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  1. Pishwi

    Futuristic Interplanetary

    Sam rolled her eyes. If I'm lucky, they'll all die. This was the part she hated, waiting for the team to do their job while she sat on board, smoking, drinking and watching the static screen-image of the dead planets the Rebellion was so interested in. She watched the squad file out, closed...
  2. Pishwi

    Futuristic Interplanetary

    The pilot turned to face the crew. "Sam" she announced herself, swivelling round again to press a few buttons on the control panel. The screen transformed from a front view to a bird's eye view of the terrain: a scorched, yellow, sulphurous plateau. Now and again a small black building showed...
  3. Pishwi


    Sounds good : )
  4. Pishwi


    Aww thanks : ) I might as well make the most of Sam now because she'll probably be spending the whole mission in the ship. Btw will you tell us what the mission is exactly, or should we just take it as it comes?
  5. Pishwi

    Futuristic Interplanetary

    The Engine Room doors slid open and Sam walked out again holding a few metal spheres, each about the size of a fist. "Remember: if you run into any of the locals, you're gonna need to speak Mandarin - and fluently. Whatever it is you're doing,I doubt Command wants us to raise suspicion...
  6. Pishwi

    Futuristic Interplanetary

    Sam swivelled round in the pilot's seat to face the squad. "I'd just like to add one thing," she said. "The Aztec is my ship, and while on board we'll be playing by my rules. You want a drink from the minibar, you pay for it. You need to use the extranet, you pay for it. You break that...
  7. Pishwi


    Name: Sam Kyler Age: 20 Gender: Female Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/red.jpg.5cd7b11a790187a5a152ea36d50ee78f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25704"...
  8. Pishwi

    RpN on Landmark!

    I think the sale's ended, but I'll probably get it when it's fully released. Assuming you guys are still playing, because it looks awesome.
  9. Pishwi

    Realistic or Modern The Island's Curse

    "It might have to be by candlelight" said Merrick, looking out of the wreckage. The fires were sizzling out in the water and the sun was going down. Already the beach was dappled with violet shadows. "I've got a signal flare in my suitcase, and a few firelighters. Enough food to last us a few...
  10. Pishwi

    Realistic or Modern The Island's Curse

    The other man's intrusion luckily prevented the girl from commenting on Merrick's apparent choice of wife. He caught the bottle as it was thrown to him - cola! He grinned at the other man, who merely looked indifferent, and said "You have no idea how much I needed this", before gulping down...
  11. Pishwi

    Realistic or Modern The Island's Curse

    Having been caught looting through a dead woman's handbag, Merrick didn't need to further the girl's distrust of him by telling her the truth; that he was travelling as an ambassador for one of world's deadliest criminals. Instead he smiled embarrassment and stood up straight. "Well, me and my...
  12. Pishwi

    The Island's Curse

    Okay, thanks.
  13. Pishwi

    The Island's Curse

    Just a question: are we allowed to include speech from another character when writing a conversation, or can it only be one character at a time?
  14. Pishwi

    The Island's Curse

    Sorry, I'm new to this site and I accidentally deleted my last post in an attempt to reply, so I had to redo a shorter version.
  15. Pishwi

    Realistic or Modern The Island's Curse

    Merrick crept around the three survivors and entered the plane by the rear, where a huge hole had been ripped out. He tiptoed across the carpet of broken glass , tugging the suitcase along as noisily as possible, and opened the first handbag he came across. Midway through his search, he looked...
  16. Pishwi

    Realistic or Modern The Island's Curse

    The red-and-yellow suitcase followed up reluctantly as Merrick pulled it into the opening of palm trees. The bodies on the plane, and the rucksacks, and the other suitcases contained everything he needed for a signal fire, as well as food for more than two weeks. He had thrown them all into the...
  17. Pishwi

    The Genesis Project

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/red.jpg.67d7e6303fc0018d8ee3b2c2d90c691a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22256" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/red.jpg.67d7e6303fc0018d8ee3b2c2d90c691a.jpg" class="ipsImage...
  18. Pishwi

    The Island's Curse

    Name: Merrick McAllen Aliases: None Age: 42 Date of Birth: 4th Nov 1971 Time of Birth: 07:03 Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual Appearnce: Description: Tall, well-built. Grey eyes. Short, black hair, combed back. Horizontal scar from left cheek to ear. Commonly wears...