Wyld Hunt


Double Luck
Hi, I need some hwlp on the Wyld Hunt. How fast does it start targeting Exalted and the like? What kinds of actions or backgrounds attract mre attention from it?
It mostly depends on the location. Blessed Isle? You so much as use a single obvious charm and they'll be on you. Threshold? Not so much, especially with the way realm politics are right now. In most areas, so long as you don't do something silly like using obvious charms in front of an immaculate monk or dragonblooded, you'll be fine so long as you don't blow up buildings or something.

As for backgrounds: Cult is one that will definitely get you noticed if you get it above rank 2 or so. Influence and Backing might depending on the source of the influence/backing. Followers probably won't draw direct attention of the Wyld Hunt, but if you get a ton of them they might hear of you and wonder why you have so many people following you.

Most likely, you'd have to do something BIG in a major town for them to notice you (like an 11+ anima banner or some sorcery spells).
So if someone uses a obvious charm in a place like Greyfalls it could happen, but other than that if it's not on the blessed isle out of sight out of mind?
Not exactly. Areas under actual Realm control, such as Harborhead, Cherak, or the Lap, you're still in trouble. Any Realm Tributary, it could be a serious worry, though you'll likely have a bit of time to get out of dodge. Excessive disruption of the Loom of Fate can also draw the attention of the Sidereals behind it. A lot of demon summoning, or Solar Circle Sorcery are likely to draw attention. If you're in Great Forks? Not so much of an issue without doing something excessive. The West and River Province, or the less civilized areas or either the North or South, and you're pretty safe. Really, your main concerns are 1) Who is in charge? 2) What is the Immaculate presence like in the area? 3) What do the locals think about you? If you piss off the locals too bad, even in an area with a limited Immaculate presence, word may spread. If it's out of the way, nothing may come of it. But if word keeps spreading, eventually, someone is likely to get curious. You don't like it when the All Seeing Eye gets curious about you. It's not a good thing. When their Sidereal masters get curious...it's worse. Good relations...can sometimes save you a world of flaming, watery, crushing, windy, pollinated death.
I know it is probably the least helpful thing to say on face value, but it has resounding applications: The speed of plot. There are so many deciding factors that usually go into it that the Wyld Hunt will show up whenever dramatically (in)appropriate. Deciding factors like what everyone above said.

Chaos in Heaven, building Realm civil war, etc can all slow down a Wyld Hunt that seems all too auspicious not to.
And let's not talk about Lyta, Filial Wisdom and Senebau.

They all exalted on the Blessed Isle itself and escaped the Wyld Hunt, FW did so some 200 years ago, when the Empress was still in charge and the Hunt active.

As long as the Hunt is lead by DBs, mobile solars keeping a low profile are more or less okay, those who stand their ground and forget about the low profile, and the ones that stand their ground and build some cult and grow in power are number one priority targets.

When siddies take it from there, that's another story... there's nowhere you can run far enough. :twisted:
cyl said:
When siddies take it from there, that's another story... there's nowhere you can run far enough. :twisted:
Well, there's an eensy one way.

THE WYLD! You know, the REASON they took that name. Anathema hid in the Wyld, so they had to be hunted in and near the Wyld. Immaculate mythology didn't dictate a change for that name, so the ancient idea still applies.
What would your thoughts be regarding Chiascuro? I know its kinda a mix there of Lunar and Realm, but what is your opinion regarding the hunt in that area?

Not exactly. Areas under actual Realm control' date=' such as Harborhead, Cherak, or the Lap, you're still in trouble. Any Realm Tributary, it could be a serious worry, though you'll likely have a bit of time to get out of dodge. Excessive disruption of the Loom of Fate can also draw the attention of the Sidereals behind it. A lot of demon summoning, or Solar Circle Sorcery are likely to draw attention. If you're in Great Forks? Not so much of an issue without doing something excessive. The West and River Province, or the less civilized areas or either the North or South, and you're pretty safe. Really, your main concerns are 1) Who is in charge? 2) What is the Immaculate presence like in the area? 3) What do the locals think about you? If you piss off the locals too bad, even in an area with a limited Immaculate presence, word may spread. If it's out of the way, nothing may come of it. But if word keeps spreading, eventually, someone is likely to get curious. You don't like it when the All Seeing Eye gets curious about you. It's not a good thing. When their Sidereal masters get curious...it's worse. Good relations...can sometimes save you a world of flaming, watery, crushing, windy, pollinated death.[/quote']
A lot of places which aren't actually realm tributaries still have the general notion that Anathema=Bad and might well mail away for a Hunt if they see Solars wrecking shit.

Generally, if the Hunt becomes aware of any Solar through any means, it will flag him for a death squad. Any backgrounds or actions that let people know that you are a Solar and are staying in the same area will summon a hunt. If the Hunt gets scattered reports from all over the Threshold, they're not going to try and sift through all the dross and drug dreams to find real reports, extrapolate the estimated path of moving Solars, and move to intercept. They don't have the resources. If a Solar crowns himself king and sits on a throne for a while, he's stationary enough to warrant attention.
Malekith said:
What would your thoughts be regarding Chiascuro? I know its kinda a mix there of Lunar and Realm, but what is your opinion regarding the hunt in that area?
Chiaroscuro has enough Realm presence that the Wyld Hunt can probably send a call for a hunting group and head out within two or three days. Don't forget--local Immaculates and dynast DBs around on business may be willing to tag along to help take down the Anathema. If forces are thin on the ground, the local governor may be approached and some regular troops requested as meat shie...ahem, auxilliary troops.

To draw this kind of response, the Celestial in question has to have drawn significant attention to him/herself, and be fairly stationary (as Thanqol said). Rumors circulate around Chiaroscuro all the time about Anathema hiding out in the city, but it would pretty much take multiple sightings of non-DB anima banners and visible caste marks (from reliable witnesses) for the local chapter of the WH to assemble a group.
strawberryleaves said:
Malekith said:
What would your thoughts be regarding Chiascuro? I know its kinda a mix there of Lunar and Realm, but what is your opinion regarding the hunt in that area?
Chiaroscuro has enough Realm presence that the Wyld Hunt can probably send a call for a hunting group and head out within two or three days. Don't forget--local Immaculates and dynast DBs around on business may be willing to tag along to help take down the Anathema. If forces are thin on the ground, the local governor may be approached and some regular troops requested as meat shie...ahem, auxilliary troops.
The canon term from Dragon Blooded is 'Ablative People Shielding'

Generally the Wyld Hunt is at least a small army, too.
I don't know if many of you were able to read the Exalted comic Udon release over a year ago -with it's sadly short run- but it had a perfect example of the Wyld Hunt being assembled. (so here's a recollection, i don't have the book in front of me)

The setting was Chiaroscuro, and canonical character Faka Kun started trouble when she knifed Kathak Drogath in the back in broad daylight in an obvious display of essence. Drogath survived and first demanded the Tri-Khan's flunkies do something about it. When he got red-taped, he uses infallible messenger spirit to summon one of the few DB's who would give him the time of day (can't remember her name, I think she was one of the Peleps?) she showed up with another DB named Taguro in tow. (In scroll of the monk the same guy mentioned fighting the Dawn Caste Demethius in the south, this comic series showed it)

Ed. Note: I see that the developers may not consider any of their characters other than significant ones like the Scarlet Empress to be canon. So all of these events fall under the wonderful "it might/could have happened in this way" category.

Further complicating things was a highly visible exaltation of Kidale, wherein several city guard and an official were roughed up.

So here's how it went down:

The Hunt's reps interviewed the witnesses to confirm the presence of anathema. Once they had evidence they checked with the local Realm garrison to see which local DBs are registered in the Book of the Hunt and gathered up local soldiers and Immaculate monks that were available. It was noted how small the available resources were due to the political climate in the realm, only two other DBs were available, but in total they had five and at least 3 of them were very well trained.

From what i recall the Hunt attacked Faka Kun and her circle of Demetheus, Kidale, Wind, and Jasara(?) with at least two dozen soldiers -many with firewands- and 5-6 Immaculate non-exalted monks. This strike force was assembled within I'd say 2 days of confirmation of the Anathema threat. They had their butts handed to them in the end, especially when Demetheus killed two of the DBs by kicking a yeddim at them. I love Exalted.

So that's how quickly things can happen in Chiaroscurro, and any city that has any significant Realm presence (especially if there's a DB like Drogath who's desperate to make a name for himself) without any obvious involvement of the Sidereals in the Age of Sorrows.
Depends on how nasty you want to be. And how active OTHER Anathema have been.

You have a fair number of Solars who becoming visible, it could go from very nasty, to overwhelmed with numbers. It also depends on exactly how involved you want the Sidereals to be in directing the Hunt.

If you want a high intrigue to high conspiracy ratio, the Sidereals can be waiting for the Solars to Exalt, and the only reason that they were allowed to get that far was because something went horribly awry. Like fifty brazillion Solars all coming out around the same time. Or a bunch of Alchemicals busting loose, and knocking things loose. Or Dragon Kings showing up and mucking up things with Dragon Blooded adventurers getting in the way of the Realm's business with blatant opportunism and the like.

And then there's the pesky Abyssals and the Infernals showing up too.

I play the Hunt hard--and by that, I mean they are mean, nasty, and they are more than willing to burn down entire villages and towns to get at Solars, and then blame the conflagration on Anathema, and more than willing to put to death a whole soldiers and Dynast families to keep the secret. And with Sidereal "advisors" who are more than willing to send assassins who may or may not be Exalted themselves to insure that the story sticks. But, I am not good people.

Ideally, your players should only have rumors and zero information about the Wyld Hunt, other than old wives' tales. They operate in such secrecy that they are rumors, and people rarely see them. Investigations that are public are for show. The real work is done in the shadows. At least if you want them scared of the Hunt. Let the rumors do their work, and nothing says "implied threat" like burnt down villages and disappearances. No information, just that a group of Dragon Blooded officials showed up, and then something happened.

The Hunt doesn't have to show up waving a badge. In fact, I prefer it if they show up with credentials from other agencies. They're there to investigate a tax issue. Importers who are looking to expand their operation. A group of nobles on holiday. Anything but Fearless Monster Stompers.

The Hunt can come at the Solars hard and fast. Or it can surround them, and isolate them. If they Solars have popular support, the Hunt can take that from first. Disappear a few farmers or merchants that supported them and gave them succor. People who are close to the Solars simply never come back. Either arrested and interrogated, or taken into a field and buried, and their souls off to be reincarnated, and a notation of their service to the Realm. Eggs broken to make an omelet.

The Hunt doesn't have to throw things at the Solars first even. They can observe and report. Gauge their power and their tactics, then roll on like a big wheel. Poison them first with their agents, or themselves, posing as merchants or innkeepers. Then set fire to their abode or home, while they grip their guts in terrible pain. Only to escape the fire to be greeted with Sorcery or Summoned things to soften them up. Make them spend Essence before the DBs themselves roll on them. Send in troops to further wear them down.

The Hunt should play things smart, no matter what. You don't have to be uber ruthless, but you want the Hunt to be capable, and as if they're advised by the most brilliant of tacticians motivated to NEVER let the Solars gain enough power that their madness threatens the whole of the Realm and Creation. The Hunt may be busy, what with Infernals, Death Knights and other threats showing up, and they may have too much on their plate to kill every Solar that Exalts, no matter if the Sidereals have good information where they're going to show up--and losing track of so many works in the PCs favor--but losing track doesn't mean that they forget about them, and they'll press their agents in the Hunt to get on folks, especially if they're raising a ruckus. Depends on how hard or how forgiving you want to be.
Page 79 of Sidereals says there are 2 active Hunts going on in the South, but is vauge about their exact location or what they are doing. But there are number of Lunars and Fair Folk in the area and 3 Wyld courts, so the 2 hunts have plenty of things on their plate without looking for Solars.

Also read up on Nazri, his main concern is fighting the Wyld and is opposed to anything that takes away resources from that, including fighting Anathema. After all, they once fought the Wyld before very well.
Plus just because your players use obvious charms doesn't mean a Wyld hunt either. In one campaign there was a local chapter of Golden Janissaries running about setting off tons of golden light shows making tracking Anathema hard. Plus random essence use doesn't mean Anathema, god-bloods and random spirits throw tons of wrenches into the works. I tend to use it plot wise, main story over there they over here how do we fix this? Wyld hunt!
terrormortus said:
Plus just because your players use obvious charms doesn't mean a Wyld hunt either. In one campaign there was a local chapter of Golden Janissaries running about setting off tons of golden light shows making tracking Anathema hard.
Heh, that's why I'm trying to make nice with a GJ sifu that we just rescued.

"Hey buddy, why don't you set up your dojo near where i live?"
For the most point I never have to deal with the Wyld hunt. The people I play with are pretty good about keeping their solary goodness under wraps. To the point that it sometimes we go half a story with none of them really reviealing themselves as solars to one another.

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