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  1. Cyriak

    Wind in the Stomach [CyriakXFaith]

    She explained how she had came here with one of her friends, but how that friend was most likely dead by now. She took a seat on the other bed and continued talking about my friends. Each sentence she said came out with a rough tinge to it. It didn't surprise me that she was upset with her...
  2. Cyriak

    Wind in the Stomach [CyriakXFaith]

    I nodded and turned away from the girl to face my room. I didn't leave the door locked in case I had to run back in an emergency, but prayed that nothing foul had skulked in. I Opened the door and was greeted by the dim light that managed to shine through the closed curtains. My room was exactly...
  3. Cyriak

    Wind in the Stomach [CyriakXFaith]

    The girl stood there thinking my proposition over in silence. I glanced behind my shoulder to make sure that nothing was sneaking up on me. I had no idea how agile and smart these things could be. I was only going off what I knew from movies and video games. I assumed that these may be the...
  4. Cyriak

    Wind in the Stomach [CyriakXFaith]

    The girl looks at me for a moment with disbelief that I would do something so stupid like that the loosened the grip on her bat. She rested the bat over her shoulder and continued to look me over. I felt vulnerable without a weapon, but at the same time it felt kinda good. Knowing that even in...
  5. Cyriak

    Wind in the Stomach [CyriakXFaith]

    ((Here goes nothing! I'm Awful at first)) The girl picked herself up and wrapped her hands tightly around a baseball bat handle. Without facing me she said "I-I'm fine". She stood there for a few more moments before turning around to look at me. She was a little shorter than me and had a...
  6. Cyriak

    Wind in the Stomach [CyriakXFaith]

    The only thing Felix heard was his heart beat. A steady thump that rang on his temples. He stood in the middle of the room motionless. The seconds dragged on like hours. He wasn't even quite sure what he would do if the thing opened the door. When he was in boot camp they barely trained him how...
  7. Cyriak

    Wind in the Stomach [CyriakXFaith]

    The hallway was completely black except for a glowing red exit sign that hung over the stairwells door. Felix figured the sign was probably running off of emergency generators and that it wouldn't last forever. The idea of being alone in the hall surrounded by complete darkness was almost enough...
  8. Cyriak

    Wind in the Stomach [CyriakXFaith]

    Felix sat on the edge of the bed and stared out the window down into one of the resorts many pools and the dense jungle beyond. There were a few thick plumes of smoke rising from the jungle and one coming from somewhere neat the hotel. He had been in the room for almost two days now, three if...
  9. Cyriak

    Wind in the Stomach [CyriakXFaith]

    Ok i'll start my character right now. Also! I love the Bioshock tattoo!That's pretty cool. I am to. What are your favorite games?Name: Felix West Nicknames: Kitty (But only a few people in the world call him that, and they may be dead with the way things are now) Gender: Male species/race...
  10. Cyriak

    hello ^^

    It's all K. I only know a couple words in German, but took high school french. Anyway if you want to keep talking, then you should send me a message. I'm pretty sure the mods will say something if we fill up the intro page with random chatter. :P
  11. Cyriak

    Wind in the Stomach [CyriakXFaith]

    I'm assuming the one with my name on it it?
  12. Cyriak

    hello ^^

    I think the creator writes there death off.
  13. Cyriak

    hello ^^

    Like if a character dies? Or writing about death? I know it's Ok to write about death and violence if both parties are in agreement, and I think anyone can make there character die when ever they want. Though I don't think you're aloud to kill other peoples without out there permission.
  14. Cyriak

    hello ^^

    Of course! Without crazy people it would loose almost all of its allure! Anyways there is a main story line that people can follow, but it can be played out in hundreds of different ways. Essentially two average people find something that is undeniable proof of the towns evil presence and also...
  15. Cyriak

    hello ^^

    It's better than a lot of Rp plots I've seen in the past. Our story thing was more about a town and everything that happens within that town. Its a small back woods mountain town nestled in the thicket of Appalachia. Not only is the town home to redneck locals, but also home to the Wendigo (The...
  16. Cyriak

    Hello Hello

    Cool! me to. If you ever are bored and can't find anyone to do an RP with, send me a message. :P
  17. Cyriak

    hello ^^

    Oh it's fine! too soon is way better than any form of late. Speaking of which! i'm sorry that My reply is a day later. :( Anyway! Yeah our story started as just a place that RP's could take place in, but evolved to have its own crazy, yet funny, and also at times, morbid story. Do you mind if...
  18. Cyriak

    hello ^^

    I think they are. :P But you have to have a good idea in order for them to work. Luckily me and some friends came up with a really good horror/humor RP that's really fun.
  19. Cyriak

    Looking for a cool person to 1x1

    Hey! You! Stop right there! You clicked on this thread because you are the best, and I need the best! Anyway all kidding aside. I'm new to this sight, but not new to role playing. I can role play pretty much anything, but am looking for someone who can give and take ideas. My favorite RP...
  20. Cyriak


    Oh cool. I heard these sights were notorious for not including new members and letting them kinda fade away. I'm glad that this sight breaks the stereotypes. :P