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  1. S

    It appears that KoC got some new fanart of the NSFW kind.

    Re: It appears that KoC got some new fanart of the NSFW kind ah good, i would of put it up myself but i was unsure if it would be okay to post here. was trying to contact juks on IRC to ask him.
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    Keychain #381-385

    hahaha, a beach related crafting contest would be to make some Bongos. just imagine solar bongos.
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    Keychain #381-385

    costora put on his troll face.
  4. S

    Keychain #376-380

    she stopped aging when she became exalted. her appearance WILL go up with essence though.
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    Lunar Quest

    actually, a third is currently in production. i recommend waiting until it updates again before posting in it though. can talk all you want right now in the discussion thread though.
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    Keychain #376-380

    hahaha, i was keeping myself from talking about lunar quest until juks mentioned it. anyone look familiar? on today's comic, lol, beach god. and what is he wearing?
  7. S

    You've inspired me to do a webcomic in your style!

    you probably need to get up to a certain size first, to show you re dedicated and aren't going to just peter out some time. hosting a comic and then it dying feels like a slap in the face.
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    Keychain #317-322

    actually, i think the point is WHEN did this happen? from the sound of it she was a kid. :|
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    Keychain #291-295

    then the inverse where he takes up the power of CHAOS to epic effect.