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Futuristic Interplanetary

Soviet Panda

Red Panda Commanda.
Roleplay Type(s)
Man kind has conquered and colonized the habitable planets and moons of the solar system. Man kind has united under one flag, and ruled with an iron fist. The ideal of communism, share with everyone not the dictatorship, has surged into popularity. But that allows little room for people to advance in the social status. Several moons, Europa, Io, and Titan, wished to succeed from the Interplanetary Union, IU for short. They were allowed to leave the IU, but caused wars to spark all across the remaining planets and moons of the IU. Now the solar system is consumed in war, a war filled with mechanically and genetically altered and improved humans. The leading rebel faction is the Iron Falcon, which you have just joined.


Do your research on the planets and moons. I will also provide a short description of the planet when going on missions.


1. No one liners or a single sentence. Short posts lead to short posts and it is very annoying and frustrating.

2. I would like it to be as diverse as possible, I don't want three snipers and two commandos going in with nothing but a knife and a bandana.

3. YOU ARE NOT A GOD. if there is a hailstorm of bullets, odds are you will be hit. and none of the dodging every punch and kick thrown your way.

4. Make the genetic/mechanical improvements reasonable. No sprinting at the speed of sound or getting into space with the jetpack you installed in your suit.

5. Go ahead and to the romance, but keep it appropriate and fade to black if you need to.

6. Your in the military, there will be swearing, just keep it in check.
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The Solar Swan Completed it's orbital insertion around Venus. The newly formed Spartan squad was waiting in the Aztec awaiting mission briefing. Suddenly, the radio crackled to life and the briefing began. "Alright maggots, you survived boot camp. But this is the real thing. Your first mission is on Venus, and your equipment has been adjusted so you can survive. I'd advise keeping your helmets on, breathing sulfur isn't healthy for most people. This is just a reconnaissance mission, try not to get into any big fire fights and report back alive. You will be heading out in 15 minutes. Best of luck to you." And with that, the radio cut out.
Sam swivelled round in the pilot's seat to face the squad.

"I'd just like to add one thing," she said. "The Aztec is my ship, and while on board we'll be playing by my rules. You want a drink from the minibar, you pay for it. You need to use the extranet, you pay for it. You break that seat" and she looked at Mckinley, "and you pay for it. Am I understood?" She didn't wait for an answer, instead heading for the door marked "Engine Room".
"I ain't goin' to break anything." Conner said back. Why did she give him that nasty look? Just because he could didn't mean he was going to. And who were these people? One had pink hair for crying out loud. And one seemed to fade into the ship a little. At least he knew his job, that is the one thing that he actually listened to out of the whole speech. "Why the hell would they send us out on recon? We should be in the front lines shooting sh*t." he said, talking to no one in particular.
Zion bit her nail as she tapped a metal finger against the armrest of her chair. She wanted to crush the bald guy's skull. He was too loud and talked to much. "Maybe they put you here because you can't shut the fuck up." She mumbled as she inspected her hand. She wondered how long it would take for that one to turn mechanical too. Zion rolled her mechanical shoulder and leaned back into the seat. If the pilot was going to give anymore rules the she was going to blow up the ship just for the fun of it. Why her leader's had put her in this crew, Zion didn't know, but she did know that she was not going to like it.
"Both of you talk to much." Piotr stood up, his accent was soft, but still detectable. "The reason we're recon is because we cant take the IU in a straight up fight." He watched the woman go toward the engine room, "So we find where they are weak, an we strike there. Most of our soldiers dont have mech suits like you." He looked through the windows of the ship. "I hate being this far away from home."
"Well then why did you join? Any way, you will be able to visit, at least while your on a mission." Conner told the guy. 'Wonder where his home is.' Conner thought to himself before getting up. He walked over to his gear, and began to put it on. "You think I should bring the wings?" he asks anyone listening.
"It might be useful." Kevin said. He knew why he was here, he was the ultimate spy. His use in a recon was invaluable. Although what they were looking for was above him. Maybe it was a 'get rid of the useless wannabes on a planet for a week' trick. Although he doubted that. It wasn't positive thoughts that helped him think this wasn't worthless, they had what was more accurately described as a mercenary at the helm, and a couple of soldiers, not recon here.
They are acting as if recon was beneath them, he thought smiling to himself. In truth Church thought the mission might was perfect for the newly formed Spartan Squad. They were each seasoned fighters with combat abilities far beyond the normal rebel grunt. Despite that this was their first mission and there was bound to be a few problems that’d get them killed if they’d been sent to an active war zone rather than on a recon mission. “I say bring the wings, if push comes to shove we can always leave them.” Church drew his ever present pistol, racked the slid back chambering a round. “So what are we scouting, terrain, a base, IU supply depo?”
"Best guess, the first and third one. Atmosphere is to thick and full of crap to get any pictures from orbit." Conner said as he hooked up the wings. Checking he had everything he needed. He sadly couldn't bring anything that involved a fire, barley any oxegyn down there. "Spartan Squad, leaving in ten." a voice said over the radio.
The Engine Room doors slid open and Sam walked out again holding a few metal spheres, each about the size of a fist.

"Remember: if you run into any of the locals, you're gonna need to speak Mandarin - and fluently. Whatever it is you're doing,I doubt Command wants us to raise suspicion. Venusians hate foreigners." She walked around the team, handing one of the metal balls to each of them. "These will translate for you, or at least they should. Don't ask me how they work, they came with the ship and I've never used them".

She sat back down at the pilot's seat, rolled up a joint of rakh, and began to smoke, looking up at the screen and the view of the planet.
"Well, it's hard enough to throw someone's scull in." Zion said and looked at the guy, also known as Church. "Can I try that theory on you?" She smiled. "Oh and Conner," she said. "Drop the wings and bring hell." She said. A smile spread on her face when she heard the radio. Ten more minutes and there would finally be some action… Hopefully.

Zion rolled her eyes, she was a front liner, not an explorer! What was this, some sort of treasure hunt?!
"Gladly." Conner said as he hooked his chain gun into place. This may be a recon, but he wasn't going to take any chances. "So, I didn't get any of your names. Unless you just want to be called by your call signs. I personally would like to be called by my name, which is Conner." As soon as Conner finished talking, the radio once more crackled into life, for the last time. "One minute. If you ain't suited and booted, do so now. Aztec, they're all yours. You are clear to launch." Conner gave an excited whoop and strapped himself in, ready for what ever hair brained maneuver the pilot would make.
He looked at Connor for a moment. "Im Piotr." He slid on his helmet which has the markings of an IU soldier on it and grabbed his assault rifle. "Radio Check." He closed his eyes and sat back and waited for them to be dropped off onto the planet. He had satchels ready for something.. He wasn't sure what, but it was always better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.
The pilot turned to face the crew. "Sam" she announced herself, swivelling round again to press a few buttons on the control panel. The screen transformed from a front view to a bird's eye view of the terrain: a scorched, yellow, sulphurous plateau. Now and again a small black building showed up, but there were no trees, no rivers... It made Titan look habitable by comparison.
Zion got up from her chair and walked towards her suit. She got herself ready and clicked her right arm in position. She pulled her pink hair in a ponytail and put on her helmet before introducing herself. "Zion." She said and readied herself for the drop. "If you call me anything else I'll kill you." The others couldn't see her face because of her helmet, but she was dead serious... Just like the one time she broke a soldier's arm for wanting to grab her ass. She could always deal with the commanders later.

She was ready for mission. Zion had grown tired of doing nothing.

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When they the Aztec landed and opened up to let the squad out, Conner took it upon himself to take point. So, with his rather large gun out, he steps out and scans for potential threats. "Radio check. Your good Piotr. Thank you for the lift Sammy."
Sam rolled her eyes. If I'm lucky, they'll all die.

This was the part she hated, waiting for the team to do their job while she sat on board, smoking, drinking and watching the static screen-image of the dead planets the Rebellion was so interested in. She watched the squad file out, closed the doors, and went back to the engine room.

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