Keychain #291-295

I didn't know Compassion 5 turned you into Shinji Ikari.
Shinji Ikari would be apologizing to everyone, wouldn't be ordering people around until the stuff really hit the fan, and generally an uber doormat.

Misho doesn't like ordering people about because it reminds him of the First Age/Primordeal War craziness... but he's perfectly capable of doing so.

Ergo: Compassion 5 does not turn you into Shinji Ikari... in this case. Compassion 5, Conviction 2, Temperance 3, and Valor 1 would probably turn you into Shinji Ikari... but not just Compassion 5.
Andoriol said:
Kyeudo said:
I didn't know Compassion 5 turned you into Shinji Ikari.
That doesn't have to be a bad thing.
Yey! Lot's of yey! I should've used that instead of what I did. 'Cause that's Shinji Ikari as an Exalted of some kind... probably a Zenith Solar... still. Win on the reference :D
Curiously I took to reread that fic since it's on a better pace now. I'm laughing stupidly high and often at their antics.

Highlights include the Emperor's Soap, the Capitalist Superiority Dance and the Buuck-Buuuck-BUuuck forehead-to-wheel car horn.

I have to say... Shinji&Warhammer40k is the only fic to ever keep my attention for more than 2 minutes. It's done so for a year now :D
Andoriol said:
I didn't know Compassion 5 turned you into Shinji Ikari.
Shinji Ikari would be apologizing to everyone, wouldn't be ordering people around until the stuff really hit the fan, and generally an uber doormat.

Misho doesn't like ordering people about because it reminds him of the First Age/Primordeal War craziness... but he's perfectly capable of doing so.
If he tells someone to do it, it's his fault; if he doesn't tell someone to do it, it's his fault for not telling him; he assumes the responsibility of all the people in his group and practically all of Creations' ills, and he's really has been an authoritarian doormat. As the Controller/Leader of the group, he certainly doesn't look in control or in the lead.

(Ten Winds and Secret are Strikers, Karen's a Defender, Marena's the bard)
It's hard to be entirely in control when you wake up and discover you've been dead for a couple of thousand years, America hates you, and the world is nothing like how you remember it.
It just clicked! Ten Winds! Fifth column!

Ten Winds is an Alchemical fifth columnist sent to weaken Creation in preparation for a full-out assault! It makes total sense!

See, in Creation there are nine winds: North, Northeast, East, Southeast, South, Southwest, West, and Northwest... Eight winds... He's a sixth columnist! He was sent to undermine the Alchemical fifth columnists by strengthening Creation, and by adding a new column the entire structure aesthetic goes off, and that's when people really start to notice things are getting borked! It makes total sense!
It just clicked! Ten Winds! Fifth column!
Ten Winds is an Alchemical fifth columnist sent to weaken Creation in preparation for a full-out assault! It makes total sense!

See, in Creation there are nine winds: North, Northeast, East, Southeast, South, Southwest, West, and Northwest... Eight winds... He's a sixth columnist! He was sent to undermine the Alchemical fifth columnists by strengthening Creation, and by adding a new column the entire structure aesthetic goes off, and that's when people really start to notice things are getting borked! It makes total sense!
Your words are fire giants besieging the Asgard of my brain.
Jukashi said:
nooooo my scheme
On the plus side, you can still follow with your 3-pages-wide scene of Secret licking marena all over due to irresistible unexplained urges.
Don't be silly. It's fairly obvious that Marena is about to go something Misho's brain out, so Secret can't lick her. Silly boy.

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