Wind in the Stomach [CyriakXFaith]


The Cuppycakecreep
  • Welcome to Engda—a wild and untamed paradise, virtually untouched my modern civilization. From the lush rain forests to the mountain highlands to the white sandy beaches, Engsa is considered the pearl in the necklace of islands dotting the water of the eastern Pacific Ocean. For many, it is Heaven on Earth — a place of peace and pristine beauty where travelers can leave the worries and cares of the world behind. Until very recently, much of the island was wild and primitive and totally untouched by the modern world. Even though the capital was founded by settlers in 1895, many places deep in the interior still have never been seen by western eyes.
    It is the location of the popular Royal Palms Resort as well as many other hotels and settlements. Engsa’s lush tropical beauty offers many natural wonders, from verdant rain forests to mountain highlands to virginal white sand beaches. It's a sportsman's paradise with world-class rock climbing, fishing, hunting, sailing, and kayaking.
    Nestled in the hills above the most pristine white sand beaches in the Pacific, the Royal Palms Resort offers every luxury. The acclaimed architecture of the five-star resort blends seamlessly with the natural beauty of Engsa Island. The Royal Palms Resort offers exceptional service and every modern amenity. The 127 spacious, climate-controlled rooms offer a spectacular view of either the jungle highlands or the Pacific Ocean. All the first-class accommodations offer a private balcony or a patio where the guests can enjoy a cocktail and enjoy warm, equatorial breezes scented with the heady perfume of rare tropical blossoms.

    Engsa’s resort (which is pretty much the only place tourist’s venture) is a paradise filled with almost anything you could ever imagine. Albeit expensive, the Resort is the best of the best for tropical escapes. A problem, however, has arisen in the mist of paradise. It started in the deepest parts of the jungle where only tribes of natives and wildlife could be found. It was reported that people were first seen walking from the deep forests, covered in blood. They attacked whoever got near them, biting at their flesh and feasting upon whomever they could kill. It was believed to be an isolated incident, and it was only spoken about in passing between guests. Most saw it as a myth; some sort of tale strewn together by children, but soon it was obvious that this was no tale.
    The infection the first few had spread to those bitten and soon, the infection had streaked across most of those on the island. Only thirty-six hours after the initial appearance, at least sixty percent of the island inhabitants are dead or walking around with the infection. Some walk slow, ambling about waiting for something still human to come into sight, but others are smarter. They traverse the island, searching for those few still trying to hide in bungalows. They have not learned how to open doors, but they get smarter every day. The thing that makes them most dangerous, however, is that they run. Fast and hard, some have seen them outrun dogs within the city to feast upon their flesh. Those are the ones to look out for.
    Vacation wasn’t something you did often. Whether it was money that was the problem or finding people to go with you, you didn’t vacation—especially not like this. Whether you went out on a whim, had business on the island, or you won an all-expense paid trip, you are here now. At the height of tourist season, you’ve decided to come to the beautiful island to enjoy a much needed escape from the grind of life along with any other ventures you originally had planned. You are one of the many few survivors that have not either gone insane or resorted to joining a looting gang that kills anyone and takes anything they need. You have been hiding in your room since it all started, eating what little food you had brought back to the room with you and the complementary-but-we’ll-charge-you-at-checkout food within the refrigerator to try and survive. It’s only been about three days, but your inability to ration your food has led you to have none. The need will soon force you to find more or starve.
    Do what you need to do survive.

  • Follow the rules of the site

  • No one liners please

  • post your bio in the roleplay section
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Yep, that's you! Here is my bio as well.

Name: Mira La’Mar

Nicknames: Mira really doesn’t have any nick names. One of her friends used to call her Lemur.

Gender: Female

Species/Race: Human; Caucasian

Age: Twenty-Five

Birthday: November 21st

Zodiac: Scorpio-- Scorpios are the most intense, profound, powerful characters in the zodiac. Even when they appear self-controlled and calm there is a seething intensity of emotional energy under the placid exterior. They are like the volcano not far under the surface of a calm sea; it may burst into eruption at any moment. But those of us who are particularly perceptive will be aware of the harnessed aggression, the immense forcefulness, magnetic intensity, and often strangely hypnotic personality under the tranquil, but watchful composure of Scorpio. In conventional social gatherings they are pleasant to be with, thoughtful in conversation, dignified, and reserved, yet affable and courteous; they sometimes possess penetrating eyes which make their shyer companions feel naked and defenseless before them.

Place of Birth: Arkansas

Current Residence: At the moment anywhere that’s safe

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5’5”

Hair Color: Brown

Hair Style (sort of): long and brown hair (see appearance)

Eye Color: Blue

Distinguishing Marks: Mira has a scar forever on her tummy from her bike handle.

General Appearance: Mira has very creamy with a long and slender face.

Clothing (For the beginning of the roleplay):

Tattoo: She has a tattoo like this one on her wrist. She got it when she graduated high school:

Mental Characteristics

Goal: Um…Not dying seems pretty fair at this point.

Hobbies:Mira used to play the Saxophone in her spare time. She likes to read, listen to music, run, take photos, and do Suduko puzzles.

Personality: Mira is quiet and reserved around people. She doesn’t easily open up to people. She tries to be sweet and kind, but some people, she can’t keep a harsh tongue away. If you aggravate her, expect a not-so pleasant response from her. She prefers her music than talking to people, but she is very flexible with the way she acts around people. In her current situation, she can be irrational.

Background: Mira was the ‘sweet country girl moves to big city’ type. Being made fun of at school for being different had always been prominent in her life, and for the longest time, she kept out of other people’s lives. It wasn’t until a new girl moved to town did she ever make friends and feel at ease around people…well one person (but it’s a start!)Once she graduated, she had always wanted to get out of town and she finally got her chance. She moved away to attend college and got a double major in fine arts (preforming arts) and creative writing. She finally moved to an area where there were a lot of big name publishers after college. It just turned out that a few months after she moved, everything went to hell. Just her luck.

Items on person: Her backpack contains an extra pair of clothes, a journal, a few pens, her ipod (which is dead), what little food she has, and a few extra non-important items. She also carries a knife, and a baseball bat. She had been unable to find a gun yet.
Ok i'll start my character right now. Also! I love the Bioshock tattoo! 
That's pretty cool. I am to. What are your favorite games? 
Name: Felix West

Nicknames: Kitty (But only a few people in the world call him that, and they may be dead with the way things are now)

Gender: Male

species/race: Human/Caucasian

Age: 23

Zodiac: Cancer-- Cancers are loyal, even temperament, kind people. They enjoy helping people and especially friends, though it may be difficult for them to find true friends. Cancers care deeply for people they can call there friends and will fight tooth and nail if requested. Cancers are generally brave, but don't go looking to be a hero.

Place of birth: California

Current Home: Locked hotel room

Physical Characteristics

Height: 6'0"

Hair color: Very light brown.

Hair style: Felix keeps his hair shaved almost to a buzz, as per regulation, but he has let it grown out a little bit in the past month.

Eye color: Light blue with a ring of green around the iris.

Distinguishing marks: Felix has a bunch of small scars on his right shoulder. The scars are on the front, back, and side of the shoulder and are in every shape.

General appearance: Felix is very tall with a slim build, but broad shoulders. He isn't the most muscular guy in the world, but he isn't the weakest either. He is kinda baby faced, but his face is toning up with age.

Clothing: Felix wears a pair of red high top Converse with bright white laces. A pair of faded black jeans. A leather rigging belt. And a fallout 3 T-shirt with the Pipboy character giving his thumbs up.

Tattoos: Felix has a Corpsman cross on his left shoulder.

Mental Characteristics

Goal: Live to see another day, not be eaten, go to space.

Hobbies: Before his current predicament; Felix enjoyed playing video games, reading, browsing the web, and listening to music.

Personality: Felix is all around a nice guy, but is willing to do what ever it takes to survive. He is sociable enough to get along with people in new surroundings, but not enough to wow them with a first impression. Felix is very level headed and can keep calm under extreme pressure, this was not a skill he was born with, but one he earned though trial and error. Felix has very strong opinions and is ,for the most part, very smart, but he never thought he'd make a good leader. His weaknesses are: Bullets, Teeth, Fire, and Cookies.

Background: Felix graduated from High school in a small blossoming town in riverside. His teen years were fun, but not very special. When he turned eighteen he enlisted for the Navy and was shipped off a few months later to become a corpsman (Navy/Marine doctor). After Basic training and his schooling; He was shipped to a marine regiment stationed in the desserts. He never saw any heavy combat, but more than most marines saw. He only lost three men under his watchful eyes.

Gear on person: A brown leather satchel, One water bottle, A lighter, A notebook, And a knife. 
((I like your character by the way. No body ever plays country girls! Also your game list....Solid!)) 
((Also I hope you like my character. I kinda just came up with him on short notice)) 
Ok cool! i''l be chilling, but speaking of fallout. The 'Anything goes' song from fallout three is so great! i'm listening to it right now. :P
((Sorry it's so short. I had to rush and start cooking dinner halfway through))

I think it was a smart idea to keep myself locked in my room. Being alone, no one could get in. I was quiet enough that they didn’t even know I was in here—whatever they are. I still can’t believe I made it out of the area. No one knew at first what happened, but soon people came running from other parts of the resort. Some were screaming; others were silent in the haste; others were silent, but walked with knowing- covered in blood. Those were the ones that started everything. I was lucky to be alive. Lucky that one of those things didn’t catch me like they caught many of the others that had been lying haphazardly around the pool- enjoying the sunshine and the ocean breeze. I don’t know where Jessica is; I didn’t know when I was lying around the pool either. I just have to assume she’s dead, because she never came back to the room.

It hasn’t been long at all, but I can feel myself start to lose it a little. There wasn’t enough food in here to last forever, I know that, but I don’t want to go out there. I don’t want to end up like one of those things I can see from the window. I’ll have to go out today… even if I don’t want to.

I hadn’t even wanted to come on this trip. It had been something forced upon me. “but you’ll like it! It’ll be fun!” I could still hear the girl’s excited voice in the back of my mind. “Besides, Daddy will pay for everything!” I could hear her obnoxious giggle and she laughed at me. What a situation I was in now. She was dead and I was left in a room with… I felt my stomach curl… with hardly anything to eat. Jessica was the one that had convinced me to come on this trip. Who wouldn’t just at the idea of an all-expense paid trip to a tropical resort island with an old friend from high school? Everything had gone to hell.

I was weak now, and any attempt to think straight was faltered by the fear that every little sound was something coming to kill me. I clench my teeth, looking around the room. There was very little left here and the room was a mess. There was one more bottle of water and a small package of pretzels from the plane. I couldn’t let myself have them although I needed something. I wasn’t sure that I would be able to find something, so I needed keep something just in case. I take in a deep breath, flipping the note book closed. That was something I had done a lot of the past few days. With nothing to do, I was forced to find a way to entertain myself or I probably would have been higher strung than this.

I pulled myself off of the bed, surveying the room one more time. There was nothing left for me here. I had to get out while I could. I wasn’t sure why I felt the urgency as if something were to happen if I did not leave soon. I shook my head; I had no idea what sort of shape the rest of the building was in—there could be a fire or… I shove my notebook in my backpack, throwing it on my back. I was just making excuses now. I needed food that was all.

I take in a deep breath, walking around the large expansion of bed. The strange patterns of floral only reminded me of where I was, and that I was going to be stuck on this island probably for the rest of my short little life. I take in a deep breath, picking up the weapon that sat by the door. I placed my hand on the handle. With a quick turn of my other wrist I unlocked the deadbolt that was keeping me safe. I felt my hand tighten around the cool metal, but as I went to turn the knob, I was almost paralyzed. This was the only thing keeping me from what was out there—it was a barrier of safety. I took in a deep breath, letting my hand drop.

“Are you ready for this?” I looked over the wooden door. This was such a sudden decision. I took a deep breath, and sat down in front of the door. There had to be something for me to do… a way to help me decide. I felt my teeth clench; I had never been so afraid in my life. My stomach lets out a soft growl in protest to my actions and I nod. I had to find food no matter how afraid I was. I pulled myself back up onto wobbly legs before grasping the door handle and turning it. I don’t give myself time to think before pulling the door open and facing the dark hallway in front of me. I didn’t even know where to start looking.
Felix sat on the edge of the bed and stared out the window down into one of the resorts many pools and the dense jungle beyond. There were a few thick plumes of smoke rising from the jungle and one coming from somewhere neat the hotel. He had been in the room for almost two days now, three if you count the day he got there.

He watched as one of the things dug its teeth into the flesh of a young woman. The girl looked around twenty and was wearing a blue tank top and flip flops. Nothing else could be made out through the thick layer of blood that covered her. Flip flops, not the best choice for fighting, let alone running away. The thing that made it all the more painful to watch was that the girl wasn't there this morning. She must have survived the first few nights, hidden away in fear, only to get slaughtered on her first attempt to find food or loved ones. He stood up and closed the bright floral curtains. No need to see things like that when he could choose not to.

He had been persuaded to come here with some friends of his. He didn't really want to go and a trip home to see the folks sounded like a good idea, cheaper too, but his friends promised him that it would be fun. They even promised he would find a pretty young here. He doubted that, but always kept his mind open. It was hard to keep his mind open now with all that has happened. All his mind wanted to do was turn off and admit defeat, but Felix was stronger than that.

He was in his room when it all started. The screaming, the loud claps of firearms, the hellish shrieks of the demons that were now wandering the island. He went up to the room to catch an early night; even though they trio arrived at midnight. His two other friends, Grant and Simon, said that the night is young and wanted to get the first night of there vacation started of with a bang. They headed down to the hotels bar. When Felix awoke the next morning; his two friends weren't in the room. Still groggy from sleep; he pulled out his phone and scrolled through the contacts before finding grants. A picture of Grant in his underwear laying on top of a jeep expanded onto the screen as he called him. Nobody answered. Before he could try Simon; a scream pierced the air from outside. The scream was loud, loud enough to reach his room on the fifth floor through a closed door. He didn't think much of it, but it was soon followed by a second one. Felix jumped out of bed and and shakily jogged onto the balcony to see what all the commotion was. He wondered if his two friends had gotten piss drunk and fallen asleep in shocking places. It would explain grant not answering his phone and maybe even the girls screams; if she had stumbled upon one or both of them face down in the bushes naked. Felix made it onto the balcony and the screams continued. Down by the pool he saw people running and screaming. People trying desperately to get away from something; he wasn't sure what that something was until he saw it. A body. A man with a big belly and bushy grey beard was laying on his back with his chest torn open and all of his innards leaking out onto the mosaic concrete. There was someone, something, crouched over his body. The thing punched its hands into the mans flesh and ripped out what ever it could.

Felix froze solid and watched the grizzly sight before his knees gave way and he fell on all fours. He felt like he was gonna vomit, but swallowed the feeling down and took in a deep breath. The screams continued as well as a few gunshots in the distance. He pulled himself into his room and slammed the balcony door shut. It din't stop the sound of the screams, but it helped. He frantically slipped on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt and headed out into the hallway. The hallway was cluttered with people running to get to there rooms or to an elevator. It was utter chaos. Felix ducked back inside his room and slammed the door shut. He desperately tried to get a hold of Grant and Simon, but there was no answer.

He didn't want to think they were dead, but rather that they had better survival skills due to there time in the marines; but as time ticked on it began to dawn on him that they may be trapped somewhere, or worse. Another hour dragged on by before his cell service was dwindled and died. Things weren't looking good and Felix knew that these may be the last couple hours of his life, but he was going to fight as hard as he could to to make it out of this. He grabbed his knife from his bag and locked the door.

But now he knew that he couldn't wait anymore; If he were then he would surely go stir crazy and eventually starve to death. He needed to get out there while he still had the strength to do so. He packed up his satchel with a couple of water bottles and the little remaining food that he had and stood by the door. It was nerve racking to think that on the other side of that door was something waiting to kill him. He's been in that situation before, but it's not the same when that thing also wants to eat you. He took in a few deep breaths and said "Come on, you can do this". He stood in front of the door for a few more minutes before repeating that to himself again. With a hesitant hand he reached out for the door and pulled it open.
I faced darkness in front of me, the only thing illuminating the path was the brief and infrequent flashes of light from the florescents above. Out of all of them, the first step was the hardest. Before then, I still had the option to close the door and return to my quiet life until it ended a few days later. That first step was the one that would change everything. I stood there for a long while, trying to decide whether or not it was safe. I listened intently, trying to see if there was anything lurking in the darkness that could jump out and end my life. The silence was probably more frightening than a noise that could have come from the end of the hallway.

I felt my breath hitch in my throat as I stepped out into the stuffy hallway. No sounds had been made for what seemed like the centuries that I had been standing here waiting. On each side of the hallway there were more doors, just like the one I had come out of. Some of them were open, others were closed. If I was lucky, I could find the food inside of the refrigerators in the rooms, just like mine had. It wouldn’t be a lot of food, or healthy for that matter, but it could keep me alive for a little longer. The problem was deciding. What if the reason that those doors were open, is because there were infected in them? That would be a problem. I looked down at the wooden baseball bat. I was sure that wouldn’t help me as I needed it to. It would take a few dozen good hits, but hitting something hard enough to kill one of those things would be difficult. On the off chance I was strong enough to do that; the bat would probably break soon after anyways. I was in no place to fight off many of those things at once, especially not knowing how to kill them. Did they die like a normal person? The question just sent chills down my spine.

I continued forward, towards the door closest to my own. It was open, just hardly enough for one to even be able to tell that it wasn’t latched. It took me another few moments before I was able to get the nerve to walk up to the door, place my hand on the handle, and push it open. The door met no resistance as it swung open, stopping before it hit the wall. My breath got caught in my throat, and for a moment, the light of the room seemed unreal. There was no movement inside; you couldn’t even hear the sound of the small refrigerator hidden underneath the television cabinet. That was good. I felt safe with my senses. I gave another quiet look, the door to the bathroom was closed; I wouldn’t be venturing to open it either. I pushed the door behind me about a quarter of the way closed. I didn’t want anything to be able to sneak up on me. I took two small steps into the room, trying to get a better sense of security. I wasn’t ready for anything that might attack me like I had seen those on the ground attack the helpless vacationers. Another moment passed by, and I took two more steps before I was able to see the entirety of the room. I smiled quietly, knowing there was nothing here. My eyes met an unsettling splatter of blood that danced tauntingly across the wall, but other than that, there was no movement.

I nodded, walking confidently towards the refrigerator. I opened up the small cabinet that housed the refrigerator and a small shelves for food that didn’t need to be refrigerated. From the outside, it seemed like there was very little left. Just a few small bags of chips and a miniature box of crackers. It wasn’t great, but it would keep me going. I had to keep telling myself as to not lose hope. I pulled my pack off my back, opening up the drawstrings. I shove the food inside the bag as quietly as possible before turning to the refrigerator. I hoped there would be something good inside. The more water the better.
The hallway was completely black except for a glowing red exit sign that hung over the stairwells door. Felix figured the sign was probably running off of emergency generators and that it wouldn't last forever. The idea of being alone in the hall surrounded by complete darkness was almost enough to make him turn around and go back into his room. He tried his best to keep his fear contained and push forward, but it was hard to do. Most of the doors in the hallway were closed, but a few of them were left cracked open with columns of bright white glistening through. One of the doors near the end of the hall, by the elevators, was ripped off of its hinges and laying flat in the hall. Felix didn't want to think of what could have bashed the door off, or if it was still here, but the hallway seemed quiet for the most part. He heard the muffled thumps of people, he hoped they were people, moving around on other floors and the occasional small arms fire from outside, but other than that; it was dead.

He walked to the door directly in front of him hoping that his movement wouldn't catch something hidden's attention. he placed his hand on the door handle and pushed the door open. The door swung halfway open before hitting something with a soft thud. Before Felix could wonder what the door hit; a rancid smell began to seep from the room into the hallway. He gagged a little and already knew what it was. He couldn't go through with it and closed the door. To find another person slaughtered by those things would be to much for him to handle, and to find someone who saw suicide as there only way out...Felix wasn't a quitter, but he wouldn't blame them. He turned his attention to the room next to to it and walked over.

The door was cracked, but wasn't closed, and gave way with a light push. The window in the room let in some much needed light to the grim hall. It comforted Felix to see that in the past couple minutes hes been in this hall the time hasn't shifted drastically. The room looked clean. The beds were made, the pillow candies were nice and neat, the coffee cups still had there plastic covering. He assumed that no one had checked into this room until he saw a small black and purple striped suitcase on the floor near one of the beds. Felix gave a glajce over his shoulder then ducked into the room, closing the door behind him. This rooms window had a lovely view of the ocean...and some not so lovely red splotches dotted across the beach. He didn't pay much mind to the corpses outside and tried to focus on what he could scrap from this room. He opened the suitcase and pulled out handfuls of goth looking girl clothes. Red and black striped shirts, fishnet skirts, belts with little skulls on them. None of the clothes seemed useful except for the belt. He rolled it up tightly and packed it away in his satchel. Near the bottom of the suitcase near tucked into a corner were a bottle of pills. Felix didn't know if they were prescription or not, but the label had been scratched off of them. He decided to keep them then raid the room for what ever food it had.

Two mint bed chocolates, a small bag of peanuts, a small bag of potato chips, three waters, and one coke. Felix was upset that the mini bar didn't have as much food in since the room was so pristine. He didn't dwell to long on it though and was plenty happy with what he got. He stood from the minibar and turned towards the door that lead to the hall. Luckily; it was still closed. Unluckily; he heard a door from out in the hall open. His heart skipped a beat and his breath got caught in his throat. his hand gripped tighter on the handle of the knife as the thuds of foot steps rang outside the door. The foot steps stopped. Something was outside his door.

((I kinda wrote you in, but if thats not how you want to meet then it could always be a spooky ghoulie! also sorry about my writing right now. Usually it's a lot better, but I have been kinda off today.))
The inside of the refrigerator had been about as disappointing as the outside. There was one bottle of water, which was good, and one small bottle of liquor. I frowned quietly; I wasn’t a very big drinker, and at the time I wasn’t sure it was a good idea to even drink the stuff. I placed the two items inside of my bag, sure that I could use the alcohol as disinfectant if the time came. There would be a use for everything. After making sure I had gotten everything useful, I closed the door to the cabinet and turned. The blood splatter kept on the wall, taunting me with memories of the few days before. Their screams….I clamed my eyes closed a moment, taking in a deep breath. I could do more; I could stop this. I would survive and get off of this island… I highly doubted it, but there was a chance.

I slowly opened my eyes, avoiding the blood that danced across the wall. I looked over the ground, looking for anything else useful. A few moments and I spot a suitcase, lying open on the bed closest to the balcony. I pulled myself up from where I had been sitting on my knees. With one precautious look to the door, I started to walk towards the bed. I was lucky that the door hadn’t been pushed open by something and I had been attacked while I was busy pilfering through the items in the room.

When I made it to the case, I couldn’t help but feel like a thief. This was someone’s personal belongings. What happened if they came back for them and they weren’t here for them? I swallowed hard, closing my eyes again. I had to stop being such a baby. There were more problems they had than whether or not they could find their things. My stomach seems to rumble in agreement, but I’m sure that’s only because I’m hungry. I open my eyes again, reaching down to pull the clothing out of the bag. This was definitely a woman’s bag. There was everything in here: makeup, perfume, sexy lingerie, shorts, cute blouses, and… one single pair of shoes. I smiled quietly, looking down at them. A pair of Navy blue Toms (they were even in my size!). I took them, shoving them into my backpack. I was excited; that meant that there should be socks, which is something I was sure that I would need later on. I tossed the clothing and items around until I found them. Multiple pair of brightly colored socks caught my eye. I picked up three pair, shoving them into my bag. By now, I felt like I might be over-packing. Soon, my bag would be full and I would be lugging a lot of extra weight around.

A disturbing sound made my skin crawl and made my head shook up from where I was looking at the increasingly growing pack. It was the sound of something heavy falling… in the bathroom. My stomach turned. Was there someone in there? No. It was a monster trying to kill me. I wouldn’t let my humanity kill me. I felt my teeth clench as whatever it was attempted to get up, only to seemingly fall over again with another sickening sound. I needed to get away.

I pulled the straps over my back, walking quickly towards the door. I make it across the room, to the door. I reach for the handle, ready to grab it and pull it closed. Almost as if it were planned, something rams into the door one good time. I can’t help the quiet yelp as I pull the door closed. Losing my balance, I fall backwards, landing hard on the soft carpet of the hallway. Too much noise. I was making too much noise. I picked myself up quickly, but almost as quickly as the loud noises had begun, they had stopped. It was almost as if the monster was a guard dog for the room, and as soon as the threat was gone, the monster was happy again. My stomach curled again and I could feel the nausea creeping in. I was going to be sick, I was sure of it.

I looked at the now-closed door, shaking my head and turning back towards the hallway. My eyes scanned the rooms. I was afraid to go into anymore for fear of what might be in the rooms. I looked across, the door was closed. The one to the left on either sides of the hallway were also closed. Farther down the hallway there was a door missing from one of the rooms, and I didn’t dare venture to see what did such a thing. I took in a deep breath, looking down the hallway. There was one more room left open in this area of the longer hallway. That’s where I was headed, even if my nerves were shot and my stomach was in my throat.

I walked as quietly as possible, making my way to the door. I stopped, just as I had done in the room before. As my hand reached out, I could see it shaking. I was so afraid I would find another monster behind this door. My hand found the cold of the metal handle again in the darkness and I let it rest there a moment. The door was closed so that it hadn’t latched, just closed, so I was still allowed entry. Another moment and I pushed open the door like I had done before.

“No!” I can’t help the yelp that escapes my lips. Any person in their right mind would have seen that the thing standing in front of them was not a monster, but a person-- A very able bodied person with no intent on feasting on her flesh like a rabid animal. I don’t wait though to look closely at the figure standing, facing the door and a stance that looked only to me as if it were attack. Faster than I closed the last I reached in, grabbed the handle and threw the door closed again. I lost my balance, just as I had done before, and landed on my back. I could feel the pinpricks of adrenaline on my skin. That was the closest I had ever been to one of these flesh eaters besides the pool, and I never wanted to be that close again. I just hoped that it hadn’t seen me, although I was positive that we had made eye contact, and that it would leave me alone.

I was being loud again, but I didn’t care. I picked myself up off of the floor, starting quickly back down the hallway. I was not going to die. I had gotten what food I needed for a few more days. I could survive. Everything would be fine. My mind was a whir of thought as I made it down the hallway; it seemed longer than it had before and I don’t make it far before I trip on the carpet again, landing on the ground.

((Sorry, that took way too long))
The only thing Felix heard was his heart beat. A steady thump that rang on his temples. He stood in the middle of the room motionless. The seconds dragged on like hours. He wasn't even quite sure what he would do if the thing opened the door. When he was in boot camp they barely trained him how to use guns, let alone knives. Plus Felix knew that he had never been a good fighter. Every fight he's been in since he was a teen ended in bitter failure. He prided himself on his medical knowledge rather than his combat mastery; Luckily his marines also did.

The door was pushed open and standing in front of him was not a rotting, flesh eating creature; but a young woman. Of course his mind didn't render that instantly and what he actually saw was a standing humanoid figure on a island full of flesh eating monsters. He would have let out a scream, or charged it, or done something, anything but stand there if he wasn't so afraid. Felix has been scared many times in his life, but nothing like this.

The girls eyes exploded and she screamed "No!" before slamming the door shut. Wait a second...Zombies don't scream no he thought.After a few silent seconds it finally clicked with him that the thing that stood in front of him wasn't a zombie, but a girl. His heart sank with joy in his chest that he would live to see another day. He ran over to the door, took a deep breath, and opened it quickly. He peeked his head out of the doorway and saw that the girl was laying on the floor.

He looked the other way to check if the coast was clear and risked calling out "Are you alright?". His call came out more as a loud whisper. He felt bad that he scared the girl half to death, but to be fair; she did the same thing to him.

((do you think I should stay in third or switch to first))
The ground was soft, but not calming. What if those things had learned to open doors and it would soon come after me? I took in a deep breath, my mind racing with so many thoughts I couldn’t process them all. My mind just kept dancing back to the figure in the room. Every time, I only thought that there was something off about the whole thing, but I couldn’t tell what. I was half out of it as it was; I would just get back to my room, and sit there, like I had done before. It was safe that way; nothing could hurt me.

I began to pick myself up off the floor when I heard it: the quiet sound of the door opening behind me. It had to have been the same door from moments earlier. I swallowed hard as I went to move. That meant the thing was coming after me and I needed to get back to my room where it couldn’t open the door and follow. My mind flashed back to the doorway missing its door down the hallway and my heart sank a bit. No…I wouldn’t let that happen.

Before I can get off the floor, however, I hear the sound of words behind me. I can’t help but stop, mid movement, to think over what had just been said. That wasn’t an infected—no… infected didn’t speak at all, let along ask if you were all right. No...This had to be someone else. Had the figure I saw been a real person…a human, not infected or crazy person? Another deep breath passed through my lungs, I swallowed hard before I picked myself up slowly, and making sure to keep tight hands on my bat.

“I-I’m fine” I didn’t turn around at first. I wanted to regain my composure. People were probably crazy now; I had seen the movies; I wasn’t stupid. I couldn’t let anything see me as weak even if I was. I let my face relax out of its contorted expression before turning around. No more stutters; you have to be strong. I grip the bat tightly in one hand, turning around to face the man. He was a little bit—no quite a bit—taller than I was with dark hair in the darkness of the hallway. My eyes watch his features a moment before I catch on the gleam of metal in his hand. He grips a knife in his hand, and I feel my own grip tighten at the sight. Bats could reach farther than knives, but knives could kill you a lot easier. “I was just looking for food. I didn’t know someone was still in the room. I’ll go; I won’t bother you again” My voice is low, and I am sure is quiet enough to not draw any more attention in this direction. I take a few slow steps backward, keeping my eyes on the man.

((It's whatever is comfortable for you. I don't mind the switches between POV. I'm sorta awful at 3rd person actually))
((Here goes nothing! I'm Awful at first))

The girl picked herself up and wrapped her hands tightly around a baseball bat handle. Without facing me she said "I-I'm fine". She stood there for a few more moments before turning around to look at me. She was a little shorter than me and had a serious face on. The grip around the bat tightened and I began to realize that she saw me as a threat. "I was just looking for food. I didn't know someone was still in the room. I'll go; I won't bother you again" she said in a low voice, almost a mumble. She started to walk backwards with her eyes still locked on me and my knife.

"No!" I called out to her while reaching out with my freehand and taking a half step. I quickly recoiled and cleared my throat. I didn't want the girl to think that I was afraid of being alone in this place. "I-I mean that wasn't my room. I was also looking for food" I continued. My voice came out shriller than I would have liked. My attention resettled back on the knife and I shot it a glance. I looked back up to the girl and saw that the grip on the bat wasn't getting any looser. I held it up carefully in front of myself then crouched down and left the knife on the floor. It was a stupid thing to do seeing as infected could be anywhere and also since I didn't know the girls motives yet. She could have been planning on killing me to get what ever I had on me. My mind flashed back to the image of the door ripped from its hinges and the corpses behind the door. I was tempted to drop down and pick up my knife, but then all diplomacy would be off.

I looked the girl straight in the eyes and tried to think of the least creepy way of asking her to team up. I cleared my throat again quietly and swallowed hard. "you think that...Maybe we should, like, work together in our search for food?" I asked in a calm voice. The smell from the room with the corpses was starting to seep through the wooden door and into the hallway. It wasn't very noticeable, but it only reminded me of the situation that I was trapped in.
I can tell that he sees my grip tighten on the bat, but he remains calm. I remain silent. I wasn’t sure what it was, but something inside of me flicked on when I realized this person was a person. It seemed to be fight or flight for me. Flight hadn’t worked, so assertive Mira had stepped into play, making sure everything worked out how it needed to; he didn’t need to see me any weaker than he had seen me minutes before. Whimpering like a child…I almost rolled my eyes, but caught myself, watching him in silence.

My steps backwards are halted by his cry out. He…didn’t want me to go? I raised an eyebrow in curiosity, tilting my head to get a better look at his now-withdrawn expression. He had been on the same mission that I had been on. It was common ground. Survival was common ground. He looks to his hand a moment and I can feel my body stiffen. If he tried to take me for my food he would have a fight on his hands that was for sure. He moves slowly to present the knife to me in a way to say that he won’t attack. He was stupid for his actions, since he left himself open for attack now that he had set his weapon on the ground. It was a sign of good faith, which I might be obliged to return.

There is silence between us for a good while. A silence that only lasts until he finally thinks up what he’s going to say. My hand begins to loosen up on the bat as he speaks, and once he’s finished, I pull the weapon up so it rests on my shoulder. I ignore his question for a moment, watching him.

“Are you stupid?” The last word has a tinge to it, the way I pronounce it, that makes me cringe slightly. While it wasn’t prevalent, my accent did often sway my words in ways that made me sound like the ignorant one. Most of the time I felt it was better to have no accent at all, which was something I had slowly been able to do as I got older. You got strange looks when you talked like that in New York City. People looked at you like you were just a tourist.

I’m still thinking hard about his proposal, but honestly I expect no true response from him at my question. I shake my head, clearing my throat.

“It’s probably a sour way to start things off. I apologize.” I reach out a hand, hoping that he would take in return to show him I meant no harm; I only hoped he didn’t have a trick up his sleeve. “I’m Mira” I gave him the best smile I could manage, talking as softly as possible. I never answered his original question, I was aware, but something like that was just… it was important. I didn’t know this guy. He could be some kind of sociopath. No, I needed to think on it a little bit more. I needed to see how he acted.
The girl looks at me for a moment with disbelief that I would do something so stupid like that the loosened the grip on her bat. She rested the bat over her shoulder and continued to look me over. I felt vulnerable without a weapon, but at the same time it felt kinda good. Knowing that even in what may be the end of the world I choose to trust in someone else's humanity. was it worth my life? Not at all, but at least it's something.

The girl finally broke the silence and asked if I was stupid in country accent that wasn't as evident before. The way she said it reminded me of my gunnery sergeant. He would always insult me when ever I did anything, but he would do that to anybody. If he were hear right now he would probably say something like "What are you waiting for! Kill her! Oh wait! you can't! because you dropped your weapon! dumb ass". He was one of the only men who died under my watch. The others told me that there was nothing I could have done for him, but I still blame my self. The girls shook a disappointed shake of her head then apologized. She out stretched her arm and said that her name was Mira. I grabbed her hand and shook it. He wasn't scared that the girl was going to hit him with the baseball bat, and if she was he felt he could block a couple of blows safely before retreating. "Yeah I know it was a stupid thing, but i trust you have the decency not to kill a disarmed man" I said. I bit my lip and looked down at the floor. "Probably should of slid it into my pants or satchel or something" I continued. I leaned down to retrieve the knife and said "My name is Felix" as I did so.

something on the black steel blade caught his eye. It was an etching that read "Devil Doc". Grant etched that into my knife when I was first shipped to there regiment. I sighed and wondered if they were Okay. I loved Grant and Simon like brothers and would do anything for them, but if they are alive then i'm no used to them dead.

I slid the knife into an easily accessible pocket of the satchel then looked back at the girl. "Look. I'm a Navy hospital Corpsman. If you join up with me I will do my best to keep any wounds you get healed and clean, but I have two people that I need to find and I don't think either of us would make it off of this floor alone" I said with a genuine voice. The girl didn't look like much a fighter, but two people working in tandem was loads better than going through this alone. I learned over seas that the simple act of having someone to be your lookout was a huge morality booster.
A deep breath filled my lungs. I wasn’t sure if I could even kill one of those monsters, let alone a human. I wouldn’t kill him, but not letting him see the weakness in my soft ideals, I felt, was the way to go. I didn’t want him to see me as weak, even though mentally and physically—at this point—I was near the edge of useless. He retrieved his knife from the ground, placing it into the bag that he held with his body. I tried to maintain the smile. Felix. A different name; A nice name.

He then said something that made that nice name sound even better. He was trained in medical. Not just medical, but gritty medical. That would be a good thing to have in case something bad happened, even though I was sure he wouldn’t be able to fix this infection going around if one of us caught it. The details on the television were very few. Half of the stations (of the four on the island) didn’t broadcast anything about the infection. They were probably told not to; to keep panic down…Like it helped.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by his proposition. He wanted me to come with him. The power of two was better than the power of one. It had just really hit me that that was what he wanted. I was sure that was because he wanted someone to come along with him for the greater good. He wanted to feel righteous. It was in his nature to help anyone that he could in situations like this. He was a soldier. I shook my head, turning around to look around the hallway. We needed to keep our guard up even if our discussion was neutral towards each other.

He was probably right; I wouldn’t be able to get off this floor by myself. There was no chance if I was faced with a mob of those things that I would be able to fight them off. I might be able to run, but fighting wasn’t an option until I found a better weapon. For that reason, I turned to look back at him, giving another small smile; I was trying to be friendly.

“I guess I can tag along and help you find your friends.” I would accept his offer of camaraderie because it was probably the only thing that would get me out of this hell. I would probably die later, but he was my ticket and I wasn’t going to pass it up. “We should probably get going, hm? We can find food on the way to… God knows wherever.”
The girl stood there thinking my proposition over in silence. I glanced behind my shoulder to make sure that nothing was sneaking up on me. I had no idea how agile and smart these things could be. I was only going off what I knew from movies and video games. I assumed that these may be the 'everything goes' zombies from twenty eight days later if one of them managed to break a door down, but I have seen a couple of them wandering around the hotels pool when I was locked in my room. Maybe they only ran when they were on the hunt? I really hoped that these weren't the type of zombies that were made by some black magic or alien technology and gained super powers from that; I knew it sounded stupid, but until recently I also thought zombies were the lamest mythical monster. If they were real then all bets were off, right?. Of course zombies had a higher chance of being possible than magic due to it's main cause being a virus while magic is...magic, but you never know.

The girl put on a small smile and agreed to team up with me then mentioned that we should probably get going. I looked at her and said "Agreed, but where do we go? I have a room I've been hauled up in that we could go to, but i'm sure that you do to somewhere in the hotel. " My stomach rumbled and caused another thought to pop into my head. She's probably starving as well. "How are you doing on food and water? I don't have much food, but I have enough water to last more than a week."

Right as the last word left my mouth a sickening call came from a room behind the girl. The noise was followed by a loud thud and the sound of a door hitting the wall. My hand was now resting on the handle on the knife and a cold sweat began to form around my brow. None of the doors in the hall had opened, but if they could open doors in rooms; who says that they couldn't open the doors in the halls?

"Well I'm gonna head back to my room so I don't discover whatever was making that noise" I said.
The question arose about food and water. I felt myself swallow hard at the thought. I had some, but not enough for the two of us. That would be the one problem; we would have to find enough food for two people now, not just one. My brain turned at what to say. He had enough water, but not much food. I had not much of anything at this point. That’s why I had been forced out of my room in search of something. I was afraid that I might be shown as more of a problem than what I was worth if I said too much. It would be good to be as least detailed as possible.

Before I can say much of anything, there is another sound from the room I had been in before. The guard dog was back and I wasn’t sure there was anything that would stop him this time. A high screech—almost a battle call—could be heard, muffled by the walls. Before much can be done, you could hear it in the room; the door being swung open and hitting the wall hard. I jump with the contact, unsure of what to do for a moment. If that door could be opened, then there would be no stopping it from coming out here if it wanted to; I still wasn’t sure if I was ready for a fight.

The man is unsure about the noise too. It seems that he doesn’t want to fight either. He wants to hide in his room once again. It’s not a very thought out plan, but it’s a plan. It would give us time to be able to think of what to do, possibly make a plan of escape from the hotel, and maybe get us someplace a little more fortified with a little more food.

“I have food and water for a few days.” I spoke, giving him a nod. It wasn’t particularly true, but not false either. It was a simple enough answer that would provide enough information, but not too much. I thought it was a safe way to reply. Since I had finally been able to reply, I point down the hallway where I assume the man had come from. He must’ve been hiding opposite of me, for I would have heard him otherwise.

“You lead; I’ll follow. I don’t want to stay here any longer than we have to; we can make a plan about getting the hell out of here.” I take a few steps away from the door that was now being hit, hard, by some rough force. I didn’t want to be too close if the animal was able to break it down faster than we were getting away.
I nodded and turned away from the girl to face my room. I didn't leave the door locked in case I had to run back in an emergency, but prayed that nothing foul had skulked in. I Opened the door and was greeted by the dim light that managed to shine through the closed curtains. My room was exactly how I had left it. The beds were made with hospital corners and our bags sat piled up by the TV stand.

I had already gone through Simon and Grants bags, but didn't find anything of use other than some extra clothes in a style that didn't look good on me. I was surprised to find that Grant didn't pack anything helpful. Usually he packs a first aid kit or something, but nothing this time. The girl entered the room and closed the door behind her. I walked over to the glass sliding door that lead out to the balcony and pushed the curtains aside. The pool area was devoid of all signs of life and one of the plumes of smoke in the forest had gone out. I closed the curtain again and turned towards the Mira. The silence in the room was almost palpable.

I cleared my throat and asked "So did you come to the island alone? Is there anybody out there that you're looking for, or looking for you?". I took a seat on the bed closest to the sliding door and rand my fingers through my hair. I looked back at the girl and continued with "Oh. You can grab what ever you want from that luggage if you find something you deem useful". I felt bad giving there stuff away, but if this girl actully helped me get to them, or at least confirm that they died, then I'm sure they'd be okay with it.
He turned away without another word. He was just as ready to get back to the room as I was. It would be awkward, I was aware of that, but I knew that the awkwardness of silence would be a much safer haven than the darkness of this hallway. For that, I followed him back down the hallway.

Once he reached the door I assumed was his, he stopped momentarily, taking ease to quietly open the door. It was almost as if he were afraid something else had gotten into his room while he was away. It was a possibility, it was easing to know that he was careful and conscious of all that could happen. As he took those first safe steps into the room, he seemed happy with what he came back to; nothing was out of order.

For a few moments, I worry myself with closing the door behind me. I take a look out into the darkness before pushing the door to. I tried to be as quiet as possible in hopes of not alerting anything to our presence. I turned the bolt in the door, making sure that, when I turned the handle, the door did not budge. I did everything slowly, trying to think of something to say once I turned around. The silence of the room is broken when I make it into the open space of the room. He clears his throat and addresses me with another question that is hard to answer. I was grateful that he had asked something, for the time I took thinking of something to say had been wasted.

“I came with someone, but I’m not looking for her” My tone was more harsh than I had originally intended. It was true that Jessica had been an old friend, but with her personality, she had either convinced some strong man to protect her or she had been killed in the orginal outbreak of the infection. She had never come back to the room so I just assumed she was dead.

“I came with one of my old friends from high school. She’s probably dead by now.” I shrug, trying to find a nicer way of putting all of this. “She never came back to the room, and I don’t have faith in my friends like you do in yours” I ended it like that, realizing that I had turned my words harsh again. I waited a moment before walking over to the bed across from the one he was sitting in. I take a quiet seat, looking curiously up at him. “You said you were looking for two of your friends?” I responded to his offer of pilfering their items with only a shake of my head. I had felt bad enough going through the items of a stranger I didn’t know. This stranger was sitting right here, and his friends…well they all had connections. I wasn’t going to do that. It wasn’t right.
She explained how she had came here with one of her friends, but how that friend was most likely dead by now. She took a seat on the other bed and continued talking about my friends. Each sentence she said came out with a rough tinge to it. It didn't surprise me that she was upset with her current situation and I didn't think me pestering her to much would help either us. I nodded a solemn nod and said "I'm sorry for your friend."

A few more seconds of silence passed by and I assumed that she didn't want to go through there stuff. Quite a noble thing to do. I glanced down at the floor and said "But yeah. I'm looking for two friends of mine who left for the bar the night before all this happened and never came back up. I don't know if they're dead or not, but if they're alive then I have to find them." I stopped and wondered if I should add that they are both active duty marines; as if it would convince her that they might still be alive. I decided it wouldn't hurt, but I didn't think it would convince anyone; it barely convinced me. "I came here with my two friends Simon and Grant. They both thought it would be a fun way to spend our first leave and blow through some of the money we've been saving up." I paused and let out a sigh. "I know they're smart enough to not get themselves killed, never know how things play out until its all over".

The thought of one or both of them getting torn to pieces sat at the base of my mind. I was there Doc and I left them to die. I should have died with them. I turned back towards the girl and finished with "And if they're dead and flayed open somewhere then I guess my next goal is to try and find a way to contact outside help."
A sentence of grievance for Jessica is all she received. I was happy for that; I didn’t want to think of her someplace dead anymore. His words were soft in the silence. Unlike me, he was looking for his friends. He was loyal; A quality that this whole mess had stripped me of. Moments passed and I watched him; he was thinking over the past while. I could tell by the way he spoke of his friends. He really hoped they were alive, and for him, I hoped too. As he finished, I rose to my feet. In the silence, I walked around the bed and to the large glass window that led to a balcony. I wouldn’t dare open the window, for fear that by some magic; something would come and attack us from the balcony. While irrational, it was a fear that I honored, and kept the window closed.

“Well… If your friends haven’t made it back to your room then I doubt they are in the hotel.” My words are quiet as I look across the blood stained beach. There didn’t seem to be movement at first, but after a while you could see the slow shifting of a few figures on the white sand. It would have been a beautiful sight under different circumstanced. “We’ll have to leave; search for them elsewhere. They could be held up in a bar someplace still…” I turn around, letting the curtain fall back where it had been.

“We should probably eat… Then we can take the stairs down to the ground since the power isn’t so reliable anymore.” I give him a smile, walking back around the bed to take the place I had been in before. I finally pulled the backpack off of my back. I looked to it a moment before reaching up to open the pocket. “The only reason I came out of my room is because I almost ran out of food…” I spoke quietly, looking into the darkness of the bag for something to drink.

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