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  1. X

    Looking for 4-6 Players for Exalted 2.5

    I'm interested.
  2. X

    Chapter 1: All These Wayward Children [The Ties that Bind]

    Aldric helped himself to the food arrayed before them. Running and gunning always takes it out of a person. "I have some contacts I can call on to give us a lead on those who hold our debts. See who needs the carrot and who needs the stick, as it were." Tasting some of the champagne he paused...
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    Chapter 1: All These Wayward Children [The Ties that Bind]

    "Most of what I did was out of the sector. As to what I did, would you believe I am an unassuming businessman who lived an simple life?" He smiled at that, briefly lost in memories, "No? Well I guess you can say I worked in corporate security and I can appreciate the need for a escape plan for...
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    Chapter 1: All These Wayward Children [The Ties that Bind]

    "Well we're out of one fire, maybe we won't jump in another for a while." Aldric was taken aback at the extravagance of the vessel. He has spent plenty of time aboard all different ships, but none had stone pillars before. He ran a hand over one as they passed, feeling that it was natural stone...
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    The Drawing Room [The Ties that Bind]

    Advocate or Admin would be useful for Aldric. Otherwise I don't really have a preference.
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    Chapter 1: All These Wayward Children [The Ties that Bind]

    "That was me. I wasn't sure how sturdy the gunship was, but it has been taken care of. Though we should probably still be wary. If they were willing to risk that ship who knows what else they will try." Not used to being bowed to Aldric shuffled past took a seat for the inevitable rough passage...
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    Dragon-Blooded Political Game Interest Check

    Sounds interesting. A lesser House looks like it could be very enjoyable. There is a lot of stuff that is hard to do when 50+ elders are above you on the pecking order.
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    Chapter 1: All These Wayward Children [The Ties that Bind]

    Aldric opens his briefcase and removes a highly modified pistol and a wafer. Sliding the wafer into the back of his neck, he accesses the data given to them by the lawyer and puts in a call to the Cleopatra, "It looks like we'll be coming in hot Cleopatra. We have a gunship on our tail and we...
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    Chapter 1: All These Wayward Children [The Ties that Bind]

    Aldric had heard of such tactics but was still surprised when the building blew, "I would suggest our first order of business be to relocate any remaining accounts with a slightly calmer set of lenders." Still, driving away from the scene brought back memories. He checked the continence of his...
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    Chapter 1: All These Wayward Children [The Ties that Bind]

    Aldric smiled at his cousin, "Everyone should have at least one secret exit from his office." He gathered his briefcase and made for the exit, stopping only briefly to turn to the lawyer, "Who built this? I might be in need of a discrete contractor before this is all done."
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    The Drawing Room [The Ties that Bind]

    I'll go change that...
  12. X

    Chapter 1: All These Wayward Children [The Ties that Bind]

    Aldric almost missed the funeral. The message had taken time to filter through the maze set up around himself so by the time he landed he had just enough time to take his seat as it started. The service washed over him as he tried to remember when he last saw his great uncle. It must have been...
  13. X

    Aldric Nickolaus Perseus [The Ties that Bind]

    That should do it.
  14. X

    Aldric Nickolaus Perseus [The Ties that Bind]

    Corporate Agent Assistant Director (Rank 5) Str 3 (-1) Dex 8 (+0) End 5 (-1) Edu 10 (+1) Int 10 (+1) Soc 11 (+1) Carouse 0 Comms 0 Computers 2 (+1 DM) Deception 2 Demolition (0) Diplomat 1 Drive (Wheeled) 0 Gun Combat (Energy Pistols) 0 Gun Combat (Slug Pistols) 1...
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    The Ties that Bind (Mongoose Traveller)

    I don't know much about Traveller, but from what I've read it sounds interesting. I'm in.
  16. X

    And So It Shall Be. (Exalted 2.5 Chat)

    If I'm correct in guessing where he got those rules, they were only meant for character creation as it was the closest way of matching all excellencies being priced as have a trainer. If Dark wants to keep it for all purchases though, I'm alright with that. That said, if it is only during...
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    And So It Shall Be. (Exalted 2.5 Chat)

    I'm interested. I'm still narrowing down concepts though...
  18. X

    The Exalted 3 Kickstarter Is Up!

    Less than 20 min and it was funded. Edit: And less than 24 to break the first stretch goal.
  19. X

    The End is Nigh(Exalted 2.5)

    I'm leaning toward a Sidereal, but what kind of things are happening in Heaven? Are the Factions still going at each other? Has there been a rash of Sidereal deaths?
  20. X

    The End is Nigh(Exalted 2.5)

    This sounds terribly interesting. I've always wondered how adding new Neverborn would effect the status quo. And who doesn't like a train of death forged from Soulsteel? Count me interested.