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  1. Aedryan

    List of possible Throne-contenders

    Didn't Ragara himself die in the Locust Crusade scenario, not saying that it's canon pertaining to the current discussion. Cause god knows the Auto's change everything if you choose to include them. Just wondering.
  2. Aedryan

    Gold Faction Founder/Founders?

    Well assuming no specific person is named than my concept for a Sidereal who in his previous lifetime was part of a gold faction circle who trained the first Solars to fight back against the Bronze Faction will hopefully work.
  3. Aedryan

    The Third Age

    We're up to twenty or so I think. To clear up any confusion we started at the beginning of the Locust Crusade and I incorperated elements of The Quest for the Great Source, and minor ones from Engines of Extinction and in the last session they just turned the Orichalchum key before we stopped...
  4. Aedryan

    The Third Age

    In my game it was a group of creation dwellers who turn the keys of recallibration and bring back Autochthon. When they turn the last key and the well of souls begins to trickle down from the night sky into the Orichalcum Manse. The Eye of Auto states that recalibration is complete, energy and...
  5. Aedryan

    Gold Faction Founder/Founders?

    Is it? I have it but I haven't given it a good read-through yet. I figured it would be faster to just post on here and have a reply pop up in 3.6 seconds than to thumb through the book looking for one or two sentences.
  6. Aedryan

    Our man the Emissary

    The first idea that popped into my head as I heard about the emissary and his madness was, how powerful are the council members if they're able to order around a man like the emissary? Maybe the council is actually made up of the celestial incarna and no one in Nexus has actually seen or...
  7. Aedryan

    Gold Faction Founder/Founders?

    Your consideration is appreciated certainly but I posted this just after reading over all of the info you just referenced. There was a guy in the first age who was like the leader of the gold faction at the great conclave, but he was killed when he tried to go warn several solars during the...
  8. Aedryan

    Gold Faction Founder/Founders?

    I am wondering if somewhere in the text the founder/founders of the gold faction are named? I sure hope not. T'would conflict with a character concept I've been playing with.
  9. Aedryan

    What's your favorite Exalt type (and why)?

    I've been signed on with the Sidereal's since the beginning and nothing has occured to waver my favor since. I don't have a long-winded explaination for why, I'm not that eloquent. But I think I identify with them most as a person and that's why. Being the martial art master I am. kekeke omg...
  10. Aedryan

    Our man the Emissary

    If we were to continue on the assumption that some of the council is made up of Solars than isn't it possible that they combined their sorcery to power some spell/ritual that could summon and bind a Yozi Prince, rather than a 3rd Circle Demon. Not saying that the power level of 3rd Circle...
  11. Aedryan

    Overpowered Villans vs. Several Exalted (Problems).

    Alright, well I've gotten plenty of support and assistance from you guys. I think I gotta lock myself up to write out what I'm gonna do. Thanks for all the help.
  12. Aedryan

    Overpowered Villans vs. Several Exalted (Problems).

    Thanks that sounds pretty decent and I've considered that a bit as well, but I'll definately give it more thought now. The thing is it would be very difficult for the PC's do deliver a final death killing blow as he would just reappear in the underworld if he met death at their hands. Giving...
  13. Aedryan

    Overpowered Villans vs. Several Exalted (Problems).

    Well the thing is, is that this is the end. When autocthon's facilities start back up and he joins the players in their goal to create a brighter tomorrow together out of the mess of the locust crusade, the world needs to know that the deathlords aren't immortal and that they can be fought, and...
  14. Aedryan

    The Inevitable Music Thread

    I use a lot of different music in my campaigns to set the mood. The only trouble is I've got so much good stuff I'm always changing it to something I think might be better lol. I'll just jot down a few that I particularly like. From the X/1999 soundtrack, the track Count Down is amazing for...
  15. Aedryan

    Overpowered Villans vs. Several Exalted (Problems).

    Well in my troupe we've got 2 dawn caste solars, 1 eclipse caste solar, 1 water aspect dragon-blood, 1 changing moon lunar, and a soulsteel caste alchemical. We've finally gotten to the last adventure of my interpretation for the autochthonian invasion campaign that takes off from all three of...
  16. Aedryan

    Overpowered Villans vs. Several Exalted (Problems).

    I'd love to ask for some more input but I think one of my players has been browsing around here for his own ideas and help for a campaign he might run so I'd be afraid he'd stumble upon this lol. Not that he's searching for my topics, stumbling is the keyword.
  17. Aedryan

    Exalted Timeline.

    Woot, thanks mad hatter.
  18. Aedryan

    Overpowered Villans vs. Several Exalted (Problems).

    I've been running an Exalted game for the last couple weeks and over the course of the campaign they've fought and trounced an infinite number of extras but at the end of a few adventures there is the inevitable boss battle and when pitting one or two opponents against 4 Solars, 2 Lunars, and a...
  19. Aedryan

    Exalted Timeline.

    Hi, I've been storytelling exalted for a while and I'm looking for a good static timeline for the world of exalted and either by complete idiocy or otherwise I can't find one. Anybody help? I know in some of the books there are things like "The history of creation according to *.*" but I'd...