Act 1b: The warriors [Sands of Glory]

Crushing Jackal nods at Sandstorm, and says "That it is." with a quick grin. "No other tribesman in our age group can match me in the hunts for a reason, you know."


My Perception + Survival = 7 so rolled 7 dice using the Nox Dice roller linked in resources and got 10, 8, 5, 3, 2, 9, 9, which it says is 5 successes.
Was this right? It's my first exalted roll.

Yes, this is right. except for damage rolls, 10's count as two successes. Try to keep OOC text separate from the IC text. makes it easier to read.

You may be well know for that Jackal, but I won't be much behind you. The tone is a mocking of a challenge, not meant as serious.

Climbing a nearby rocky formation for a better view and taking off the cloth in his head and using it to block the sunlight a bit, Sandstorm looks down all around him searching for the patterns from track marks of interesting prey.


this particular part of the south we're in right now is considered a desert, right?
If so, I've got Perception+Survival+Specialty=5

Results of...urgh: 3, 7, 1, 4, 4 for one success. I'll use one of the re-rolls my Luck merit gives me for 7, 2, 10, 3, 9, making it 4 successes. (note to ST: remember you can make me re-roll again by invoking my Unlucky flaw)

Stunt: Sandstorm rolled the following in his 1 dice:


Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 2 successes.
Also, now that we are making rolls - how are stunts gonna be handled? You tell us to roll additional dice after the fact; we describe first and then roll dice after stunt dice are awarded if that if the description merits some; or something else?
Bedwyr takes a much more simplistic approach to this task. Jackal is the best tracker, so Bedwyr initially follows behind him. Following his movements and making sure to examine everything he sees the hunter stop and look at, once Bedwyr has found the beginnings of a trail he branches off himself, looking for seperate clues that Jackal might miss.

10, 5, 1. 2 successes
Crushing Jackal and Sandstorm both find a trail of gazelles heading south-east. Looks like there are some 40 members of this group, some young, and some injured, but most are healthy and adult.

Meanwhile, Bedwyr has managed to find tracks of some pheasants who passed not too long ago.

Being a bit too competitive, Sandstorm doesn't mention his findings, and just silently follows the tracks as if still looking for clues
Crushing Jackal stands up from where he had crouched down to look under a plant and says “It looks like a herd of gazelles when through here a bit before we arrived. I'm going to try to circle around and get in front of them, unless one of you has a complaint about that.â€

*Sigh* "You are no fun, Jackal. Telling everybody your findings like that..."

"Oh, well. How about you circle around and get them from the front, while me and Lion make a triangle with you to surround then as much as possible"

"Oh, and Bedwyr, since you are really good with a blade but not nearly as much with arrows, you could scare them, goading the herd into running in our direction without being so attentive. Would that work for everyone?"
Bedwyr walks over from where he's found some tracks.

"Hunting isn't meant to be fun. Nobles over in the Lap or Nexus might go hunting for the sheer thrill of it," says Bedwyr, conjuring up the names of cities so distant as to almost be mythical, "But we do it to eat."

"I've got the tracks for some pheasants, but what I'm really interested in is the vision of a sandswimmer. That would be a worthwhile hunt. Did any of you find it's trail?"

Int + Survival to figure out where a Sandswimmer would likely be based on the terrain and it's preferred prey of gazelles vs pheasants. 10, 3, 4, 8. 3 successes.

"Don't you give me that, Mallory" Sandstorm says while pointing a finger at Bedwyr "that's hypocrisy!" This time actually getting angry, as he steps toward Bedwyr with an accusatory tone

"How can you say hunting is just for eating, that I shouldn't go looking for a thrill and a moment later you are talking about sandswimmers and worthwhile hunts? If you really believe what you said to me, shouldn't you be going after the deer or the pheasants, an easier way to get food back to our people instead of chasing an interesting vision or a challenging prey?"
The sandswimmers are more likely to go for the deer. Pheasants would be more like a snack. :mrgreen:

The tribe usually stays away from the areas known to be frequented by Sandswimmers, but there are a few within 50 miles from the camp.
Bedwyr's face colours, but he otherwise manages to stay fairly stoic at this outburst.

"Anyone can hunt a gazelle, only the best can hunt a sandswimmer and if we have the skill then the advantages of doing so are large. Sandwimmers could easily kill someone from the tribe if they're attacked when they're alone. To kill them is a benefit to all. We also mostly hunt the same prey as the sandswimmers, so if the sandswimmers would have lived another few decades naturally then that's hundreds of gazzelles and other prey that the sandswimmer won't be eatting and our hunters can catch."

By now the red has gone form Bedwyr's cheeks and he seems more settled, finding his verbal stride. "The rarer more dangerous creatures are also more valuable. What we can't make use of ourselves we can trade to others for great advantage. Perhaps most importantly, to stalk dangerous prey is one of the surest ways to gain the favour of the gods."

"I am a djhara hunter. We have hunted sandswimmers and other dangerous beasts for generations, and to do so earns the greatest glory because the experienced hunter know it is the most worthwhile thing you can do."

"Hunt the gazelle if you wish, but it is the sandswimmer which holds the greater worth."

Slowly changing his angered face into a grim of excitement, Sandstorm addresses Bedwyr again

"Ah! Now you are talking some sense! if its glory and merit you seek, along with the usefulness of the hunt, then we're speaking the same language. Hunting just to eat? Any animal could do that! I prefer to strive for more, too."

Contemplating the possibility of this hunting trip turning out to be much more interesting, He quickly probes his colleagues for interest in bigger prey

"What you say, Jackal? Have you hunted one of those? I mean, you must defend your reputation as the best hunter among us, don't you think?"

"How about you Lion? Would there be greater glory for a future chieftain, taking a sandswimmer for 'just another hunt' ?"
Glancing over at the other two with vague amusement, Crushing Jackal says “Do you know how I became the best hunter of our generation, Sandstorm? I spent most of my life out here in the wilds, while you were getting into trouble in the village. Glory, Excitement, they sound nice but are poor company on hungry nights. A sure meal is better then potential riches that may get you killed. If we work together in the way suggested, we are almost sure to get a gazelle. Once we have done our jobs we can go look for extras, and see about the likely hood of going after that Sandwimmer.â€

Pausing for a moment and then shrugging, Crushing Jackal finishes his somewhat unusual, for him, spat of verbalization. “That's my view on things at least.â€
"I don't paticularily want by neice to be eaten by a sandswimmer if she strays too far into the wilds. It's a danger and should be dealt with."

"You really are no fun at all, jackal...but, ok - food first, challenge later" *Kicks away a small stone*

"By the way, 'getting in trouble' made me have my own house, with camels and all, without even having much of anybody looking out for me know. [sandstorm is talking about the resources 3 he got out of his crazy lifestyle, despite the early death of his family]

Before he started getting sad about the past, Sandstorm follows with: "People may not like my way of doing things, but I earned everything I got - Although 'everything I got' does include a lot of scars" finishing the sentence with a 'not a big deal' shrug

"Well, if we keep discussing here, we won't reach those gazelles - Back to surrounding them? After we got some, I'll help you find that sandswimmer, Mallory"
“Oh, I never thought you hadn't earned everything you have gotten, Sandstorm.†Crushing Jackal said. “But as you yourself just admitted, you've put your effort into accomplishments within the village. Sandswimmers are nasty when there is only a few of you, and we don't have much numbers. It would only take one good bite on its part to, at the very least, prevent us from being fit enough to go on the trading journey. And once it gets one good bite in, well... How well can you dodge with only one foot?â€
PErception+Survival:4d10 → [1,5,3,3] = (12)

Radiant Lion looks around for tracks, following Crushing Jackal and Sandstorm. He listens as they converse amongst themselves and then with Bedwyr.

Radiant Lion looks at them all and says, "The gazelles and feeding the tribe is the reason why we're out here hunting my good men, should we have to deal with a sandswimmer who is also hunting, then perhaps glory we will gain by defeating it and protecting our prey and our fellow tribesman."
Crushing Jackal shrugs “Whatever we end up doing, we have already agreed to get the gazelle first, so while you all argue I am going to get on with the circling around in front of them bit.â€

With that said, Crushing Jackal heads off through the savanna underbrush.
As Crushing Jackel slips through the underbrush, he keeps a wary eye out for surprises and traps, frequently pausing to make sure that nothing has heard or seen him him before he is ready.

Rolled 4, 6, 3, 8, 6, 1, 8 for what I count as two successes. Assuming a rank one stunt, without that it is only one success.
As you move through the Savanna's underbrush, you can see the deer up ahead. circling them wasn't hard, and as you're downwind from them, they are not likely to catch your scent.

Jackal, gimmie Wits + Awareness and/or Perception + Survival
The rest of you, gimmie Perception + Survival
Having reached a suitable spot, Crushing Jackal settles down to wait until his fellow tribesmen panic the herd, sending them passed him in a suitable position to be slain. Therefor, until that happens, he settles down in his spot like an unnoticeable shadow, observing his surroundings for that moment of sure death.

Counted 7 dice for perception+survival, added 2 more for the survival specialty of 'When Alone' and added 1 for a basic stunt, then rolled with the Nox dice roller.
Crushing Jackal rolled the following in his 10 dice:

10, 3, 4, 6, 1, 8, 1, 10, 9, 2

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 6 successes.
Keeping low to the ground, Bedwyr mixes long moments of waiting and stillness with sudden sharp bursts of movement to quickly position himself behind the next piece of cover.

Lying down on the ground at the edge of a patch of underbrush, Bedwyr first of all puts his ear down to the ground to check for vibrations or sound and then carefully pushes the grass out of his way so he has a clear field of vision in front of him.

8, 7, 9, 4. 3 successes. Assuming 1 die stunt. All my rolls will be with the Nox dice roller under the name of Bedwyr if you need to search for it, although I might slip up and sometimes use his full name instead.
Perception + Survival: 4d10 → [8,2,8,3] = 2 successes

Radiant Lion follows his tribe mates, in particular the cunning Jackal and readies himself to help with bringing down the deer. He gets down on his belly in the grass, knowing he will dirty his clothes and his armor, but he knows the element of surprise is essential. He carefully parts the grass to get a better view as he readies his sword Razor Claw in one hand and a flame piece in the other.

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