The Hundred Stories of the Exiles [Through the Looking Glass]


Junior Member
I. Of the Purposes of Threads, and the Joining of Others

So, what is this about?

I didn't want to believe Andrew/The Agent/Teacher wasn't busy being Awesome during downtime, so I decided to post some of this awesome in the form of short stories with a single, connected narrative. These stories, and the narrative in total, are the Hundred Stories of the Exiles (hence the title), and will be posted in the thread as they are finished, each in a separate post.

The Exiles in question, of course, are all of the characters in the circle, so I would like everyone else to be involved as well, putting their stories in the thread.

Why should I care?

There are three reasons:

1) Explanation: Posting stories explains where you get strange Backgrounds like Allies, Artifacts, Followers, Mentors, Influence, and Familiars, should you have a hankering for any of those. I'm pretty sure you can't get a Cult or Manse, though. It'd be an interesting story to see you try, though!

2) Experience Points!: There will be a flat rate of experience offered to everyone when the game starts back up; this has already been decided. Andoriol will say more about that. However, he has noted that based on the amount of Awesome contained herein, he may adjust these totals upwards.

3) Bragging Rights: Because you don't want Teacher showing you up again, do you? Subject to the approval of Andoriol (which is to say, as long as you don't do some idiotic stuff like end the side-arc in downtime), all stories posted here are canon. These stories are also stories that get whispered from person to person across the land, spreading tales of hope and fear. What legends do they speak of you when next we all meet? If there are none, that seems pretty sad, don't you think?

Okay, okay, you can stop with the bold face. How do I start?

- I will be posting most of my stories as attached files, in rich text format (.rtf), to prevent cross-platform problems- and there inevitably will be cross-platform problems. I would request that everyone else do the same. This will help keep the thread from becoming one gigantic wall of tl;dr and keep the stories largely separate from each other. Alternatively, put them behind spoiler tags, again, to prevent giant text walls.

- As for your actual thread post, Keep It Simple, Stupid! Put down the title of the story, the circle members involved, a one-sentence synopsis of what happens, and all writing credits- meaning that yes, if you collaborate with someone else in the group, you should agree on who posts it and post both bylines, instead of posting the same story twice. Again, this is to prevent the thread from becoming a giant wall of tl;dr.

-Keep the stories relatively short- if you want to write a novel, that's fine, but make sure that each 'chapter' is somewhat episodic. For those who know such things, these are mostly minor Event stories which are part of a larger set of character-based arcs, showing how our personas change. Ten years is a long time, even for an Exalt! To ones our age, it should be quite formative, bring about changes, if not in direct outlook, than in method. This is more an ideal than a rule, though- if Samurai Jack can remain unchanged by his stay in the future, by gum, we can stay unchanged by the past.

tl;dr- Post your stories of what happens to the circlemembers here, in RTF format or behind spoiler walls; only post each story once, please. If there are enough of them we may get more XP, and even if we don't, you can get Backgrounds out of it and some stories to tell around campfires later.
This Post reserved as an index.

I. Of the Purposes of Threads, and the Joining of Others- Above.

II. Of Labyrinth Ore, and its Eternal Application- Below.
II. Of Labyrinth Ore, and Its Application

Story Title: Teacher and the Armor of Darkness.

Synopsis: Teacher attempts to take apart one of the soulsteel armors the circle have captured and runs into multiple complications; Merlin takes exception.

Dropbox Location: Here.
V. The Great Lobster Fry-Up

Title: Attack Of The Lobster-Hounds!

Summary: Roxanne throws Andrew off a cliff, and consequences ensue.

Here, Have The Dropbox: DING.

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