The Third Age


Black Sun in a White World
Now all of that stupid, Heroic Exalted BS out of the way, what do ou think that the dynamic of the Third Age would be. If it were to be true and canon (purely hypothetical here), what do you see being some of the norms. Seeing as more souls are dedicated to Autocthon (my spelling is off today) and the efforts that revived him actually got Gaia away from teh Games to see her cousin once more, they reshape the world. What do you all see as what would happen to all the major parties in the world, the Realm, Guild, Hslanti, all the major kingdoms, and hell nations.

You have a whole new culture and their living breathing GOD with them. What do you think reactions and events could any of you see taking place? What would the Terrestrial Empire do with a lot of it's major manses feeding the walking Primordial, shattering their perfect religion into shards seeing that there is something far greater than the Dragons walking forth?

What would the Third Age be like?

As you can tell, I love making up think tank threads ^^;
well Im not sure waht will happen in the cannon game but I dont see the formal restoration of the solar deliberative, or a new emperor takign the throne of the realm any time soon.
They detail out the storyline for the entry into the third age in the Autocthonian Book.
I know, I was just wondering anyone's thoughts on what they could forsee coming in their own minds if it became canon, aside from the points they give.
I forsee much of Creation bulldozed to build huge cities of steel and concrete, pollution-belching factories, and rampant overpopulation. I see lots of cars, electricity, and a high reliance on non-renewable resources.

This trend will continue until the denizens of Creation have poisoned Gaia so badly that she dies (of cancer) and the whole of the living lands passes into the Underworld.

How about that?

For my games, I foresee the Third Age sundering the Creation entire, throwing all of the civilizations into chaos, if not ending them entirely, quite possibly killing every single thing in it, throwing the Gods into turmoil, a good number of them simply will cease to exist, the bindings on the Yozi tighten further, so much so that a good amount of them is shorn clear of them, and like a piece of gecko's tail, they will twitch a while, but unlike the gecko's tail, these fragments will reform into independant entities, with little memory of their former selves.

In one scenario I've got, the Third Age ends the Creation as anyone knows it.  The Exalted are shattered and scattered.  Souls are returned to Yu Shan, and the Pillars of Heaven shake as the entire Creation is remade in a cataclysmic spasm, as the Wyld rushes to sweep across the face of All, only to be banished as the Creation snaps back, the borders between the Wyld and the Creation are redrawn, but the Creation is forever changed.

The Third Age is the Dawn of Time, and life begins anew. On one world out of the myriads to come from this new paradigm, some of the souls from the Creation are returned.  Some rise as Dragon Kings. The Great Beasts wander for a time, and only to be returned, as there is nothing to shepard, only Spirits striving to undo the massive damage of the cataclysm that rent the Creation.  

Towards the middle of this Third Age, the Great Beasts take a hiatus, and once the land has been prepared, the Gods try again to let intelligent life walk, and this time, they try to be damn careful about it.  The Exalted they used to depose their Masters are no longer needed, their power having rent the Creation once already, is broken up, altered, changed, and channeled differently this time, weaker perhaps, but the Gods themselves are cut off further from this Creation, spread much further, a whole Universe now is under their keeping, and even a world where they can recreate their lost Creation is taxing, and instead they invest Spirits to guide the new humans, and these Spirits grow into the Gods that are now familiar to us--but the Unconquered Sun, Luna, and the rest of the Maidens are now spread far and wide in a Universe far larger, and more complex than the Creation they had helped to create, and they no longer have the time to devote to their GoD, instead, they are spread out over galexies and superclusters, only fragments of their attention can even be attracted to a tender blue marble, but they still have affection for the old girl, despite the massive changes that have occurred.
The Third Age is up to you the ST.  There are many possibilities.

1.  The Emperess escapes the Ebon Dragon and retakes the Throne.

2.  The Emperess becomes and Infernal Exalted and leads the fifty Infernal Shards to conquer Creation, opening it to the Yozis.

3.  The Solars conquer Creation.

4.  The Lunars destroy all civilization.

5.  The Abyssals and Deathlords destroy Creation.

6.  The Dragon Kings are reborn and conquer Creation.

7.  The Jadeborn are freed from the Great Oath and conquer Creation.

8.  Any of the Authochthonian threads.

9.  Anything you bloody well want.
Or, against all odds, the ones who no one ever actually counted on, but were always there to carry the world on their shoulders, rise up and cast off their shackles of corruption, and save the world.

A truly exceptional individual rises to the throne, and together with a decently unified Dragon Blooded host, manage to scramble together the last remnants of hope. Only from the most unexpected directions does true heroism come from, and in their massive struggle of titanic and otherwordly proportions, Solars, Abyssals, Infernals, Autochtonians and all the rest simply stand no chance against a force that stands unified, and stands with humanity on it's side again - not opposed to them.

The dragon blooded wins the day, and the third age becomes an age of slow decay from all great things and great Essence-bearers, but at least it is an age where humans can live safely, while magic is faltering and disappearing from the world.
I was just wondering anyone's thoughts on what they could forsee coming in their own minds if it became canon' date=' aside from the points they give.[/quote']
I started thinking about the end of the Second Age about the same time someone asked on a Shadowrun mailing list "has anyone thought of a Shadowrun/Exalted crossover?" I'm not much for crossovers, but this conjuction, combined with just the right amount of sangria at the wrong time, led my brain down the the path "how the hell would the history work?"

It involves the Second Age ending a bit differently than canon. For better or worse, I wrote it all up here.
In my game it was a group of creation dwellers who turn the keys of recallibration and bring back Autochthon. When they turn the last key and the well of souls begins to trickle down from the night sky into the Orichalcum Manse. The Eye of Auto states that recalibration is complete, energy and amphora are full, but something is wrong. The final process to integrate all this power into Auto can not be completed, someone has physically obstructed it within Auto, so the troupe goes their and fights their way through the first and Forsaken Lion's hordes and destroys the "Soul Gathering Five Manifold Capacitor" thus allowing the final sequence to be initiated, and just as the troupe is at the mercy of the FaFL Auto's avatar appears and sends him reeling into the far reaches of oblivion.

Auto goes to Yu-Shan, actually allowing the creation dwellers with him in my scenario, and gets the Celestial Incarna off their lazy butts.

As Auto watched the players romp through creation through their few ecounters with the eye he has learned of their genuine intentions to protect creation. Instead of then returning properly to creation with wrath in his heart he has seen that decency and virtue still remains. In a move of good will he set out an order to recall his people back to himself, and has dictated to only create cities directly surrounding their respective entryways into creation.

The Autochthonians themselves are split however, currently 5 nations have made their own portals into creation and followed Auto's ruling to only create cities at the portals, however eventually their curiousity will get to them and likely more than one autochthonian occupied city will arise where it shouldn't. However their is another Autochthonian faction that chose not to return to their maker once he was restored and instead intends to carve out a little niche in creation and they intend to continue the Locust Crusade. Using what remains of the Lap as a starting point they have set their sights on the East in order to get farther away from the Seal or Eight Divinities. Currently the idea of moving in subjugating the Republic of Chaya is seeming sweeter and sweeter.

Many hundred DB's under the banner of Cathak ???? make their way to the Corel Archipeligo to start a new DB empire and fight back against the Silver Prince there.

The Kukla still needs binding and the Realm still needs saving but as my players moved throughout the world they influenced many hearts including Cathak Letal who is rebuilding Paragon, a prince of Lookshy, more than a few Lunar tribes, and the Auto's themselves so an alliance may be struck between Solars, Lunars, DB's, Autos and many others to create a standing army, and city for a Gold-aligned Faction somewhere in the Scavenger Lands. With the Blessed Isle in chaos, ie; Deathlords running rampant, hundreds of DB's gone to the west and Fokuf becoming more the totalitarian dictator with every passing day there is no better time for the Solars and their Allies, both new and old to make creation a better place. And since it's been seen that the FAFL has been killed permanently many essence wielding beings have more vigor to join up and fight against the Deathlords.

EDIT: Added and modified a few things after I thought it out a bit more.
We're up to twenty or so I think.

To clear up any confusion we started at the beginning of the Locust Crusade and I incorperated elements of The Quest for the Great Source, and minor ones from Engines of Extinction and in the last session they just turned the Orichalchum key before we stopped that night.

The setting I laid out is how I envision the third age should my players be successful in completing what's laid out in the first paragraph of my previous post.
I like it. It's.. epic.

I may nick this. In time, when my characters are over 13. Contingent on whether or not Jack is reading this. Metagamer (Yes, I'm talking to you, you munchkin scum).
Battousai said:
Samiel said:
Contingent on whether or not Jack is reading this
Dude, try to keep up.

I read this one days ago.
You are taking sooo much bashing for this. I mean, you might start the next session incapacitated. Who knows what I might do? I'm unpredictable when I'm raging.

Can you see me raging?  :twisted:

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