[Custom Stuff] Tools of the Hunt [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

This Charm's Holy tag is only because it can put ghosts to rest. It doesn't cause Aggravated damage to creatures of darkness
That was the intent of the Holy aspect of the charm. :D

Thanks for checking though!
I have a proposition :

Magic ressource cristals (1 to 5 dots)

This cristals act as "batteries" that can help support the essence cost of spells. After commiting 1 mote of essence per dot of the cristal can recharge the cristal with up to X motes(i'm not sure which number is the most appropriate) of essence. To charge Y motes of essence (Y being any number between 1 and X) the attuned user must spend 2Y motes of essence(which are regenerated as normal). After using a miscellaneous action user can then use the cristal for paying the cost of spells during the scene(or begins casting in the same scene, in case of spells with longer casting time), and only spells, and at least 5 motes of essence used for the spell have to come from the sorcerer's own personal or peripherical pool.
with two skin mount amulets you shouldn't have too much of a problem with mote pool. I don't wanna see starting characters with such a large mote pool that they have no worries whatsoever, it's part of the cost of being a sorcerer, let's not min-max it too much.
Howdy all.

I'm a new player to the game. I must say I am quite excited to be playing. I am currently working with SRC in getting my character up to snuff so I can join in the action. I do want to get your thoughts on something I am considering purchasing. It is a custom hearthstone, so here it is. I'd like to hear what you think.

Jewel of Burning Embers

This stone is rectangular and black, with deep veins of red shooting through it. The stone itself resembles an ember in a fire, and a feint heat emanates from the stone when it is held. This hearthstone aligns the wearer’s Aspect into accordance with another Aspect’s. While wearing this stone, the wearer pays no out-of-aspect surcharge for employing Charms from the Fire Aspect. There are similar stones that afford the same benefit for the other Aspects

Two questions. Do you think it's overpowering? And what level would you consider this hearthstone to be?

Cheers. I look forward to gaming with you all!
I don't know what level to put that in. Only thing I would do is add in a sentence that there are similar stones for each of the elemental aspects. So if you have the fire version is removes the 1 mote surcharge on fire charms, while the wood does the same for wood charms, and so on.

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