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  1. Jakk9000


    Hi, I was wondering what are ways to regenerate essence faster? To me it seems like 4 essence every hour is kind of slow.
  2. Jakk9000

    Wyld Hunt

    So if someone uses a obvious charm in a place like Greyfalls it could happen, but other than that if it's not on the blessed isle out of sight out of mind?
  3. Jakk9000

    Wyld Hunt

    Hi, I need some hwlp on the Wyld Hunt. How fast does it start targeting Exalted and the like? What kinds of actions or backgrounds attract mre attention from it?
  4. Jakk9000

    Fetich Soul

    So the Fetich Soul is kind of an aspect of Yozis and if killed off they act differently? Also is there a book or a wiki that can explain some of the terms and items in the infernal book? It feels like I am missing a lot of info from it
  5. Jakk9000

    Fetich Soul

    Hi, I am wondering what is a Fetich Soul?
  6. Jakk9000

    building on bare bones campaigns

    Okay thanks. I didn't know if the Compass books had that kind info.
  7. Jakk9000

    building on bare bones campaigns

    What kinds of paths do the caravan use? Is there a map or do they have roads of some sort? I haven't been to or played in any desert games so I have little information on them. I might have to go visit the deserts here. :l
  8. Jakk9000

    building on bare bones campaigns

    Yoooo hoo ppl, how ya been? I have a question. I am sending my players into the deserts of the south. I am wondering how to do some encounters? The desert, as opposed to the forests, are barren so I am curious how you guys would handle it.
  9. Jakk9000

    building on bare bones campaigns

    My exalt game is going great thanks for all your guy's help. ^_^
  10. Jakk9000

    building on bare bones campaigns

    first sesion was quite an eye opener the players i am currently playing with looked into thing much more and found more side quests then the first group they are also roleplaying off of each others backgrounds and working with me a lot. Yaysies.
  11. Jakk9000

    building on bare bones campaigns

    Hi guys need help on a artifact. One of my players wants and hand crossbow the can not only fire bolts it can fire a grappling hook. kinda like batman's grappling hook. he also says its from D&D the crossbow of angalin or something like that. What do you guys think the cost should be since it...
  12. Jakk9000

    building on bare bones campaigns

    *Squiggles* I found a better group they asked me quite a few times to run exalted so I am hoping since they asked for it they will work with me ^_^
  13. Jakk9000

    building on bare bones campaigns

    Yes but they don't like taking forever to make characters so because they took forever their first time they wasted a lot of time.
  14. Jakk9000

    building on bare bones campaigns

    ADD attention deficit disorder. I think...
  15. Jakk9000

    building on bare bones campaigns

    Ya good news is finals are over bad news is any of the players at the store seem to have add cause they keep switch games a lot.
  16. Jakk9000

    building on bare bones campaigns

    O.o how do you know my IP? BTW Utah sucks... P.S. I going to hide in my emo box till finals are over...
  17. Jakk9000

    building on bare bones campaigns

    They piss me off some days. They want more gms at the store but they aren't willing to work with me... I am sick of players... i'll be leaving gming to gms who can deal with them...
  18. Jakk9000

    building on bare bones campaigns

    I player opted to play start wars taking another player with him and another didn't like the fact that there were so many dice involved... I am going to opt out of trying to run Exalted now to run something with mods. I really wish it had worked out. I like the Exalted world a lot.
  19. Jakk9000

    building on bare bones campaigns

    Epic fail I lost the players... &&$&*$&%*&%*&%^&^#...
  20. Jakk9000

    building on bare bones campaigns

    I'll see what the players will work with I think they might get the swing of what is going on here. Also is there any more detailed place of what the virtues because some see vague more so when you look at what you have to fail a roll to do.