OOC [The Road to Heaven]

So two Infernals with Lion demons? Interesting....... So much for having a diff demon to each Infernal.
I'll just make sure the thematics for the new lion demon are different enough. Also love the backstory Coyotekin.

Also, I'm just about done getting my prep work done and just wondering how sandbox-y you guys would prefer the game to be. you'll be assigned to work together for the first mission to get things started, but after that I'm fairly open. How firm a hand do you guys want on the rudder here?
This is a character who ultimately plans to reteach Creation how to live, and how to live better throuhg the Yozis. This also means a big focus on subverting the Yozi cults to get them all on the same page for the most part. He already took over his original cult.....
I'm quite a very unhappy person. I generally get backgrounds out between 2-7 days... I'm going on the more than that... But sigh I think the block is weakening so I'm sure, not positive, a background will be on the unfinished sheet soon ^^
Ok, proposed demon from the "family" of Malfeas to be my Slayer's Coadjuvator:

I said:

Once, these demons resembled basalt-skinned, large-chested black lions with claws, fangs and manes of tarnished brass. Each one of them would assume a driving hatred to guide their actions, serving as hunters and soldier for their Second Circle progenitor, who could command them what to hate at any given time. Sorcerers who bound these demons could also bestow a single new hate for the duration of the binding.

But this changed during the High First Age. A Lunar elder confronted and defeated the Eriniseos progenitor using Charms that completely annihilated him, so that he would not reform. It is unknown if the Lunar managed to take the heart’s blood of that demon, but the destruction caused a change in the basalt lions to what they are now.

The current Eriniseos lack a mane (most of the time: see their Burning Hatred Charm) and their fangs and claws are silvery now. They no longer pursue a single hateful goal, but rather seek those with minds set on such feelings to consume them, absorbing their hate in the process.

An Eriniseo can detect when someone possesses hateful feelings, but won’t know who the target of that feeling is. Even so, it is likely to try to hunt and devour that being - if the demon thinks there is any change of success at all – to consume their hate and make it their own.

These acquired hates and revenges can be completely consumed to power some of the demon’s Charms, but they avoid doing so except in important circumstances, as they truly love to feel hate and don’t desire to abandon any such emotions.

In particular, all these demons are born with an especially strong hate for all the Lunar exalted. It is treated as a second motivation for purposes of Social Combat and Impossible Orders. They wouldn’t use this intimacy to power their Charms unless they have no other to use and the situation would bring their final destruction without their more powerful Charms

Summoning: (Obscurity 3/4) these demons were better known in their more useful first age form, usually being summoned to hunt or battle the hated enemies of the summoner. After their change, the fact that they could devour a sorcerer’s enemy and end up hating the sorcerer has made summoners prefer less troublesome combat demons (Lunars in particular avoid these demons, as they are specially hard for them to control). For those who know them, however, they can be great tools to see a one-sided hate fulfilled. Rarely, an Eriniseo is drawn into Creation when someone takes on a major oath of vengeance or other hateful emotions as their driving goal (in other words, when someone takes on a Motivation based on some sort of hate). In the case of mortals, this usually spells their doom, but as a consolation for any ghost that may remain, the freed demon may fulfill their hateful crusade for them if not sent back to Malfeas quickly. Stopping an Eriniseos from acting on any of its hate based intimacies causes the demon to gain a point of limit (maximum one limit in a scene)

Motivation: To experience all forms of hate.

Attributes: Strength 6, Dexterity 3, Stamina 5; Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3; Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 4

Virtues: Compassion 1, Conviction 5, Temperance 2, Valor 5

Abilities: Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Dodge 4, Integrity 2 (against hated beings +3), Linguistics 2 (native: Old Realm; Others: varies), Lore 1, Martial Arts 4 (claws +2), Occult 1 (Lunars+1), Performance 1, Presence 2 (inciting hate and vengeance +3), Resistance 5, Stealth 3 (hated prey +2), Survival 3 (hunting +2), War 1 (hated enemies +2)

Backgrounds: Backing 1


Bane Weapon – causes aggravated damage against beings target by one or more intimacies based on hate. Manifests as green flames covering claws or fangs. If Burning Hatred is not activate, the cost of this charm increases by 2 motes

Burning Hatred – by consuming completely (and thus loosing) one or more of his hateful Intimacies and committing 10 motes, the demon suffers a transformation, gaining a phantasm mane of green fire and increasing Strength, Dexterity and Stamina by 1 each and movement speed by 2, while wound penalties are reduced by 2. It also allows the demon to access some of its other charms that are unavailable in other circumstances. It lasts [Essence] actions if one Intimacy is consumed, one Scene if two are consumed and an entire day if three are used.

Devour Hate – When an Eriniseo kills and devours someone that has one or more Intimacies or Motivation based on hate (as decided by the Storyteller) he takes those as intimacies for himself (even motivations become only intimacies, though). These hateful intimacies can go beyond the normal limit on the number of Intimacies. No cost

Essence Bite – real green, vitriolic flames jump from the demon’s mane, causing Lethal damage. Only usable after activating Burning Hatred

Essence Plethora – 10 extra motes

Materialize – cost 60 motes

Measure the wind – besides scenting the relative power of his hated enemies, this Charm can tell the demon if someone is a potential victim of Devour Hate (that is, if the being has any appropriate Intimacies). It does not let the demon discern exactly to what the Intimacy is concerned

Principle of Motion – Typically keeps 8 banked actions

Sheathing the Material Form – creates plates of brass and silver covering the demon’s body. Only usable after activating Burning Hatred

Spice of Custodial Delectation – gains one mote in any scene it has devoured one or more hateful Intimacies

Second (Ability) Excellency – Awareness, Martial Arts, Resistance, Survival

Third (Ability) Excellency – Athletics, Dodge, Stealth, War

Join Battle: 7


Bite: Speed 6, Accuracy 7, Damage 13L, Parry DV - , Rate 1

Claws: Speed 5, Accuracy 10, Damage 10L, Parry DV 6

Soak: 9L/9B(Basalt skin +6L/+4B, Hardness 3L/3B)

Health Levels: 0/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/Incap

Dodge DV: 6 Willpower: 8

Essence: 4 Essence Pool: 90
If that is okay and thematically different enough from the other demon, I just have a couple artifacts for you to look at before posting my character. Oh! Also, are you ok with the Oathbound flaw? This particular one would be a moderate oath to fulfill a service for Ligier each Season (less frequent than the text of that flaw implies, but also quite more potential for danger)
agreed. Demon is good to go. Let me know a bit more about the nature of the oath you made to Ligier before I yay or nay it.
Actually, I'd like to reword that oath. I'm trying to conserve a bit of XP for something else, so I'll make it a Major oath.

The source of the oath is:

Aslam wants some really powerful weapons to take his vengeance to the corrupt Gods and fulfill his Crusade of domination imposed by the Endless Desert. That is something he can't do by Himself. So he goes to Ligier, well known as one of the greatest artifices in existence, and asks him to make him some freaking awesome guns (each of the two is a 5-dot artifact).

Of course, the Peer knows that, by the law of Cecelyne, it is not his place to demand anything of an Unquestionable, so he makes a deal - for these weapons, he would offer Ligier the one thing Aslam has that the Green Sun lacks - Access to Creation!

So the oath would be a major oath to "Work towards Ligier's plans in Creation". The five points of the oath would cover one dot of each artifact gun (they become less powerful if he breaks his oath), One dot of Backing by Malfeas (betraying someone's Heart tends to make them less trusting of you) and a 2-dot Infernal Manse that, as part of the deal, he officially gave to Ligier, so that the demon lets him "Borrow" the hearthstone, but could make it stop working if the oath is broken.

I believe it is not overwhelming enough to be a legendary oath - he can't work against any of Ligier's plans that take action in Creation and will have to take his orders or accept mission from him with a certain frequency, but "Work towards someone's goals" is vague enough to leave some breathing room to poor Aslam

...dealing with Motivation, Urge and Oath while developing those crazy Infernal Charms is certainly gonna make him one fucked-up guy, though ^_^
TheDude said:
Also, I'm just about done getting my prep work done and just wondering how sandbox-y you guys would prefer the game to be. you'll be assigned to work together for the first mission to get things started, but after that I'm fairly open. How firm a hand do you guys want on the rudder here?
Hmm...I have not played much in sandbox-y scenarios (well, I ST most of the time, so I haven't played much in any scenarios, but sandbox-style games are even rarer), but I'd say their biggest trouble is for the ST to wing a lot of stuff as we go. However, a PbP game makes that much easier - more time to react - so I'd like the opportunity to go for a quite loose hand in guiding the game. Our characters seem to have some different goals and it should be interesting to see where that leads :D

On the other hand, I usually like things well structured and at some point I miss well defined goals...

So, if everybody agrees, I'd say to let we run wild for a while and, when our characters finally start to accomplish bigger stuff, then step in and focus the story better. Of course, depending on how the individual goals of each character start to develop, we may not need this.

But I still want an to burn the sun ^_^ (or I could settle for crashing the Daystar against both the Five-Metal Shrike and Final Maesltrom at the same time!)
Mine is incomplete. I shall finish the sheet... the background soon. I'm in such a block. >>
Truth be told, things got busy and I forgot.....I'll have it done by friday.....(my block seems to have fortuitously have dissipated in my mental absence...)

Terribly sorry for the delay....
Sorry for the delay so far. End of year has been unusually busy with studies/work/training, plus there were a few days I couldn't access these forums for some reason. I'm just getting done on a few details for refitting the background into Slayerdom, but it should be finished by tomorrow (December 4 in my time zone). I'm also not completely sure about my artifacts, but I'll post the version I have so far along with the background tomorrow to see if it needs adjustments.

The rest of the sheet is pretty much done, though, so once I get those, I'll be ready to go.
Yay I have 95% finished my sheet. silly things like my heath track, soak, and various combat stats are needed to do but I'll do those once I finish this here background. I think I shall be done today if all goes well xD
New Background. Few changes, but I added some details to make the timeline clearer and explain some things in my sheet

Name: Aslan Hamza

Motivation: To be stronger than the gods and punish them for their sins

urge (cecelyne): To take control of the Lap

Unwoven Coadjuvator: Aryeh, one of the Eriniseos

Appearance: a handsome, thin but athletic young adult, his skin turned black as basalt and with a hair similar to a lion's mane, except for the green color, same as his eyes. His fingernails and teeth have a very subtle silver sheen. He wears the clothes of a sultan of his tribe, but also some adornments used by priests and those of a warlord.


Aslan Hamza was born in one of the many nomad tribes of the south, as the son of their sultan. As the first son, he was to inherit command of the tribe.

Given this fact, much consternation came from the fact that the boy was of weak and frail constitution - but it would fade in time.

Despite somewhat frequent illness and low tolerance to the strong heat, the boy had remarkable qualities: an incredible agility and coordination along with great talent with the flame weapons and a excellent grasp of strategy proved he could be a warrior. Aslam was also a true leader, capable of inspiring hearts with ease, and good rider as well. Practice of ancient fighting arts allowed him to become more resilient and capable of enduring the harsh deserts of the South, as well as making the young man such a great unarmed warrior as he was with a flamepiece. Considered a good heir by his father, he presented him with a treasure of the tribe: a pair of Plasma Tongue Repeaters - artifacts that mortals could use and put ordinary flamepieces to shame. Aslan learned the process of making the alchemical fuel for the weapon and had success in many a skirmish using them.

Most of these conflicts came from the fact that the Hamza clan's tribe lived roaming a small region, constantly fighting other tribes for what little resources there were in the desert. To those ends, they directed their worship to a god named Flaming Horns - a distant cousin of the southern god of war, Ahlat.

One day, Aslan had a sudden idea for a plan to get a rival tribe by surprise and, as they were spending the night near Flaming Horn's sanctum, he went there to ask for the god's blessing. Then and there, the veil over his eyes was ripped as he overheard the god talking to a messenger from another tribe about a hidden oasis and, as that messenger left, heard the god musing about prayers and keeping the many small wars as demanded by Ahlat - about how he was about to acquire a better position for himself by playing human tribes against one another! The god's habit of speaking to himself in Flametongue instead of Old Realm went bad for him...

At all that, Aslan was filled with rage at the manipulations his people suffered. Repeaters in hand, he went to confront the god but...how could he? what chance had a mortal against a god? he could rally the entire tribe and he would either kill them all or vanish in the air. Too strong he was.

Aslan stepped back and run into the night, away from the god, the tribe and his own weakness.

After exhausting himself, he lay to wait for the sun and likely death, but instead was greeted by the sight of a strange, terrifying and magnificent beast, similar to a lion made made of black stone, it's mane a blaze of green flames, eyes seething with hatred. This being talked to him, identifying itself as Aryeh. The creature had an offer. At that, it's flames raged high and it's voice changed to that of something yet more terrible, something imperious and powerful. Something full of rage.

This vast voice said that the gods betrayed others before, their own fathers and mothers. It said of their corruption. But most of all the voice spoke of revenge and the power to fulfill it. Aslan accepted that offer and, in an instant, Aryeh's mouth grew tenfold and swallowed him whole, becoming his Chrysalis Grotesque.

Later he was found by cultists and taken to Malfeas.

In the Dojos of Hell he honed his fighting abilities with a martial art that allowed him to apply his ability with hand to hand combat and mostly his Repeaters, and he developed powers of the Creators of the World.

In about a year, finished his training, Aslan used his new powers to slay the small, petty, weak Flaming Horns and any of his tribe who believed his lies. The god's horns were ripped from his body as it dissolved into essence. These and his repeaters he offered to Ligier, to whom the Slayer made an oath in trade of new weapons, powerful artifacts to take his revenge with.

Later, he took a few capable members from the remains of his tribe and took battle to the hidden oasis Burning Horns had talked about, dominating the rare Water manse that was in the location. Now he plans to use it as a base of operations in Creation to build an army-cult that will start him on his path to tear apart Heaven itself in revenge and conquest.

Now, I just have one more question: How are the uncleaned memories of a GSP gonna be played? How much I know of the First Age without Savant or Past Life? I ask because I wanna know if Aslan has any idea why he now wants to dominate the Lap (that is: do I know that the giant statue could possibly change just about the entire South to a vitriolic, Malfeas-like geomancy?)
Any flashbacks will be done by me. So, unless you bought Savant, Past Life, or a bunch of Lore dots. No.

But a little teaser. There's a reason we're starting in the Lap...

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