[The Seven Deadly Sins] Intermission 1: The Dragon's Den

"By your command," Maxim bows and quickly leaves to make the necessary preparations.

In no less than 15 minutes you are all escorted to the colosseum, which is filled to the brim with eager watchers.

"Our main event will begin shortly. In the meantime, we shall have two of our Emperor's allies face off against each other for your entertainment!" the announcer began, rousing the crowd into a frenzy. Xentair blinks at the elaborate stage set up. "I am very certain that this wasn't here last time... Oh well."

Xentair and Wren step out into the center of the arena, wreathed in armor. Xentair has forsaken his normal reinforced breastplate and has opted for his full battle gear. An obsidian daiklave is in one hand while there is a ivory shield in the other.

"Shall we start?" he asks, Black flames erupt from the shield and sword as Xentair prepares himself for the coming duel.

Roll Join battle and activate any scene-long charms that you wish to use before the battle.
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Nimbus had left the ship the moment they had landed, deciding to seek Kyros out later. He needed to be alone for a time. His meditation on the ship been useful, but events proceeded apace. If what Ira had said was true, his spies should have heard something of value about the sins. If not, his own search would have to suffice.
Wren takes to the field in anticipation for the upcoming duel. Looking across as the black flames leap off of the armor and weapon of her opponent, she embraces her own Essence and takes on her Deadly Beastman form and summons her Glaive to her hand. She spins the long weapon in a quick circle, causing the sash to flow out behind it. Finally, Wren stops spinning the Glaive, and gives Xentair a 'come hither' motion with her hand.

Spending 5m to take on her DBT form, 6m on Armor Forming Technique, and activating the Gift Charm of Halting the Scarlet Flow. Also, I'll spend 12m on Instinctive Dexterity Unity and 6m on Instinctive Strength Unity all from Peripheral, giving me my anima effect at full power and causing a -1 external penalty to all attacks against me.

Essence: 6

Personal: 26

Peripheral: 84 (7m committed) / 48

Willpower: 10

Health Levels

[ ] 0

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] -1

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] -2

[ ] -4

[ ] I

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] Dying

Bashing Soak: 7B base / 12B with IRA - +19B from Charms

Lethal Soak: 7L base / 12L with IRA - +19L from Charms

Move: 9 yards

Dash: 18 yards

Jump: 9 yards

Dodge MDV: 9

Parry MDV: 7

Dodge DV: 9 / 10

Parry DV: 11 / 17

Virtuous Guardian of Flame DV: 11

Join Battle: 11 (+6 successes)
Xentair takes the first move, moving in between heartbeats as he brings back his daiklave for a single strike. "Metal Storm." He whispered, and then the single strike defied reality, striking Wren six times simultaneously. But then on the last two strikes, the black flame roared as all reality resumed and the six attacks impacted her body. Then Xentair brought back the blade and struck once more.

6 attacks courtesy of Metal storm with an additional attack. 12, 9, 12, 14, 19, 18, and 12 successes.
While taken aback by the ferocity of the attacks for a moment, Wren lets the impact of the first hit against the haft of her Glaive drive her back out of range of the remaining blows of the flurry. Briefly crouching down to absorb the recoil, she follows up with a flurry of her own, driving the blade towards her opponent over and over again.

Using Wind Dancing Method 3m as a Counterattack to break the Flurry and evade the attack, and my DV is able to block the first hit.

Following up with a two hit Flurry, supplemented by six successes from Second Dexterity Excellency and three successes from Second Strength Excellency.

Total Successes

Hit 1: 25

Hit 2: 11

Speed 5

Essence: 6

Personal: 26

Peripheral: 84 (7m committed) / 45

Willpower: 10

Health Levels

[ ] 0

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] -1

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] -2

[ ] -4

[ ] I

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] Dying

Bashing Soak: 7B base / 12B with IRA - +19B from Charms

Lethal Soak: 7L base / 12L with IRA - +19L from Charms

Move: 9 yards

Dash: 18 yards

Jump: 9 yards

Dodge MDV: 9

Parry MDV: 7

Dodge DV: 9 / 10

Parry DV: 11 / 17

Virtuous Guardian of Flame DV: 11

Join Battle: 11 (+6 successes)

Xentair's shield flashed as it deflected both attacks that Wren sent his way, both blows not making even a single dent in the artifact. Xentair smiled, "Good, you survived that. It seems your boasting wasn't simply your pride. Let's see how well you fare now." Xentair exhaled once, "Monochrome Scale Shintai." he whispered. His castemark burned as his body shifted. His skin took on the appearance of obsidian and alabaster, hardening into impenetrable stone. His form was bisected down the center one side black while the other side was white as a mask covered his face. The black blade in his hand flashed once, slashing at his opponent at a blinding speed.

Attack roll has 24 sux.
Wren sees the incoming hit with a bit of trepidation. She knows that it will penetrate her defense barring a use of a Charm. I have more Essence than another Exalt of my power level; perhaps I can use that to my advantage, make him think that I'm out of Essence before I am truly out. Until then, lets focus on this hit, shall we? She decides to let the blow nearly hit before melting out of the way with the fluid ease of moonsilver. If that is any indication of the level of skill I'm facing, he is a better foe than I had anticipated. Time to up the stakes of the game. Wren reaches deep inside her, to that primal core of energy and rage that is instinctual in all animals. The raw power of Luna. With that power at her disposal, she knows that this fight will be short. She flows with her counterattack, lashing out five times, hoping that one of the blows will get through.

Using Flowing Body Evasion 10m to evade the attack, and following up with RLF for 1m 1wp, and five hits from Many Armed Monkey Style 15m

Hit 1: 25 Successes

Hit 2: 21 Successes

hit 3: 22 successes

hit 4: 21 successes

hit 5: 25 successes

Speed 5

All attacks are Piercing for the duration of the RLF (12)

EDIT to show correct cost of Flowing Body Evasion

Essence: 6

Personal: 26

Peripheral: 84 (7m committed) / 19

Willpower: 10 / 9

Health Levels

[ ] 0

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] -1

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] -2

[ ] -4

[ ] I

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] Dying

Bashing Soak: 7B base / 12B with IRA - +19B from Charms

Lethal Soak: 7L base / 12L with IRA - +19L from Charms

Move: 9 yards

Dash: 18 yards

Jump: 9 yards

Dodge MDV: 9

Parry MDV: 7

Dodge DV: 9 / 10

Parry DV: 11 / 17

Virtuous Guardian of Flame DV: 11

Join Battle: 11 (+6 successes)




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"An Eye for an Eye," Xentair intones, his voice dual toned, as if two people were speaking simultaneously. His shield glows white as he blocks the first blow. But then the glow quickly travels from the shield, up his arm and down the other, the glow changing from white to black in the smallest fraction of a tick. He then strikes, perfectly mirroring Wren's attack to the last detail. This repeats four more times, Xentair blocking and redirecting each blow, matching the Lunar's attack for with an identical one of his own.

When the flurry ends, he quickly strikes with an attack of his own, the black blade cutting the air, seeking her flesh.

Xentair strikes 5 times as per the upgraded version of An Eye for an Eye. It uses the opponents statistics with supplementary active charm effects to make counterattacks, provided Xentair can block the attack with his PDV and not a PD. Attacking one time regularly for his action afterwards. Rolls are: 16, 17, 18, 21, and 16 sux on the counter attacks. Regular attack has 18 sux.
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Wren's Parry DV is 17, and he has an additional -1 external penalty to hit her for a total of 18, so she gets hit by the 18 for 2 successes, the 21 for 5 successes and the last 18 for 5 successes due to Onslaught penalties.
Wren barely notices the injury as she presses the attack.

Two hit flurry, and she heals 1L as a Gift effect per round

Speed 5, 11 actions left for RLF

Attack 1: 18 successes

Attack 2: 23 successes

Essence: 6

Personal: 26

Peripheral: 84 (7m committed) / 19

Willpower: 10 / 9

Health Levels

[X] 0

[X][X][X][X][ ][ ][ ][ ] -1

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] -2

[ ] -4

[ ] I

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] Dying

Bashing Soak: 7B base / 12B with IRA - +19B from Charms

Lethal Soak: 7L base / 12L with IRA - +19L from Charms

Move: 9 yards

Dash: 18 yards

Jump: 9 yards

Dodge MDV: 9

Parry MDV: 7

Dodge DV: 9 / 10

Parry DV: 11 / 17

Virtuous Guardian of Flame DV: 11

Join Battle: 11 (+6 successes)

Xentair counters once more as he easily blocks both attacks with his shield as he invokes the same charm that he used before. He strikes twice directly in response to your attacks and strikes twice with his blade.

Xentair is invoking An Eye for an Eye once more along with two other attacks right afterwards. Rolling up 24 sux first counter, 16 sux on the second, 9 sux on the two attacks.
With her Charm Becoming Water's Envy, Wren is able to evade the first blow easily, and the remaining three are blocked by the Glaive. Even as she continues to fight, another bit of her injury is healed, hardly noticed as she drives forward with the spear twice more.

Attack 1: 19 successes

Attack 2: 17 successes

Speed 5

Essence: 6

Personal: 26

Peripheral: 84 (7m committed) / 19

Willpower: 10 / 9

Health Levels

[X] 0

[X][X][X][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] -1

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] -2

[ ] -4

[ ] I

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] Dying

Bashing Soak: 7B base / 12B with IRA - +19B from Charms

Lethal Soak: 7L base / 12L with IRA - +19L from Charms

Move: 9 yards

Dash: 18 yards

Jump: 9 yards

Dodge MDV: 9

Parry MDV: 7

Dodge DV: 9 / 10

Parry DV: 11 / 17

Virtuous Guardian of Flame DV: 11

Join Battle: 11 (+6 successes)

Xentair counters and redirects two more attacks before sending two attacks at Wren.

Attack roll gains 15, 20, 22, 14 sux.
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Wren lets out a grunt and steps back, holding her new injury with her free hand. Lowing the tip of her Glaive, she signals the end of the match. Gasping through the pain as she waits for the cut to heal, she says, "I can continue to fight, but I can already see that I am not able to hit my target with your Charms, and while I may be able to heal rapidly, you are tearing into me quite hard. I yield." It takes a few moments for her to stop bleeding and let the wounds close, but shortly after that, Wren is as good as new, save the need for her Essence to be replenished.
Xentair nodded as he sheathed his weapons that still blazed with black flames, "Good match," he replied, his voice still distorted from the Shintai. "You are the very first person that I needed to use my Shintai upon. I must admit, before I activated it you had me on the ropes. It was very difficult for me to breach your defenses too. Eventually I would have run out of essence if you dragged the duel out for longer. It would be an honor for me to teach you the Violet Bier of Sorrows." he bows respectfully and holds out his hand to shake.
She takes his hand to show that there were no hard feelings involved with her loss. "Thank you, Sifu. I will endeavor to be a good student to you." There were more things I could have done, but pulling out my spell casting ability is a ace in the hole of mine for a truly fearsome foe. Would it have made a difference in this duel? Probably. Good to know that I was a difficult foe for him.
Viktor applauds the match with the rest of the audience from his box in the stands. After a few moments, when Wren and Xentair have left the arena, he holds up a hand for silence. With a flourish he sprouts blazing wings from his back, cunning flaps letting them emerge without harming his longcoat. While the wings he grew on the airship looked... somehow crude, almost grafted on, these are obviously a natural extension of his being. With a flap of his new wings, he leaps down into the arena himself.

"Friends, countrymen," he calls to the crowd, "lend me your ears. While the dazzling display of skill we have witnessed was performed for our amusement, I fear the next duel in these stands is of a far more serious import. These other Exalted are our allies, protectors of Creation, contrary to the Immaculates' lies. However, they remain men; and one among them has offered me, and by extension, all of you, an insult most dire! Elio of the Twilight caste has presumed to think that he can judge me, and threatened to punish me by murdering you all, my subjects, if my lordship of you did not meet his arbitrary and hypocritical standards of a fallen age! He then compounded his rudeness by implying that I need the help of a Solar to provide for my people!"

"Tell me, people of Drakholdt; have I, have my ancestors a millenium gone, not given you good lordship? Are you not safe and protected under my wings? Have you not already seen the benefits of expanding my reign in your markets and homes?!"

He pauses and raises his hands to give the crowd a chance to respond before continuing.

"And thus, this self-righteous prat, Chosen of the Sun or no, has left me with no choice but to demand satisfaction of my honor! But, I am capable of magnanimity! Elio! I give you one final chance to avoid your public humiliation! Will you retract your ill-spoken words, admit that you have no authority within my lands, and humble yourself in acknowledgement of your transgression? Or shall we fight until death or yielding, with the winner seen by all to be in the right?"

The flames from Viktor's wings flow down to his hands, incinerating his gloves again, and reforging human limbs into draconic claws.

Last time I grew wings, it was with By Rage Recast. These are Unfurling Wings of Fire, followed by a social stunt to recover the 2m spent on them. Also activating By Pain Reforged and Rending Dragon Claws.

- 0

- 1 [ ] [ ]

- 2 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ][ ] [ ] [ ]

- 4 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ][ ][ ][ ]

Incapacitated [ ]

Willpower 9 / 10

Personal: 28 / 28

Peripheral: 69 / 39, 10 / 10

Overdrive: 0 / 10
Add Xentair as a 3-dot mentor. You get 5 xp as a consolation prize.

As both Wren and Xentair move off of the stage as Viktor makes his announcement. The crows roars eagerly as their leader takes the stage. All that remains is for Elio to show up and for the duel to commence.
Somewhere on the crowd, there can be heard laughter.

"Ha, ha, ha, murder. You really took all of it on the worst way possible, did you not?"

The Twilight appeared, pushing his way to the center, disguised like any other person looking at the show.

"Let me remember... I said revolution, golden flare, eternal mist, you stepping down, etcetera, etcetera. I never said the word kill. Or murder. And the standards you consider as arbitrary and hypocritical, basically boil down to not using the power a Celestial being, or Supernal, as you deem yourself to be, to stomp forever on the heads of those unlightened, as the Solars of my age did when they had the power, for which they were usurped when their time was due. And you need my help. Unless, of course, you plan to do everything around here on your own. Now, you may be right in some points. You do rule this land and I don´t. In fact, I don´t even want to. I do not want the crown you wear, because I don´t even know what to do with it. And you seem to be doing a good job at it, for now. For now."

The clothes Elio wears shift form, into the outfit he wore normally.

"I am willing to step a mile on the other´s shoes, or claws, in your case, and retire my judgement. But I will not consider my actions a transgression. Nor will I kneel over to you."
The crowd jeers and shouts in outrage at the Solar's words. As the shouts increase, Maxim shouts, "SILENCE!" and the crowd's shouts lower to a discontent murmur.

"Are you going to duel or not?" Maxim asks Elio.
The Twilight just shrugs, and straightens his back.

"Aaagh... Yeah, sure, why not. A duel, one on one, just like in old times. Let it not be said that I shy away from fights."

Elio raised up his hand, grabbing the hilt of his daiklave, as it marerialized. His armor fitted itself on his body, extending its own essence wings, and his blade glowed with a protective aura as he recalled decades of martial practice, and his caste mark shone brightly on his brow, scanning Viktor.

"Ok, dragon guy. These people came to see a duel. Why don´t we give them one?"

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