Zal Callahan, Missionary of The Emperor [Rogue Trader - All that Glitters...]


New Member
Zal Callahan, Missionary of the God-Emperor

Death World -> Scapegrace -> Renegade (Recidivist) -> Dark Voyage -> Pride.


Zal "Blades" Callihan in the Ramien Resistance Movement.

WS: 50 | BS: 25 | S: 30 | T: 36 | Ag: 45 | Int: 45 | Per: 25 | WP: 45 | Fel: 40

Background Modifiers: +5 Strength, +8 Toughness, -5 Willpower, -5 Fellowship, +3 Int.

Wounds: 13 <6+ (1d5+2 = 7)>

Fate Points: 2 <1d10 = 6>

Insanity Points: 5 <1d5 =5>

Basic Skills: Survival (Int), Slight of Hand (Ag), Concealment (Ag), Common Lore (Imperial Creed, Imperium) (Int), Forbidden Lore (Heresy) (Int), Medicae (Int), Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed) (Int), Speak Language (High Gothic, Low Gothic) (Int), Dodge (Ag), Charm (Fel), Literacy (Int).

Talents & Traits: Jaded, Melee Weapon Training (Primitive), Paranoid, Survivor, Enemy (Adeptus Arbites), Resistance (Interrogation), Dark Soul, Against All Odds, Basic Weapon Training (Universal), Melee Weapon Training (Universal), Pure Faith, Unshakeable Faith.


100: Dodge

100: Willpower

100: Weapon Skill

100: Charm

100: Literacy


Ecclesiarchical Robes, aquila pendant, sepulchre, censer and incense, micro-bead, survival kit with a week's ration packs, a box of "Ramien Recaf"

Pending GM Approval: Medikit, Good-Craftsmanship Knife, Detox x5.


Good-Craftsmanship Hecate-7 Chainsword*:

Dmg 1d10+2 R, Pen 2, 6kg. Special: Tearing, Balanced

*-WS+5 to Attack. From Good Craftsmanship.

Good-Craftsmanship Mezao-2 Flamer:

Enemy Ag-5*, Attack: 20m, 10d+4 E, Pen 2, Clip 6. Rld 2Full. Special: Flame, Reliable.

*-From Good Craftsmanship.


The Blessed Carapace of Saint Severus the Pirates' Bane (Best Craftsmanship Storm Trooper Carapace): 7AP (All), 7kg.

A wandering Missionary who has risen from petty crime and rebellion to spreading the word of the Emperor. An unlikely candidate for the Ministorium, Zal has picked up a few shadowy skills in his rather rocky road to priesthood. Unlike some Missionaries, who allow their lives to be guided by lofty idealism, Zal is a staunch survivalist with a clear idea of just how bad the universe can get. Rather his faith stems from the fact that he realizes just how wide and dangerous a place the universe is and believes that no level of vigilance, self-improvement, or luck is enough, everyone is only one bad day from madness and death and only by the Emporer's Grace can a man hope to walk the razor sharp path through this treacherous galaxy.

Zal was born on a Ramien, a Death World in the Calixis Sector, where he eaked a meager living as a scape-grace gambling on life each day, and cheating so that he'd survive to play again tomorrow. Eventually however, times got tough, and on a Death World that's saying something. The changes where in no small part due to the tyrannical crackdown of a new Arbities official set on cleaning up "all the trash" under his watch. Many of Callihan's fellows where simply put to execution or turned to crime and bribery to survive but Zal had something that they didn't: Resolve. He joined a rebel movement who fought a guerrilla war against the Arbites officials, and he quickly developed a knack for stealth, and an ear for subterfuge. Eventually, when things go too hot, he used the connections he'd made and jumped off planet, bearing a hastily dressed stubber wound and harsh fever. However, little did he know that his ship would lead him right into the heart of misfortune, a terrible catastrophe brought on by a brief Gellerr Field malfunction left Zal and his shipboard fellows stranded in space. Days turned to weeks, as the survivors of the daemonic onslaught began to turn against each other, driven by limited resources and paranoia. Eventually, by sheer chance and "luck" they all killed each other off or died of daemon inflicted wounds, overlooking the fever ridden Zal, an in the end he was the one alive, alone in space. It was only by the grace of the Emperor that his ship was happened upon by an Ministorium vessel. Having walked through darkness and uncertainty and the heart of madness itself, Zal had felt the cold grasp of utter powerlessness like one can only feel stranded in the depths of space, and the mind-scarring panic of trying to fight demons while fever ridden and unable to stand straight, Zal decided to walk a new path. From that day forth he devoted himself to the Emperor's cause and set out to become a missionary. Since then, Zal has been driven to surpass the hardships of the universe, and act in a way worthy of a servant of Emperor.

Among the Missionaries he trained with, Zal showed the greatest mastery of the blade. Upon seeing him practice and hearing of the his background as a man saved from the dregs of space and turned from rebellion to the light of the Emperor, one of the Head Priests gifted Callahan with a blessed suit of Carapace Armor that had belonged to a former dread pirate who, after being left Ship-Lorn from a Gellar Field failure and later rescued, became a Missionary, and later a Saint, of the Emperor. Upon donning the armor, Zal was surprised to find that it fit perfectly, which made the priest sure that this was indeed as the Emperor had ordained.

Zal is a missionary and generally dresses the part. Robes, censure, illuminated manuscript on holder, flamer, chainsword, the whole bit. The only thing unusual is that he wears his robes open, like a coat, his jet black carapace armor plainly visible, and has pockets sewed on the inside to secret various items. A dataslate for notes and a particular holy text regarding the blessing of space travel are the most common items he pulls out, but he also carries a quick handbook on rites of exorcism, a hand-mirror, some disinfectant spray, a knife, and some emergency rations, just in case. He wears a medicine bag slug around his shoulders which carries just what it advertises: a medicae kit. After the Emperor, Zal likes swordsmanship, books, and a truly horrible beverage he calls "Ramien Recaf" which smells like burnt charcoal mixed with lime.

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