[The Seven Deadly Sins] Intermission 1: The Dragon's Den

"So be it!" Viktor shouts to the crowd, then takes a fighting stance; not any formal martial style, simply the pose of a highly skilled and experienced fighter, who happens to have claws rather than fists.

He goes on in a lower voice, pitched for his opponent's ears alone. "Parents are supposed to teach their children manners. Since yours are long dead - no doubt having killed themselves in shame at their utter failure in raising a civilized offspring - I shall enjoy taking on the task myself. Or failing that, sending your Exaltation to someone who knows how to control his tongue."

"Come on, little boy! Show me what you've got!" He roars and launches himself at his diminutive opponent.

Using All Things Betray to add +6 successes to Join Battle, and getting its cost back with the 2-die stunt. Total of 9 successes on JB. Shall I just assume I go first, or do you have something that can raise your JB higher than that?

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*Aldiminius looks to the Lunar who did combat with the Devil Tiger, as she walks out of the Arena- and he nods to her* ....A Good Fight... *He looks to Viktor, and Elio* .... I wish things like this didn't have to happen.... I just hope that it doesn't result in death. But, well... The Little Solar shows all the Arrogance of his Era, ehh? Of course- Viktor shows pride as well, but tempered with reason... *He cocks his head sideways* .... At least their both sane, though.. I think.
Wren shakes off the last of the injuries she sustained in the fight, and pulls out a small cloth to wipe away a bit of spilled blood. "Thank you, Aldiminius. It was a challenging match. As much as I wish that this fight wouldn't take place, if it doesn't, the wounds between Viktor and Eilo will fester and grow until one must die. Let us hope that with this, it will keep a true death match from occurring."
"Baal holds grudges for a while," Xentair sighed, "It is very hard for him to forgive others, especially if they betray or slander his pride. But he is very loyal to his subjects and allies." Xentair tilts his head, "Tell me," Xentair nodded to some of the guards nearby, bearing clothes and a ornate sword on their waists, "What do you notice about them?"
"Little boy? Little boy!? I´m trying to be reasonable with you, scaly bastard!" Elio said, smashing his feet on the ground. "I´m really gonna show you now!"


You go first.
"Oh yes, throw a tantrum. That will show me. Will hold your breath next?" Contempt drips from every word as he strikes. He lands to Elio's side, and opens with a flurry of claw swipes, testing the Solar's defenses. Left, right, left, slowly building momentum, the ambient essence coming into synch with his own...

Nothing fancy, just a 3-attack flurry. Buying 1, 2, 3, dice with my Excellency, costing a total of 3m, and getting a total discount of 3m from Effortless Yozi Dominance.

- 0 [ b ]

- 1 [ ] [ ]

- 2 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

- 4 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Incapacitated [ ]

Willpower 9 / 10

Personal: 28 / 28

Peripheral: 33 / 39, 10 / 10

Overdrive: 0 / 10



"What do you know!? Trying to reason with you is like adding firedust to an open flame!" Elio shouted, blocking the first blow with his sword, as an essence shield formed around his free left hand as added protection. "And I did threaten you, all right, but I also tried to show you how I could help you! But then, you oh so conveniently forgot that last part, and demanded this duel!"

He turned the blade to the other swipe, not even registering whether or not he had been hit as he kept blocking.

"And don´t even think of saying you weren´t ready for this! You had already unleashed your claws before I even stepped in! Are you expecting me to believe you´d sheath them just like that, had I said no? Had I bent to your whims?"

Letting the sword slip out of his hand as the second strike had been blocked, he grabbed it with his left, trying to stop the last one on it´s tracks.

"Besides, you are one to talk about breath, since yours lets go more than hot air! Holding mine is actually a valid strategy once you let out that foul flammable gas!"

OOC: Parry DV for the attacks at 10, 9, and 8 respectively. Using Infinite Melee Mastery to buy the 1st Excellency x 10 to raise DV.





Personal: 24 / 9

Peripheral: 58 / 29
The second attack goes through with 2 successes. Hardness is 12 L/B, and Soak is 18 B / 17 L.

I may use Durability of Oak Meditation to reduce damage die, so post the number of dice before rolling.
OOC: Infinite Melee Mastery is a Simple Charm, not a Reflexive; you can't use it until your action, and it prevents you from attacking when you do so. You can certainly use the 1st Excellency to boost your defense, but you need to pay the full 10m each time. Which will it be; pay the motes, or forgo the dice?
OOC: 30m on your DV in the first attack? Okay, at this point, I would feel bad about not pointing out that it would be cheaper to spend 8m per attack on HGD.

If you do want to leave it as-is, though, I get through with 2 dice of damage.
OOC: I guess you are right, but I didn´t want to edit it. I´ll just perfect them all then.


Personal: 24 / 9

Peripheral: 58 / 18
Elio´s anima is unleashed after stopping the first onslaught, a golden tiger, looking down on everyone. Its owner looks up, frowning.

"Great. I got sloppy. This always happens when I´m upset."

He stood as close as possible to Viktor, sinking his sword on the soil, and resting his arms on it.

"If that´s how it is, then I´ll just have to remain unmoving."

OOC: Spending 10m on Infinite Melee Mastery.


Personal: 24 / 9

Peripheral: 58 / 8
OOC: Alright. Just keep in mind that 10m on Infinite Mastery gives you 5 free dice, not all 10.

"Ah, perhaps there is a glimmer of potential within you after all, Your Petulance!"

Viktor launches another flurry of probing strikes, as he circles around his smaller opponent, kicking up clouds of dust from the arena's floor, shoving the defending blade aside with one hand as he slashes with the other. He slips a more serious attack in at the last, trailing green light and aiming right at a vulnerable joint in the armor...

After his dizzying series of blows is finished, he flaps his wings, leaping into the air and hovering over the center of the arena. "Come on, whelp, give the people a show instead of just being my target! Show me what you've got! HIT ME!"

Four-attack flurry, buying 4, 5, 6, 6 dice, for a total of 3m, raising my E(Y)D discount to -6m. The fourth attack also includes Knightbane Strike and Green Sun Nimbus Flare.

- 0 [ b ]

- 1 [ ] [ ]

- 2 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

- 4 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Incapacitated [ ]

Willpower 9 / 10

Personal: 28 / 28

Peripheral: 26 / 39, 10 / 10

Overdrive: 0 / 10




"Do not call that a glimmer of potential, and do not call me that. Unlike you, I have no need of a title."

As the Supernal tried to strike him again and again, swatting his sword aside, he merely grabbed it by the blade, using the flat side with both hands to block, assisted by the suit´s essence shield. The sword spun around his person, trying to stop the attacks without using more taxing methods.

Parry DV on the attacks : 10, 9, 8, 7

First and third attack are blocked automatically. Using Infinite Mastery to pay for 1st Excellency X5 on the remaining two.



All attacks are parried.
"Who says I haven´t put up a show? How many people here can take seven strikes from you and still stand, let alone do so without a scratch?"

The twilight calmly takes his time to grab his daiklave correctly, and imbue it with the strength and protection of his anima. He looks up to Viktor, as his essence wings start to flap. With his anima giving him essence sight, he looks a bit different, as a living congloneration of essence, flowing and interacting with Creation on its own ways.

"Have some patience. The art of swordplay, and the art of dueling, consists in finding the right attack, on the right time and place.

He starts levitating, pointing his sword at the Supernal, and locating where did the flow of essence of his weapon connected more strongly with the Exalt.

"However, since you just took the effort of taking the fight away from any collateral damage, I guess it is safe to begin."

Elio flew towards Viktor with a sudden burst of speed, charging sword first into the dragon, fueled not by the suit´s powers, but by the strands of motes between the two folding on themselves by attraction, and following an ideal point of contact.

Activating Protection of Celestial Bliss, Attacking once, and using Infinite Mastery to pay for 1st Excellency x5, with a 2 die stunt.


Personal: 24 / 9

Peripheral: 58 / 5

"And are you certain that finding the right time and place isn't just what I'm doing, boy? Don't lecture your elders on patience."

He gestures negligently, and nothing seems to happen to the naked eye, at least for those below. Elio, with his closer perspective (and Essence-sight) can see a ripple in the air, as the space he stabbed his sword through simply moves two feet to the left in accordance with Viktor's will. To the onlookers below, it seems that his attack simply went ridiculously wide for no reason at all.

"Look around you with those Twilight eyes! Creation remembers its first masters, and their powers are mine! You cannot beat me, when the very fabric of the world bends to my will!" And indeed, to Elio's sight, the entire arena is saturated with Draconic Essence, supporting Viktor's every move. It's been growing more intense with every mote he spends...

Thanks to my 9m discount on my Excellency and a darn good roll, I parry the attack, using MHM just to show off. Anything else from Elio, or is it my turn?

Willpower 9 / 10

Personal: 28 / 28

Peripheral: 30 / 39, 10 / 10

Overdrive: 0 / 10

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OOC: If you want. It's basically the Infernal equivalent of Infinite Mastery, just with a different activation method and more badass fluff. And a higher limit. And speaking of Infinite Mastery, it's not Combo-OK or Combo-Basic, so you technically weren't allowed to use the Excellency to enhance your defense after activating it, but I'll let it pass this time.

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