: 4B (+0B)


Rate: 2

Tags: C, N, P


Speed: 5

Accuracy: 8

Damage: 4B (+0B)

PDV: 5. (+2)

Rate: 3


Speed: 5

Accuracy: 7

Damage: 7B (+3B)

PDV: 3. (-2)

Rate: 2


Essence: 6

Personal: 11/27

Periphereal: 34/64


And then add the 5 Auto Successes
Kyros pulled back at the last second, bringing his own blade up to intercept the scythe. "The problem with polearms, is that if you're not careful the enemy can do this!" He shouted, grabbing hold of the scythe's shaft and giving a rough pull. At the same time, he brought his Daiklave in to position to stab the Infernal in the belly. The two combined meant that Aldiminius' would be yanked in to the protruding daiklave and skewered. Not enough to kill an Exalt, but certainly enough to wound them

0m for 10 dice via infinite mastery to raise my parry DV 9 successes + DV 14 = 23, attack parried.

Gained back 1m from Essence Gathering Temper

Two attack flurry:

Wavecleaver Daiklave: Speed 4, Accuracy 16, Damage 9/2, Defense 9, Rate 2

0m for +10 accuracy from infinite mastery for both attacks

2m for tripling the damage via hungry tiger for both attacks

Passive 2 die stunt upgrade gains me back 6 motes

Total dice rolled: 26x2 for 17 and 14 successes

Total motes spent: 0, net gain of 5 (gained 1, spent 2, gained 6, 1 - 2 + 6 = 5

Personal Motes: 4/25

Peripheral Motes: 42/42

Immanent Solar Glory: 30/30

Overdrive: 0/10

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