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  1. ArkElectrum

    When Origin Paths Meet or Cross [Rogue Trader - All that Glitters...]

    *lends a hand in the poke-diagnosis*
  2. ArkElectrum

    The Expanse Awaits Act 1.1 [Rogue Trader - All that Glitters...]

    Zal Callahan Callahan stares blankly for a beat. Paranoid as he is, he hadn't expected things to go this well. "Certainly Captain, please lead the way, I look forward to meeting the rest of your crew. In the meantime, please be as frank as you like, I come from a rather...: Zal pauses...
  3. ArkElectrum

    The Expanse Awaits Act 1.1 [Rogue Trader - All that Glitters...]

    Zal Callahan Making the sign of Aqualia, Callahan bows to the fellow priest. "My thanks, as always the Emperor Protects." Taking a moment to steel himself, Callahan strides over to Lord Victris. After all Missionary or no, Callahan was born a poor deathworlder, and he cannot help but be...
  4. ArkElectrum

    The Expanse Awaits Act 1.1 [Rogue Trader - All that Glitters...]

    Brother Zal Callahan In the halls of Port Wander, Brother Zal Callahan, missionary of The Emperor, finishes his speech to an inquisitive dockworker, gesturing with one hand, in the other, holding his Chain-Sword at his hip, in such a way as to look sheathed at a glance but, in reality, it...
  5. ArkElectrum

    When Origin Paths Meet or Cross [Rogue Trader - All that Glitters...]

    Sorry about the delay. These past few days I've been moving back from College, and things have been a bit hectic. Now that I'm settled in, I've got more free time, and should be able to keep up. Also, I'm going to go ahead and make my character's first post, I figure we can take things from there.
  6. ArkElectrum

    When Origin Paths Meet or Cross [Rogue Trader - All that Glitters...]

    Well if I had a choice, I'd prefer not to be literally running from the law, so I'd go with the former option. Throwing around The Emperor's Word, of course, is Callahan's primary job. Lurking around dark corners, blade in hand, is more of a side thing.
  7. ArkElectrum

    When Origin Paths Meet or Cross [Rogue Trader - All that Glitters...]

    Best of luck on that front. In the mean time, any ideas on how Father Callahan should be making his appearance? Showing up looking for the Null Gravitas with a warrant from the Ministorum, or perhaps dodging some Arbites officials who remember him from that whole *rebellion thing*? I figure...
  8. ArkElectrum

    Zal Callahan, Missionary of The Emperor [Rogue Trader - All that Glitters...]

    Background A wandering Missionary who has risen from petty crime and rebellion to spreading the word of the Emperor. An unlikely candidate for the Ministorium, Zal has picked up a few shadowy skills in his rather rocky road to priesthood. Unlike some Missionaries, who allow their lives to be...
  9. ArkElectrum

    Zal Callahan, Missionary of The Emperor [Rogue Trader - All that Glitters...]

    Zal Callahan, Missionary of the God-Emperor Death World -> Scapegrace -> Renegade (Recidivist) -> Dark Voyage -> Pride. Zal "Blades" Callihan in the Ramien Resistance Movement. WS: 50 | BS: 25 | S: 30 | T: 36 | Ag: 45 | Int: 45 | Per: 25 | WP: 45 | Fel: 40 Background Modifiers: +5...
  10. ArkElectrum

    The Kingdom of Dreams

    Upon reflection, I decided to go with clockwork after all, mostly because, for me, it feels the most unique in the situation. The Queen can erect castles upon a whim which, at 20 successes, are pretty solid as far a such things go and gossamer generally surpasses the finest alloys metalcraft can...
  11. ArkElectrum

    The Kingdom of Dreams

    Ah, hm. You are absolutely correct, of course. I apologize, it totally slipped my mind. I'll correct it tonight when I get the chance. Actually, does the Queen of Dreams have any particular preferences on that matter: dreams of great clockwork engines, magnificent castles, or immaculately forged...
  12. ArkElectrum

    The Kingdom of Dreams

    Well I am totally up for some Fae action! Mind if I hop aboard? Here's my character:
  13. ArkElectrum

    City of Glass, City of Lights [Exalted 2e, Dragon-Blooded]

    Re: City of Glass, City of Lights [Exalted 2e, Dragon-Bloode Sounds fun! How do you feel about a House Ledaal Necromancer joining the group? My AIM handle is Daathicwind. EDIT: Character Sheet is up, along with a couple of short background scenes. EDIT LOG 2: Threw in a few edits, some...
  14. ArkElectrum

    [Raksha] Ember of the New Dawn [Anathema Ascendant]

    The Ally:
  15. ArkElectrum

    [Raksha] Ember of the New Dawn [Anathema Ascendant]

    The Red Star Hawks Concept: A lackadaisical band of brigands on a round-about quest to save the world. Banner: A red sun surrounded by 7 red stars on a red-orange background. Motto: For the Fires! The Red Star Hawks truly enjoy themselves, and while they may sometimes wax morose about...
  16. ArkElectrum

    [Raksha] Ember of the New Dawn [Anathema Ascendant]

    Ember of the New Dawn: Artisan Caste Raksha Concept: A dashing prince of thieves who plans to steal victory from the Yozis and the Neverborn Theme Song: Time of the World Revolution Appearance: Hails from the far South, he has long white hair that trails into a blazing red fire, which...
  17. ArkElectrum


    Greetings all, new member here. I'm a long time gamer, only got into Exalted in the past 2 years. I've played the role of Storyteller a number of times before, but I've actually only had one single session, two scenes, as a player before (at the end of which my character was horribly killed...
  18. ArkElectrum

    Keychain #281-285

    Well the Realm does have a strong tradition of both Sorcery and Demon Summoning. I always kind of suspected Ten could do some Sorcery because, after all he is both an Air Elemental and James Bond, so he's probably had access to rather nice training. I'm curious as to whether he was tutored or...