[Custom Stuff] Tools of the Hunt [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

*villainous cackle*

It is a 4-dot Artifact, though, SRC. Perhaps you should be require to spend a mote to access the pockets (whether to store or retrieve things)? To be honest, though, for a 4-dot artifact with only one other power (that provided by a 2-dot artifact), it actually seems kind of balanced as is. If you're really concerned, why not take it to the WW forums? There's at least a few people there who'd be able to tell you pretty quickly if something was balanced or not in comparison to other artifacts of the same rating.
Honestly I don't really care that much about storing larger stuff in it, it just seemed vaguely underpowered for an artifact 4 to me otherwise. Nor am I really attached to the protection. Though considering that without those it would be mechanically slightly inferior to an Infinite Chakram, I would perhaps want to see if I could get it as an artifact 3 with a slightly lowered attunement cost.

And if I have to spend motes to use it, it would become a crappy artifact. DBs have limited mote pools to begin with...
Edited mah post. Mote spending for the pocket usage is probably unnecessary. SRC's call in the end, of course.
I guess my main problem is where it says that you can store items of virtually any size. If we limit that I wouldn't have a problem with the Artifact.
I have no problem cutting the "virtually any size" thing. Would "any one handed weapon" be an acceptable substitute, or should I cut it entirely?
That would be an acceptable substitute in my opinion. If you want you can still run it through the W boards and see what they say, heck, maybe they'll say it need a lower mote commitment, or some such.
Yeah, why not make it only able to store small objects. Say, those you can fit in your hand, such as a small dagger, a shuriken, a pen, a gem, etc. I'd definitely bring this to the WW forums if I were you, demihappycow. If you don't have an account, or don't want to, I imagine SRC or I could do so.
Okay, another custom artifact, I largely based this off of the Spear Thrower of Exalted Prowess from Wonders of the Lost Age (p75).

Shuriken Master's Gloves - Artifact 2

This pair of enchanted white leather gloves enhances the ability of an Exalt to throw shuriken. When attuned to for 5 motes they resize themselves to fit the Exalt perfectly, and allow one to grip and hurl shuriken (and chakram) with incredible ease and accuracy. They add +2 to accuracy, +3 to damage, +1 to rate, and +10 to the range of shuriken/chakram thrown while wearing the gloves. They are fully compatible with thrown charms (or martial arts charms for styles that include shuriken/chakram as form weapons).
I find it strange, thematically. For the spear thrower there is a lot of real world examples, but nothing for a glove that grants almost similar benefits to chakram/shuriken throwing.

If you want something mechanically similar we can discuss it, and maybe come up with something else.
Eh, it isn't so much the mechanics I'm worried about. I don't want to mess with the visual thematics I've got in mind, so I'd rather just go with something else entirely.

If you don't like the gloves I'll probably just grab some artifact armor instead.
Haku, I've looked at the trhead, and you seem to have made not a few Charms there, is there anything specific you want me to look at, or was it just a general request to look them over?
General request ^_^

I'll be making more charms or snagging a few from there as I refine character concept.
Bracers of the Cutting Wind

Artifact 3

This pair of bracers are carved from a single piece of blue jade and typically have imagery of Mela in her various aspects smiting anathema, rogue elementals, demons or fey.

With but a thought, the exalted can form throwing weapons made of solid air in her hands ready to be thrown. The solid air weapons are not stable enough to be used for melee combat and dissipate after striking the target when thrown.

Should the dragonblooded wielder also possess the elemental bolt charm, he may enhance the weapon's damage by spending 1 mote, for every 2L of additional damage per attack (motes are spend at step 1 and must be declared), up to the normal maximum limit of (stamina) motes. This effect reduces the attacks' rate by half and is considered to be an application of the elemental bolt charm for all purposes, with the secondary elemental effect also being applied to the attack.

The artifact has an attunement cost of 6 motes and must be attuned as a pair. The artifact has two hearthstone slots (one on each bracer).


Speed 4, Accuracy +2, Damage +4L, Range 100 yards, Rate 4 (2 per bracer)

Minimum Strength 1 / Dexterity 3, Attunement 6 motes
Th artifact seems a bit too strong, as it essentially gives you the ability to create the equivalent of artifact weapons with stats that are better than Infinite Jade Chakram, with a +2 accuracy, and a doubling of the range. That alone is enough, or almost enough to put it at a 3 dot artifact.

And then there are two hearthstone settings, and the ability to enhance the weapons if the wearer knows Elemental Bolt Attack.

If you have a specific type of thrown weapon you wish to use maybe we can build something around it, but certainly the gloves shouldn`t make the equivalent of an artifact weapon, if you want the ability to enhance thos weapons via Elemental Bolt Attack.
It's also more expensive than a chakram.

It's also the thought that since you're making weapons out of air, the elemental bolt charm could be used to enhance it. Which you're still paying for, and mote loss is fatal to a Dragonblooded.
Going by Oadenol's Codex, those stat increases do not make it Artifact 3. Not even close. However, the extra power, when combined with the Hearthstone sockets make it perhaps just a little sketchy.

I definitely suggest that this should be another one to take to the WW forums. >_>
So the coat didn't get much response on the WW forums. What reaction there was seemed largely to think it was underpowered/overpriced. Think I could get away with upping the soak to 8L/6B and dropping the attune cost to 6? It would still be less soak and higher attune than first age, no-upkeep-required, artifact 4 gunzosha armor, to give an example of where I'm coming from balance-wise on this.
As mentioned, some custom Dragon-Blooded Archery Charms
Coils of the Wood Dragon

Cost: 3m or 3m, 1wp; Mins: Archery 5, Essence 4; Type: Simple

Keywords: Combo-Basic, Holy, Obvious

Duration: Permanent or Until broken

Prerequisite Charms: Life Swelling Sap Strike, Mighty Log Practice, Thorns of the Wood Dragon

The Dragon-Blooded makes one Archery-based attack as part of activating this Charm, infusing a piece of ammunition that must be made of either wood, Green Jade, or Wood Essence with the infinite vitality of wood itself for the cost of three motes and one willpower. A target hit by this attack suffers no damage. Instead, the ammunition transforms into a wave of Wood Essence that solidifies into a living tree large enough to cover a target that could fit within a sphere with a radius equal to the Dragon-Blooded’s Essence rating in yards. Subjects of this charm are assumed to have 75% cover against attacks while incased in the tree. This tree is considered to have the effective statistics as a Wood Statue (Bashing Soak 4, Lethal Soak 2, 3 Health Levels until Damaged and 16 Health Levels until destroyed), although all damage must be rolled against it until the end of the scene, whereupon it becomes a completely inanimate object. Breaking out from under the tree with a feat of strength requires a miscellaneous action and a (Strength + Athletics) total of the Dragon-Blooded’s Essence rating. Victims trapped by this Charm suffer the same impairment as characters held in a grapple but remain conscious and can take actions within these limits. The tree does not restrict the target from breathing, but targets find themselves unable to recover motes through Essence Respiration or Hearthstones while entangled within the tree, as the wood absorbs this essence to fuel its rapid growth. This charm treats Ghosts as material for all purposes, and a Ghost that runs out of Essence while encased in the tree immediately passes into Lethe

The Dragon-Blooded can use this charm at a cost of three motes only to plant a tree in whatever surface he targets, which can be used for supplies for Craft (wood) actions and all manner of stunts. If this tree is planted in a Shadowland, the area under its branches is no longer treated as a Shadowland.
Ok, I've read the Abyssal charm.

I'd allow it, but for the following changes:

Remove it's effect on Shadowlands.

This Charm's Holy tag is only because it can put ghosts to rest. It doesn't cause Aggravated damage to creatures of darkness.

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