V. The Great Lobster Fry-Up
Title: Attack Of The Lobster-Hounds!
Summary: Roxanne throws Andrew off a cliff, and consequences ensue.
Here, Have The Dropbox: DING.
II. Of Labyrinth Ore, and Its Application
Story Title: Teacher and the Armor of Darkness.
Synopsis: Teacher attempts to take apart one of the soulsteel armors the circle have captured and runs into multiple complications; Merlin takes exception.
Dropbox Location: Here.
This Post reserved as an index.
I. Of the Purposes of Threads, and the Joining of Others- Above.
II. Of Labyrinth Ore, and its Eternal Application- Below.
I. Of the Purposes of Threads, and the Joining of Others
So, what is this about?
I didn't want to believe Andrew/The Agent/Teacher wasn't busy being Awesome during downtime, so I decided to post some of this awesome in the form of short stories with a single, connected narrative. These...
Let me clarify.
One of the things I knew going into this was that my FtF game attendance wouldn't suffer much; this game would close session around 11AM, which would allow me to make the long hike over to the friendly local gaming shop where I have my face to face.
It's turning out that with...
The prow of the boat rocked slightly in the relative calm of the Carribean Sea, and Andrew felt it under his feet, each wave balanced perfectly beneath him.
The last week had not been kind to him. Not in the way it actually damaged him- it hadn't, at least not such as he'd notice- but in the...
... Ugh, English professors. While i have a measure of respect for a human being who can wring an ocean out of a damp clout, that doesn't mean I want to be anywhere near said damp clout when it goes off.
Rats. At the same time, training someone for one hour a day for a week seems to leave a lot of time for... Other things, including stacking them into one Glorious Solar Realized Curriculum that essentially provides a crash course in BEING A SHMOT GUY in a very very short amount of time...
Hey guys,
If I have the Essence for it (and the Willpower), can I activate two instances of Harmious Academic Methodology at once? What about the Tiger Warrior Training Technique? Or the Bestial Traits Technique?
From MOEP: Infernals:
Does this mean that Infernals can break the Elder Essence caps before the century mark? If so, this explains an awful lot of the Infernal... Thing, for lack of a better word. I'm not thinking well.
I was gonna say that it looks like Ten's colleagues have shown up, and that at least Misho is acting decently enough like a mortal towards Terrestrials. "How can I help you?" is a nice, basic, polite thingy. Addmittedly, it could probably be a bit more worshipful, but hey, he's new here.