The Drawing Room [The Ties that Bind]

Out of curiosity, who is planning what with their character's development and goals? I'm planning on exacting revenge and then promptly building the sector's largest hypercorp ever seen to reestablish the family's dominance over the sector.
Right now, still working on long-term motivations. Short-term looking to pull as much power from the family fortunes and then try to build her interests in the music business and to continue her good works for literacy in the far reaches.
I am loving both of your characters. I am typing up the intro to chapter one right now and I will post it soon. Sorry for the delay everyone, Grad School kicks my ass every now and again.
Getting there. I needed to sleep on the reply to get the right perspective. Got a pretty good idea of what to post now.
Cool, take your time. I just wanted to notify people in case they forgot about the game since it has been some time since the forum went up and chapter one went up.
Oh, beeteedubs:

Normal Font means third-person limited for me. If I make judgments of other characters in this font, it's with the knowledge that my character carries from his experiences with you, I'm not trying to write other characters, just my character's beliefs about them.

Otherwise, this color is speech and internal thoughts.
It all depends on the device. On my iPad, this looks fine. On the computer, it is black on black. My guess is that other browsers may display slightly differently. Best for now is to highlight the text and then you should be able to read it.
Eh? If you select the color black, then it shows up as black, otherwise the forum automatically changes the color to middle-grey, because while black on black is visible, it's not as easy to read as middle-grey on black/dark grey.

As in, I can see all the text of posts just fine except for his own, because the color for neutral text in his post is black, not the forum default grey.
I say we go to Haxby, it's wealthy and hi tech. We should be able to make money there.

And Dari can check on the status of her art gallery.

I am working 12 hours Sat & Sun. Will try to post on breaks or before bed.
All of you have made consistently fantastic posts, and its a joy to read. I will update as soon as Xaantiaz has time to post his response.
Getting shot at.

Might want to have Joren take the Gunnery and let Aldric drive for a while, until we either get to safety, or can blow that thing up.
I guess no one else can either fly or shoot back.

Do we know who it is shooting at us? Is this police, military, corp, or criminal?
Wow I forgot to do something important, and that was to give you all a skill package to round out the group. Below I will post a list of twelve level one skills. Since there are four of you I will list twelve skills so you will each get a crack at 3. Please post which three you desire, then talk among yourselves to determine who gets what. You can also get one skill of your choice at rank 0.

Advocate 1, Admin 1, Investigate 1, Persuade 1, Stealth 1, Streetwise 1, Diplomat 1, Gun Combat (any) 1, Gunner 1, Comms 1, Leadership 1, Flyer 1
Actually, after looking, Joren has Admin 2 and Aldric has Investigate 3.

Maybe Gunner 1, Flyer 1, and Stealth 1 instead. That could basically give everyone some capability at anything in the group.

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