Idiot Heart (OOC Thread) [Magic & Mayhem]

Mmmh, I see a valuable partnership with a Guardian PC. Or even a Necromancer, if ethically-obtainable souls are in shortage.

Sooo, as a Heartwright, could I instill a thought, emotion or memory in potions, then poison a city's wells to propagate it? Could I create memory/thought/emotion AoE diffusers, or even magical scribings that transfer those things when read? Could I create psychic illusions at Logos 3 or 4 (ie genjutsu)?
So genjutsu at Logos 3... Yay!

I'm seeing a potential for several Heartwright Legacies right now:

1°)a Legacy which takes lesson from the soul transferring abilities of Necromancers, giving the mage the ability to live on as a discorporeal construct* and then possess other beings**, with a reflexive trigger at body/brain death.

*by creating a 'fake mind' matrix which fools the soul into thinking it is still attached to the body - or at least, partially enough not to go to the afterlife

**by overwriting the mind of a creature with the mage's own, creating a 'negative pressure' transfer into the new body by once more tricking the soul

2°)a Legacy which attains another form of immortality by passively 'seeding' creatures with the mage's personality - it's not really creating a group mind so much as duplicating the magus' personality into others in short order... which can be dangerous if other mages fall victim to the Legacy's power, automatically rerouting their Pattern to the Ruby Heart and developing the same Legacy... and inclination to use it

3°)a perverted legacy which locks people into an imaginary world of their own devising - a self-reinforcing delusion that absolutely no one can come out of unaided - and who would want to come out of absolute happiness (or the misery they think they deserve). Obviously far more dangerous than simply sending a dose of 'happy' or 'sad' into somebody.

Mwahaha... :twisted:
There's a large amount of coolness in those spellbooks.

The overlaps are interesting, too- f'rexample, both Torchbearers and Coflagrants can encourage people.

Shadows are really cool, too... I've always been a sucker for mysterious lorekeepers...
Oops. Forgot I hadn't done that yet!

My background's down there somewhere, I'll just dig up the rules and get onto it.
Yeah, the spellbooks are rather cool, and should come in quite handy.

And a sheet!

m: Strength: 2

m: Dexterity: 2

M: Fitness: 3

Charisma: 2

Guile: 2

m: Composure: 3

M: Intellect: 2

Intuition: 2

M: Willpower: 3

Athletics: 1

Survival: 2

Academics: 3

Lore: 2

Alchemy: 2

Medicine: 3

Governance: 1

Investigation: 1

Persuasion: 2

City-Savvy: 1

Mingle: 1

Intimidation: 1

I can work out derived attributes later...
Not specifically, but it can and should be done. I tend to award specialities as part of background packages. They'll be more refined in second edition.

And if anyone has any questions or comments about the setting material or spellbooks, sing out.
Oops, sorry, my fiancee bought be Mass Effect 2 and I've been sacrificing hours of my life to it. Will do soon.
Hmmm, yes I'd like to know general setting we'll be dealing with along with how this group of magi, not sure if that's correct or not, will know one another.
Brekkir; I am all kinds of pleased by your reasons for delay, so no worries.

Orzhov; General setting is the pre-history of the setting described in the rulebook. Prior to the formation of the present nations and rise in power of the Venic Church (and it's Inquisition), Imeria is divided haphazardly into city-states ruled by Sorceror-Kings, powerful Magi who have attained Logos well above the fifth Coil. As such, the land is wracked by magical warfare and experiments gone awry. It is, just a tad, like Girl Genius with magic instead of SCIENCE! I mean, non-magical humans are generally referred to as minions. See here for some more detail and a sense of tone.

Whether or not you all know each other, and your motives, is up to you. You're all meeting in an unsettled region of the Frontier, as yet unclaimed by any Magus. Anyone who would like a motive can PM me with details about their character, and I can easily give you a reason to be there.

Alternatively, you can start as settlers from The Silver City sent to establish a new state...
Sorry Grey, had to go home for cemetery sunday, and am now all fucked up with a cold. Should have character by tomorrow, when my head isn't stuffed full of wool (I mean mucus).
I'll get something up soon enough, but classes demand my attention for most of the day.
Logically, Matthias can be there because he hasn't been there yet, to see what unMaged land looks like- makes sense, yes?
If one of you want to play a Guardian, he may be an associate of my Heartwright, to benefit from smarter golems. Or a Necromancer who would not want to use too many hapless souls to direct his constructs.
So no taker for my mad sci... crazed mage as associate? Too bad. I'll have to do some more work to find a concept then. With school starting again in 24 hours, I'm a bit low on inspiration.

What's more, I've let myself buy Valkyrie Profile 2 and The Last Remnant on retail. Life, and its goddamn priorities.
I'm not sure of my concept yet, was thinking of a Necromancer as a military commander due to the fact he can build himself an army of the dead over time.
m:Strength 2

M:Dexterity 4

m:Fitness 3

m:Charisma 2

Guile 1

Composure 1

Intellect 2

M:Intuition 2

M:Willpower 4

Athletics 2

Unarmed 2

Melee 1

Stealth 2

Dodge 2

Defend 1

Survival 2

Academics 1

Lore 3

Alchemy 1

Medicine 1

Investigation 1

Intimidation 1

Perception 3

Speed 5

Offense 6 (Unarmed) / 5 (Melee)

Defense 3 (Strength + Defend) / 6 (Dodge + Dexterity)

Combat Pool 9

Story will follow.

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