One Hand Fury


Junior Member
Now, One Hand Fury says that it transforms one of the users hands into an artifact weapon. Given the appropriately unholy carnage one can accomplish using said weapon properly, labeling it such is probably an accurate description of it's power.

The confusion comes (for me) comes in when you realize that the same weapon is (was?) also your hand. So if I were to use it without flaring the runes, could I still use it in Touch attacks in other styles? Does the flaring of the runes make a difference?
The Hand is still your hand, and it carries the N tag. It's a natural part of you and an artifact weapon, like a prosthetic of clockwork elegance, only different. This is one of the things that makes the style a trap for Sidereals.
Chaka said:
And yet not for tattooed Lunars, funnily enough.
Well, it's a trap for everybody, even Infernal practitioners. It's just that the whole style is so succulent in its compatibility with Sidereal aesthetics and mechanics.
Well yes, but I mean tattooed Lunars can't learn the pinnacle charm.

EDIT: nevermind, apparently they can. Ok, in that case it is a trap for everyone.

I'll be over here in the corner.
1. So does that mean I can use Charms of other (non-Sidereal) Styles while the runes are flaring or do I have to settle for having +3B to attacks?

2. My perception is that while the whole "Yozi's having you as their bitch for a scene" would be absolutely terrible for the other Exalted, it's merely a (major) inconvenience for the Infernals. I mean, they did offer their loyalty to the Yozi's to get their power in the first place.
1. It's not exactly clear. Personally I'd let work with nay stlye that allowed some kind of fist weapon as well (i.e. Solar Hero style), but that's just me. On the up side, no matte what you have a nearly indestructible hand that will grow back. :P

2. Yeah, its not AS big a deal for Infernals, nut still not something you want to happen. Especially if your trying to go against them.
Yeah, IMS is basically the Reclimation in a CMA style.

"I force you to punch me in the face, thus causing you to take my place in the oath that binds me into my prison self. See ya later, sucker."

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