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  1. Ooky Spooky

    The Echoes of Absence

    Vacation until next Tuesday, it's fairly unlikely that I'll be around a computer.
  2. Ooky Spooky

    Space Opera Exalted

    Basically, instead of creating a big flat place out of the infinity that is the Wyld, the Primordials made another infinite space. The space part is not "nothing", it's air. People could survive between planets if they could keep warm enough and had food and didn't mind smashing into Earth...
  3. Ooky Spooky

    Space Opera Exalted

    No, I'm thinking it's going to be pure Air Essence. You could go wandering out in it, except the only source of Earth Essence (and therefore gravity) is going to be the Jade in the ship you got out there on. And you'd start to freeze to death. You ever see Serenity or Firefly? It would be kinda...
  4. Ooky Spooky

    I found something interesting...

    Isn't that interesting...
  5. Ooky Spooky

    I found something interesting...

    Put those questions in the Space Opera Exalted thread
  6. Ooky Spooky

    Space Opera Exalted

    Let's start with Space travel Back in the First Age, there were amazing engines built that made traveling from one end of Creation little more than an extened vacation. For emergencies, they had the Gates of Auspicious Passage that could take you from one end of Creation to the other...
  7. Ooky Spooky

    Space Opera Exalted

    I brought this up in the Play-by-Post section of the site and people liked it. They liked it enough that I needed a world building thread to get my thoughts in order. So that's what this thread is for. I'm not worried about mechanics really that much, I'm more interested in setting pieces to...
  8. Ooky Spooky

    I found something interesting...

    I think I'll open one in the discussion forums. That way I can get things in order, and if people want to chime in with ideas, there's a place for it. So it was spoken, so shall it be!
  9. Ooky Spooky

    I found something interesting...

    That's actually a neat idea. Engines would probably run on thamaturgy-based principals, or possibly bound demons of some kind. There could easily be a Sorcery effect that alters the way the universe runs so ships get there faster. In the First Age, the Solars had the Gates of Auspicious Passage...
  10. Ooky Spooky

    I found something interesting...

    I was digging around the internets, when I came across this little gem. After people came over to see what I as screaming about, I immediately thought "Spooky my boy, you must run this someday. If you don't you will fail as an Epic High Fantasy RPG player for all time." Would there be any...
  11. Ooky Spooky

    Fair Folk? Fair Folk? Who wants some Fair Folks?

    I'm sooo very interested, but according to my FLBS my copy (and the only copy they ordered) has misplaced itself somehow. So until they find it I am forced to suckle at the proverbial teat of the assorted spoiler threads out there. And I find the milk is so very, very sweet. I think I just...
  12. Ooky Spooky

    [Custom Stuff] Tools of the Hunt [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

    That was the intent of the Holy aspect of the charm. :D Thanks for checking though!
  13. Ooky Spooky

    [Custom Stuff] Tools of the Hunt [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

    Did you ever take a look at that Abyssal Thrown charm to compare it to my Archery charm?
  14. Ooky Spooky

    [OOC thread] A Path to Enlightenment [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

    I'd be fine with a -1 external penalty to unarmed MA attacks, and a -3 external penalty to Stealth checks. That would make sense to me.
  15. Ooky Spooky

    Bear: Why So Serious ?! [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

    Bear rolls 2 dice to JB Stunt dice 1 success 7,5 6 total JB successes.
  16. Ooky Spooky

    Bear: Why So Serious ?! [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

    Oh, he was getting sick of her condescending attitude. The circlets clip into place, making a deceptively light jinglejingle-jinglejingle sound that he feels is somewhat... demeaning. "Well... Steward. It isn't like it's any more difficult than being courteous, and at least I've managed that...
  17. Ooky Spooky

    [OOC thread] A Path to Enlightenment [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

    So he's supposed to attack each lunar at least three times at random during the day, from at least five feet away each time? I just want to make sure that's the instructions he's been given. What effect do these articles of jewelry, have on Bear's statistics?
  18. Ooky Spooky

    Bear: Why So Serious ?! [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

    Bear looks at the Lunars with that baffled look he gets when Tsunami goes on like this. What was wrong with being a killer? He doubted that there were any Exalted pacifists running around Creation, and weren't they supposed to be weapons in the first place? You don't get mad at a sword because...
  19. Ooky Spooky

    [Image Thread] Potraits of the Great Masters [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

    Sometimes Bear misses his Soulsteel Armor of the Unseen Assassin...
  20. Ooky Spooky

    [OOC] For rules questions, general questions and raves [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

    At some point in the future I might, but it's going to be archery and survival charms only for awhile.