Gold Faction Founder/Founders?


New Member
I am wondering if somewhere in the text the founder/founders of the gold faction are named?

I sure hope not. T'would conflict with a character concept I've been playing with.
Well, on page 81 of the Sidereal book, under the description of Ayesha Ura, the current leader of the Gold Faction, It states that in the First Age her previous incarnation was Tammiz Ushun "...represented those Chosen who favoured reforming the wayward Solar Exalted..."

So, by my reckoning, since Tammiz was merely a representative, then no, the founder of the the Gold Faction hasn't been divulged as of yet.  I can't recall said persion being described in Cult of the Illuminated but a mate has borrowed the book, so can't help there.

Has that helped?

Your consideration is appreciated certainly but I posted this just after reading over all of the info you just referenced. There was a guy in the first age who was like the leader of the gold faction at the great conclave, but he was killed when he tried to go warn several solars during the usurpation. And his reincarnation is the current standing leader of the gold faction.

I am more wondering who was it that began the process of finding and training newly born solars, or even lunars for the purposes of taking back the realm and fighting the bronze faction.
Aedryan said:
I am more wondering who was it that began the process of finding and training newly born solars, or even lunars for the purposes of taking back the realm and fighting the bronze faction.
Isn't that covered in Cult of the Illuminated?

Is it? I have it but I haven't given it a good read-through yet. I figured it would be faster to just post on here and have a reply pop up in 3.6 seconds than to thumb through the book looking for one or two sentences.
To answer your question, if one examines the available material in BWB, Siddies, and CotI, neither the founder for the BF nor the GF (if there was one--the history of the two factions tends to imply that an inner group shaped the group, not a single person) are specifically identified.
Well assuming no specific person is named than my concept for a Sidereal who in his previous lifetime was part of a gold faction circle who trained the first Solars to fight back against the Bronze Faction will hopefully work.

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