The Listening Sky (Solar/Lunar game)

Here is my character. A dawn caste valiant warrior and (hopefully) general of Sol Invictus in the making.

Aentor , the "Lion of Thorns".

Character sheet

Name[/b] Aentor the "Lion of Thorns"

Exalt Type and Caste Solar Dawn caste

Anima A great lion roaring thunderously as the sun rises behind it, covering it in blinding light.

Motivation Defend Creation from the icy grasp of the Deathlords.



Strength â—â—â—

Dexterity â—â—â—â—â—

Stamina â—â—â—


Charisma â—â—â—â—

Manipulation â—

Appearance â—â—


Perception â—â—â—

Intelligence â—â—â—

Wits â—â—â—



Martial Arts â—â—

Melee â—â—â—â—â—


War â—â—

Integrity â—â—â—

Performance â—

Presence â—â—â—

Resistance â—â—â—

Survival â—



Lore â—



Athletics â—â—

Awareness â—â—

Dodge â—â—â—â—â—




Linguistics â— (Riverspeak: native, Old Realm: taught by his mentor)



Socialize â—


Artifact â—â—â—

Artifact â—

Mentor â—â— (Teruo the Wise, an old man living in a manse on a mountain near Thorns, who took Aentor under his wing, trained him rigorously and set him to his destiny)

Manse â— His mentor's manse to which Aentor has been permitted attunement, carrying with him the Hearthstone of Memorial Iron.

This hearthstone looks like a smooth nugget of polished iron. Its bearer can vividly recall (and mentally relive) any particularly positive and will-reinforcing

memory. This recollection fires her resolve, enabling her to recover one point of temporary Willpower each day. This is in addition to any Willpower recovered through the normal, daily Conviction roll) It is set on Aentor's Grand Daiklave.



Code of Honour (2pt. flaw)

Artifacts and Equipment

1)"Phoenix": An Orichalcum Grand Daiklave with a phoenix engraved on the blade alongside an inscription in the Old Realm reading: "He who wields this blade, shall be the eternal champion of Sol Invictus and like the phoenix he shall rise from the flames of adversity to exact His divine will".

Sp.5 Acc. 13 Dmg 15L/4 Def+1 R.3 Att.8m Tags 2,O,P,R

2)Hauberk of Righteousness: An orichalcum breastplate, with shoulderguards resembling lion heads and the symbol of Sol Invictus engraved on its front part.

Soak: 8L/6B Hardness 3L/3B Att. 2m



1st melee excellency

Hungry tiger technique


2nd War excellency


Integrity protecting prana


1st presence excellency


Body-mending meditation

Ox-body technique (1 [-1], 2 [-2] health levels)


Shadow over water

Seven-shadow evasion (Valor flaw of Invulnerability)

Reflex sidestep technique

Join Combat: 5


Dodge DV 7

Parry DV 6

Soak: 9B/9L Hardness 3B/3L


-0 [ ]

-1 [ ][ ][ ]

-2 [ ][ ][ ][ ]

-4 [ ]

-X [ ]

Mental Defenses

Dodge MDV 7

Parry MDV 4


Compassion â—â—

Conviction â—â—â—

Temperance â—

Valor â—â—â—

Virtue Flaw

Valor, Foolhardy Contempt


His companions (protective care)

Righteousness (aspiration)

Willpower: â—â—â—â—â— â—â—


Permanent: â—â—â—

Personal: 16/16(0 Committed)

Peripheral: 26/36 (10 Committed)

Bonus Points (17)

Melee â—â—â—â—â— (2)

Dodge â—â—â—â—â— (2)

Willpower â—â—â—â—â— â—â— (2)

Essence â—â—â— (7)

Combo [1st melee excellency+Hungry tiger technique+Reflex sidestep technique+Seven shadow evasion] (4) "The Lion of Dawn slashes and evades": A brilliant sunburst erupts over Aentor as the lion in his anima banner lunges forth. With supernatural strength his strikes crush his opponents, while his gracious movements allow him to escape unscathed from their wrath".


Aentor was born in the city of Thorns, the second son and scion of a wealthy and reknowned family of nobles, thirty five years ago. He was quite young by the time of the great conflict between his city and the Confederation of Rivers' armed forces but old enough to remember what transpired and those memories still haunt him. The look on his family member's faces, on the faces of women and children, on elderly people awaiting their death. Despite the heavy losses, Thorns stood and weathered that storm but his glory and power was greatly diminished.

Aentor grew up and this early experience drove him to pursue a career in the military force of the city. Well after passing a puberty that almost drove his parents and relatives crazy, since Aentor was quite a troublemaker and a royal pain in the ass for any effort to maintain a decent face to the rest of the city, ruining their reputation with gang affairs, illegal pit fights and many other escapades. It was with major relief that they accepted his sudden impulse to enlist in the city's guard force. For Aentor though, it was a realization that had stemmed from his childhood experiences and suddenly woke him from his life as an ignorant, young troublemaker.

In that, his elder brother's example helped quite a lot as well. Always kind and protective, steadfast and dedicate he was taking care of family issues, assisting parents, brothers and sisters whenever possible.

Aentor aspired to be like him and prove worthy of such a great family.

If another danger threatened his people he would make sure to stand as a shield in front of them and do all in his power to protect them. Little did he know then that such a danger would come and almost claim his life and soul.

As the years passed and he excelled in his duties in the guard, where a sister of him was also serving with distinction (albeit on a different post, guarding caravans of Thorns interests) black clouds gathered gradually upon Thorns. The fate of the city was to fall under the eye of Mask of Winters, Deathlord, enemy of the living and relentless conqueror. They tried their best to defend against the onslaught of his forces. It was futile, a concept young Aentor wasn't familiar with. He was young, his life ahead of him, his duties in the guard were carried out properly, his family was happy and he was thinking of his future marriage. All these were shattered in those fateful days and nights. All these and alongside them the freedom of Thorns and the safety of its residents.

The walls were breached, the defenders of the city slaughtered, the courage of the rest broken. Surrender wasn't in Aentor's vocabulary and the image of his family being in danger burnt in his mind. He ran to the streets accompanied by few guards. The dead were everywhere. Skeletons clad in armour and wielding blades cold as death, as well as other obscene and terrifying creatures were pouring in the city and attacking its belaguered defenders and helpless citizens. Courage is hard to be found in those moments yet a flame still burnt in Aentor's soul, driving him on. He didn't even know why he was still fighting, the icy breath of death was all around him, the silence of the grave about to absorb him in mere moments.

A terrible warrior, in bony armor, wielding a blade black as night approached. The soldiers with him engaged Aentor's unit and he moved towards him. Aentor's house was visible in the distance and flames were approaching it dangerously. He couldn't allow himself to fall, he had to get there, despite that black knight, even if he died trying. The black armoured knight laughed as Aentor attacked him, cackling maniacally at the young warrior. He readied his blade to kill this ignorant fool with a stroke, when the unthinkable happened.

At this very moment, amidst the furious battle, mere moments from the cold edge of death, Aentor felt a blinding light to engulf him and a reservoir of power to come alive inside him. His wounds didn't bother him, his heart wasn't feeling fear and despair anymore and his hand was gripping his sword with utmost certainty.

For an instant he thought he was somewhere else. A huge valley, a glorious army gathering on one side. A horde of hideous monsters waiting on the other, full with the taint of death and decay, of void and unlife. In the forefront of the glorious army there was a lone figure atop a rock overlooking the assembled forces. The figure raised his greatsword, reflecting the sunlight upon it and gestured to the monsters on the opposite side. "Today we carry the Unconquered Sun's cleansing light to this wretched place. Today we fight with the fury of the champions of the Sun. Forward brothers and sisters. For glory, for justice , for righteousness!"

Aentor returned to his senses and saw the knight before him to go back a few steps and shout orders to his soldiers. Something was happening, serious it seemed but he had no time. He charged to the black armoured figure and with furious strokes of his sword drove him back and ran away. Thorns was in chaos. Aentor couldn't reach his family's estate since many buildings had collapsed and flames barred the way, so he decided to save as many of the citizens as possible and lead them away, to safety.

That he managed and as the new day dawned over the almost destroyed and now enslaved city of Thorns, he made his way to the nearby settlements. He was careful not to draw unwanted attention, even thought the light that radiated from him had by then subsided and after he made sure that the refugees following him were safe, he set on to uncover his destiny.

To this end, he began his travels in all nearby cities and settlements, searching for clues regarding his family and also for wise people who could help him and explain what was happening to him. Of course, like most people in Creation, he had heard as a child the tales of the Anathema, demons of old with the appearance of men, corrupted and evil with hideous powers. He was taught to fear and shun them, as a child, but now he didn't see any evil in his soul. He felt good, more strong, powerful and certain than ever before in his life and he wanted to make a difference in Creation. So wherever he traveled he strived to help the local population with their problems (especially those of in need of military assistance since this was his field of expertise), in exchange for food and shelter and then he moven on again.

The barbaric incursions seemed to lessen a bit in the area after his interference while bandits reduced their activities and their leaders thought of a way to recruit him in their ranks. When Aentor would be presented by such offers, he'd usually deny them and if challenged he'd defeat the opposing champions and continue on his way. He was becoming sort of a wandering hero and even though his was enjoying this life, he still helt an emptiness and a need for guidance.

His travels led him to a small, quiet settlement inhabited by few people, in the slopes of a mountain near the Marukani territories. Further up the mountain, as they informed him, an old man was residing, and many people across Creation would come to him for advice, guidance and training. The prospect appealed to Aentor so he decided, after a brief rest, to meet him and request his assistance.

And so it was that he met Teruo the Wise, an old man, with long white hair and beard, piercing blue eyes and stern demeanour. Teruo listened carefully to the young man and then took him to the garden outside his house to test his prowess. Aentor was surprised that such an old man could avoid his blows with supernatural agility and retaliate in kind. Finally he accepted him as a student, told him that it was fate that brought him here and that a long and arduous road was before him, albeit one that would lead to greatness.

Teruo told him that he had been exalted by the Unconquered Sun and as such it would be his duty to protect Creation and fight evil wherever it may be found, whenever necessary. "Most people will think of you as Anathema, returning demon of ages past, but know within your soul that you are the exact opposite. You're a champion of Sol Invictus, a pillar of righteousness and you're a Dawnbringer upon a world that is about to be plunged in darkness".

His training began and it was gruelling indeed. Aentor livep ud to his mentor's expectations though and soon he was wondering himself how could manage such feats in combat, endurance and agility, while retaining a clear mind and awareness of his surroundings. In addition to that he was taught the language of the Old Realm when Solars reigned supreme and a perfect hierarchy of the Exalted served Creation's needs under the august rule of the Solar Deliberative.

The flows of essence coursing through his body were now more obvious to him and various meditation exercises helped him to control them better. He was forming himself gradually, under the watchful eye of Teruo into a true champion of the Sun.

Yet all this time, his family was never away from his thoughts and daily prayers and he used to ask Teruo if any news arrived from Thorns or if there was any change to the city's situation. All that his mentor told him was that he'd find out when he would be ready.

The greatest test ever (and probably the one that proved him ready enough to his mentor's eyes) was the one during which he recovered an ancient relic of the First Age, a magnificent daiklave, forged for a champion of the Sun like himself. His mentor pointed him to the nearby wilderness and said that there was an ancient tomb that he should visit before completing his training.

Indeed in the jungles the was such a tomb and Aentor managed to enter it, defeat its guardian and emerge with his prize. The daiklave was truly a wonder to behold. Made of orichalcum, with a phoenix engraved on the blade alongside an inscription in the Old Realm reading:"He who wields this blade, shall be the eternal champion of Sol Invictus and as the phoenix he shall rise from the flames of adversity to exact His divine will".

What transpired in there, what Aentor saw and why his face bears the cold certainty of resolve and iron will since then is only a matter of speculation. Only his mentor talked with him on that subject and no one else. After that, he gifted him with a breastplate, made of orichalcum, the Hauberk of Righteousness as he called it. With shoulderguards resembling lion heads and the symbol of Sol Invictus engraved on its front part it was truly majestic, worthy to protect a chosen of the Sun. "Wear it with pride when duty calls and when you must face the enemies of the Sun. It will protect your body, as His unending righteousness shall preserve your soul" Teruo told him.

"Now the time has come. Deathlords, servants of sinister forces and other hideous enemies of Creation are on the loose ravaging the lands and people. They must be stopped. Return to the civilized cities across the lenght and breadth of Creation, gather those with a flicker of courage in their souls and ignite them again into bonfires of determination and valor. Exact His divine justice upon the creatures of darkness, upon the corrupt and undeserving, cleanse our land once and for all and initiate a new era of splendor, justice and valour".

And so it is that Aentor returns to the lands of Creation, with certainty in his heart and flame in his soul. The dead will feel the wrath of the Sun and the might of His champion. "The cub that was once sent once away, now has become a lion and is returning. And with him, Dawn comes to pierce the veil of darkness".
MorkaisChosen said:
would it be useful for me to post up another character in case there's too much competition for the Lunar places?
I encourage everybody to post more than one character, if they have multiple characters that would fit.

I'll make a final decision tomorrow night, if time permits.
Oh good, I can crank out multiple concepts easy. I'll get a few up tonight or tomorrow then.
Right, I need to decide where precisely Breeze is from and pick a Deathlord whose servants apparently took/killed/whatever his family.

To the Abyssals book!
Iason, Fire of the Rivers


I wouldn't mind doing a Dawn Caste. I have the following image in my head.

If I create him, I would need permission for one custom item, and one house rule.

The house rule is that shields can be used as ordinary clubs, not losing their normal bonuses. And artifact shields can be used as 'better' clubs.

The custom item is an artifact version of the short spear.

Favorite skills will be athletics, resistance, presence, and two others I yet have to determine.

Fighting style will be close to a mix of brawling and melee (a real shame that it can't be mixed with the Solar Hero Style, but that style does give an idea of how it would look)

Iason glanced at the morning sun and grinned determined. "One day, big guy." he promised with fondness in his heart, "One day I shall visit Yu Shan and fight you. And I shall not lose." Ever since his Exaltion, the warrior from the small River Province Kingdom, he had made that promise. And every day since he had been working toward that promised fight. Even before his Exaltion, he had been a warrior. Like all warriors his true love was Venus, his betrothed Saturn and his lover Mars. Like all true warriors he desired peace, was fated to one day fall, and would fight until either Creation was at peace or he would meet his fate.

Anathema did his own people call him. Monster they yelled after him as they banned him from his kingdom. Fear, Ignorance, Jealousy. But no less truth, for ever since his Exaltion he felt he had become a monster. It felt as if his heart was aflame with desires. Desire for peace. Desire for battle. And at certain points even desire for his own demise. His dreams filled with war, with betrayal of those he trusted most and with battles so glorious, so exhilarating and so horrifying that sometimes he would wake bathing in cold sweat.

Fear is not wrong for a warrior. Letting your actions be controlled by fear however, that's as good as dying. And he was not planning to die, not yet. He would prove himself. To the gods themselves. To the Unconquered Sun. And until the day the dreams he had would be his, instead of a shadow from the past, he would fight for Creation. And he would bring glory to his name. Honor to his family. And, as he would quietly hope, a world were one such as him would not be needed anymore.

And so starts the story of Iason, son of Hector, son of Ialos, son of Lycomeidas.
I don't mind playing Kayda instead of Quill, but my biggest issue is that I don't have the White Treatise, meaning my spell selection is extremely limited. But I'll do what I can to get a background ready.
I do have the White Treatise. So I can arrange for your character to find spells in dusty libraries or on clay tablets in forgotten temples...

*shows you a spell that lets you part the waters of the Red Sea like Charlton Heston* :wink:
I thought i'd also post my Lunar character as well, his background that is, and then his character sheet as well. For the most part, he's like the previous one i posted, the main difference being that instead of exalting into a Solar he exalted into a Lunar. Also various points in his background are sufficiently altered. Now he's a wandering champion of Luna, member of the Full moon caste and exceptionally skilled martial artist, eager to prove himself and protect Creation from its enemies. He could either be emphasizing his natural agility and prowess or practice a more refined yet fiercely savage martial arts style like Tiger style for example.

As a sidenote (this goes for my Solar character as well) i'm open to suggestions/alterations etc and also regarding the matter of possible lunar/solar mates i'd have absolutely no problem cooperating or working something out before the game or after it starts (in case i'm selected and there's interest from another player). I'm trying to deal with such things in a mature way and see them as great opportunities for a more engaging story and the inspiration for fine adventures and worthy roleplaying.

Background is as follows.

Aentor was born in the city of Thorns, one of the younger scions of a wealthy and reknowned family of nobles, twenty five years ago. He was quite young by the time of the great conflict between his city and the Confederation of Rivers' armed forces but those few memories still haunt him. The look on his family member's faces, on the faces of women and children, on elderly people awaiting their death. Despite the heavy losses, Thorns stood and weathered that storm but his glory and power was greatly diminished.

Aentor grew up and this early experience drove him to pursue a career in the military force of the city. Well after passing a puberty that almost drove his parents and relatives crazy, since Aentor was quite a troublemaker and a royal pain in the ass for any effort to maintain a decent face to the rest of the city, ruining their reputation with gang affairs, illegal pit fights and many other escapades. It was with major relief that they accepted his sudden impulse to enlist in the city's guard force. For Aentor though, it was a realization that had stemmed from his childhood experiences and suddenly woke him from his life as an ignorant, young troublemaker.

If another danger threatened his people he would make sure to stand as a shield in front of them and do all in his power to protect them. He also undertook assignments as a caravan guard for trips to and from Thorns and this gave him the chance to see more of Creation and come to enjoy the natural environment and the amazing serenity it gave him along with moments of thrilling savagery.

It was during one of those trips that his life was about to change forever and in a way few would have foreseen.

He was accompanying a caravan from Great Forks acting as a member of its guard force. During the travel, he had that ominous feeling, like a coldness between his shoulderblades, but he shook it and went forth. Unfortunately, his hunches never fell far from the truth and this time was to be no exception. Truth be told, he might expect a barbarian assault, bandit ambush or wild animals on rampage, but certainly not what he saw. None can prepare you for that and even today he thinks it was some greater power that steeled him at that moment and helped him fight instead of running away screaming.

They were attacked by skeletons clad in armour and wielding blades cold as death, as well as by other obscene and terrifying creatures. Aentor after the initial shock, managed to rally his comrades and tried to stand his ground and protect the innocent people and merchants of the caravan. They fought, but despite Aentor's courage and determination they took heavy losses and decided to withdraw in the nearby jungle in hope of evading them.

But the dead were relentless in their pursuit and no tree, branch, rock or else would give them pause. Chased like bewildered pray followed by an expert hunter who toys with it, the survivors followed Aentor deeper in the jungle as the sun was setting and night was following, black as the fate that was expecting them. The dead fell upon the refugees once again and now all seemed lost. Aentor fought once again in that day valiantly but it was not enough. How could it be enough...Mere mortals must succumb to the power of death and this would almost certainly be the case with Aentor. Indeed, he should have left his bones in that jungle, but for a most welcome and unexpected intervention.

In the moment of utter desperation, as the cold hand of death was slowly clutching him with icy claws in its grasp and the void was awaiting his soul, the unthinkable happened. A silver light engulfed him, a feral strength flowed through him, the instinct of survival took over and a wellspring of energy erupted within him. He threw himself on the pursuers and a savage battle ensued. With recklessness and utter disregard of his own safety he attacked and rend them limb from limb. Like a cornered and wounded wild beast protecting its offspring, that's how fiercely he fought that night. Yet even that might not have been enough as he bled from a dozen wounds, his weapon broken and shades of darkness closed in on him.

But his courageous stand must have drawn the attention of someone else, for at that moment two figures emerged from the depths of the jungle and charged the attackers. Like beasts they were, huge and terrifying, agile and lethal and Aentor managed to get a glimpse of them, whirlwinds of destruction, of their fury and of the havoc they unleashed upon the dead. Then he fell unconscious with a slight relief that he performed his duties in the extreme and had proven the valor of his nature in the face of grave danger.

When he woke up (a couple of days later) he felt a warmth feeling of safety. The dead were nowhere near him, his wounds were bandaged and seemed to be healing rapidly. He was approached by an old man, with feautures resembling a panther, who talked to him about his harrowing experience. The man explained patiently to him what had truly happened and how they came to his help in the hour of his greatest need. Explained what was the light that engulfed him, the power in his veins, the fury in his soul.

"A chosen of Luna you are young Aentor. The goddess of the Moon has chosen you to become a champion of her, a protector of Creation and its people, like the legendary heroes of the past. Consider yourself lucky that we found you before the dead slaughtered you or before the forces of the Realm became aware of your presence and sent the hated Wyld Hunt after you. Here you'll be safe for this is a place to shelter those like you and train them. With us, you'll get the chance to hone your skills, understand your newfound powers, learn how to use them properly and prove yourself a worthy vessel of your exaltation. Arise young one. I see already that your wounds are healing fast and any scars they leave you can consider as proud markings of your strength and valor. There is much to be done and i must bring you before the others as soon as possible. The road ahead will be full of gruelling training, great dangers and unceasing vigilance. Come".

And on he went... Aentor trained continuously, making his mentor as well as other elder and younger Lunars proud of having him in their midst. He learned their ways, the communion with nature and wildlife, the well spring of energy inside him, his bond with his spirit shape and the manifold duties he had to perform. Thrilling hunts, protection of territory, repaying his debt to his mentor, safeguarding his companions.

His mentor taught him discipline and ways to channel his natural fury and become an unstoppable combatant. "See the great cats, young Aentor, imitate their moves, use their agility, match their speed, learn their ways of stalking prey, become the hunter, the warrior, the king among them".

Tiger style was coming natural to him and his mentor was very pleased. When Aentor achieved mastery of its form charm, he called him to demonstrate his prowess in a duel with another young Lunar. Aentor unleashed the full fury of the great lion inside him and soon his opponent was outmatched. His mentor commended his achievement and presented him with an artifact of great power that would further increase his already ferocious combat capabilities.

After some days, he called him and the look in his face indicated that something had gone very bad. There was news of Thorns' fall that young Aentor was devastated to hear. The memories of his family flashed in his mind almost driving him to a frenzy. His mentor had to personally put him to the ground to hold him from running back to his city. He proposed another plan. The threat of the Deathlords was too great for Creation and as Stewards it was within their responsibility to safeguard Creation once again, no matter how terrible the threat.

But a plan was needed as well as inside help for it to succeed. He would sent Aentor back to Thorns to contact his family, save them if they were to be harmed and see what could be done to build a resistance force inside the city and on the outskirts as well. When sufficient preparations were made they'd contact the Lunar elder and others like him for a counter-invasion and a chance to reclaim Thorns. It wouldn't be simple and months or years could pass before all were ready, even before the first preparations were accomplished and the wheels of freedom set in motion. It might take long but revenge would be his. So his mentor promised.

To this end, Aentor received another addition to his tatoos, one resembling a delicate pattern of moonsilver armor on his torso. His mentor told me that it would offer him unseen and unrestricted protection which he would certainly need if he was to face the Deathlord's servants. They prayed together to Luna for a day and a night and then he was set on his way.

His heart was full of emotion that even he couldn't exactly discern. Anxious to see his family again and hold them in his arms, afraid of what he might found, furious at the enslavement of his city. He knew though that he had to wait and he restrained himself. To find like minded people and other exalts. To organise a proper team and gain the support of other significant forces. Only then he'd have even a remote chance of succeeding in his goal. He had to be strong he told himself. Strong for all those who are weak. Unwielding for all those who submitted. Unrelenting for all those who can't oppose the enemy themselves. Their shield and their sword. Their protector and mighty champion.

He smiled. Thorns, you're about to welcome a child of yours. The cub you sent away once has grown into a lion and now is returning.


Aentor while in his normal form is a tall and lean man, with toned muscles and healthy physique. His whitish hair are at shoulder length and quite thick as well, framing his head in an almost leonine mane.

He wears loose and comfortable clothes and carries a satchel hung from his shoulders (where he hides his artifact razor claws while not in combat, in order not to draw unwanted attention).

Strong in body and spirit, radiates an undeniably majestic presence and while lacking more refined social graces he still makes quite an impression.

In combat, his appearance is terrifying to behold, as his shape changes and he grows larger, becoming a great and furious lion, with a silver mane that seems to reflect the light of the moon, a fur thick like any armor and his razor claws, the "silver talons" (as his mentor called them prior to presenting them to him as a token of appreciation for his loyalty) shining and sharp like an extension of his soul.

Character Sheet

Name[/b] Aentor Silvermane the "White Lion of Thorns"

Exalt Type and Caste Lunar Full Moon caste

Spirit Shape Lion

Tell Long silver hair resembling a lion's mane.

Anima A great white lion, with a silver mane, roaring thunderously.

Motivation To protect Creation from the threat of Deathlords.



Strength â—â—â—â—

Dexterity â—â—â—â—

Stamina â—â—â—â—


Charisma â—â—â—

Manipulation â—

Appearance â—â—â—


Perception â—â—â—

Intelligence â—â—â—

Wits â—â—â—



Athletics â—â—

Awareness â—â—

Dodge â—â—â—

Integrity â—â—â—

Martial Arts â—â—â—â—â—


Resistance â—â—


War â—



Linguistics â— [Riverspeak (native), Claw-speak]

Performance â—

Presence â—â—




Stealth â—â—

Survival â—â—



Lore â—




Mentor â—â— (A wise elder Lunar who advises young Aentor and instructs him in Tiger style).

Tatoo Artifact â— (Confers the benefits of a moonsilver breastplate)

Heart's Blood â— (3 additional, distinct forms: Raiton, Horse , Viper)

Reputation â—

Artifact â—â— (A pair of moonsilver razor claws)



Code of Honour (2pt. flaw)

Artifacts and Equipment

Moonsilver razor claws: "Silver talons"

Sp.5 Acc 15 Dmg 9L Def +6 R.3 Att.6m Tags M

Moonsilver Breastplate (tatoo artifact)

Soak +6L/4B Hardness 2L/2B Mob.pen 0 Fatigue 0 Att.2m (permanently)



1st Dexterity excellency


2nd Stamina excellency

Ox-body technique (4 [-2], 2 [Dying] health levels)

Bruise relief method

Halting the scarlet flow


Hide of the cunning hunter

Martial Arts

Tiger Style

Crimson leaping cat technique

Striking fury claws attack

Tiger form


Deadly Beastman Transformation

Join Combat: 5


Dodge DV 5

Parry DV 8

Soak: 8B/8L Hardness 2B/2L


-0 [ ]

-1 [ ][ ]

-2 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

-4 [ ]

-X [ ]

Mental Defenses

Dodge MDV 6

Parry MDV 4


Compassion â—â—

Conviction â—â—â—

Temperance â—

Valor â—â—â—

Virtue Flaw

Curse of the Lone Wolf (Valor)


His family in Thorns (protective care)

His elder Lunar mentor (respect)

Willpower: â—â—â—â—â— â—â—


Permanent: â—â—

Personal: 16/16 (0 Committed)

Peripheral: 26/34 (8 Committed-2 permanently)

Bonus Points (17)

Martial Arts â—â—â—â—â— (2)

Willpower â—â—â—â—â— â—â—(2)

Bruise relief method (5)

Halting the scarlet flow (5)

Combo: [unwielding Lion of the Moon Devastation]: [1st Dexterity Excellency + Striking Fury Claws Attack+ Halting the scarlet flow] (3)

"Aentor shines with the light of the moon and lunges forth like the mighty beast he resembles. A mighty roar thunders on the battlefield. His claws reflect the moonlight inflicting terrible wounds to his enemies, while his gracious movements and flickering silver essence that surrounds him protect him from harm".

P.S: A question concerning Lunar character creation. It has come to my attention from other PbP forums that they mostly use these changes to the character creation rules regarding Lunars and was wondering if you could evaluate them and see if they are better than the MoEP:Lunars, to use them instead or if we should stick to the ones written in the book. Thank you in advance for your time and effort. :)
Couple more minor edits into my background- Breeze has heard mention, in his time watching the dead, of a "Walker in Darkness." I'm not going to make it absolutely certain that that's who was in charge of the people the killed his tribe, just that that's something he's heard. If I get in, it's entirely up to Arynne whether this comes up- and whether there was even a Deathlord behind it, and likewise exactly what happened to Elusive Lark and their children.

On a completely unrelated note, the subject of Lunar Mates: I'm willing to consider offers from characters for Matehood, but I'm bearing in mind that it'd be Thematically Appropriate for him to end up with an Abyssal mate- again, up to Arynne, of course, and left-field plot threads are fun.
Here's the one concept I really fixated and got creative on. Other two were kinda bland. If I still have more time later I'll post them up too and see what happens.


Concept: Slayer of Darkness

Twilight Caste

Marius was born in Great Forks to a wealthy family of thaumaturges who specialize in enchanting items to arms people against supernatural entities. He learned a great deal from his family as well as being enrolled in the University at Great Forks. During his classes, Marius began to see problems with some of the things he was learning and unable to understand why others couldn’t. Creation was clearly being invaded by creatures of darkness: ravenous undead, fair folk, and demonic entities. Aside from that was the spirits of Creation who used and mistreated the mortals for their own ends.

Realizing that he would need help, Marius drew together other thaumaturges whom were also concerned with this. They formed a secret society together to begin trying to counter this. They did make the point though to differentiate between those beings who were beneficial to Creation and those who were not. The society worked to collect and gather data, doing small acts by confronting lesser spirits and entities that they would be able to. Sadly these actions drew the wrath of a rather more powerful group, a cult of Yozi worshippers who decided to end this problem once and for all. They summoned forth a third circle demon and set it out to hunt down and the secret society. The beast was terribly efficient with its work, breaking into their hidden lodge during a ritual. It began to slaughter those gathered there.

Marius was horrified by what he saw, looking for some weapon to draw against the terrible beast. He found a orchialcum dagger he’d recently found just the day before while walking to a meeting. He then turned to find the horrifying beast before him, dripping in blood though a bit battered from the others trying to fight it off. It was in this moment of desperation that Marius exalted, being imbued with the power of the Unconquered Sun. With that rush of power, Marius charged the beast and stabbed at it with the dagger in the moment rage or perhaps stupidity. The beast swung at him but found its blow deflected as the dagger plunged into it, wounding it severely. What followed was a fight of desperation as they pair battled until finally Marius remarkably managed to kill the beast.

All that was left of the secret society after that was Marius. Everyone else had been ruthlessly and brutally murdered by that beast. In his rage, Marius sought out answers as to who had committed this terrible act against his friends and himself. He made use of his newfound powers and knowledge to hunt down and destroy the Yozi cult that had done this to him, killing all of them for what they had done. Since that time, Marius has become a wandering hunter of the creatures of darkness. He has honed his body more to fight them even as he continues his studies in the occult arts.
All righty. I'm going to give everybody who has expressed interest one more night in which to post a character - and everybody who has posted a leetle bit of their character but not very much the chance to flesh theirs out a bit.

It looks as though conflict with the Deathlords is going to be a running plot thread in this game...
On second thought, I think I'm going to have to take a pass. Looks like the next month or so is going to be stupid busy :(
My other shot at playing a Lunar seems to be dying, so I'd like to toss a hat into this ring.

I wanna be this guy.


Character is built off the image.

Fingol went mad. Fingol went more than mad. Fingol went beyond madness in the deep Wyld until he left insanity itself behind with his shape, and roamed the deep spaces between Cause and Effect. If there were times between seconds, he danced in them with the Fae. To the Fair Folk he posed a most delicious temptation, for he had been a mortal, and bore the traces of mortality still, but was so consumed by the arcane nature of other things that he was almost more interesting to watch then to eat. For a very long time the nobles of the deep toyed with him, and this was their mistake. For Fingol was mad, but so was Luna.

They lead him too close to the shores of Creation, and in the middle marches they prepared the feast of a man become a wolf become a tree, for they intended to eat all three at once. It was to be a great affair, and the finest impossibilities delighted in the games, the guises, and the gore. For Fingol's substance was split, rejoined, and mutated into the highest form of under cognizance until there was the stuff of mankind spread about the feasting area, and only the middle marches themselves allowed the once Dynast to keep thinking. A saner man would have known he was dead, and thus died, but that was a restriction Fingol long left behind.

It was then that the Hurting Tide came, a retrieval pack with something to prove and more gumption then sense. They were still smarting from a No Moon they'd lost to a Wyld Hunt in Glee, and burst upon the feasting fae with the cold, silver light of fury. Things did not go well for the Fair Folk.

But things had already gone worse for Fingol. He was taken to the Elders, and for a long time his future was debated. He was madder than Ma-Ha-Suchi before they'd retrieved him, though less malicious. Surely the course of wisdom would be to kill him now, and let his Exaltation find a new, sane carrier? That was the consensus, fought against by only two groups. The Hurting Tide refused to let a new brother, the replacement for the sister-to-be they'd just lost to the Immaculates die at the hands of their own people. And their leader Two Whistles, an old and respected, if strange, Changing Moon sided with them as well. He was curious. Just how mad could a soul go and still come back? Was there always hope? If Fingol could be saved, then perhaps Raksi could as well. Besides, the Lunar was young. He had not come to his power yet, and the Hurting Tide would keep an eye on him. If necessary, they could always kill him later.


With the resurgence of the Solar host, an option was found that had never before been available. They could find a Twilight, or anyone with Creation Restoring Blow, and just punch the crazy out of Fingol. They did. It worked. Sort of.

Fingol isn't exactly crazy. He loves Creation with a passion that does Luna proud. He shepherds the trees and bushes a bit more than the animals, which is unusual but certainly something well within his purview. He also fights the Wyld and it's chaotic denizens with all due intensity. There is no questioning his performance of what the Stewards consider his duties.

But his form. It is... wrong. It is like a wolf, yet covered in vines and leaves. With the expenditure of essence flowers burst from his back and drop seeds at his feet. Inside his silver halo is the downy coat of a great hound, but also are creeping vines of ivy and leaves of oak. That should not be. Plants are beyond the reach of True Forms. It isn't possible. Many times the Stewards have quizzed him carefully, searching for signs of Wyld Tainted madness, corruption in his soul. They never found proof.

And so Fingol remains, wild in the jungles of the east. He delights in people, talks to man and bird, and oddly enough, loves to sing. The Hurting Tide watches over him, since they are his friends. And old Two Whistles keeps an eye on him too, though he does not get close. For if he finds proof, he will do what should be done.

I'll edit in a sheet and have it up tomorrow, if there's interest. He can be any caste. There's an easy party tie in for anyone who wants to be a member of the retrieval pack, or a solar with Order-Affirming Blow. The spirit form is some crazy nonsense of wolf and trees.
Sorry for the late submission, but here's a Night Caste Solar for consideration.

Since the stated theme was 'Exalts as classic heros' I tried to stick close to the Night Caste's core themes.

'Honorable' assassin and righter of wrongs. A remorseless and implacable foe of those he sees as harming society.

They call me Kagekaze. My real name is unimportant. I don't use it anymore, so you shouldn't worry over it.

I was born in Port Calin. My father was a member of the Guild. My grandfather was a Guild factor. It was assumed that I when I reached adulthood that I would be a member of the Guild as well. My father had High Hopes for me; hopes that I would turn out like my grandfather - that I would be one of Them. Things didn't work out quite the way he planned.

My father decided when I was very young that because I was destined to become one of Them, that I would have the finest training that money could provide. He taught me of economics, and hired tutors to teach me every other subject he felt valuable. Above all other subjects, he equated being one of Them with combat prowess, and so to fulfill my Destiny, he determined I should learn to fight. This was his first mistake.

My father's second mistake was closely tied to the first. My father was a facilitator of transactions. He was a banker, a fence, and an auctioneer - all legal, by some twisted interpretation of the law. None of it moral. He told me of many of his transactions, of his business partners, and of the deals he helped arrange in exchange for a 'minor fee'. This was his second mistake.

I realized when I was 16 that what my father was doing was wrong. The shady deals. The lives bought, sold, and brought to ruin. I decided to do something about it. I snuck out one night after my father had spent the evening lecturing me on the intricacies of the drug trade and how he had coordinated a spectacular deal.

In the cool night air, I walked quietly towards the inn where my father's business partner was residing. It was simplicity itself to draw the man out into the alleyway; a few zeni paid to a pretty girl to pass a note to the innkeeper asking to speak with the man. A single slash of a blade and it was done. He did not have time to do more than gurgle as he collapsed. One less drug producer ruining lives.

I killed 19 'businessmen' over the next 4 years. Each ruined lives. Society was slightly better off each time one of them died. They all deserved what they got. I felt neither remorse nor elation at what I did. It was simply necessary. My father never realized; never suspected a thing.

Things changed the day my grandfather came to Calin to check on his businesses. He was concerned about the recent uptick in the casualty rates. Where my father never had an inkling I was behind the murders, he saw quickly to the core of the matter. Grandfather was Chosen by the Dragons; everything my father hoped I would grow up to be. He saw through my deceptions in an instant. I had no alternative but to fight him, though I was hopelessly outmatched. A mortal against one of the Dragon-Blooded was no contest. That's when I took my Second Breath.

I killed him, as I had so many corrupt individuals before. I'm sure my father was horribly disappointing. Not that he had time to express that sentiment. That was the day I left Port Calin, and the last remnants of my old life.

You might listen to my story, and decide that I am a failed Solar; that I am unworthy to be a child of the Sun. You might call me a base murderer, or a vigilante. I say, let the Zeniths have their temples and their audiences. Let the Eclipse have their diplomacy and social niceties. Let the Twilights have their libraries and the Dawn caste their glorious battles. I am Night, and I right wrongs in the shadows.
Would it help if I told you you can have your elephant gun? :wink:

So sorry for not posting last night -- something was wrong with the thread. :oops:

Everybody who's still interested, give a yip! Give a yawp!
I'm still interested, but I really will be too busy to take on another game right now. Have fun!
Still interested, also updated the background description and given him a name. It must also be the most over the top Solar I have ever envisioned.

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