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  1. danelsan

    Exaltificating the KoC! - Ten Winds REVISITED!!

    Re: Exaltificating the KoC! Ha! Nice idea DukeGod! I don't know how it never occurred to me to make exaltifications for the cast of KoC. I'd try my own versions, but it would feel like trying to steal your thunder. So I'll just make my marketing^^ if you are not a regular at the White Wolf...
  2. danelsan

    Keychain #301-305

    Considering how gorgeous and...huh...available Marena is, should I assume Misho is celibate (perhaps as one of his sacrifices for sorcery)? Or perhaps he is just gay? Or he is not into love bites (and claw marks, and the girl turning into a hundred different forms through the whole thing...)? So...
  3. danelsan

    Act 1b: The warriors [Sands of Glory]

    SANDSTORM "Yeah, I can see the thing, Lion!" As it approaches, Sandstorm gets a better idea of just how big it is "Holy Walker! Now that is a prey...unless of course it eats us first!" says sandstorm with inappropriate excitement for such a dangerous situation. "But I have something for...
  4. danelsan

    OOC: this is were out of character discussion takes place [Sands of Glory]

    Re: OOC: this is were out of character discussion takes plac Sorry for the long time off, people. I was having some weird problem that wouldn't let some pages load, including patternspider. Fixed now
  5. danelsan

    Act 1b: The warriors [Sands of Glory]

  6. danelsan

    Act 1b: The warriors [Sands of Glory]

    Sandstorm "You really are no fun at all, jackal...but, ok - food first, challenge later" *Kicks away a small stone* "By the way, 'getting in trouble' made me have my own house, with camels and all, without even having much of anybody looking out for me know. [sandstorm is talking...
  7. danelsan

    Act 1b: The warriors [Sands of Glory]

    Sandstorm Slowly changing his angered face into a grim of excitement, Sandstorm addresses Bedwyr again "Ah! Now you are talking some sense! if its glory and merit you seek, along with the usefulness of the hunt, then we're speaking the same language. Hunting just to eat? Any animal could do...
  8. danelsan

    Act 1b: The warriors [Sands of Glory]

    SANDSTORM "Don't you give me that, Mallory" Sandstorm says while pointing a finger at Bedwyr "that's hypocrisy!" This time actually getting angry, as he steps toward Bedwyr with an accusatory tone "How can you say hunting is just for eating, that I shouldn't go looking for a thrill and a...
  9. danelsan

    Act 1b: The warriors [Sands of Glory]

    SANDSTORM *Sigh* "You are no fun, Jackal. Telling everybody your findings like that..." "Oh, well. How about you circle around and get them from the front, while me and Lion make a triangle with you to surround then as much as possible" "Oh, and Bedwyr, since you are really good with a...
  10. danelsan

    Act 1b: The warriors [Sands of Glory]

    Sandstorm Being a bit too competitive, Sandstorm doesn't mention his findings, and just silently follows the tracks as if still looking for clues
  11. danelsan

    When I grow Up... [Sands of Glory] that I think about it, while perhaps slightly less appropriate for his personality, I've always wanted to play a Scorpion Totem Lunar. So, still full moon, but with a scorpion spirit shape instead
  12. danelsan

    Act 1b: The warriors [Sands of Glory]

    SANDSTORM You may be well know for that Jackal, but I won't be much behind you. The tone is a mocking of a challenge, not meant as serious. Climbing a nearby rocky formation for a better view and taking off the cloth in his head and using it to block the sunlight a bit, Sandstorm looks down...
  13. danelsan

    KoC Character Elimination Contest 1.0!

    + Ten: Agent 0010 is the Awesome - - Mew Cai: I found you history to be more dramatic if you don't come back Marena 13 Ten 16 Mew Cai 2 King of Uncloaked Steel 14 Karen 20 Nemen Yi 14 Previously Eliminated: Aria Ben Blossom Cluivnarihe Flame Message Sid Misho...
  14. danelsan

    Act 1b: The warriors [Sands of Glory]

    SANDSTORM You are right, better start soon or we'll end up hunting with the Sun passing right over our heads. Mr. hunterman Jackal can join the fun later. It's not like fighting him is harder than fighting me or Bossy Lion here*Taps radiant lion's shoulder* Sandstorm was never too fond of...
  15. danelsan

    Act 1b: The warriors [Sands of Glory]

    SANDSTORM Looking as Jackal keeps the same pace as if not hearing Radiant Lion's call, Sandstorm decides to add some pepper to the situation For somebody who thinks his hunting is aaall that, Crushin Jack is not that good of ears, huh? Or...nah. I'm sure he wouldn't act like that just to...
  16. danelsan

    Act 1b: The warriors [Sands of Glory]

    SANDSTORM "Hey there, Lion! So, those two are not around yet?" "And they say I am the rebel" *grumbles a bit to himself* "Well, 'chieftain-to-be'... ", words carrying a hint of sarcasm but well-meaning humor "...I'm just about finished with my boys here, and sparring or hunting certainly...
  17. danelsan

    Act 1b: The warriors [Sands of Glory]

    Sandstorm *Sigh* "By the Walker, I need something else to do. I like you all, but lately I'm without any excitement..." said Sandstorm in a bored tone while tending to his camels A few days earlier, Sandstorm took two of his camels and went away from the tribe in search of some adventure...
  18. danelsan

    OOC [The Road to Heaven]

    So, TheDude, are any of us players lacking in posting some information, are you just busy or is it something else? Also, Coyotekin, did you get my suggestions for your artifact? If so, what do you think about the idea?