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  1. Djalan Pride

    enlightened mortals

    just looking for a clarification, can an enlightened mortal go over essence 3? i vaguely remember god blooded turn into spirits at that point, but what about the lowly old thamaturge?
  2. Djalan Pride


    yes, i'm speaking of artifact armor
  3. Djalan Pride


    does lethal hardness from armor apply against aggravated damage?
  4. Djalan Pride

    Sidereal combos and the 4th Excellency

    if a eclipse learned the fourth (ability x) excellency of a siddie and had (ability x) essence flow, would he be able to use it with other charms?
  5. Djalan Pride


    thank you, (A) it is then. i'm trying to give a clear answer to one of my players, and i couldn't quite decide myself. thanks again mates, d.p.
  6. Djalan Pride


    CLAWS OF THE SILVER MOON Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Strength 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple (Speed 4) Keywords: Combo-OK, Gift, Obvious Duration: One scene Prerequisite Charms: None Channeling a nimbus of silver from her soul into her hands, the Lunar endows them with large, vicious silver...
  7. Djalan Pride

    Mounted speed

    in response to humans being faster than a horse from a stand still start, have you ever seen a horse race on the tv? they open those gates and those horses are flying almost immediately... and i vaguely remember learning somewhere that two legged animals have a much better running stamina...
  8. Djalan Pride

    Mounted speed

    thanks, i'll use what was said and work with it from there. much appreciated.
  9. Djalan Pride

    Mounted speed

    that begs the question, does the rider suffer the dv penalty if the mount takes a dash action? and another thing, on a dash action, do you only move the increased speed value for the tick or 3 tics?
  10. Djalan Pride

    Mounted speed

    i cannot for the life of me find out how much quicker a 4-legged animal can move in combat. any knowledge of page numbers or house rules would be appriciated.
  11. Djalan Pride

    New Lunar Book

    does it give any rules or limitations for MA charms?   is it 12 experience a piece?
  12. Djalan Pride

    The Bronze faction wanted the Tepet to fail?

    if i remember right, didnt they lose a siddie or two inthat war? something like the Bull killing one with a single arrow after they blew up a town? that would not make them too happy, as far as i could tell.
  13. Djalan Pride

    2nd ed MA question

    as i was paging thru the book, i saw no reference to Hero or Snake style MA limiting the use of armor.  did i miss something?
  14. Djalan Pride

    Alternate Setting details

    i actuallly like your setting, it seems like it would be a riot to play. doesnt have much in common with exalted except for 10 sided dice and charms.... but thatsthe beauty of being creative. you get to make an interesting game for yourself and the players.
  15. Djalan Pride

    2nd ed Demo... wha?

    i'm curious, is  it still possible to dodge AND parry? ToFC seems to imply otherwise...
  16. Djalan Pride

    Exalted DeathMatch II

    do they ever imply the population of the alchemicals?  they're kinda celestial, so does that put them in the hundreds area?
  17. Djalan Pride

    New MA Style - Fearsome Kitten Style

    i'll be the loner and say i like the whole thing.  interesting mechanics, fun style, all in all its neato
  18. Djalan Pride

    Alchemical Transformers and hybrid questions

    i like that idea, it's pretty rockstar.  thanks ned
  19. Djalan Pride

    Game Finder

    bohistiva,  the offer is still on the table, the game is still running.
  20. Djalan Pride

    Funniest Quotes OOC or IC from Exalted

    very amusing, i like