Looking for 4-6 Players for Exalted 2.5


New Member
So i'm going to be starting up a campaign of Exalted 2.5 using Teamspeak. Looking for 4-6 players for maximum efficiency. A few of the things i'm looking to impose are simply that the exaltations are simular to reduce the temptations of infighting. Aka. No 2 Solars 2 Abyssals, and 2 infernals running around together. Honestly I don't understand how that would work long term. Solars and Lunars as a party I can see and respect, I'm pretty open and laid back about most of what my players are trying to accomplish and I'm willing to work with any of my players. One more thing is the Merits and Flaws system, I personally do not care either way about merits and flaws. But I've heard both ways on the subject of merits and flaws, So I will take a public vote as to whether or not to allow merits and flaws. Go ahead and PM me on RPdom, or on RPdom's TeamSpeak. My Name on both is always WilliamKitt.
I'm potentially interested. Which timeslot where you planning on running the game in? Transatlantic games are hell to schedule, but can be well worth it :)
This, right as the Blood and Smoke game comes up. Temptation's got her teeth in me, alright...
To be fair, I already have 2 people with their sheets finished and ready. Looking for 2 to 4 more people to join my group. Go ahead and Private message me with your sheets. We currently have a solar and a Lunar. Everything is standard with no extra starting XP. I look forward to looking over your sheets. I will let everyone know when all the slots are filled. Also, my timeZone is Central Standard. I'm looking for games that would be 5-10pm games in that time frame that would be flexible on the days until we can find a day where everyone can meet regularly. I cannot meet on Sundays though.
Assuming this is still going on I would be interested in joining. My current character is a dawn caste martial artist. Most of his charms are combat but he has some basic investigation.
I'm quite interested - if you're still looking for players

I've PM'd you as well, with a link to a ready charsheet
I'm interested, but can't send PMs since I just joined. Does the game have an open player slot?

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