The Listening Sky (Solar/Lunar game)

Yo. I never did get round to posting up another concept, did I? Breeze is still my first choice, but if you want a Solar, I have an idea for a Twilight who wants to found Creation's greatest dojo that'd work. Background-wise, it's not quite solid yet, but he's going to have been the enlightened mortal student of a somewhat paranoid priest and Golden Janissary master; stuff happened, he chose spreading the martial artsy lurve over his master's paranoid secretiveness, kung fu ensued and his dedication to teaching, even to the point of getting into a fight he knew he'd lose, got him a Twilight exaltation.

Things started going badly for his tutor, who I think would decide to flee at that point and get away, leaving plot threads.

So that's my other concept, if you decide too many people want to be Lunars. I can go for a proper background, just wanted to get it down...
Arf! Inari here, hoping to join...It's my first attempt at a Solar, or anything for Exalted really, goes. She's an Eclipse caste.

Since the age of twelve, Nyun's life centered around her village shrine, which was dedicated to a wolf god which protected them by patrolling the forests. A shrine maiden's role was a respectable position for a girl, and her parents encouraged it happily, for with it came knowledge and an introspective, virtuous lifestyle. The studies were difficult and many of her days lonesome, tending to the shrine which lurked away from the village, but it was a pleasant lifestyle. Nyun was less experienced with people than a young woman should be, but her mind was sharp and her spirit strong, or so claimed the elder who watched over her progress.

Nyun's life was a simple one as she passed through her teenage years and into adulthood. Clean the shrine, gather food, collect offerings from the villagers, meditate, study, and leave the village's offerings to the wolf god. The reclusive life was far from the troubles of the Realm, threats of war, or the madness of the Wyld. It was only in the later years that the girl realized how isolated she felt both from her fellows and the world at large. She had a safe life, however, and little reason to abandon it.

So it was until the arrival of the malevolent spirit, however. A demon of the Yozis stumbled upon Nyun's village, bereft of a physical form. Seeking to strengthen itself and cause misery, the thing possessed the statue of the wolf god and seemingly killed it, for no aid could come to the villagers. For weeks, the demon's influence spread; animals fled, the earth grew sour, the waters vile. Running out of options, the village lacked the money to hire assistance and the knowledge to expel a demon; however, Nyun knew something of the creatures from her studies. She lacked the strength to exorcise the foul spirit, but she braved the sinister woods of her own accord and returned to the poisoned shrine in a bid to protect her home.

Amused by the lone girl who approached, the demon taunted and threatened the unspoiled shrine maiden, savoring the thought of corrupting and harming her in particular. However, Nyun had something else in mind. She struck a deal with the spirit, offering her own body for it to possess so it could grow strong once more and go afar to spread its wickedness. In return, the demon would swear to leave her village alone. Hoping that the demon would take her body only to be defeated by someone with greater power than what meager fight she could put up, Nyun gave herself up to the spirit.

The human soul is not something quite so feeble, however. Perhaps it was because of her long years of study and introspection that strengthened her, or perhaps her tempered lifestyle, but Nyun found that the demon could not simply cast her mind and spirit away as it filled her. Whatever the reason, in a desperate bid to destroy the thing, Nyun managed to seize control of her body briefly. As the two souls struggled for dominance, she ran from the shrine to the cliff not far from it, a favorite spot for meditation thanks to the waterfall there which fed a pond below. The high cliff was a fatal drop, she knew, but all Nyun could think of was to purge the world of this evil.

She jumped.

All Nyun had thought of as she fell was that she hoped it would be quick. That her body would not linger on and allow the demon to survive. She would've been right. However, another being had caught notice of her, and reached out as the girl fell.

Nyun was aware only of a light and a voice. It filled her vision and her mind, murmuring a promise to her: that she was deserving of a better fate. That she would have the strength to seek one out. Nyun hit the rocky waters below, her body burning with a holy light. With a wretched shriek, the demon within her was burned away. The fall left her battered, but not broken, and the girl managed to hobble away from the site. Fearful of returning to her village, she headed elsewhere, relieved when the burning mark on her forehead died down.

Nyun knows well from her studies the danger an Anathema faces in much of the world, but is no longer sure of what she believes. The only god she knew vanished when needed, and the new one is loathed across Creation for commanding it with his tyrannical, mad children. For the time being, she can think only of surviving for today, and finding a purpose for tomorrow.
Arynne said:
Would it help if I told you you can have your elephant gun? :wink:
So sorry for not posting last night -- something was wrong with the thread. :oops:

Everybody who's still interested, give a yip! Give a yawp!
It's okay, I've just talked myself out of playing. I ruin my own character concepts often by over-analyzing. So I'm just going to bow out.
All right, my 'nathema, the roll call will be:

d1ng0d0g (Dawn Caste)

Ebon Arbiter (Full Moon)

Zoronos (Night Caste)

MorkaisChosen (No Moon)

Inari (Eclipse Caste)

Miashara (Changing Moon?)

I'll see about getting a forum for us.

d1ng0d0g, have you ever heard of Celestial Turtle Style? It allows you to use shields as form weapons...
What!? Geez...and I spent this whole evening on Kayda's background, too...

Ah well...can't be helped, I guess.
Changing Moon? Sounds perfect.

Name: Fingol

Splat and Caste: Changing Moon Lunar

Motivation: Bring life to the Underworld

Spirit Shape: Wolf Oak

Concept: Lunatic

Anima: Moonlit forest of ancient trees, filled with the glowing forms of dire wolves

Tell: Foliage grows from the ground at his feet, to whither and die instantly when he steps aside




*Sta: xxx





Wits: xxxx

Int: xxx

Per: xxxx

*Survival: xxx

*Presence: xxx

Martial Arts: xxx

Performance: xx

Athletics: xx

Awareness: xx

Dodge: xx

Integrity: x

Resistance: x







Ally: Red x

Reputation: xx

Hearts Blood: xx

Mentor: x

Contacts: The Hurting Tide x


Luna's Hidden Face

Changing Plumage Mastery

Subtle Silver Declaration

Deadly Beastman Transformation


1st Charisma Excellency

Outworld Forsaking Stance

1st Appearance Excellency

1st Stamina Excellency

Essence: 3

Compassion: 3

Valor: 4

Conviction: 2

Temperance: 1

Willpower: 8

Personal Essence: 19

Peripheral Essence: 40


Essence 3: 10

Valor 4: 3

Willpower 8: 2

Wolf Oak (see picture. I've got a couple more, and I'll post them to the game thread)



Health Lvls






Red is a small human female fae-blood whom Fingol has more or less adopted. She is appears young, about 10 or so, but with strong fae parentage, that may be deceiving. She is very intelligent and has demonstrated slight aptitude at essence manipulation. She doesn't talk much and listens carefully. She wears commoners clothing and mid-length scarlet cloak. Her features are soft, and she passes easily for mortal except under the most intense scrutiny.

Character is more or less built. I might revise it or move a couple points around, but beyond this there should be no major revisions.
Thank you for acceptance, it'll be my first time as a Lunar and i hope to play and behave up to everyone's standards for optimum game experience. :D

As a sidenote, did you manage to check the alternative character creation rules ( ) i had mentioned earlier and if so have you come to a conclusion regarding your opinion on them? (are they ok and could be used or are they broken/overpowered/unfitting and therefore i should stick to the ones as described in MoEP:Lunars?). Thank you in advance for your time and effort.
Arynne said:
d1ng0d0g, have you ever heard of Celestial Turtle Style? It allows you to use shields as form weapons...
Yeah, it's located currently at this location, but it is also not exactly what I meant.

That martial arts is more the skill of hiding behind your shield and for some reason it doesn't even feel as a Celestial Style. While the charms aren't bad, they are nowhere near what Celestial Exalted can do to defend themselves with their native charms.

Alright the two last charms are kinda nice, but still not overly powerful considering their cost.

However, Best Offense Atemi could probably be easily adapted to become a melee charm.
Oh, wow, I really didn't expect to be picked...This is my first ever Exalted game, and I get to play my favorite caste!

I'll do my best to keep up with everyone, but I hope you don't mind being patient with me if I have trouble.
Inari, there's a very good reason you got picked.

That's a damn good background you wrote there.

So, on to stuff for me. I'll have a think about Breeze's Heart's Blood library; Breeze is more of a plains-type than a jungly Lunar, and that'll probably be reflected.

Interesting to look at group make-up- with our Dawn and Full Moon, our Changing Moon and an Eclipse, and a Night and a stealthy-watching-type No Moon, we have, to a certain extent, three decent two-dude team-ups...
MorkaisChosen said:
Inari, there's a very good reason you got picked.
That's a damn good background you wrote there.
Indeed. To all of you who applied...your submissions were excellent. :D

Interesting to look at group make-up- with our Dawn and Full Moon, our Changing Moon and an Eclipse, and a Night and a stealthy-watching-type No Moon, we have, to a certain extent, three decent two-dude team-ups...
Exactly. :wink:
Awh, I'm flattered...I've been working all day on the character sheet; hopefully I can put it up tonight or tomorrow.
MorkaisChosen said:
Any thoughts on that alternate Lunar chargen Ebon Arbiter posted?
That's a lot of extra stat points. Something around 25 extra bonus points worth.

(11 from extra attributes, 3 for abilities (assuming you put them all in favored), 11 from extra charm/knack (again assuming favored), along with various xp cost reductions.)

I presume we're using standard rules for Solars? I'll have a sheet worked up shortly.
I'm OK with the alternate chargen rules, but only if all the players agree to them. Otherwise it's not fair.

No hurry about the sheets -- Haku is still hors d'combat, so it may be a while before we get our forum. :|
I'm...not sure what the alternate chargen rules are. I'm not really sure what chargen is, for that matter.
Right. And the alternate system gives Lunar characters a lot more points than the "official" one does - which is why I'm only allowing it if everyone is all right with its use.
Thank you all very much for your cosideration on this matter, which is why i brought it up in the first place. I'd only like to state that - as i already mentioned before - i don't have any problem with "official" rules, i was just wondering about the custom ones (since i saw them being used quite a lot in other exalted pbp games), if they were more balanced for the setting or correcting relative power levels between celestial exalted instead of just allowing for the creation of more powerful characters. Also, the character sheet i have posted is done in accordance to the "official" rules so there's no problem on my behalf either way. :D
Whichever. Doesn't bother me either way. I'll vote for the modded rules as they do seem to balance things a bit more, but have no problem with the official chargen methods. Like Ebon Arbiter, the character sheet I've already got is standard, but I can change it.
I'm in the same boat as our other two Moonchildren- done a sheet with standard rules, I'd be happy to upgrade it, but I don't mind if someone'd prefer the official ones.

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