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  • Users: Mr. S
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  1. Mr. S

    First time player, questions both mechanical and referencial

    Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen Anathema works great for terrestrials too. And for mortals, as long as they're not god-bloods or sorcerers or martial artist or thaumaturges...but who'd want to do those things? Honestly, I like it more. It's got some nice charm...
  2. Mr. S

    Ghoustly Ascension (to Divinity)

    In this case is the difference between living that you're referring to just the ability to channel "live" essence as opposed to underworld? Is there anything more to being living as far as a spirit is concerned? Please let me know. Thanks
  3. Mr. S

    Ghoustly Ascension (to Divinity)

    ...but a ghost is already a spirit. What an interesting question. I suppose it would allow them to exceed their natural limitation of essence 5. Perhaps it would be similar to what happens to a god-blood when they go over their natural limitations. From a rules perspective it probably won't...
  4. Mr. S

    Exalted Achievements!

    Or possibly an Akuma. Just because it's an achievement doesn't mean it has to be hard to get, I guess
  5. Mr. S

    Agents #1 - 100

    Wow, forgetting one's servitor. That sounds like every game that I've ever played where the players have a familiar. I like to imagine there's probably thousands like jarvis out there who have were forgotten by their owners and now will be silently observing until the end of time. hey, this...
  6. Mr. S

    Agents #1 - 100

    Well, at least your optimism is untainted
  7. Mr. S

    Agents #1 - 100

    Three cheers for your triumphant return!
  8. Mr. S

    Dragon-Blooded and aging.

    Here here, I'm sure we all enjoy a good baby every now and again. Who could possibly gainsay that?
  9. Mr. S

    Exalted's Overall Power Levels

    You know, I think the bit about Parad and Lytek is just not particularly well thought out on the writer's part. That said, I was really hoping in second edition they'd rein in the alchemicals to be a lot more terrestrial in flavor and power level. I just don't feel like we needed another set...
  10. Mr. S

    Quick Rule Query/Clarification

    I'm for more attacks. It's cooler "looking" and speeds up mote attrition. In addition, it's not that huge of a mechanical benefit, since a lot of weapons don't provide that option and you have a pretty hefty die penalty that is important in younger PCs. It does make martial arts quite a bit...
  11. Mr. S

    First time lunar character creation advice

    I guess my only concern is that you might feel like you're having a hard time doing stuff when not in combat. The best solution to this is really just having a well developed character. That can be hard to do when you're new to a system, so you'll need to probably have some help working on a...
  12. Mr. S

    First time lunar character creation advice

    This seems very combat focused. As such I think I'd advise you to spend a few BP on specialties and maybe not as much on charms. I also can't help but notice you didn't go with any knacks at all (DBT excepted). That's totally okay, but it makes me wonder what your animal form is.
  13. Mr. S

    Exalted Achievements!

    The Simple Life - As a Celestial Exalt get married and have children with a normal mortal
  14. Mr. S

    Imbue Amalgam and Exaltation

    Personally, my response would just be to say no. I don't think an exaltation could bond with an amalgam. That kind of invalidates your further line of questioning, but I'll go ahead and vote for C if you decide that an amalgam would be okay in your game.
  15. Mr. S

    Authors' message at the end of RotSE book

    I remember when 2e first came out how big a power jump it felt like they gave solars. And they really did make solars a lot better. Then everyone got some of the love (except sidereals, but who bothers to remember them, right?). So now it just feels like power creep to me. Frankly my biggest...
  16. Mr. S

    quick anathema app question

    If you're asking how to load the .yap files, the instructions are on uteck's site. "Download Equipment.yap to your Anathema/repository/equipment/ folder." It should be as simple as that. You'll probably need Anathema to be closed when moving the file in, but otherwise it's a snap. Hope this...
  17. Mr. S

    Justice League of Nexus?

    Call me crazy, but I don't see anything that indicates that it needs any specific level of hearthstone. Therefore I can't see any reason that a level 1 couldn't and wouldn't be used. It seems like they were meant to be pretty common during the shogunate so it follows that they shouldn't take a...
  18. Mr. S

    Agents #1 - 100

    Won't they still want to tattoo her or something? Isn't that pretty magical and not easily mimic'ed?
  19. Mr. S

    Building a God-Blooded

    I know this is between you and your ST, but doesn't this seem like it's a little too broad to you? I know the spirit charm rules allow this kind of thing, but it just seems like it's a bit abusive. You might find it easier to roleplay a kitsune if you force yourself to be more subtle. I hope...