Quick Rule Query/Clarification

Captain Hesperus

Harbinger of the End Times and Apostle of Ghan
I've scanned the board and I couldn't find the answer so I'll ask:

The Essence Gauntlets power for CBAs. Says it acts like a Power Mace. Power Maces are Rate 2. The section about the Essence Gauntlets says: 'Each of the user's gauntlets have enchantments built into them that allow them to be used as power maces.'

So, question: Do these gauntlets count as two power maces providing a total rate of 4, or as a single one providing rate 2?

Captain Hesperus
I would say they count as two separate weapons, but in order to do so you would have to use multiple actions penalties and/or off hand penalties.
ghoti115 said:
I would say they count as two separate weapons, but in order to do so you would have to use multiple actions penalties and/or off hand penalties.
So you are saying the Essence Gauntlets count as if you are dual-wielding power maces?

Captain Hesperus
Depends on how you rule on other assumed pairs. Dual Short daiklaves? Double Rate, no offhand penalty, but do you double the rate of God-Kicking boots? or how about Smashfists? When it comes to your hand to hand, does your total of available attacks add up to 6 punches and 4 kicks or 3 punches and 2 kicks?
magnificentmomo said:
When it comes to your hand to hand, does your total of available attacks add up to 6 punches and 4 kicks or 3 punches and 2 kicks?
I'm for more attacks. It's cooler "looking" and speeds up mote attrition. In addition, it's not that huge of a mechanical benefit, since a lot of weapons don't provide that option and you have a pretty hefty die penalty that is important in younger PCs. It does make martial arts quite a bit more powerful, though, so you may opt to go fewer.
I am actually saying dual wielding Essence Gauntlets count as dual wielding Essence Gauntlets. They just happen to have the same stats as the Power Mace. Also, this is a matter of your your ST's style (or yourself if you are the ST). Personally, I would allow it for a multiple reasons. The main one is it allows my players to have fun instead of worrying about the rules. However, here are some other reasons that don't use White Wolf's Rule 1 as the backing.

First, I believe that you should be able to try to do anything in an RPG, though the dice (or ST for story narrative reasons) will determine the outcome.

Second, combat is the most time consuming aspect of most games. I find a single player making multiple attacks does not consume much more time than a single player making one attack, not to mention that it should do more damage to the enemy and resolve combat more quickly.

Third, because a gauntle is not a two handed weapon I would allow attacks from each hand up to the rate of each weapons (as I would for Short Daiklaves, Knives, and other One Handed Weapons).

Fourth, because the Guantlets are a weapon, the player still receives -1 die to all actions taken with the off hand.

Fifth, having played other systems with different multiple actions rules and penalties (some don't allow any others allow as many as seven), four attacks doesn't really seem that unbalancing to me. Especially because of the increasing multiple action penalty applied to the rolls in Exalted.

So, even with a Dex of 5, MA of 5, and (I don't have the stats for the power mace) a +3 from the Mace and +3 from a stunt, the player will not end up rolling more than 12 dice to attack without using charms if all actions are taken. This also makes them esaier to hit. 16 dice for all attacks with a -4, -5, -6, and -7 (though there is an extra -1 that would need to be applied to two of these rolls for off hand).

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