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  1. devilaether

    Plug and Play DB Circle?

    Site is blocked at work. :( Thanks, though, I'll check it out later.
  2. devilaether

    Plug and Play DB Circle?

    In a few weeks my PCs will be tangling with some shady characters, including a circle of Dragon Blooded. Has anyone got a generic DB circle statted up that I could use as a base?
  3. devilaether

    KoC Character Elimination Contest 1.0!

    +Nemen Yi, Because badass rebellious Sid is Badass... and rebellious! -Mew Cai, because ITS DEAD ANYWAY. Dead is Dead. Misho 10 Marena 17 Secret 8 Ten 11 Mew Cai 18 King of Uncloaked Steel 14 Blossom 18 Karen 18 Nemen Yi 15 Racer 14 Aria 12 Previously Eliminated...
  4. devilaether

    KoC Character Elimination Contest 1.0!

    Nemen Yi because of cantacerous hotness, Mew Cai because it's story is over. Misho 12 Marena 16 Secret 23 Ten 13 Mew Cai 16 King of U. Steel 20 Blossom 23 Nova 9 Karen 20 Nemen Yi 16 Racer 15 Aria 13 Eliminated: Cluivnarihe The Sheriff Ben Ninja Fae Troper Fae...
  5. devilaether

    World Makers and Reality

    Oh, and let's not forget the fact that humanity was designed - by the Primordials- with the quality of free will, the very quality that allowed humanity to directly rebel against them, so that their prayer candy would taste better. Lets face it: The Primordials were morons.
  6. devilaether

    World Makers and Reality

    'Defeating the Primordials' period was already impossible. The Exalted were intrinsicly designed to do the impossible. The creation of the Unconquered Sun was a momumental fuck up on the The Dragons Shadow and He-That-Would-Become-Malfeas's part. The Dragons Shadow created something that would...
  7. devilaether

    One Hand Fury

    Yeah, IMS is basically the Reclimation in a CMA style. "I force you to punch me in the face, thus causing you to take my place in the oath that binds me into my prison self. See ya later, sucker."
  8. devilaether

    Your Exaltation

    Solar. Eclipse Caste. No question. Athletics, Melee, Lore, Performance and Presence favored. No, I haven't thought about this. Why do you ask?
  9. devilaether

    Keychains #258-301

    It won't be complete until each of the Celestials has a half-caste kid and we throw in a few demon and fae blooded cousins. Oh, and a Dragon King marries in somewhere.
  10. devilaether

    Dr. Tran: Pefect Analogy for the Primordial War

    Think of it like this: Everything is pefectly sane, the world functions as it should. Then, from out of nowhere, an inexplicable force appears and throws all rationality out the window. Your world is turned upside down, none of the rules you thought were steady constants seem to apply anymore...
  11. devilaether

    Keychains #258-301

    Very good question. Likely because, due to their split upbringing, she has more barbs and hooks in Marena. Pissed Lunar is PISSED. I absolutely LOVE Marena's shaking hand in the second to last panel. She's 1/86th of an inch of away from beating the living snot out of Aria. That she didn't...
  12. devilaether

    Zenith Sermon

    This is my first post on this forum. I thought I'd share a sermon that I've written that my Exalted character, a Zenith, will be giving in an upcoming game. Let me know what you think! Sermon of Atlas, Solar Exalted of the Zenith Caste, to the people of Gethmane I come to tell you that each...