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  1. d1ng0d0g

    The Echoes of Absence

    Keeping this short, not actually a leave of absence, but important enough to mention. Every few months I slide into one of these things called a depression. By my own count I have been for the past twenty years. Last monday that was finally confirmed (and actually called severe) and I started...
  2. d1ng0d0g

    D1: Track 5: "Welcome to the Machine" [PlanetFall]

    Joe stood straight and at attention, looking at Yang with little fear or nervousness. After all, if the Chairman wanted him dead, then he would have been already. "At waking time I was called by a guard to report to overseer Rei, Sir." he started with the details of his day so far, using as...
  3. d1ng0d0g

    Idiot Heart (OOC Thread) [Magic & Mayhem]

    I will try to finish my background today. Real life has been a bitch for me lately.
  4. d1ng0d0g

    D1: Track 5: "Welcome to the Machine" [PlanetFall]

    "Yang ? Here ? Me ?" Joseph thought as he looked at the guards, several other thoughts flashing through his head, none of them entirely pleasant. Not a situation he had planned for either. If he knew that The Overseer had his eye on him, he'd have split. "Crap." he thought. He followed the...
  5. d1ng0d0g

    Riders of Ten Thousand Dragons (The Realm vs. Anathema)

    What about Immaculates ? Cause when I read this, in some ways the image of an army chaplain came to mind. One with a slight build, and actually not that imposing a fellow. Until he prepares for battle, clad in heavy armor, carrying a gargantuan mace to clobber the foe into submission. His...
  6. d1ng0d0g

    The Secret Sanctum (OOC) [Superfolk]

    Did it last then ? I'm still around you know.
  7. d1ng0d0g

    The Listening Sky (Solar/Lunar game)

    Yeah, it's located currently at this location, but it is also not exactly what I meant. That martial arts is more the skill of hiding behind your shield and for some reason it doesn't even feel as a Celestial Style. While the charms aren't bad, they are nowhere near what Celestial Exalted can...
  8. d1ng0d0g

    The Listening Sky (Solar/Lunar game)

    Still interested, also updated the background description and given him a name. It must also be the most over the top Solar I have ever envisioned.
  9. d1ng0d0g

    D1: Track 5: "Welcome to the Machine" [PlanetFall]

    Not someone to pass up a free meal and always willing to sacrifice himself for the good of a fellow drone, Joe started to stuff his face with the foods on the table as he thought about what he had just witnessed. After all, he wouldn't want his client to get into trouble over something so...
  10. d1ng0d0g

    D1: Track 5: "Welcome to the Machine" [PlanetFall]

    "Celebration." he thought and then he smiled broadly at her, "That might just be the way to get out of this situation!" He moved to the table with the food, avoiding her, but really just keeping in motion so it wouldn't seem he was. The new shell was nice on the eyes though, he had to admit...
  11. d1ng0d0g

    A Game in GURPS(4E)

    A long time ago, in a galaxy .. well actually in this galaxy, there was a adolescent introduced to the charms of roleplaying through Gurps. That adolescent was me. And he happens to have gotten his hands on an even bigger collection of gurps materials that are all in fourth edition. And I...
  12. d1ng0d0g

    The Listening Sky (Solar/Lunar game)

    Iason, Fire of the Rivers
  13. d1ng0d0g

    D1: Track 5: "Welcome to the Machine" [PlanetFall]

    As he saw the food, his stomach reminded Joe that he had been eating 'Wormdung' for the past week and had skipped breakfast, quite clearly as his mouth started to water a little and his thoughts wandered for a moment. Kiyoshi's new appearance was a pleasant surprise as very rarely he actually...
  14. d1ng0d0g

    Idiot Heart (OOC Thread) [Magic & Mayhem]

    Going to make him quite 'feral', so the combat stats actually fit quite well I'd reckon.
  15. d1ng0d0g

    Recreation Commons (OOCness): [PlanetFall]

    And stop being (trans)human, instead you're a machine.
  16. d1ng0d0g

    Recreation Commons (OOCness): [PlanetFall]

    things such as striking looks are probably targeting something so deep in the human DNA structure that there's really not that much you can physically do about it. Several studies have indicated that even males from mammalian species who are unable to perform, still are attracted to sexually...
  17. d1ng0d0g

    D1: Track 5: "Welcome to the Machine" [PlanetFall]

    Not one to make much of a fuss, Joe followed the guard obediently through the corridors of the Hive. Occasionally nodding at people he was acquainted with. Occasionally greeting someone he knew a little bit better. And occasionally receiving polite courtesies in return. After all, Joseph Li was...
  18. d1ng0d0g

    D1: Track 5: "Welcome to the Machine" [PlanetFall]

    "Okay, this is new." Joe thought as he looked at the guard for a moment and nodded, putting his bowl the the side and turning to look at the him. "What's this about ?" he asked, his tone friendly and curious as mentally he was running through the lists of every possibility of what it could be...
  19. d1ng0d0g

    The Kingdom of Dreams

    The stasis of Creation can not affect this Dream. Unfortunately the Wyld is a whole other matter. Read: I haven't forgotten about this game, but real life is very chaotic to me right now.