
Soviet Panda

Red Panda Commanda.
Roleplay Type(s)



Appearance:(Picture or description)


Planet/Moon of Origin:



Name: Conner McKinley

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Appearance: About 5'11" weighs 180 lb. Completely shaved head, has a lean look to him. His face is all angels and has brown eyes.

Battle suit with gliding wings. (Not necessary but may be useful in open attacks)

Personality: That big tough guy, seems like a complete asshole on the outside. But once you get to know him, he is a big softy.

Planet/Moon of Origin: Mars, a planet focused solely on industry. Mechanical improvements are much cheaper there.

Modifications: Reinforced bones as well as servos improving his overall strength.
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Zion Call







<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/__eden___by_anathematixs-d6aouuw.jpg.17ff2edd8da5f01c38f8bf8bd60b12c6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25547" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/__eden___by_anathematixs-d6aouuw.jpg.17ff2edd8da5f01c38f8bf8bd60b12c6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Mecha suit

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/cyborg_commando_by_unfor54k3n-d5l172w.jpg.c9dd4125da92d5988c81587d88a09255.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25548" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/cyborg_commando_by_unfor54k3n-d5l172w.jpg.c9dd4125da92d5988c81587d88a09255.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Zion might look like a chick, but she has the temper and attitude of a demon, one wrong comment and your history. She's only loyal to those who she trusts, which are very few… Just one, her dead brother. Being one hell of a suicidal girl, Zion joined the army. She doesn't hesitate to kill anyone in her way. If she doesn't have a gun she'll use her hands.

Planet/Moon of Origin:



Her suite is as flexible and as fast as her, it's a light weight so perfect for Zion to move in. Right mechanic arm, which she lost in her first battle. Her arm attaches to her suit.



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Name: Piotr Vladsky


Gender: Male




Personality: Piotr is quiet and reserved off the battlefield and observes before he acts. He stays cool and collect during combat and is normally walking from soldier to soldier to try and keep the morale up. Most of the regular soldiers look up to him because of his courage and his leadership abilities. He is unafraid to be in the front of a charge, and will tell a superior that an order is stupid and will disobey the order.

Brief Bio: A Former NCO of the IU's Military, Piotr disobeyed a direct order that would have gotten most of his soldiers killed. After the battle he was court martialed and sentenced life imprisonment. He was beat and tortured until his rescue by a few of his soldiers who brought him to the Rebellion

Planet/Moon of Origin: Jupiter's Moon, Io

Modifications: A metal-alloy spine received after his back was broken during torture, and a robotic right arm.
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Name: Kevin 'Chameleon' McForsythe

Age: 27

Gender: Male





Personality: He is generally very quiet, used to being by himself.

Planet/Moon of Origin: Neptune

Modifications: He has modifications that allow him to blend into his surrounding, the more varied the background, the better chances he won't be seen. Because he was a spotter for a while, his vision is improved to see farther. To top it off, he was given two hearts, with the ability to stop or slow the beating of one, or let it pump faster if one is damaged and unable to work properly.

Other: He rarely wears the armor, as it has problems with his modifications, but most things (like in the top picture) have some adaptation that let it go invisible with him. Generally he is a sniper, and is better at mid-long range fights.
Name: Sam Kyler

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/red.jpg.5cd7b11a790187a5a152ea36d50ee78f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25704" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/red.jpg.5cd7b11a790187a5a152ea36d50ee78f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Cocky, impatient, and absolutely disloyal, Sam is only in the Rebellion for the money. She pilots the ships and transports the troops, and spends the rest of her time drinking or smoking Rakh (a drug indigenous to Titan). The only thing she trusts is her ship, the Aztec.

Planet/Moon of Origin: Titan

Modifications: None



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Name:“Church” Charles V of Europa


Gender: Male



Combat Gear:


Personality: Some people just want to watch the world burn, Church is one of those people. He illegally entered the Europa Defense Core ( a local militia) when he was sixteen using false papers and a wad of cash. The cores small size coupled with its limited resources made it necessary to train their soldiers to be a little unorthodox. As a result Church is proficient with tactics pertaining to guerrilla warfare though they parallel those of terrorists.

He trained with the core until it was disbanded by the IU when he was eighteen. With his training and nothing remaining for him on Europa Church gravitated towards the rebellion and eventually became a part of it.

Planet/Moon of Origin: Europa

Modifications: Implant: Adrenal Override- Church has complete control of his adrenal gland and ultimately his adrenaline. In short Church can release or withhold adrenaline at will.

Modification: Bio Foam Injectors- Bio foam is a coagulant on steroids coupled with a powerful painkiller. Churches armour is equipped with thousands of sensors that instantly recognize when he is wounded. The sensory system then, doubling as the delivery system, then injects the wound with bio foam. (Long story short Church can be wounded and won’t bleed out, he’ll feel the wound but won't’ have to stop unless its incredibly severe. The foams not a super healing agent and Church will eventually need treatment but not for awhile.)

Other: He's particular to pistols, knifes, and explosives.
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