Darkness Threatens Earth

Vulcan Xanthis

Junior Member
In the deep underworld lied a dormant evil, a darkness that would corrupt and devour everything in its quake. In the past this evil had pushed humanity to the brink of extinction but a force of few stood up to fight back. A group that called themselves the chasers of light rose and vanquished this evil. Pushing it back from once it came, but now that evil lies dormant no more. Deep under the the earths crust in a chamber of magma and darkness lied humanities ultimate enemy. His name Geara, a man forged of pure darkness and hatred a man with the power to end life as we know it.....

Location: New York city

In a large tower on the 32nd floor lied a room gathering many unique people. This was to set up a first line of defense, for no man made weapon in this world could purge the darkness from existence. This could only be done by a unique skill set of men and women who are prepared to risk there lives to protect the planet. One man stood at the podium at this center, his name Xero. He was the organizations cofounder, since the passing of the founder, savior of the organization Jing. Jing was the man who stopped geara before but now since his passing the former members have gotten old... and now they new a new generation of heroes to stop geara in his tracks. Xero spoke with a loud tone to all who stood in the room.

"Those who will stand by me to fight Geara stand now tell me your name and your power."
Location: Uncharted island were geara was imprisoned 70 years ago.

On what appeared to be a island paradise a cruise lining ship was docking. Many departed from the ship making there way to the shore, it was a beautiful day. The sun was bright in the sky, there was but only a few clouds under the great blue sky. And the wind was call with a nice swaying breeze, all seemed peaceful in the world as the people smiled and laughed. But there was something terribly wrong was about to happen. The island began to shake with a violent force, a force similar to a category ten earth quake. People took cover in panic unaware what to do in there situation. But as the quake continued the seas began to rise into the islands. People fled to the center while others went back to the ship, as the waves continued to rise the shaking also increased until one this became aware to these people. This island was sinking, soon the island began to spiral in a circle as it was dragged down. A whirl pool formed as the people were swallowed in by rushing waves. Soon everyone including the island and the ship was pulled under the sea with the spiraling of seas still raging on. From below a figure rose from the whirl pool he had black and white robes and black wings. His wings stretched out as he rose into the sky above the spiraling waves. This man had cyan hair and bright red eyes he opened his right hand with a sphere of black forming. A aura of dark energy covered the mans body with a evil grin peered across his face. With no effort the man pushed his hand down sending the black sphere impacting down into the center of the whirl pool. With a huge explosion of force the waves ripped outwards. The sphere pushed the island to the bottom of the sea and then exploded outwards causing a tsunami to form in all directions. And just as quickly as the man appeared he vanished.

Location: New York City, Chaser of Light base floor 32

A man names Xero stood at a podium, this man was a co founder of the chasers of light. A organization that stands in the path of evil to ensure the survival of man kind. Xero had fought many years ago to seal away geara in a cavern underneath a island. The chasers had sealed geara away with the thought that this was a permanent solution however they were wrong. Xero stood at the podium with a black suit and white hair, he couldn't fight anymore but he still had a chance to prepare others to save the world. So this man pointed at the television screen, there was the image of geara floating above the island and slamming a dark attack of magic down at the island.

"You see this man, his name is Geara. He is the deadliest man alive..... and he is the deadliest threat to our planet. He wont stop until he can either rise an army of darkness into our world or kill everyone here..... I cant say this is going to be an easy fight..... But without all of you well all be dust soon. So ill ask who will volunteer for this mission?"

A man stood tall with a gleam in his eyes, a desire to save the world. The desire to protect who could not defend themselves, a desire of peace. "I will stand and fight, i will protect everyone from this evil." Many other stood up as well joining in with the brave men. "Not if i beat this guy before you" another warrior said. Soon the entire mood was filled with a uplifting feeling a confidence that they could over come this evil. Xero looked at the warrior who started this cheer. "Who are you young lad?" Spoke xero. The man stood up tall with a smile on his face "My name is Dark Xanthis and im gonna beat the crap outta this geara". Xero walked away from the gathered men turning to a window with a sigh.

"Well i hope i can belive in you boy, Geara is not someone to be taken lightly, we dont know his full plans. Soon he'll surface and i pray that when he does you and everyone here are ready for the Nightmare that is GEARA".

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Hiro haru sat at the meeting, she wore a blue dress with matching heels. She wore a sexy stylish pair of glassses that went well with her dress. She had long green hair and blue high lights, she smiled looking at the hero known as Xero. So many stories she had heard growing up about this man, him and the found Jing had sealed away the terrible Geara. She almost couldnt believe that this old man who assembled these people was the legend she heard so many tales about. Listening to the man speak she sat with her long legs crossed twirling a pen between her fingers, looking around the room she blushed seeing Vulcan speak. Hiro stood up from her chair and joined in the others. "I will stand and fight to"Hiro said. "Is there anything we should know about Geara, any powers youve faced before that we can get a heads up on?"

Xero continued to look out the window looking at the beauty of the world he loved. He thought of the chaos and the hell that would be brought upon this peaceful planet. Continuing his gaze forwards he reached outwards with a remote pointed at the television screen. He clicked a button as the image of Geara changed. Upon the television was the man known as Jing, he had blue hair and green eyes. He held a massive sword with golden energy around it, the man was in a battle with geara on the screen. Geara seemed to be able to use dark magic to materialize anything to his whim and with each strike seemed to be able to physically wound whom it touched.

"Geara is dangerous for a reason, he can manipulate the darkness to his whim. He can fight you with a variety of dark magic weapons, all of which are more than they seem. This man will never fight by the rules, his attacks will always be for the kill so dont let your guard down. When i faced him before he had a sword incased in a purple liquid.... This liquid was a acid that could dissolve skin and bone, a acid cast of the darkness that only effected what was not dark. For you see if your not dark, he will kill you. That is his game, so do you all see what your dealing with..... Now ill ask again, who is willing to lay down there lives for the better of man kind?"
Location: uncharted island chain

Geara Omnis

On a nearby island Geara flew in the sky until he slowed down landing upon a island, he landed upon a cliff looking down at the tumbling waves that crashed against the rocks. He looked in disgust at the life forms below, such a low level creature he though waving his hand at them. A black sphere firing downwards exploding killing the life below as he spoke "Infernal wretch, you dont deserve to be under my heels." Turning his back from the waters crashing against the rocks he stepped forwards. Geara needed a underling to figure out what he was going to be up against, the chasers of light put him away a decades ago. He needed to know that the chasers were dead, and if they were alive. He needed them to be turned to ash. With a wave of Geara's hand he created five pillars of darkness, these pillars began to connect forming a pentagram. "Rise demon of the underworld, come to serve me and wreck chaos." Flames burst from the center of the pentagram as a being rose fourth. Cold white pale skin, long red hair and eyes and horns upon its head. It had ripped garmets upon its flesh and a sword upon its back. Geara looked at the demon who stood before him and asked "what is your name creature" The beast smirked opening its sharp clawed mouth. "Zesh" With a light chuckle geara turned away from the monster looking at the dead life upon the rocks below.

"Zesh i have a job for you." The monster opened its jaws wide with begging to laugh.

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Location: New York City, 32nd floor chaser of light base.

Xero continued to look out the window after making his speech as the moral of the group was going well. The men listened to what Xero had said, they heard the dark tales of his capabilities and where willing to give it a try to put this darkness to rest again if not permanently. But just as the men cheered a clawed hand broke through the glass pulling ahold of Xero's face and throwing him out the window. Then the monster entered the building with its clawed mouth wide open. Drool fell upon the floor for its hunger for flesh, but not just any flesh. It wanted to devour strong people, for this monster had a special power. Whatever it ate, it became.


The monster took a step forwards as it raced forwards to devour men. A security guard ran forwards with his pistol drawn, with a pull of the trigger a round tore through the monsters shoulder. This didnt stop the beast, it moved forwards grabbing both of his arms and breaking them. But zesh didnt stop there he opened its clawed mouth and sunk its claws deep into the security guard with a pool of blood soaking into the carpet of the meeting room. Many fled unprepared for what was to come, but one man stood to face the beast. His name Dark Xanthis, he ran forwards charging at the monster. With a right hook Dark punched Zesh straight in the face, he fell back but was up just as soon as he was down. Dark looked up at the monster with a sigh "Couldnt you have just stayed down"

Zesh hit Dark knocking him back several feet then pounced upon him. It grabbed booth of dark's arms with a attempt to break them just like zesh had done to the security guard. But as he tightened his grip, Dark changed. His body was covered in a shinning armor, this armor was infact a blood line trait that each Xanthis was born with. It was called Gem Stone Armor, a armor that incased its used with a centimeter armor of gemstones. The armor looked as if the user would not be able to move his limbs but infact dark had full momentum and movement capabilities. The beast tried to sink its teeth into dark as it yelled in pain unable to devour its prey. Dark yelled in a battle cry pushing Zesh off of him then running tackling the monster out the window. They fell thirty two stories and crashed into the pavement outside. People were gathered on the street below rushing to Xero's aid as he laid bleeding out. Once Dark and zesh collided into the streets a crater was formed. Dark thought it would do the trick but zesh managed to live through the impact, so he stood up staggering a bit but still had much fight in him. But the beast laughed "You are all that stands before us... dont make me laugh, your leader is dying and soon youll be dead to" zesh said before fleeing, moving into new yorks sewers. Dark sighed as he released his gemstone armor looking down at Xero. "You wont die in vain, we will save the world."
In shock Hiro watched as the legendary Xero was flung the building, sitting down she watched as the beast sunk its fangs into the security guard. The ability to not be able to accept what just happened filled her heart. Then as the monster moved forwards Dark fought it, that moment started something in her. It got her to snap out of shock. She stood up and got out of the room as dark grabbed the monster and tackled him out of the building. Hiro pushed through the crowd making her way to ground level, she was racing to see if she could help either dark or xero. Running down the stairs felt like hours with her heart pounding, hoping no one died. Then as she pushed open the door she wept into tears to see the cofounder xero dead upon the pavement. Hiro fell to her knees with the death of the organization's leader. She looked up at dark seeing the sun light above his face. For a moment she thought maybe there was still hope because theyre were still heroes.
Geara Omnis

Upon the island Geara waited for zesh, the island was filled with destruction. Not a single iota of life was left under the cold bitter destruction of Geara. The man carved a throne of darkness. Geara sat upon the throne watching a the island covered in black flames with a smirk. As darkness sat upon its throne the sound of claws dug from the mountain below, soon the creature Zesh had returned. The demon stood behind geara's throne with blood stains upon his body.

"So whats of the Chasers of light" Zesh began laughing with its blood fangs opening. "There leader is dead, and there forces are filled with few." Geara stood up from his throne as he smirk upon his face. With a wave of his hand he absorbed his throne of darkness. Then recalled the darkness from the island into the palm of his hand. Once again Geara spread his winds taking off into the distance, now the great evil was moving to make his first big play against the world.
The chasers of light forces had become nearly cut in half after there hero Xero had fallen. Many had were within tears about his passing but now was not the time to reflect upon the fallen hero. Geara had help from a demon that had directly attacked there base, it seemed as if he left the organization crippled. Although there were many still within the organization still dedicated to save the world. Xero had a son, Sol who was one of the most brilliant men in the world. After Xero's passing he took full command of the organization. First he reassigned a new base location with all its members, in the residence of area fifty one. A location though to be for alien activity, although truly it was meant as a facility to prevent the end of the world. On the surface was a single hangar looking to be rather small, however once inside there lied an elevator taking one down 200 stories. There lied a city with an artificial sky, this cities second purpose was to raise man kind incase of a close to extinction scenario were to take place.

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Sol was vigilant working night and day on a large super computer scanning the globe for geara and his demon pet. The man couldnt fight but he was resourceful, he could lead the team and gather intell unlike any other man. It took him a day and a half to find geara, he found him in a place thought to be myth. A island had surfaced not to far from where geara sunk the last island. It seemed to be on the same island chain. Sol had satellite feed images of the island, it appeared to be filled with magic. Once he gave the images to the chasers of light they all gasped seeing how this island was the myth of the legendary Atlantis, now had come to life. Sol didnt know what geara was up to, but there was no time to waste. From the hangar above a jet began to roar as it began turning on.This was no ordinary jet, it was state of the art technology. By combing the design of a jet and a helicopter sol's engineers were able to create a jet that could carry up to 16 people.

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The jet would land at the base of the island letting the many passengers go. The mission was simple, take geara and his demon out and find out what he was planning. Although if the team wasnt successful they were to just find out geara's plans. And if that knowledge couldnt be obtained then each member of the chaser's of light was given c4. There orders were to blow the island to kingdom kom if they couldnt obtain knowledge or if the island hid a secret geara needed to become stronger. Dark Xanthis was given command of the team's operation as he jumped from the jet and braced his feet on the island.

"Is everyone ready" asked dark looking at the men behind him setting there feet upon the island.
Hiro exited the jet standing on the island carefully, unlike before hiro now was dressed for combat. She wore red armor that was comparable to a samurai's armor. But not all of her body was covered in armor. She only had armor on her lower legs, on each side of her waist. On her arms and shoulder and across her chest. Leaving gaps on her stomache, upper legs and upper arms. Attached to her hip was a belt holding two swords and on the girl's back was three magic flags. Hiro stood as she took the C4 that was given to each Chaser of Light.

"So what are my orders Dark?"

[ Quiet foot steps exited the jet onto the surface of a island that was labelled as fiction. Boots dug into the surface of the fable known as atlantis with not a word said. This man was called Darkness Blade, a former assassin called in by the Chaser's of Light. True a unlikely hero that brought in by the chasers but this man wasnt about to let the earth be taken over by darkness. Darkness Blade was dressed in black armor on his upper body. A bullet proof vest on his chest and black gauntlets on his arms. Black boots and black pants on darkness's lower body. While over top of this armor was a black dench coat and a black mask with a black hat over top. Two blades were strapped to the back of Darkness Blade along with the c4 he was give. Darkness blade stood feeling the heat from the tropical island from under the mask. It wasnt a typical mission for Darkness Blade to do seeing how he was on a island fighting a dark magic evil. Darkness Blade didnt feel like awaiting orders, he knew he was capable of fighting on his own. Maybe not Geara he thought, but he knew he could take on zesh. So in almost a flash of light Darkness Blade ran forwards towards the center of the island. Darkness Blade had speed almost no man could compete with, he was truly a natural born assassin with his speed and agility while being completely silent.]

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