The Kingdom of Dreams

So, in the adjurations sections, the second oath (Sthiti Oath), it shows Ordinary Object Conjuration being bought three times.
Is this necessary?

Because I'd like to get a Tirobhava Oath along these lines:

The Oath of Devesok

"Let me never be the same as I was, and let me never be the same as anyone else, or let me be slain like the cur I am." The oath confers the benefit of Bastion of the Self (Sword) (see pp. 168-169; 4mp), Wyld Prince Resilience (see pp. 185-186, 1mp) and Ordinary Object Conjuration (see pp. 191-192; 1mp), which grants immunity to mundane attacks and to the arts of the Sword, two additional shaping health levels, and allows the player to roll (Intelligence + Craft [Glamour]) to summon a random weapon to the raksha's hand.
That example, with regards Ordinary Object Conjuration, is incorrect.

Do note that items created by the charm are "real" and thus beyond the scope of the x3 cost for mutations/charms that affect creation-born.

As a fyi, I don't think that wording of the oath looks right... ie. what are it's end conditions? what are you swearing towards? Also, I recommend getting Bastion of the Self (Heart).
the end conditions are that he uses a weapon he, or some else he has seen, has used before. I have no idea what you mean by swearing towards, as well, and Bastion of the Self (Heart) doesn't fit as well as Sword.

He's not invulnerable to the world around him as long as he's different, he invulnerable to the people.
Given that level 3 oaths tend to be "Until X date / event happens, I strive to do something", it just confused me when you went "Let me never be the same as I was, and let me never be the same as anyone else", which made me think of you with a shifting appearance that can't look the same... and then you got weapons and defenses in your oath. :lol:
It's kinda strange how there isn't any sort of shape changing charms for fae.

And this is a Tirobhava Oath (Artifact 4), which....... I just noticed I can't get because we can't have artifacts over 3. Joy.
There ARE shape-shifting charms, just somewhat limited.

Look at the Elemental Transformation (page 164), and the beast transforming version, those are pretty much it. At least outside of shaping yourself in the wyld, or turning off and on your assumption charms, as that switches your appearance as you wish.
Yea, I keep on wanting Lunar level shaping and I'm left with "well, you can make yourself look like a guy with flame hair (though this has no mechanical advantage) or you could have yourself look like a guy with really furry arms (which has no mechanical advantage)".
But that happens as is with normal exalted. As long as it has no mechanical benefits/disadvantages, you can have cosmetic mutations for your appearance... :lol:
Haku said:
Gossamer-Forging Art
I already suspected it was this charm. It was late yesterday and I was pondering about the 5 committed motes.

As I am re-reading the charm and it's prerequisite I'm staring to think that perhaps another discussion is in order. And this is actually not the place for that.

Feantari said:
What sort of limits are there on Inheritance and Patron? Does the Queen herself dally at such things, or is it more likely the child is of a noble or commoner?
The Queen herself dallied with such things, after all, her favorite emotions are the emotions of love, devotion, loyalty and to a lesser extent lust. As a side effect, she is also a bit like a mad scientist, always willing to experiment with new applications to make her society better. And so it's very likely the first Fae-Blooded are her offspring.

As for how a Fae-Blooded exists with the Queen only two years in power, that's an easy one. She used shaping magic. Also, she didn't do the whole, in her eyes disgusting, birthing herself. Whether you sprang forth fully formed, where birthed by someone else (whether male or female) in a pocket where time went much faster, or anything else that would explain an at most two year old 'adult'.

As for the Inheritance the Queen provides, I'm setting that at a full rating 4, the maximum patron rating is also 4, as the Queen does pay attention to her offspring, whatever their origin.

Feantari said:
also also: What is the local human population like (re: appearance)?
Tall blond people with a preference for wearing bright colored clothes. Mixed with dark-haired, dark-eyed of a short posture. Splashed with whatever other refugees from the Great Contagion joined that tribe of two people.
d1ng0d0g said:
Haku said:
Gossamer-Forging Art
I already suspected it was this charm. It was late yesterday and I was pondering about the 5 committed motes.

As I am re-reading the charm and it's prerequisite I'm staring to think that perhaps another discussion is in order. And this is actually not the place for that.
*fires off a stealthed PM to talk*

d1ng0d0g said:
Feantari said:
What sort of limits are there on Inheritance and Patron? Does the Queen herself dally at such things, or is it more likely the child is of a noble or commoner?
The Queen herself dallied with such things, after all, her favorite emotions are the emotions of love, devotion, loyalty and to a lesser extent lust. As a side effect, she is also a bit like a mad scientist, always willing to experiment with new applications to make her society better. And so it's very likely the first Fae-Blooded are her offspring.

As for how a Fae-Blooded exists with the Queen only two years in power, that's an easy one. She used shaping magic. Also, she didn't do the whole, in her eyes disgusting, birthing herself. Whether you sprang forth fully formed, where birthed by someone else (whether male or female) in a pocket where time went much faster, or anything else that would explain an at most two year old 'adult'.

As for the Inheritance the Queen provides, I'm setting that at a full rating 4, the maximum patron rating is also 4, as the Queen does pay attention to her offspring, whatever their origin.
Huh... interesting. I see you're making fae-blooded more than their default type; the whole using of assumption charms (which should have native keyword on them based on how their fluff have them written), and now time-distortion is permitted in their presence instead of Creation-born making sure time goes at a normal rate.
Haku said:
Huh... interesting. I see you're making fae-blooded more than their default type; the whole using of assumption charms (which should have native keyword on them based on how their fluff have them written), and now time-distortion is permitted in their presence instead of Creation-born making sure time goes at a normal rate.
Assumptions to Fae-Blooded, are in my opinion mutations, defining what they are as much as as 'genes' are.

As for time-distortion, this is a theory one of my Twilight players in 1st edition came up with, something that really fits with the infinite possibilities of the Realm. It's not like the 'real time' went any faster, but the perceived time is mutable. This also fits with Earth Faerie mythologies. Where someone joins a party of the Fair Ones, and when he leaves the party again, what he thought was one week, in reality had been seven years. Or what appeared like seven years to him, in reality was just one night.

Also, the Fae-Born in my opinion are not exactly Creation-born. And even within the Freehold there are waypoints where no mortal dwells.
Since outsiders are, well, right out, I think this may be a chance for me to whip out my "real imaginary friend" concept, I was reminded of it when you mentioned the dreams being the fuel for the Raksha.
So, I'm struggling a bit with what the advantage would be for a fae-blooded to take assumption charms vs. something like god body or more static mutations. It seems like a steep cost for a few mutations, and if I'm reading it right you'd basically be stuck in that form in creation? Is the suggestion that they could eventually get graces to be able to take subsequent charms, does that even work?
Feantari said:
So, I'm struggling a bit with what the advantage would be for a fae-blooded to take assumption charms vs. something like god body or more static mutations. It seems like a steep cost for a few mutations, and if I'm reading it right you'd basically be stuck in that form in creation? Is the suggestion that they could eventually get graces to be able to take subsequent charms, does that even work?
It's possible for a Fae-Blooded to get more than just the feeding grace made for them. And as described they can feed from virtues. Which in turn requires a feeding grace. Which in turn implies they have one made for them.

Considering the graces are required to learn any of their parent's charms, and because it's possible for Raksha to create Graces for others. It's completely possible to learn Raksha charms, as well as other things that require the channeling of Essence.

But there is a downside to being Fae-Blooded as well. You're naturally stuck in the form you have 'inherited' from your parents.

As for the assumption part, after careful deliberation I am withdrawing that part of the package.
I was going to say something about how fae-blooded are a clusterfuck when it comes to the fluff and mechanics being at odds, but it is applicable to many of the different blooded. Their parents charms are specialized, and really do nothing for them. Just like few arcanoi are genuinely useful to ghost-blooded, and the generic -blooded mutations are just that, generic.

There has to be a better way. I almost liked the fae-blooded being able to take permanent fae mutations idea, but that can be a little steep as mentioned.

Oh Scroll of Heroes, you could have been so much more.
Well I am totally up for some Fae action! Mind if I hop aboard?

Here's my character:

Tether, the Patron of Progress

Scribe Caste (Staff Primary, Ring Secondary).


Mortal progress can be a strange thing for the Fae, for they must spin a thousand stories together with each step of human advancement, and each step must be built upon the work of the past. With each step tied so firmly to the last, it is as if human progress isn't composed of many different stories but rather one meandering story that even the humans cannot guess where it goes.

The Queen of Dreams pondered this truth occasionally, until she came across a most unusual dream. In it a scholar found himself looking upon the nature of progress visualized before him as a tether that connected the world that humans had mastered to the world that humans could only dream of. Inspired, the Queen decided to create a new Noble based upon this very template.

Tether has a single driving desire: to help the people of her kingdom transcend their limitations and embrace the world of their dreams. By his nature, she is never satisfied with the way things are, but instead yearns for what could be.

Since her creation Tether has helped mortals pursue their dreams, both through direct inspiration and persuasion. Beyond directly helping mortals, Tether also acts to ensure that Fae law remains beneficial to human progress, and takes the time to craft minions who exist to serve inventors and creators. For a time, Tether was content with helping mortals along in this fashion. However, she has lately begun to thirst for the world outside of Hope. She longs to search the world for mysterious treasures, record her experiences, and bring them back for all of Hope to marvel at, to examine, and one day, to understand. To that end, she has sworn an oath to find enlightenment in Creation so that she can bring it back to her homeland.

Tether's form is woven from the passion for knowledge and understanding.

Name: Tether, the Patron of Progress

Titles: The Cornerstone of Advancement, the Keys to Tomorrow.

Concept: Agent of human advancement.

Lure: Investigate valuable information.

Motivation: To inspire Progress!



Charisma 7

Manipulation 5

Appearance 7

Perception 5

Intelligence 7

Wits 4

Strength 3

Dexterity 7

Stamina 3


[C] Socialize 4

[C] Thrown 4

[C] Lore 4

[C] Occult 2

[C] Integrity 2

[F] Performance 5

[F] Investigation 2

[F] Craft (Glamour) 2

Awareness 2

Bureaucracy 2

Dodge 3

Linguistics 2 (Forest-Tongue, Riverspeak. Native: Old Realm)

Resistance 1

War 1

Virtues & Graces:

Compassion 2 Conviction 3

Valor 1 Temperance 3


Heart 2

Cup 1 Staff 4

Sword 1 Ring 3


Willpower 6

Essence 2

Motes: 20 [Committed: 7]


Henchmen 1

Artifact 3

Birth 3

Gossamer 3

Style 5



Assumption of Dreams and Passions | 10m, 1g | p. 157

Assumption of the Land's Heart | 10m, 2g | p. 159


Elegant Muse Attitude | 1g | p. 166

Unwanted Obsession Provocation Technique | 1g | p. 167

Essence-Disrobing Passion | 1g | p. 167


Imposition of Law (Charisma+Performance[Oratory] | 2g | p.168


Heaven Rains Wisdom | 1g | p. 183


Ravishing the Created Form | 1wp, 0g | p. 178

Banquet of Crumbs | 0g | p. 178


Essence-Forging Art| 0g | p. 191


Awakened Dream Manufacture | 3m, 0g | p. 199

Shape-Forged Servant | 5m, 1g per mp | p. 200


Oath Gossamer | 4g | p. 206

Eight-Corner Ring Binding | 1g per Raksha | p. 206

Bonus Points:

17 Background Points

3 Staff 3 => 4

Active Assumption:

Gossamer: 6/6

1g Assumption of Dreams and Passions (Passion for learning)

2g Imposition of Law (Charisma+Performance[Oratory])

1g Elegant Muse Attitude

1g Heaven Rains Knowledge

1g Essence Disrobing Passion

Total MP (Temporary): 6/10.


General Equipment

"Pack of Gear" - Mundane Possessions

A pack filled with various curios of mundane technology including: A mechanical watch, a telescope, a magnifying glass, some small fireworks, samples of various dyes, 30 feet of metal wire, a sextant, and simple tools for calligraphy, glassblowing, clockwork/jewel setting, metal working, mixing, and masonry.

Exceptional Equipment

"Barbs of Pointed Discourse" 12 Perfect Gossamer Throwing Needles. Hidden in the seems of Tether's clothing. Generally set with poison.

Spd 5, Acc +2, Dmg 3L, Rate 3, Range 20. Tags: P.

"Tools of Violent Recourse" Two Perfect Gossamer War Boomerangs. One heavier the other more balanced.

Spd 5, Acc +3, Dmg +3L, Rate 3, Range 40.

Spd 5, Acc +2, Dmg +6L, Rate 2, Range 30.

"Keen-Eye Goggles" - Exceptional Awareness Tool

Provides a one die bonus to all Awareness rolls.

"Guardian Plate" - Gossamer Superheavy Plate

Appears as heavy plate armor with pistons and clockwork gears incorporated into its construction.

Soak +12L/+12B, Mobility -0, Fatigue 0.

Shaping Equipment

"Assertion Gauze" - Shaping Armor

Soak +2 Mobility -2 Fatigue 1 Cost: 3


Waking Circle Spell: Elixir of the Clockwork Fairy (Oneiromancy 1)

Spd 5, Acc +1, Dmg +6, Def +1, Rate 2. Tags: Entanglement.

Cost: 10m, 1g

Invocation: 1 scene.

Attune: 3m (LoreKeeper = Tether)

Duration: 1 story.

This Waking Circle Oneiromancy takes Takes the form of a bottle of dark liquid (img). It has the permanent version of Assumption of Water Shape (1mp) and Abiding Gift: Dexterity+Craft(Air)[Clockwork] (p. 184; 3x3 mp). The Elixir grants any mortal who drinks it a minimum of 1 success on all on Strength+Craft(Air)[Clockwork] rolls, allowing them to reliably achieve great feats of engineering.

Anugraha Oath: Oath of Human Transcendence (Abjuration 3)

Spd 5, Acc +2, Dmg +16, Def +0, Rate 2.

Attune: 3m.

The Oath of Human Transcendence.

"Until I find the way to elevate mortals to the level of gods, I shall search Creation for what scraps of enlightenment I can find."

In the Wyld the oath takes the form of an ink set.

1mp: Worker's Gift | p. 193

2mp: Imposition of Law: Intelligence + Investigation [Research] | p. 168

1mp: Defining the Parameters of Battle | p. 213

Samhara Oath: Oath to Slay Ignorance (Abjuration 1)

Attune: 1m.

"I shall bring knowledge to every community that I meet, until I find and destroy the god of foolish ignorence."

1 mp: Gladding Visage | p. 181

1 mp: Iron Nightmare Muzzle | p. 202

Hearthstone Compass (Artifact 1)

Repair: 1

Attune: 2m.

Shows the direction to the nearest manse or, with a hearthstone, the direction to the manse of that hearthstone's origin. Currently unattuned.

Henchmen & Followers

Jillian, the Page. An Alchemist, but mostly a gopher. Image

Join Battle/Debate: 7

Health Levels & Soak

-0 [ ]

-1 [ ] [ ]

-2 [ ] [ ]

-4 [ ]

Inc [ ]

Natural: Soak 1L/3B/0A

Armor: Soak 12L/12B/12A

TOTAL: Soak 13L/15B/12A.


Move: 7

Dash: 13

Jump: 7

Physical Combat

Dodge DV: 8


Tools of Violet Discourse: Sky Winder | Spd 5, Acc 14, Dmg 6L, Rate 3, Range: 40.

Tools of Violent Discourse: Direct Force | Spd 5, Acc 13, Dmg 9L, Rate 2, Range: 30.

Barbs of Pointed Discourse | Spd 5, Acc 13, Dmg 3L, Rate 3, Range 20. Tags: P.

Charm Attacks

Iron Nightmare Muzzle (1g, 5m) | Spd 4, Acc 11. | Doubles all of the target's Essence costs for one scene per extra success on the attack roll.

Essence-Disrobing Passion (5m) | Reflexive, Acc 9 | Attacks the target's Dodge MDV. Target loses motes of Essence equal to Tether's Essence <2> + extra successes on the attack. Target also suffers a -1 internal penalty to all actions for the scene. This penalty stacks, but not with itself.


Dexterity + Stealth: 7

Coordinated Attack | Spd 5 | Charisma + War: 8 | Exalted p. 144

Social Combat

Dodge MDV: 5

Parry MDV: 6

Social Attacks

Charisma + Performance | Spd 6, Acc 12, Def 6, Rate 1.

Manipulation + Performance | Spd 6, Acc 9, Def 5, Rate 1.

Charisma + Investigation | Spd 5, Acc 9, Def 5, Rate 2.

Charm Attacks

Essence-Disrobing Passion (5m) | Reflexive, Acc 9 | See entry in Physical Combat.


Manipulation + Socialize: 9

Armor = Assertation Gauze.

Cup Combat

Using: Elixer of the Clockwork Fairy. (Spd 5, Acc +1, Dmg +6, Def +1, Rate 2. Tags: Entanglement.)

Abilities (Investigation, Larceny, Medicine, Performance and Stealth)

Attack (Manipulation + highest Ability + Weapon) = 11

Damage (Manipulation + Weapon) = 12

Defense DV (Manipulation + highest Ability + Weapon)/2 = 6

Soak (Appearance + Willpower + Armor) = 15

Health (Compassion + Cup) = 3

Ring Combat

Using: Raw Will. (Spd 5, Acc +0, Dmg +0, Def -6, Rate 2, range 0, Tags: N.)

Abilities (Bureaucracy, Craft, Integrity, Lore and Resistance)

Attack (Intelligence + highest Ability + Weapon) = 11

Damage (Perception + Weapon) = 5

Defense DV (Intelligence + Craft + Weapon)/2 = 2

Soak (Wits + Willpower + Armor) = 12

Health (Temperance + Ring) = 6

Staff Combat

Using: Anugara Oath: Oath of Human Transcendance. (Spd 5, Acc +2, Dmg +16, Def +0, Rate 2.)

Abilities (Linguistics, Occult, Ride, Socialize and Thrown)

Attack (Intelligence + highest Ability + Weapon) = 13

Damage (Charisma + Weapon) = 23

Defense DV (Intelligence + highest Ability + Weapon)/2 = 6

Soak (Appearance + Willpower + Armor) = 15

Health (Conviction + Staff) = 7

Staff Entanglement:

Using: Unarmed Staff Entanglement (Spd 6, Acc -1, Dmg +0, Def -, Rate 1, Tags: E,N,P)

Attack 10, Damage 7, DV --.

Sword Combat

Using: Personal Prowess. (Spd 5, Acc +1, Dmg +2, Def +0, Rate 3, Tags: N)

Abilities (Archery, Martial Arts, Melee, Presence and War)

Attack (Dexterity + highest Ability + Weapon) = 10

Damage (Strength + Weapon) = 5

Defense DV (Dexterity + highest Ability + Weapon)/2 = 4

Soak (Stamina + Willpower) = 9

Health (Valor + Sword) = 2

EDIT: Re-arraigned some charms and fixed a few chargen mistakes. Switched out Presence for Performance as a favored skill, as it fits the job of rallying people to progress better.

EDIT: Changed up Tether's equipment a bit and added combat and shaping combat stats.
I'm highly intrigued. I'll need about a day to re-read the appropriate books, but I have so much fun with Fae in any setting that it will only take me an hour or two to have a working character.

If you are still accepting, of course.
Waking Circle Spell: Elixir of the Clockwork Fairy (Oneiromancy 1)

Spd 5, Acc +1, Dmg +6, Def +1, Rate 2. Tags: Entanglement.

Cost: 10m, 1g

Invocation: 1 scene.

Attune: 3m (LoreKeeper = Tether)

Duration: 1 story.

This Waking Circle Oneiromancy takes Takes the form of a bottle of liquid. It has the permanent version of Assumption of Water Shape (1mp) and three forms of Abiding Gift (p. 184; 3mp times 3). The Elixir grants any mortal who drinks it a minimum of 1 success on all on all Dexterity+Craft(Fire)+Metalworking rolls, Dexterity+Craft(Air)+Clockwork rolls, and Strength+Craft(Earth)+Masonry rolls, allowing them to reliably achieve great feats of engineering.

This actually isn't possible, when incorporating charms into artifacts (such as oaths, spells, behemoths), they're treated as mutations bought with mutation points. Which means the following passages from page 151 applies.

If the relevant Charm is one that allows the raksha to affect other beings, the rules are slightly different. First, the raksha’s player must make all decisions regarding how the Charm will function, including who its valid targets are, before purchasing the mutation
The effects of a mutation that affects others are never cumulative with the mutation itself. That is, if the raksha grants the benefits of Abiding Gift to a Creation-born once, he cannot do so again while the previous benefits are still in force.Abiding Gift normally costs 10 motes, one Willpower and three gossamer to activate. Taking it as a mutation, the raksha ignores the Essence, Willpower and gossamer cost. Instead, each point of gossamer in the cost converts to three mutation points.
So your spell would have (3 x 3)mp per usage of abiding gift.
Haku said:
This actually isn't possible
Ah, hm. You are absolutely correct, of course. I apologize, it totally slipped my mind. I'll correct it tonight when I get the chance. Actually, does the Queen of Dreams have any particular preferences on that matter: dreams of great clockwork engines, magnificent castles, or immaculately forged metalcrafts?

Barring a direction, I think I'll go for masonry, as we seem to have the type of city that values good architecture, and when you're in the middle of a lake, surrounded by envious states, it never hurts to have good, solid fortifications...
The lake is the Freehold's Pride. To be even more exact, rumor has it, that it's crafted from the Queen's own Cup grace. And the entire place is the Freehold. Including parts of the surrounding terrain. Beautiful wild forests with dangerous animals. And lush green pastures.

As for what you want with the spell, pick your own preference, as nothing is really what it seems. If you want to go with clockwork contraptions than do. If you want to go with fine metal craft, then do so. If you want to go with masonry, then do so.

Just remember, that most of the freehold is only as real as the shaping rolls of the Queen. In this case close to 20 successes. Imposing six dice of penalty on those who ignore what they see.
d1ng0d0g said:
The lake is the Freehold's Pride. To be even more exact, rumor has it, that it's crafted from the Queen's own Cup grace. And the entire place is the Freehold. Including parts of the surrounding terrain. Beautiful wild forests with dangerous animals. And lush green pastures.
As for what you want with the spell, pick your own preference, as nothing is really what it seems. If you want to go with clockwork contraptions than do. If you want to go with fine metal craft, then do so. If you want to go with masonry, then do so.

Just remember, that most of the freehold is only as real as the shaping rolls of the Queen. In this case close to 20 successes. Imposing six dice of penalty on those who ignore what they see.
Upon reflection, I decided to go with clockwork after all, mostly because, for me, it feels the most unique in the situation. The Queen can erect castles upon a whim which, at 20 successes, are pretty solid as far a such things go and gossamer generally surpasses the finest alloys metalcraft can make, but clockwork still seems to add character to the place.
Ok, after much beating against the rules and mechanics for Fae-Blooded...

Something sort of like a glorified standard bearer for the queen, skilled in combat, but not totally out of place at court. I hope post pic and a bit of backstory/personality before the weekend.

Name: Sir Mandor, Avit Mandor the Confused

Concept: The Perfect* Knight

Motivation: TBD

*for certain definitions of perfect, and only on Tuesdays


Strength â—â—â—â—â— (4 BP) (+1 large)

Dexterity â—â—â—â—â— (4 BP)

Stamina â—â—â— (+1 large)

Charisma â—â—â—

Manipulation â—

Appearance â—â—â—â—

Perception â—â—

Intelligence â—â—

Wits â—â—


Archery â—â—â— (2 BP)

â— Martial Arts â—â—â— (2 BP)

Melee â—â—


War â—

Integrity â—â—

Performance â—â—

Presence â—â—

Resistance â—

Survival â—



Lore â—



Athletics â—â—

Awareness â—

Dodge â—




Linguistics â— (Native: Old Realm, Learned: Riverspeak)

Ride â—â—â—


Socialize â—â—


Raksha Court (Socialize) â— (1 BP)


Inheritance â—â—â—â— (2 BP)

Patron â—â—â—â— (2 BP)

Sifu â— (1 BP) (Lighting Hoof Style, technically this is a marukan style, but maybe someone out there is practicing an early form or something...)


Ravishing the Created Form

Two Cannot Fall (7 BP)

Huntsman's Mastery (7 BP)


Compassion â—â— 3 BP

Conviction â—â—â—

Temperance â—â—

Valor â—â—â—â— 3 BP


Sword Grace â—â—â—â— (Feeding Grace)

WP: 7

Essence: 2 (12 BP)

Peripheral 16/16





+Exalted Healing

-Erratic Temperment (2pt)

-Vulnerability (cold iron) (1pt)



BP 26/26


Did the stasis of Creation cause even this dream to die before it was even born?

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