City of Glass, City of Lights [Exalted 2e, Dragon-Blooded]

Re: City of Glass, City of Lights [Exalted 2e, Dragon-Bloode

Sounds fun! How do you feel about a House Ledaal Necromancer joining the group? My AIM handle is Daathicwind.

EDIT: Character Sheet is up, along with a couple of short background scenes.

EDIT LOG 2: Threw in a few edits, some minor corrections, Anima Banner, and more details on the Artifacts, etc.

Ledaal Kerata Cyril, Air Aspect

Concept: Cyril builds upon on a character I made for another campaign set before the fall of the Scarlet Empress, and by "builds upon" I mean that Cyril is his descendant. This is me trying my hand at lineage building so there's a lot of family history. Like pretty much everyone descended from Ledaal Kerata Kylin Cyril has a talent for Necromancy, and with it he acts as House Ledaal's eyes in the Chiaroscuro Underworld, making valuable otherworldly connections, and keeping a watchful eye out to combat the influence of the Deathlords.


Image 1, Image 2
Theme Song:
Motivation: Resolve the disputes of the living and the dead in Chiaroscuro.


Chiaroscuro (+)

The Realm (+)

Music (+)

The Dezahn (+)

Taua and Henchmen (+)


Perception 3

Intelligence 4

Wits 3

Charisma 5

Manipulation 1

Appearance 3

Strength 1

Dexterity 4

Stamina 2


[C] Linguistics (Flametongue. Native: High Realm) 1

[C] Lore 2

[C] Occult 5

[C] Stealth 2

[C] Thrown 4 (Chakram +2)

[F] Performance 5 (Sanxian +3)

[F] Resistance 2

[F] Awareness 3

Integrity 2

Investigation 1

War 1

Dodge 2

Melee 1

Presence 1

Socialize 3

Bureaucracy 1

Martial Arts 1

Archery 1

Ride 1


Compassion 2

Conviction 3

Temperance 3

Valor 1


Willpower 7

Essence 5


Personal 15

Peripheral 38 [Committed: 14 motes]


Necromancy Focus


Enemy (1pt. Ragara Canan, a young Dragon-Blooded beaurocrat.)

Code of Honor (2pts)

Backgrounds :

Ally 3 (Taua the Phantom Maid)

Resources 3 (Related to trade Chiaroscuro, primarily of Salt.)

Connections 2 (Chiaroscuro Ghost Bankers, Chiaroscuro Delzahn Nobles)

Artifact 4 (Advanced Gemstone Esssence Capacitor, Silken Armor, Jade Advanced Buff Jacket (plates sewn on the inside))

Artifact 3 (Tarin's Coin, Unsurpassed Sanxian, Infinite Jade Chakram)

Artifact 1 (Two Jade Hearthstone Amulets)

Manse 3 (Key of Mastery, Memorial Iron, Labrinthine Eye, Jewel of Swift Comprehension)

Breeding 3

Henchmen 2 (Gilles the Ghost Watchman, Rau the Ghost Banker, and Kang Fei the Exorcist)



First Thrown Excellency

Loyal Weapon

Flying Hornet Attack

Whirlwind Shield Form {p. 139}.


Iron Circle Necromancy


Feeling the Air Technique {p. 138}


Second Resistance Excellency.


Wind-Carried Words Technique {p. 131}


First Dodge Excellency.


Uneating Earth Meditation [2m] {p. 148}


First Performance Excellency.

Invisible Street Performer Technique [3m] {p. 179}

Soul-Stirring Performance Method [5m, 1wp] {p. 178}

Vibrating String Defense [5m] {p. 179}


[=Iron Circle Necromancy=]

Door of the Dead [18m] {p. 27}

Five Gifts

Dusk Eyes

Flesh-Sloughing Wave

Silent Master's Pollen

Trolling the Dark Waters

Field of Fell Dreams {p. 28}

Bonfire Visions {p. 25}

Blessed Dead Fools [14m] {p. 24}

Ghost-Bolstered Body {Custom}

Shattering Void Mirror


Advanced Gemstone Essence Battery (Artifact 4)

{Abyssals, p. 215}

Repair: 2.

Stores up to 15 motes. Motes may be put into or drawn from the capacitor by anyone who can attune artifacts as a Miscellaneous Action.

Tarin's Coin (Artifact 2)


Attune: 4m.

A coin of black jade, on one side it features a ghostly judge holding a pair of scales and a book of law, on the other a jester smiling as he slips free of his bounds. The character who has attuned the coin may take a miscellaneous action (Speed 3, DV -1) to flip the coin before taking a Shape Necromancy Action. The coin vanishes into a place it cannot be tampered with, and appears an instant later in its owner's palm. If the coin lands with the Jester facing up, the character may forgo having to pay the Willpower cost associated with the subsequent Shape Necromancy action. If the judge lands face up, the character must reflexively pay 2 motes or take 1 bashing level of damage. The coin may be used up to three times per day.

Jade Reinforced Buff Jacket (Artifact 2)

{Exalted, p. 391}

The plates are sew into the jacket, normally this would make the jacket more fatiguing to wear, but this is offset by the material bonus of jade. It appears a heavy set of white robes.

Soak +7L/+10B. Hardness 5L/5B. Mobility -1. Fatigue 0. Attune: 3m.

Silken Armor (Artifact 2)

Can be worn while practicing martial arts styles the prohibit the use of armor, or worn on top of other armor. In this case it takes the form of a decorative white silk robe. It does not seem like armor and cannot be detected as magical without magic detecting Charms like All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight.

Soak 5L/3B, Hardness --, Mobility -1*, Fatigue 0, Attune: 2m.

*-Attunement removes this penalty

Infinite Jade Chakram (Artifact 2)

{Exalted, p. 389}

A Chakram made out of blue jade that creates phantom chakrams so that it be thrown infinitely without ever leaving the wielder's hands. May only be used by Exalts who are attuned to the Jade's magical material bonus.

Spd 4, Acc +0, Dmg +4L, Rate 4, Range 50, Attune: 5m.

Jade Hearthstone Amulet (Artifact 1)

{Exalted, p. 380}

Currently set with a Key of Mastery Hearthstone {Oadenthol, p. 88} attuned to spell Field of Fell Dreams {Black Treatise, p. 28}.

Jade Hearthstone Amulet (Artifact 1)

{Exalted, p. 380}

Currently set with a Memorial Iron Hearthstone {Oadenthol, p. 92}.

3XP unspent, 249XP spent.

30XP Essence 3=>4: .

40XP Essence 4=>5

10XP: Occult 3=>5

10XP: Performance 3=>5

5XP: Thrown 3=>4

4XP: Socialize 2=>3

9XP: Performance (Sanxian+3)

6XP: Thrown (Chakram +2)

12XP: Willpower 6=>7

5XP x10 10 Necromancy spells (see list of spells).

20XP [Performance] Soul-Stirring Performance Method [5m, 1wp] {p. 178}

20XP [Performance] Vibrating String Defense [5m] {p. 179}

8XP Artifact 0=>4

6XP Manse 0=>3

2XP Artifact 0=>1

4XP Henchmen 0=>2

2XP Ally 2=>3

Taua, "Kerata Family Maid"

A maid whose worked for the Kerata Household for the last 250 years, as such she is extremely good at what she does. Specialist in the Terror-Spreading Art, reflecting her former status as a Haunter. She was Cyril's first teacher, and her combat abilities arguably still surpass his. She is dry, sarcastic, remorseless and a bit vicious, at least in private. In public she acts the obedient servant. There's a lot about her he doesn't know. She has an affinity for knives and spiders, and is currently in charge of handling the affairs of a particular Ledaal villa in Chiaroscuro where Cyril resides, which is located just above one of the numerous tiny shadowlands that dot Chiaroscuro. Its understaffed, but she manages well enough alone.

Images: Image

Theme Song: Zessei Bijin and

"Hey, don't break that, its an antique, I was alive back when they made it!"

"I'll bring the poison."

"Its not so bad, the worse thing you could do is die, and for some of us that a positive career move!"

"Indeed the centuries of death have revealed to me many secrets. I know more about doilies than you could possibly comprehend!"

Motivation: Serve the Kerata Kylin family to the best of her ability.


A sealed letter addressed 'to my sister,' most of the text is strangely missing -- 2

Leedal Kerata Cyril -- 1

A floor length mirror where she used to talk to herself as a young girl, it was significant to her throughout her life -- 1


Service to the Leedal Kerata family (Conviction) -- 4

Skill/identity as a Maid (Temperance) -- 3

Protecting her Charge (Valor) -- 1


Strength 2

Dexterity 6

Stamina 2

Intelligence 3

Wits 3

Perception 2

Charisma 1

Manipulation 3

Appearance 3


[F] Thrown 5 (Knives +3)

Craft (Pandemonium, Water, Wood, Air, Jadecrafting) 5

Melee 5

Dodge 4

Athletics 3

Stealth 3

Awareness 3

Bureaucracy 3

Presence 3

Socialize 2

Integrity 2

Resistance 1

Lore 1


Temperance 2

Conviction 5

Valor 3

Compassion 1


Essence 4


Legendary Dexterity


Age 1

Artifact 2 (Perfect Talon Dagger {Oadenthol p. 35})

Artifact 1 (Underworld Jade Chain Shirt)

Contacts 1 (Chiaroscurio Tea and Dishware experts)

Resources 3

Manse 1 (Attuned to the Villa)



Assassin's Subtle Escape [5m; 1wp] {p. 128}

Angry Trickster Ghost Method [5m] {p. 129} (Hurricane of objects)

Moon's Cold Glow

=Terror-Spreading Art=

Corpse-Fed Radiance [2m] {p. 156}

Hand of the Wind [3m, 1wp] {p. 158}

Strike of Dead Hands [+5m, +1wp] {p. 159} (double strength Hand of the Wind)

Flying Time Technique [8m, 1wp] (Extra Action, Pandemonium.)

Black Breath of the Abyss

Painting the Sunset Picture

Midnight Canvas Unfurled

The Ichor Cauldron

Messenger of the Grave

Six Plauge Summons (Spiders!)

=Essence Measuring Thief Arts=

Aura Reading Technique

=Tangled Web Arts=

World Bridging Meditation.

Death Avoiding Monitor.

Bonus Points: [26 BP]

12 BP: Essence 2=>3

4 BP: Dexterity 4=>5.

4 BP: Conviction 3=>4

2 BP: Thrown 3=>5. 1 BP: Thrown (Knives)+2

1 BP: Resources 2=>3

3 BP: Legendary Dexterity

Experience: [250XP]

30XP Essence 3=>4

12XP Conviction 4=>5

14XP Craft 2=>5 (added Water, Air, and Jadecrafting)

6XP Presence 1=>3

6XP Awareness 1=>3

9XP Bureaucracy 0=>3

6XP Dodge 3=>4

14XP Melee 3=>5

10XP Integrity 2=>4

20XP Dexterity 5=>6

8XP Manipulation 2=>3

8XP Wits 2=>3

3XP Thrown (Knives+3)

10XP Black Breath of the Abyss

10XP Painting the Sunset Picture

10XP Midnight Canvas Unfurled

10XP The Ichor Cauldron

10XP Messenger of the Grave

10XP Six Plauge Summons

10XP Aura Reading Technique

10XP Moon's Cold Glow

10XP World Bridging Meditation

10XP Death Avoiding Monitor

Gilles, "The Watchman"

Specialist in Sail and Linguistics. Formerly an explorer. He can repair Magi-tech, something he learned from his mentor, a wise savant. In life, he was part of a team that attempted to explore the Labyrinth. His former mentor approached him as a ghost, having learned Underworld Astrology, seeking his aid in exploring a new frontier of adventure, namely the mysteries of the Underworld. They made several short expeditions into the Labyrinth accompanied by others before one disastrous expedition in which his partner and former mentor was lost to madness and became a Wraith, and Gilles himself died shortly after of grievous infected wounds. He suspects the operation was sabotaged, but he doesn't know why. Gilles hopes that one day he will cross paths with his former partner and set things right. His primary function is as a translator, he is capable of speaking languages from all across Creation. He also specializes in riding inside of mortals and watching for the hidden influence of other ghosts.

Motivation: Uncover the secret behind his death.


A old family sextant -- 2

His pitiful grave in Chairoscuro -- 1

His cousin (a travelling merchant from the Scavenger Lands) -- 1

The peak of an unexplored (as far as he knows) mountain near his homeland -- 1.


Sidan, his old mentor (Compassion) -- 2

Helping Travellers (Conviction/Compassion) -- 3

Foiling the plots of ghosts who serve the Void (Valor) -- 3

Serving as a Guide (Temperance) -- 1


Strength 3

Dexterity 3

Stamina 3

Intelligence 1

Wits 2

Perception 4

Charisma 2

Manipulation 1

Appearance 2


[F] Linguistics 5 (Low Realm, Forest Tongue, Fire Tongue, Sky Tongue, Sea Tongue, 3 Eastern Tribal Languages. Native: Rivertongue) [4 BP: Linguistics 1=>5, 1BP: Linguistics (Sky Tongue)]

Sail 5 [4 BP: Sail 3=>5]

Craft (Fire, Air, Magitech) 3

Athletics 3

Melee 3 [2 BP Melee 2=>3]

Awareness 3

Resistance 3

Integrity 3 [2 BP: Integrity 2=>3]

Survival 5 [4 BP: Survival 3=>5]

Lore 3 [2 BP: Lore 2=>3]

Occult 3 [2 BP Occult 2=>3]


Temperance 1

Convinction 2

Valor 3

Compassion 3


Artifact 3

Artifact 1

Grave Goods 1

Contacts 1 (Helldivers)

Resources 2



Ox-Body Technique x1

=Stringless Puppetteer=

Spirit-Catching Eye Technique [2m] {p. 146} (see ghosts)

Soul-Whispering Empathy Discipline [3m, 1wp] {p. 146} (read surface thoughts)

Mortal-Shadowing Technique [7m, 1wp] {p. 147} (shadow mortals)

Intangible Guardian Presence x2 [--] {p. 148} (ox-body like improvement for Shadowed Mortals)

Rau The Banker

A banker who sometimes acts a bit too much like a thief. Always grumbles about losing money, but is actually very charitable. He dreams of extreme luxury.

Imagine: Image 1


Get rich.


A chest filled with jade -- 2

The plaque on which his contract is bound -- 1

A Red Bandana -- 1


Acts of Charity (Compassion) -- 3

Aquiring wealth (Conviction) -- 4


Intelligence 3

Wits 3

Perception 3

Strength 2

Dexterity 4 [4 BP: Dex 3=>4]

Stamina 2

Charisma 3

Manipulation 2

Appearance 1


[F] Bureaucracy 4 [3 BP: Beaurocracy 1=>4]

Athletics 2

Socialize 2

Presence 2

Performance 2

Lore 1

Investigation 3

Larceny 4 [2 BP: Larceny 3=>4]

Integrity 3

Resistance 2

Martial Arts 2

Occult 1


Temperance 2

Conviction 4 [4 BP: Conviction 3=>4]

Valor 1

Compassion 3


Essence 3 [12 BP: Essence 2=>3]


Code of Honor [-2 Bonus Points]


Age 1

Backing 1 (Chiaroscuro Underworld Bankers Guild)

Contacts 1 (Underworld Customs and Trade Offcers)

Influence 1 (Chiaroscuro Underworld Market)

Underworld Cult 1

Resources 3


=Chains of the Ancient Monarchs=

Soul Anchor {p. 131}

Essence Binding [5m] {p. 132}

Essence Lasso [6m] {p. 133}

=Tenacious Merchant's Way=

Jangling Coin Pouch Sense [1m] {p. 153}

Earnest Creditor Technique [3m] {p. 153}

Bold Thief's Way [3m] {p. 154}

Kang Fei

A mortal Exorcist, similar to the one described on page 317 of the Exalted Core book.

Backstory Information

Dear Cousin Koya,

In your most recent letter, you asked me to describe what my life was like in Chiaroscuro, and, while I must say that is impossible for me to properly describe, with my meager writing abilities being what they are, I shall certainly try.

One must understand that this is not just merely another city in Creation, Chiaroscuro is unique. My days are spent watching duals and horse-races while chatting with the local noblemen, trying to convince them that we, too, in the Realm have a conception of honor as deep and rich as their own. Gazing out into the field of gold in the noon-day sun, knowing that somewhere, out there, young Delzahn children are betting their lives on tests of bravery. My nights are more active, preforming visitations for friends and clients, helping them resolve their problems with the dead. Most of the time my powers are not required, it is simply enough that they have the skills of a Necromancer at their disposal to make ghosts accede to more reasonable demands. Of course, when spirits from beyond the grave threaten the Realm's interests, I am there to put them back in line.

I had not thought that I could love a city so full of heathens as this, but truly I do. And the Chiaroscuro Underworld, what way is there for me to describe it? For a place of the dead it is so vibrant, bustling with countless teaming specters of all nations and creeds, going about their business subject to no shortage of ghostly intrigues.

Currently I live in a Ledaal villa well located in the heart of the city. Currently, the only other residents are Taua, two of my ghostly followers, and an apprentice Exorcist studying the ways of the ghostly world. Of course, local rumors have gone around for some time that villa is haunted, which, I suppose it is. I have quiet a few ghostly callers, who either want to check up on their Fetters or experience the richness of life once again. Taua of course never asks for such comforts, I imagine that she would rather dine on dust than dates, so unusual her outlook on life is. I honestly believe she vastly prefers being a ghost to her life among the living. I am rather curious about her past, though she never speaks of it.

My life at the moment is good, though we are understaffed, occasionally I have even had to personally go to the market to fetch materials. Additionally, I seem to have forged a rather unpleasant relationship with one of the local Dynasts, a Ragara Canan, however I am sure we can resolve our problems peacefully.

"Message for you, sir, from...'Ragaara Canan.' "

The messenger handed Cyril his message, then bowed and left.

Cyril turned the letter around in his hand, looking at it quizzically as he walked through into the music room of the villa. There Taua, the ever reliable phantom maid, was cleaning the baseboards. She wasn't his maid, of course, not someone of her caliber. She served the Kerata Household in general, taking orders down from the top. Currently, her orders where to keep the villa in order, handle its affairs and occasionally run some errands for the family, but she also took it upon herself to look out for Cyril when she wasn't busy. After all, she was his first teacher when he was a child, so they had a fairly close bond.

"Whose the letter from?"

"...Ragara Canan, it seems." Cyril said after a pause.

"Ah." an irritated expression crossed her face. "Explain to me again, why haven't we killed him yet?"

"To start he's a fellow member of the Dragon-Blooded Host."

"He's a evil decadent bureaucrat, and you're a combat-trained Necromancer, it shouldn't be that hard to slash him, Dragon's blood or not. Heck, he'll probably shrivel and die if you just pry him away from all his precious money."

"...I wasn't referring to how easy it would be to kill him, I'm not going to raise a blade against a fellow Dynast, so murder really isn't an option here."

For a moment she stopped cleaning, her face dead serious. "Murder is always an option."

"For you perhaps."

She went back to work. "I don't understand what your hesitation is. He's a ridiculous prick, its an indisputable truth, like the existence of air...anyway, what does the letter say? Did you meet another prostitute that he's killed, or maybe the ghosts of another family he cheated into starvation?"

"Not this time."

"A pity, last time he tried to bribe us."

Cyril turned the letter around in his hands again. "Actually its an invitation."

Taua stopped. "But we hate him, he knows this."

"It looks important, some sort of meeting with an official from the Realm about the defense of Chairoscuro. They want us both involved."

"It could be trap, I'll get the poison."

"The seal is proper, as far as I can tell."

"We should at least bring some, just in case."

"...Is that really necessary?"

"Trust me, this is Realm backdoor politics, you should always have a bottle of poison and a set of various antidotes handy. Sure, you might not always need then, but when you do, you'll be glad you had them."

"I really don't think its that bad."

She stood up, mentally weighing her options with her mind. "Hm, hypothetically do we want him dead, or just helpless?"


"What? Its always good to be prepared."

Cyril is soft-spoken, with a calm, quiet demeanor, and a penchant for both mysticism and worldly wisdom. While he is a Necromancer, and sees nothing wrong with talking to ghosts, he hasn't gone off the deep end as far as the Realm's ideology is concerned. He upholds a number of tenants of the Immaculate Faith, such as a distaste for "graven icons" and encourages ghosts to have only small Ancestor Cults, as are allowed by the Immaculate Faith (1-dot Ancestor Cult Backgrounds). Somewhat musically inclined, he plays a Sanxian.

As a child Cyril had a passionate love of tales of adventure, and he once longed to travel in the footsteps of great explorers, who where his personal heroes. As his final trail of Necromancy, he let this passion decay into utter indifference. He slowly watched as once gleaming heroes became nothing more than mere men, and Creation-spanning journeys became nothing more than stories, and he came to understand that dreams could grow old die just like people. Gone was his wanderlust and his plans to live an adventurous future seemed pointless and impotent, so he settled down in Chairoscuro, and he has no plans of leaving.

Cylis thinks his position in Chairoscuro is important. He has been told that as an Underworld mediator he provides valuable insight and safeguards against critical danger, and he doesn't think that he could be replaced by anyone outside of his immediate family, who he knows have other plans.

Cyril is part of a close-knit household, the Ledaal Keratas. The Keratas share a lot in common with the Ledaal Catalias. In addition to having many of the same interests, both households share an adventurous thirst for knowledge that takes them far from the Realm, sometimes ideologically as well as physically, which they inherit from their founders. However the Keratas are, in general, stronger Realm loyalists than the Catheks. The Kerata family traits include a strong independent streak and a thirst for understanding tempered by wordly pragmatism. Every Dynast in the Kerata family must spend at least week meditating on the natural flows of Essence, a week in the Underworld, a season in at least two of the Four Directions in Creation, and they must talk at length with an old Ghost, a demon, a god, an Astrologer, a successful merchant, a Ledaal planner, and both a mortal and Exalted Immaculate.

The Three Kerata Families: The Kerata household is dominated by three main families descended the first three children Ledaal Kerata (one of whom was adopted). Cyril comes from the smallest of these three families, who are descended from the adopted child, Ledaal Kerata Kylin. The small size of the family is at least partially due to the fact that they have very obviously tainted blood, which makes for poor marriage prospects as far as Dynasts go. All of the descendants of Kylin share two traits: an uncommonly swift rise in Essence, and a strong affinity for Necromancy. Even some of the mortals in the bloodline learn how to use Shadowlands Circle Necromancy, generally in their twilight years. As a result, the Kylin family maintains their own small Necromantic order with a rather Salinian flavor, and spells are generally passed down through the family. Of the other two families, the descendants of Ledaal Kerata Kalika pride themselves on their mercantile abilities and are infamous as economic chessmasters who mastermind long range, big picture schemes that net important, and subtle, victories for House Ledaal. Members of the other family, the descendants of Kerata's eldest child, Ledaal Kerata Kariss, tend to be either Immaculate Monks, Salinian Sorcerers, or both, who have their own way of interpreting the Immaculate Texts in synthesis with the Salinian philosophy which is fairly famous for being cryptic to outsiders. Kariss' family, starting with Kariss himself, has heavily intermarried with House Memnon, and support Memnon's bid for the throne. Their founder is the only one to have died, he fell a hero of the Realm against what was supposedly a demon worshiping heresy, the true details of that conflict, however, are known only to Sidereals.

Cyril has gotten along very well with his family, though he is something of a loner. That combination is fairly common among the Keratas, and is part of the reason they are able to spread out across Creation (and the Underworld) while still retaining a strong sense of family cohesion. He is a Kerata, and to him that's as real and a part of him as the blood of the Dragons that flows through his veins. But Cyril's father, in one of his rare moments of involvement with his son, told him that each Kerata lives or dies by their own hands. It would be a difficult thing for Cyril, or any of Kylin's line, to face an Anathema who was a Kerata, and that goes both ways. This is because, deep down, the Kylins see the Kerata family as their one true refuge from a world that often misunderstands and mistreats them. It is implicitly understood that the children of Kerata provide a shelter for each other that transcends their differences. The story of how Leedal Kerata took Ledaal Kerata Kylin as a son and gave him the opportunity to pursue his Necromantic talents is one that is engrained in the mythos and family traditions of the Keratas. On one hand stood an exceptional prodigy among the Dragon-Blooded, whose standard the family has never been able to live up to, who took in an orphaned bastard child of a ghost-blooded and a nameless Ledaal researcher with little chance of Exaltation, and defending him despite his oddities and flaws. Cyril, like the rest of his family, was raise with this story, and the values behind it, the Keratas look out for their own.

As someone who has inherited the blood of Kerata Kylin, Cyril has understood from an early age that he will face prejudice, and even persecution, for his "tainted blood" and Necromantic arts, and such things no longer discourage him. Both an uncle and a great uncle gave their lives proving the loyalty of their bloodline to Creation and the Realm, and, while he hopes it does not come to that, he is prepared to accept a suicidal mission to defend his homeland or his family's name.

Like many Dynasts, Cyril received little attention from his parents growing up. This was compensated for by the close relationships he formed with his relatives, who, by contrast to his parents, where often around. Through them, and his required Kerata eduction, he was exposed to many facets of the world which shaped his outlook on life. In one notable instance, a relative from the Kariss branch of the family took him on a trip through part of the Scavenger Lands and the Southern Threshold alongside a number of other Kerata children and members of House Cynis (who, alongside House Ragaara, are often sought by the Kariss' family as candidates for marriage). Such trips were customary for the Kariss' side of the family, helping the adults scope out potential couples and expose the children the realities of the world at the edge of the Realm's influence while simultaneously scoping out trading opportunities. It was Cyril's first venture outside of the Realm proper, and he saw both that the rumors of the Realm's weakening grasp were true and that Cynis' ignoble reputation was rather exaggerated, and so he resolved to always take reputations with grain of salt, but to never dismiss a rumor without good reason.
Re: City of Glass, City of Lights [Exalted 2e, Dragon-Bloode

Am I missing something?

I thought our charecters were supposed too be Delzhan dragon blooded?
Re: City of Glass, City of Lights [Exalted 2e, Dragon-Bloode

Nope. They can be realm, lookshy, or where-ever (and in all honesty, I'd prefer a few outcastes [i'm still very disappointed I haven't seen a Water aspect chief with his own restaurant, actually]).
Re: City of Glass, City of Lights [Exalted 2e, Dragon-Bloode


Can't... Come... Up... With... Satisfying... Character.......

Garrr.... :x
Re: City of Glass, City of Lights [Exalted 2e, Dragon-Bloode


My question disapeared!

Does that mean I need to rewrite my fire aspect ed Kahn under out caste rules?

Sorry, I guess I'm getting quite confused as too the focus of this game...
Re: City of Glass, City of Lights [Exalted 2e, Dragon-Bloode

O.k. people with completed sheets, I've sent you pms and all that tosh.

Looks like I'll be extending the deadline past Thursday, so those of you with out sheets, bravo.
Re: City of Glass, City of Lights [Exalted 2e, Dragon-Bloode

Kahn Nika Jurai


The Apple Doesn't Fall Very Far...

When the Delzhan came too power in Chiaoscuro, the dragon blooded hero Odan gained a wife of the tri-kahn's lineage and title too a nearby volcanic island with a large, rich deposit of red and black jade. A manse capped this land, 'Song of Burning Water'. On this corner stone he built a fortune for himself and his son, Kahn Jurai Odan.

Also exalted, and a third cousin of the current Tri'kahn, Jurai was a renowned hero during his father's life time, looking out for national interests, family interests, and sometimes even helping passing strangers in distress. (Especially if they happened too be hapless damsels.) Upon becoming head of the household, Jurai knew it too be his duty as a man too enrich his house and give his heirs better than was given him.

With the resources from Song of Burning Water, he arranged a marriage contract with Kathak Junya, a well bred dynast in need of a vacation from her military career, lasting long enough too produce for Jurai a single exalted heir of superior lineage.

For some years Junya appreciated the pampered concubine life, but by the time she produced Anika Jurai she was restless enough too quietly instruct her daughter in Realm military tactics along with local dervish dances.

Upon Anika's exaltation, Junya bid her daughter a fond farewell, shed her gauzy silks, donned her heavy jade armor, and gladly returned too her military career on the blessed isle.

"Adulthood Rites"

With Anika's--by local standards--phenomenally strong blood, Jurai's investment seemed on the verge of coming too unbelievable fruition as he entered into early marriage negotiations with various Delzhan exalted houses for the hand of his daughter.

Upon coming of age, Anika presented herself too the elders for recogintion as a result and dashed Jurai's dreams upon the rocks with five simple words.

"Today I am a man."

It is, of course, the right of every Delzhan too declare xer gender upon coming of age, just as it is their responsibility too live life according too that gender. All other societal pressures aside, too demand that Anica doff the gray veil and don woman's clothing was tantamount too inviting the world too question Jurai's own gender.

Pale and shaking as a thousands of shekels drained out of his future and a dozen angry eyes glared at him for 'deceiving them', he embraced Nika at the end of the ceremony and told the assembly, "This is my son."

* * *

Junya probably never realized that the quality time she spent sharing sword skill with her daughter had a second meaning too Anika. Having cut her teeth on her grandmother's stories of her father's heroism in his youth, he became like a god too her, a paragon of greatness and virtue.

* * *

In the coming days, Jurai found himself more than a little embarrassed by his initial response too the revelation of his new-found son. Nika proved himself quickly too be a skilled swordsman and shrewd businessman, apt scholar and wily lover.

The Sword That Pierced Her Heart

As a young man Nika Jurai made many visits too the temple of Kalik'thazum, a god of steel whose seventeen virgin priestesses attained eternal life, youth, beauty, and ultimately power like unto the god-blooded in his service.

Upon purchasing a new forged blade from the Kalik'thazum, his ebon skinned and silver haired priestesses performed a nude dance of great energy and perfection in which they consecrated the blade with blood from each of their limbs.

Though many men found this ritual too disturbing too be truly alluring, Niika found the girls generally delightful in body and mind.

Upon one visit, one quietly asked him for a private audience, and he knew from the fires in his blood that, if the girl made the slightest hint of inappropriate invitation, he would surely get them both in a great deal of trouble.

Alone in a sitting room, the girl offered him water and bread, and he knew from the tears shining unshed in her amethyst eyes that something was wrong. With careful review, he found it. After a deep drink too cool his blood, he inquired of her, "Gracious hostess, where is your sister Ezri of the Amber Eyes? I saw her not in the temple this morn."

The girl burst into tears and threw herself into Niika's arms. After some moments of weeping, she explained, "Bandits came in the night two weeks ago and took her, Exalted Kahn. Our holy lord road out and slew her ravishers, but with her maidenhood gone, she was already no use too him. He sold her on the open market three days later, and cared not that she was purchased by a brother of the man who defiled her. Almost a week now she has languished in that torture."

Nika found terrible fury building in him. "Where can I find this man?"

She told him, then whispered, "I know she is no longer a fit bride for ye, exalted one. If you will save her, I will come quietly if you steal me, and make me you bride, her my handmaiden."

Suddenly aware once more of the hot body pressing into him, soft and hard, Niika trembled with manly passion, and clenched his teeth, asking himself--what would my father do?

Only those words gave the man-hearted-woman the strength too untangle himself from the amethyst eyed priestess. He gently and chastely kissed her palm. "Ezri needs me, Gracious Hostess. Should you need me, you need only send word."

* * *

Red sparks flashed in the indigo light of the inside of the stained glass tower. Nika had been at first relieved, then passingly concerned too find Ezri both lucid and--on the surface--unscathed, by her ordeal, and upon recognizing him tentatively ready too flee with a familiar face.

Now, as he battled two to one and had to keep a tight cap on his essence lest his own body burst into flames and he be unable too touch the one he came too aid without burning her, the effects of her trauma began too show with tears beginning too flow from ebon cheeks.

"I... I can't bless you any more, my lord. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. If I could bless your blade, you could surely cut down even this great number."

"Peace, Ezri, there's only three of..."

Blood flew, and Nika grinned, "Erm, two of them."

"Correction, little man," said a giant gliding out of the shadows, "There is only me."

Ezri screamed.

The minions scattered.

The giant, wearing resilient gray flesh that he would later identify as the corpse body form of a ghoul, blurred forwards like a screaming ghost and shattered Nika's steel blade even as it parried.

Needless too say, things got dicey at this point.

Nika took too a series of athletic evasions then, burnign off the ghouls robes with draconic roars and grabbing random candlesticks and chairs with which too parry. "Why don't you flee, little boy?" the ghoul taunted, "Or is it little girl? A man would know when too concede with honor."

"A man concedes only to a man."

The ghoul roared and charged, nicking Niika's shoulder and lodging his blade in the wall.

Niika grabbed Ezri in his arms and ran up the stairs for higher levels. "Look for a way out or a better weapon," he hissed.

"A better weapon," the words echoed in her heart as the ghoul chased them through the tower, cornering them in a high chamber where Niika set her down and seemed too be preparing too grab a shard of glass bare handed.

Her failure joined with all the other shards that pierced her heart and began too coalesce.

"My Kahn," she whispered, kissing Niika, then, "Take it."

Light sprang out from her heart and she bent her back, serene despite the pain, as the sword that pierced her heart materialized and Niika drew it out too destroy the ghoul.


Fire Walk With Me

Representing his father's buisness interests too the Court of Orderly Flame a stumbling block occurred when it was discovered that two Efrits, twins and champions of different cities, had a falling out and were refusing too both sign onto the agreement.

In order too repair the negotiations, Nika brought a number of expensive harem girls and a proper gift of date wine too the father of the twins and, after asking Heaven too bless the meal and the drink, they feasted.

His heart lightened and tongue loosened by the spirits, the father revealed that his sons, so closely matched in abilities were bitter rivals in all things, especially for the heart of the flame duck Akasha, who had ultimately fled their contested affections and traveled too the East.

He traveled back and forth between the courts of the two brothers, speaking too both of them with fine wines blessed with essence, 'til each acknowledged their love for their brother and that, while they could not stand living in the same city as their brother, they were better men for their rivalry. In the end, they exchanged letters and each sent to the other the most beautiful mortal in the city they protected too be a wife too the other.

With the peace of the family restored, along with the contract, the father of the twin efrits offered Nika a daughter of his own, half mortal, too take too wife. So alluring were her dances that the flames themselves joined her in them and would not burn. Her name was Heartfire Bliss, and Nika could not resist her.

Is There No Truth In Beauty?

In service too the Tri'kahn, Nika faced his strongest test of will ever when he was asked too investigate the Cult of Sondok at his favorite brothel. He moved away from his favorites for a time and explored the newer and prettier girls, allowing himself too be seduced into their world. Coming too suspect that their allure was unnaturally strong, he stole away some of their perfume and discovered that it was an alchemical potion of seduction they were using too become irresistible.

Tracing the maker of the perfume, he found that an old sorcerer kept a beautiful demon blooded daughter in yearning for love too channel her yearning into the essence too make the perfume.


Her name was Cinnamon Sweet Moonbeam. Nika stole her away for his own. Without the perfume, the layers of seduction were momentarily weakened and the forces of the Tri'Kahn struck against the Cult.

Mirror Gate

The one thing Nika did not seek out over the years was a woman hearted man for his harem with which to produce an heir. This sent his father, who had sacrificed much jade too ensure Nika's strong blood, into an eventual relapse of original chagrin. The two had many quarrels.

Nika rolled his eyes upon receiving the summons too his father's office. He kissed his concubines and bid them help him don his formal silk and jade, then presented himself as commanded.

Passing through the doorway into his father's office never failed too put him on edge. Seeing the old warhorse surrounded by such manly trappings of power as these--not swords or jewels, but a king's ransom in paper directing the wealth of a small empire!--never failed too humble him so epically that he was reduced too flippant words of adolescent defiance in order too control the urge too gush his father's praise like some awestruck girl.

Jurai calmly continued reviewing a letter as Nika stood before him, trying not too twitch.

"I see you sent Mirika home in a huff, son."

Nika's eyes narrowed. Just because Mirika had no maidenhead did not make it any less appropriate for him too remove the virginity of a maiden of quality without a proper alliance, and yet he could not bring himself to admit to his father his lack of self control around women, even when it left him sending offended suitors away. So he simply regarded his father with sullen defiance.

Jurai gave him a tired look. "Who do you think I am, son?"

Nika's brow furrowed. "I don't understand, father?"

"Who do you think I am?"

"You are my father, the son of Odan, the Lord of Song of Burning Water," Nika's eyes lit as he spoke, "The slayer of cannibal dune people, the hero of Amothir Crag, bane of the rotting god Veskir and the boil-covered-jackal Thrislik."

His father suddenly drew his sword, smiling wildly, "Show me."

Nika swallowed hard and stepped back, hand on his sheathed blade. "What do you mean."

"I am a sour old bureaucrat who makes nothing but money. When I look in your eyes I see some storied hero. Show me that storied hero, and maybe I can show you the bright and shining glory who is my son Nika."

Almost backed into a wall, Nika bent his back 'til he almost fell, then twisted on one foot and turned around behind his father, blade leaping into his hand.

Father and son dueled for minutes that turned into hours, all around the manse complex, with nerves that became fury. Fury that, in the moment they truly saw one another in their eyes, became delighted laughter.

In that moment, identical fire dragons leaping into the sky around them, father and son discovered themselves in each other.

The next morning, Jurai set up retirement funds for his wives and his brother, then appointed his brother Jenduin steward of the family buisness 'til his son was prepared too retire to that roll. Jenduin receives 30% of net profits while he is steward, permiting him too accumulate a fortune for himself in preparation for Nika's eventual ascension.

Jurai then passed the families key heatrstones and the glass blade he used as a youth to Nika and walked away into the night.


Aspect: Fire

Motivation: Too be as great of a man as his father.

Intimacies: His shimata.

His sword, a gift from his father.

His Concubines

Strength 3

Dexterity 5

Stamina 4

Perception 2

Intelligence 3

Wits 3

Charisma 3

Manipulation 2

Appearance 5


*Athletics 4

*Dodge 4

*Melee 4 Swords X2

*Pressence 4

*Socialize 4


*Lore 3

*Occult 4

*War 3

Archery 1

Awareness 2

Bureaucracy 1

Craft (Air, Earth, Fire) 3

Integrity 2

Investigation 1

Larceny 0

Linguistics 3 Delzhan Dialect

Martial Arts 1

Medicine 0

Performance 1

Resistance 2

Ride 3

Sail 0

Stealth 0

Survival 0

Thrown 0

Compassion 3

Conviction 3

Temperance 2

Valor 4

Willpower 7

Essence 4


Personal 14/14

Peripheral 43/39

Committed 4


Effortlessly Rising Flame

Falling Star Maneuver


*First Dodge Excellency: Essence Overwhelming


2m+ Wind Carried Words Technique


1st Melee Excellency

Dragon Graced Weapon

Ghost Fire Blade


1w Terrestrial Circle Sorcery

Summon Elemental

Elemental Empowerment Meditation


*First Presence Excellency: Essence Overwhelming

Glowing Coal Radiance

Aura of Invulnerability

Terrifying Fire Dragon Roar

Terrifying Earth Dragon Roar


-- *Ox Body Technique X4


Heaven Graced Riding Technique


*First Socialize Excellency: Essence Overwhelming

Sweeten the Tap Method

Jade Defense

Wary Yellow Dog Attitude

Warm Faced Seduction Style


*First War Excellency: Essence Overwhelming


Allies 3 Cinnamon Sweet Moonbeam, Ezri, Heartfire Bliss

Artifact 4

Breeding 3

Connections 2 Court of Orderly Flame

Connections 2 The Court of the Tri'Kahn

Manse 4

Resouces 5

Merits: (10-6=4)

Carouser 2

Enchanting Features 4


Dark Secret 2 Not a lesbian. :P Specifically, it is not a distaste for male anatomy that is stopping Nika from producing an heir with a woman-hearted-man and sharing his powerful blood with the Delzhan. It is in fact a combined sense of propriety and lack of self control. Given his lecherous responses too formal courtship rites, he has always sent away proper suitors of both sexes before he can do something inappropriate.

Enemy 2 Catechist of Mortal Sins, a nephwrack.

Vice 3 Lecherous

Wanted 3 Someone in Paragon is putting a price on his head, including financing old enemies. (Perhaps Jenduin?)


Flame Tongue (Delzhan)

High Realm

Low Realm

Old Realm


2 Skin Mount Amulet (In Navel)

2 Hearstone Bracers

3 Common War Strider

1 Heartstone Compass





The Sword That Pierces Ezri's Heart:

Jurai's Blade: Chiaoscuro Glass Slashing Sword

Base Factored

Speed +4 3


Damage + p

Defense + 11+



Dodge Dice Pool 16

Dodge Defence Value 8

Mental Dodge Pool 13

Mental Dodge Value 7


Unarmored Civilian Mail War Plate

Bashing 4 6 ?

Lethal 2 6 ?

Agrevated 0 4 ?


OK ( )

-1 ( )( )( )( )( )( )

-2 ( )( )( )( )( )( )

-4 ( )

I ( )

D ( )( )( )( )




8 Third Dot of Strength

12 4th Dot of Stamina

4 2nd Dot of Perception

4 2nd Dot of Manipulation

5 4th dot of Athletics

5 4th dot of Dodge

5 4th dot of Melee

4 2 Swords Specialties

5 4th dot of Presence

5 4th dot of Socialize

4 2nd and third dot of Lore

9 2nd, 3rd, and 4th dot of Occult

4 2nd and third dot of war.

2 2nd dot of Awareness

2 2nd dot of integrity

2 2nd dot of Resistance

20 3rd dot of Essence (+1 Ox Body Technique)

30 4th Dot of Essence (+1 Ox Body Technique

6 +1 Compassion

3 +1 Temperance

110 +11 Charms



Type: God Blooded

Concept: Sword Dancer

Strength 3 Charisma 3 Perception 3

Dexterity 4 Manipulation 2 Intelegence 3

Stamina 3 Appearence 4 Wits 2

Athletics 3

Awareness 0

Archery 0

Bureaurcracy 0

*Craft: 5 Arms, Armor (Air, Earth, Fire, Magitech, Wood)

Dodge 2 Unarmored X2

Integrity 2

Investigaiton 0

Larceny 0

Linguistics 2

*Lore 5

Medecine 0

*Occult 5

*Performance 5 Dance, Ritual

Pressence 3

Resistence 2

Ride 0

Sail 0

Socialize 3

Stealth 0

Survival 0

Martial Arts 0

Melee 0

War 0

Compasion 4

Conviction 3

Temprence 3

Valor 2




CHARMS: (+1 Charm)

Benefaction: Bless the combat prowess of a blade wielder. (+1 Dice to Melee Abilities)

Creation of Perfection (Arms and Armor)

3rd Craft Excelency: Essence Resurgent

3rd Occult Excelncy: Essence Resurgent

3rd Performance Excelency: Essence Resurgent


Art of Enchanting: Master +3

Art of Warding and Excorcisim: Master +3


(2) Extra Favored Ability: Craft

(2) Extra Favored Ability: Performance

(2) Extra Favored Abiliy: Occult

(12exp) Healing Factor

(12exp) Imortality

(32exp) The Sword That Pierces Her Heart X2

(6exp) Natural Exorcist

(2) Resilience of Steel +1 -0 Health Level

(2) Resilience of Steel: Though her ebon skin is soft as silk, it grants +2 armor.


(-1) Skin Collor

EXP 250/1

Dodge Pool 11

Dodge DV 6


Bashing 5

Lethal 3

Agg 2


OK ( )

-1 ( )( )( )

-2 ( )( )

-4 ( )

I ( )

D ( )( )( )


Boots, Soft, enchanted with wood for a perfect fit and eternal regeneration.

Brazier, enchanted with fire to produce heat with the expenditure of a mote or willpower.

Ruby Ring enchanted with fire too produce radiance.

Silken underthings enchanted with air for coolness.

Waterskin enchanted with air for coolness.



Life's Little Luxury Blends:

--Cleanliness and Beauty Aids


Perfect Forge Tools (Grant +2 to smithing checks.)


--Bloodstone Anklet too prevent pregnancy.

--Ward 2 Vs. Disease

--Ward 2 Vs. Poison

--Ward 2 Vs. The Raksha

--Ward 2 Vs. The Walking Dead

--Ward 2 Vs. The Wyld
Re: City of Glass, City of Lights [Exalted 2e, Dragon-Bloode

So. I could make excuses (and what excuses I could make).

But instead, I'm going to say that even though my principles feel a little shot, Khadavla, Keis, and Myllinnia, you all got in.

Here's the out of character thread.

If you don't already have a Giant in the Playground account, now would be the time to get one and all that yot.

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