OOC [The Road to Heaven]

Most of the sheet is posted now. I just have some numbers to calculate (combat/social combat stats, mostly). I'm also almost done deciding exactly how my artifacts are to work (of course, I'll then submit them for review).

I should be done already, but life has its unique ability to get in the way... :roll:
Argh! I've hit a creative block with my guns. I'll just post the draft I got so far and see what you think.

GARM and CERBERUS (Artifact ***** each)

These powerful Hellwands were crafted by Ligier's own hands, partially based on the design of the Flame Tongue Repeater. They incorporate the Horns of Arhalt's cousin, the defeated Burning Horns, in their design and as exotic components.

The two weapons are quite different in appearance and capabilities, but were meant to be used as a pair. Furthermore, this pair was made specifically tied to the qualities of an Oath. Any user who wants to make full use of their power must swear an oath to Ligier - breaking that oath reduces the weapon's powers.

The two Hellwands present some characteristics in common:

- Both use the same kind of alchemical fuel ammunition as the Flame Tongue Repeater, more potent and stable than firedust or the usual Algarel used in Hellwands;

- The composite construction makes it so they don't have MM bonus;

- When used as a pair, they don't suffer offhand penalties;

- Can be used to parry attacks at a +2 Defense (this bonus is added to those of Charms like Hellfire Ballet Form or Golden Exhalation Form, that provide similar benefit);

- Each has a Heathstone socket;

- Add [user's Essence] to the weapon's Accuracy*.

As for the specifics of each weapon:

GARM, the maw of World-Consuming flames

Made of green sun metal and malfean iron with etchings made with vitriol ,with a brass cap in the handle (where is the hearthstone socket), this enormous weapon's barrel is wide as man's arm, opening up to a maw with iron teeth. Demonic resin attaches one of the horns to the barrel's top. An equally huge ammunition chamber stores up to 10 pellets of alchemical fuel. The whole design has a slight resemblance to some sort of demonic, single-horned lupine beast.

Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage 16L, Rate 1, Range 25, Ammo 10, Tags F, Attunement 5 motes

- Ever-hungry Flames: the flames shot by this weapon cling to a target. Any target hit by it is enveloped in an environmental effect equal to a bonfire (Exalted 2nd Edition, page 131) for [user's Essence] actions

- World-devouring Blaze: by paying 3m when shooting, the user expands the flame into a gigantic raging inferno, doubling the range and affecting up to [Essence] close targets at once. Alternatively, adding 3m, 1wp to the the shot multiplies the range by [Essence] and doubles damage against a mass unit of magnitude up to [Essence] *

CERBERUS, the threefold raging blaze

This weapon is made made of malfean iron with the other horn composing it's handle. It contains three long barrels, each with it's own ammunition chamber for up to five ammunition pellets. They are organized in a pyramid arrangement and each is made of a different magical material of Creation tainted with vitriol (Orichalcum, Starmetal and Moonsilver). An attuned user can reflexively decide which barrel shoots when the trigger is pressed. it resembles 3 monstrous beast heads with the barrels coming from their mouths

Speed 5, Accuracy +3, Damage 10L, Range 20, Rate 3 (1 each barrel), Ammo 15 (5 each chamber), Tags F, Attunement 5 motes

-Dance of fire: shooting from the Moonsilver barrel, the flames twist around and enter any chinks in armor to find the vulnerable skin. Attacks from this barrel receive the Piercing tag

-Blaze of Supremacy: shooting from the Orichalcum barrel, Bright and fierce flames come forth, burning the target despite all protection. It's shots have an Overwhelming tag of [user’s Essence+2]

- Flames of Inevitability: shooting from the Starmetal barrel, the flames simply seem to blow in the right direction to envelop the target, reducing DVs against this shot by 2.

-Threefold Rage: for 3 motes, this weapon suffers no multiple action penalties during one flurry of shots*

* These powers are tied to the oath made to Ligier. Should that oath be Broken, the demon can sense it and reflexively suppress these powers. They can only be restored by getting Ligier to forgive the Oathbreaker
I absolutely love these guns. Feel free to use those as is. We can get the details of thier backstory worked out later if you want. I'm just itching to get this beast going.
TheDude said:
I absolutely love these guns. Feel free to use those as is. We can get the details of thier backstory worked out later if you want. I'm just itching to get this beast going.
Weee! Ok them. My first infernal game seems to be working my creativity muscle ^_^ I'm glad you liked the Demon and the Artifacts :D

I'm also crazy to play. I had some issues that delayed me a lot :oops: but I think I'm ready to start now. The sheet is already posted...Unless I forgot to post something, I'm good to go :wink:
Man, I think I need to talk to him about helping me redesign my own Level 4 Artifact.

I am thinking of renaming it Sin and Deception.....
Just a poke. I did finish everything save 1 thing. My Past Life xD I complete forgot about it, and so tomorrow I shall get that done. Otherwise. Yes I'm done. Unless there is something more wrong with it that I have forgotten ><
I'm gonna have a somewhat busy day tomorrow, but I can certainly find time for some posts. Let's put the show on the road!
May everyone have happy festivities! May the Unconquered Santa bring you all many blessings (preferably none of which are mysterious giant eggs)!

Are we gonna start the game right after x-mas, or do you people wanna wait for Calibr...I mean, new year?
I'm good with sooner over later, but whenevers good for everyone.....Some folks may yet be on vacation or the like....
Holidays man, holidays. ;) There is a delay factor when it comes to such things. I feel assured things will still go through.
So, TheDude, are any of us players lacking in posting some information, are you just busy or is it something else?

Also, Coyotekin, did you get my suggestions for your artifact? If so, what do you think about the idea?
Maybe instead of tentacles it is tendrils of shadow, or something else. His old incarnation could've been a Fiend/Eclipse.

Otherwise I liked the ideas and thanks for taking that time to help me out.
The dude posted in the echoes of absence thread on the 9th that his computer has gone kaput and it may be a few months before he once again has reliable internet access, as such he has put his games on hiatus....

So, I guess we're on puase until he's up and running again....
So guess who has a new desktop and some free time to get back to gaming? Anyone still interested in this?
This is why I rarely play games any more because I find these awesome games with great potential and then they die off so soon.

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