Idiot Heart (OOC Thread) [Magic & Mayhem]

Where are my players?

I would like to see charsheets by Friday so I can get this game rollin'
Well, here is my concept of an asipiring Necromancer general. Figured I'd go big and ambitious for the desire that has pushed him to set out on his own.

Name: Vano

Dexterity (Major): 2

Strength: 2

Fitness (Minor): 2

Intellect (Minor): 3

Intuition: 2

Willpower (Major): 3

Charisma (Major): 3

Guile: 2

Composure (Minor): 2


-Dodge 1

-Melee 1

-Ranged 1

-Craft (Bonecrafting) 3

-Academics 1

-Medicine (Surgery) 2

-Lore 2

-Strategy 2

-Investigate 1

-Leadership 2

-Persuade 2

-Tactics 2

Logos (Necromancy) 3


Vano was born to a wealthy military family in the great city of Tharune. Tharune is known as a hub of magic users where there is no truly dominant practice of magic. Vano’s family was one that served in the city’s military, groomed to be officers and commanders. Vano himself was chosen for such a position, even more so when his talents for necromancy began to emerge within him. Necromancers surprisingly make excellent leaders of men for they know the cost of any bad decision. Vano was hit hard by this initially, not desiring the responsibility of the lives of mortal soldiers under his command. He pleaded endlessly to be taken out of the officer’s school but his family refused him.

This desire to escapes from such duty was also common with young necromancers for the price they know all pay in war is overwhelming to them at first. It was only as he matured more and actually had to help defend his city from invasion that he began to finally understand. He saw the horrors and pain caused to those still living by their enemies. Barbaric hordes lead by power made magic users assailing them, hurting and killing his people. When he realized he had to do something, Vano broke free of his fear. He would likely be destined to become a great general if not for his desire to leave his home. Vano’s vision has grown beyond his own city and he now seeks to become a truly great general if anything else to rid his world of those who would make life dark and cruel. He is driven by his understanding of death, knowing this is they only real time they have to make something of it. If that is the case he will not along dark forces to ruin that chance and make it more difficult than it already is.

For this he desires to build a great host of men and undead to serve under him to crush those who would spread darkness. It would seem he could very well still become a great general from this. He is already quite skilled in tactics and strategy, very charismatic as well since he embraces life to its fullest. He knows he must draw others under his banner for the sake of life for it is the only chance. He will also draw the dead to his banner, the ghosts who would still wish to exist. Perhaps it is just the foolish dream of a young man, but Vano intends on trying.
Ack! Rush

Make mage of.... Okay I'm torn Between a Shadow and a Cryo.

Completly different personalities but I still like both of those really.

Edit: Shadow. Just working out how to best create him.

Sheet up in a couple hours story, later today.
Xan Indios (Pronounced 'Shan')

Born in the city of Illim, to a Taxman and his wife. Xan lived the torn Life of secrecy, shame, and fear. Not anything grand, like the soldier living at the wall guarding agaisnt the rampaging horde.

The simple terrors of a child who did not want to be the hated and ostracised one. He learned quick and early not to talk of his father's work, yet studied it carefully trying to understand why he was disliked. He spent his days trying to be a part of everyone else, learned to bear and ignore the most taunting rises about his father himself or even his mother (Such as the concept of who would be so devoid of taste to take a tax man). No overt Violence could be leveled on his father, but Xan found himself at times the focus of the bullies rage. Spending so long nursing hidden bruises didn't toughen him up at all, it wasn't like in the stories. He spent so much time with some kind of lingering injury he never really exercised much.

He grew older, mare able at staying un noticed unrecognised, doing his hardest to suppress the magic pouring from within him. He did not want to stand apart to be seen as different. Certainly he studied and tried it, but on his time he was alone and away from everyone. So many years passed with him keeping a grip and control on his talents that he ended up following into his fathers footsteps and joined those collecting on behalf of the lords.

His own little revenge for those who taunted him, now he took the pleasure in collecting from them for the state. It certainly does not win their love, it seems to galvanise their certainties about him when he was younger. Still he studied and delved into the shadows and darkness when his duties were done. But he could not keep it hidden forever, when his superiors found it, he was sent into training. Making him one of the oldest students in his class. He bore that stigma as deftly as the rest of his own.

Years older then his peers, he is now a Magus, but he still has the delight of seeing a shopkeeper he once knee in his childhood gawk when being taxed, he loves to return to them and make sure they are not hiding their wealth, If they are... It is no longer hidden and the treasury swells.

Str 1

M Dex 3

Fit 1

Cha 2

m Gui 2

M Com 4

m Intellect 2

M Intuition 3

m Willpower 3

Athletics 1

Stealth 3

Academics 1

Lore 1

Commerce 3

Alchemy 1

Investigation 2

Persuasion 1

Subterfuge 2

City-Savvy 2

Mingle 2

Percetion 5

Speed 2

Offense 3

Defense 3

Combat Pool 5

If we hit combat I'm a pretty pink smear.

Yes I'm a Shadow Weaving IRS Agent who loved his job but has been told to do something else now.
I like it.

Glad to have you on-board.

I will suggest one small change, since I've failed to adequately explain how this game is different from the standard - it is the core setting, but set around 300 years ago before the fall of the Magocracy. So Illim hasn't been founded yet. But your backstory still works perfectly set in a Stormspire, if not better.

...And it all comes together. Man, Xan is not going to be popular with at least one other PC.
Gnnn, homework + tabletop session + fiancée arriving this evening = not sure I can post my BG or CS today... feel free to start without me, I'll jump in later if possible.
Grey said:
Where are my players?
I would like to see charsheets by Friday so I can get this game rollin'
I will try to finish my background today. Real life has been a bitch for me lately.
Anybody knows where Grey has gone? I sent my BG+CS last weekend and he doesn't appear to have even opened it.

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