When I grow Up... [Sands of Glory]

Blue Eyed Fox will become, quite appropriately, a Fox totem Lunar. Once tattooed he'd be a Changing Moon.
I am, as mentioned in my past incarnation post, as solar. But I am considering retconing it to say that I am eclipse instead of a night caste. Both would fit some of my longer term characterization plans. Ask me once we have played a bit and I understand my character's characterization more.

Edit-Night caste it is. Crushing Jackal is not turning out to be very diplomatic.
Full-Moon Lunar for me. For now I'll say coyote* totem, but as I get a better feeling of the character's behavior through play I may change that totem (if there is time). But I'm sure about the caste.

*I know coyote is not a very figthy stereotype, but I also intend to invest a fair bit in Wits and Manipulation, so I think it fits the cunning warrior with a knack for trouble that I'm going for. If someone has a better suggestion, I'm all ears, though
Hmm...now that I think about it, while perhaps slightly less appropriate for his personality, I've always wanted to play a Scorpion Totem Lunar.

So, still full moon, but with a scorpion spirit shape instead

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