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  1. Hiro Haru

    The Belkan Advent War

    Hiro pushed backwards from her feet moving a good distance from alviss after he blocked her strike. Then the man sunk his weapon into the ground forming some sort of multiple todem pole looking defense. At least this is what hiro haru thought to be a defense, but with her experience. Nothing is...
  2. Hiro Haru

    The Belkan Advent War

    Hiro Haru looked confused to see the advents ally betraying him. The woman looked upon the side of the advents now glad that she had chosen the right side. With her blade pointed forwards a aura began to form around her body. This was a energy known as reiatsu (spirit energy), this energy was...
  3. Hiro Haru

    The Belkan Advent War

    Hiro looked over at Vulcan and sighed then nodded. She took a few steps forwards towards zesh when another woman dropped from the sky. She began to pull the man away from the battle field. Hiro drew her zanpaktuo and pointed the tip of the blade at krysta. "Whats your name?" Asked Hiro as she...
  4. Hiro Haru

    The Belkan Advent War

    Hiro glanced at zesh as a sudden blast of energy hit zesh. The woman had felt the attack being form just before the attack hit. She quickly turned to see this figure move towards them, he was surely fast. Hiro didnt know the source of his power or how he moved but she did know he was one tough...
  5. Hiro Haru

    The Belkan Advent War

    [Hiro wasnt an average woman, she was a member of soul society. She had become a substitute shinigami. She was one of few since the legendary ichigo had surfaced. Hiro had Long orange hair and green eyes, her body was slim and tan although she was very strong. She pulled back her hair with a...
  6. Hiro Haru

    Advent Belkan War

    Characters Name: Hiro Haru Age: 19 Gender: Female Genre: Bleach Powers: Shinigami Side: Belkan Appearance:
  7. Hiro Haru

    Soul Society Instantly Changes! BLEACH RP

    Darq pressed backwards with her feet slidding across the sands of hueco mundo. The girls eyes glanced at the falling beast as blood dripped into the sands below. Lowering her right arm her zanpaktuo touched the surface as the espada crashed its knees into the ground. The woman chuckled lightly...
  8. Hiro Haru

    Soul Society Instantly Changes! BLEACH RP

    Shinning eyes remained on the espada, his reiatsu and size may have grown but that didnt matter to darq. The last battle she had fought was brought to a stop within soul society but this battle she would prove herself worthy of her rank. Grasping Dark Light darq placed her sword above her head...
  9. Hiro Haru

    Soul Society Instantly Changes! BLEACH RP

    Darq closed her mouth the moment the black crow exploded into a blackish fog. She watched as her powers sunk into the shoulder of the espada, but quickly felt pain from the force of the espada striking her. Pushed backwards darq's feet slid through the sands of hueco mundo. Her eyes remained...
  10. Hiro Haru

    Soul Society Instantly Changes! BLEACH RP

    Darq smiled placing her zapaktuo above her head, she grasped the end of the fabric of the zanpaktuo spinning it above her head. She formed momentum from the spinning blade moving quicker and quicker. Light aura began to surround the blade with darq's reiatsu on the rise. Then the crows began to...
  11. Hiro Haru

    Soul Society Instantly Changes! BLEACH RP

    Soul soul society was engaged in a terrible battle, hollows were being destroyed one by one under the force of the soul reapers. But as this terrible battle raged on darq knew the true horrors were occuring in hueco mundo. Looking around she saw that things were nearly finished in soul society...
  12. Hiro Haru

    Soul Society Instantly Changes! BLEACH RP

    Darq looked up in the sky after the three captains left to invade hueco mundo. Standing at the breeched wall the woman noticed that hollows stopped falling from the ripped dimension. Three arrancars had appeared in soul society and now two of them were defeated. But that still left many hollows...
  13. Hiro Haru

    The Mark Of The Dragon - (RP)

    Hiro looked at surreal with the rest of the dragon eggs being slain, Her eyes glared with a cold glance at the spuashed creatures. Blood and slime were on the heels of her boots. She lifted up her boots wiping them on the ground removing the ooze from her boots. "Its a terrible dragon of...
  14. Hiro Haru

    Soul Society Instantly Changes! BLEACH RP

    Darq Paradox The young captain sat looking at the sun hanging high above soul society. Her wounds were just begging to heal, and she had started making progress leading her division. The shinigami were just starting to look up to her when an attack was placed on soul society. A hollow invasion...
  15. Hiro Haru

    The Mark Of The Dragon - (RP)

    Hiro haru followed up to surreal looking at what she stumbled across. She gasped seeing the eggs that surreal found, walking up to her she drew her katana while stepping forwards. Her foot pressed onto an egg splatting it into the grounds. The eqq squished spewing out onto the womans boots. "We...
  16. Hiro Haru

    The Mark Of The Dragon - (RP)

    Hiro Haru moved as quick as she could to the dragon seeing this warrior fight the dragon and sent it out of the sky just like she had done. But he was much stronger than Hiro, He had the power of lightning on his side. The woman pulled her horse back stopping it a few feet from the dragon. It...
  17. Hiro Haru

    Darkness Threatens Earth

    Hiro exited the jet standing on the island carefully, unlike before hiro now was dressed for combat. She wore red armor that was comparable to a samurai's armor. But not all of her body was covered in armor. She only had armor on her lower legs, on each side of her waist. On her arms and...
  18. Hiro Haru

    Soul Society Instantly Changes! BLEACH RP

    Ashley Barsett A woman walked by the court yard gates with a nice smile upon her lips. She made all shinigami she passed by blush under her beauty, for she truly had an amazing figure. The woman had soft long black hair up to her shoulders. She had shinning bright green eyes that no man could...
  19. Hiro Haru

    The Mark Of The Dragon - (RP)

    Hiro looked upon this man and nodded. She rode her horse out of town towards the red dragon's location. Her forces she put together werent very vast but hopefully they would get the job done. Once outside the viillage she saw the dragon in the distance, it was on the ground torching everything...
  20. Hiro Haru

    Soul Society Instantly Changes! BLEACH RP sign up

    Name: Ashley Barsett Eye color: Green Hair Color: Black Age: 150 Gender: Female Zanpaktuo's name: Dragon Rage Zanpaktuo Activation command: Spread your wings Zanpaktuo's appearance: A claymore sword Zanpaktuo's shikai ability: The blade can form into three modes, ice dragon, fire...