Soul Society Instantly Changes! BLEACH RP

Zieru Spirit

Zieru stood with his hado firing upwards into the sky, he opponent had melted before his very own eyes. But there was something odd with this, zieru had fought in many battles prior to this. He had fought in wars against booth shinigami and Arrancars, in his experience he had faced truly a unique skill set. One of which he fought a shinigami with acid and gass based attacks. For a brief moment the melting shinigami reminded him of this as he placed his left hand upon his face. He created a aura reiatsu around his mouth acting as a sort of gass mask. This would act as a filtering system preventing harmful toxins from entering the blood stream of the shinigami. Zieru sighed looking forwards stretching his hand outwards. A orb formed that he threw forwards to where sakura stood. When the orb his a gass began to fill the area, a gass that had explosive properties when ignited. Zieru wanted to fight with his blade however with such a unique opponent he had to think with his mind instead.

Zieru stabbed his zanpaktuo into the ground with reiatsu glowing around him. From above the sky black clouds rolled as rain fell upon the two, but this rain wasnt what Sakura should be worried about. The rain covered a circumfrence of twenty feet quickly flooding the court yard, the rain fell ontop of the gass, causing all gall material to fall to the ground. With dark clouds often rolled something with a little more flash. With a crack of thunder lightning exploded downwards to where sakura melted. The bolt of lightning struck down with Zieru using a flash step moving onto a nearby shinigami building. The lightning bolt wasnt that of a ordinary variety, this lighting had ten times the strength and conductivity of an average lightning bolt. With the bolt striking down the bolts force would ignite the waters below that were filled with the gass properties of the orb zieru threw thus causing a massive explosion within the court yard.

"I can sense reiatsu, i know when im fighting someone and when im fighting no one, dont insult my intellect."
Grim Kazimoto

-Grim turned away from the woman resting his zanpaktuo upon his shoulder as she collided with the court yard gate. He started walking thinking the bout was all over after all the heat his sword consumbed and fired back was one of the most deadly strikes he ever made with his shikai.With his back turned he heard the woman stand up as Grim halted with a small chuckled under his breath. Then something unexpected happened, a huge reiatsu glowed from the woman speaking the word Bankai. The man's eyes widened with darq activating her bankai, never in all ages had a fight broken out between shinigami with a bankai being used. Clenching his jaw he turned his head looking at the woman wearing a shinning white armor. With but one look he began to smirk stil resting his zanpaktuo upon his shoulder. "Alright Darq im begging to like you" The man stood with his zanpaktuo as he felt the reiatsu of Darq being chanelled around her zanpaktuo. With the smirk upon his face he remained in the same stance with his back turned. "Bankai" said Grim calmly.-

-Crimson reiatsu rose up from grims body incasing him in a crimson haze. On his back two flaming wings peered fourth, these wings were very large and could cover his entire back. The wings carried the same special properties as the shikai zanpaktuo plus more. The wing rose upwards and flapped down sending grim soaring into the sky. Grim looked down seeing darq's blast collide behind him causing a massive explosion. Floating in the sky Grim stayed with his wings spread outwards and his zanpaktuo pointed at darq. Flames spewed outwards burning downwards in darq's direction. At the same times flames raced from his zanpaktuo flaming feathers fell from darq's wings.-
Sakura smiled. Gas? Hardly. This person had created all of the shadows necessary for her to hide in. Shadows and gas were different. Sakura may travel through air, but there was no gas. She simply used the shadows around her to break up her form. However... that lightning was dangerous, but if she could get her blade to absorb the lightning, she could perhaps get it to an equilibrium and things would be in her favor. There was more than enough heat to accomplish something like that. All Sakura did was dodge and did not show case any attacks. She was taking notes and taking everything into account. A mask was not going to keep him free from his own shadow and these clouds... Wouldn't that be even more dangerous for one who had no experience against a shadow manipulator? Sakura wasn't underestimating anything. She only wanted to gather enough information so she could strike at the proper moment. Acid wasn't the base of her attacks either. The melting was only the shadow breaking her form down into smaller pieces.

Sakura needn't worry about the liquid. She was a shadow. She was protected by the man's very own shadow. When he had flashstepped so had she. For he would not attack himself she was certain and this person... long distance attacks? Hardly they seemed wild seeing as they only struck where she previously stood. So he couldn't see her. And Sakura hadn't even activated her Zanpaktuo. She could indeed surprise him with anything. It was this fact that was to her advantage. She was happy that he thought with a brain however. Gas and acid were pretty good guesses. She knew this was what he thought when he sent down lighting. And this person had hair... She could enter the body through any of the shadows. She wouldn't need to enter this man's blood stream to get him from the inside. Sakura lay in wait for the next move.

She had collected the following data. This person had been in many fights and fought long distance when his opponent had unique abilities. He liked to control the elements such as the sky. When he ever feared toxins getting inside his body he created a gas mask using his hand. And when he assumed an attacks were gas he used rain to bring them down and lightning to strike them. A worthy combo and if Sakura hadn't been a shadow... that could have been very ugly.

"I am not a gas you know..." Sakura's voice echoed around him. "Nor am I a toxin... a good guess though."
Zieru Spirit

The man looked forwards with a calm expression upon his face, knowing that gasses and toxin were eliminated from his hypothesis. But he had a suspicion that Sakura was within the shadows lurking somewhere. The the court yard being damaged he looked seeing many shadows, at that moment an idea rolled from the corner of Zieru's mind. He looked upon his own shadow remembering a certain shinigami that his comrade dark faced. Years ago he faced a man who dealt with shadow techniques, eventually the man over came them. Although it involved facing the enemy head on in its own territory. Zieru looked at the sky above seeing there was still enough light to cast a shadow of himself. Standing the man removed his mask of reiatsu with his left hand still formulating a plan.

Zieru opened his palm placing his hand towards the sun. "Hado number twenty six bent light" Zieru said. Usually this kido spell hides the user from sight by bending light. But zieru used this hado spell on the entire court yard turning the area into a zone of pitch black. However zieru knew that his opponent would hide within the shadows until it knew the perfect time to strike, and when was more perfect than now. Zieru knew his opponent would come for him, and that is exactly what he was going to take to his advantage if he couldnt bring the fight to his opponent. He was damn sure that he would let his opponent bring the fight to him. Although he wasnt blindly going to let his opponent attack him, he had a plan. Zieru had an amazing spiritual awareness, once his opponent would begin to make a move close to zieru he would be able to sense it comming. This wasnt the first time zieru relied on his spiritual awareness but it was the first time he let it take place of just using his eyes.
Something was definitly strange about this shadow. As vulnerable as her opponent looked, it was definitly a trap from the looks of it. Perhaps she could use sound to throw him off. Sakura was determined to wait out until all his tricks had been used and he removed the mask. However since this wasn't apart of her own Zanpaktuo she didn't trust the shadows that enveloped the scene. Her voice surrounded the area and echoed coming from every direction. It was in a way, snake like.

"I am very excited... ssshow me your next move... sso I can obssserve you carefully and pray tell me... what compelled you to attack me... i had done nothing..." Sakura whispered.

In this darkness there was no way to tell which way Sakura's voice had come from, it had come out distorted and she wasn't stupid. No one would surround themselves in darkness willingly unless they had a reason for it, but that didn't mean Sakura wouldn't send out a decoy for her to use as means to take notes did it? This man, didn't even know that the real her was lying in wait and taking notes... so far her clone had done well. Sakura allowed her clone to make as noise as possible when approaching. It echoed all around the both of them. On the plus side, this thing absorbed heat and light... She was actually hoping that he would attack this clone. Once it reached an equilibrium she would call it back and then finally activate her beautiful zanpaktuo of darkness. Another good thing about her clone is that it was somewhat incorpereal. Sometimes it was solid other times it wasn't. It was impossible to tell when it was solid or incopereal in the light and in the darkness, there was no hope.

Sakura sent her clone at the opponent, but didn't attack just simply moved close enough to counterattack and or absorb whatever was thrown at it. Sakura was a patient fighter. She never attacked when her opponent appeared to be kind of open, only when he was fully open did she attack and she herself was never left unguarded, but people who meant her harm never noticed that.
Zieru Spirit

Standing in darkness zieru listened to every word this shinigami had spoken. Zieru knew to be right in his suspicions of this shinigami after all she acted like no other shinigami zieru knew. Hiding in the darkness until the perfect moment to kill the enemy. He thought she must be part of the assasin squad. In complete darkness the man's ears were keen listening to every detail every source. It seemed to echo from every angle, every corner. If this were a true battle involving the fate of soul society, one method would be blast everything within half a mile circumfrence to hell. But this wasn't the case, zieru felt he was being used. He felt he was fighting something that wasnt there or at least to weak to do any damage, the reason why. He couldn't feel another spiritual pressence within the area, he felt only fragments. But he didnt know enough of his opponent to make that conclusion.

"You may have not done anything buy you act like no shinigami i ever met."

Zieru spirit opened his palm forming a blue sphere forming upon his hand. This was yet another kido spell that zeiru was going to use. The man placed his hand aiming at his shadow. Well zieru knew that he was incased in shadows, but earlier where his shadow stood when there was light is where zieru aimed. He felt a brief pressence of where sakura could be hiding and he had a gut feeling she was there. So as the kido spell glowed it gave away his position.
"Kido thirty three blue fireball." said zieru as he fired the blue fireball at where he though sakura to be. The kido thirty three was similar to the kido zieru used to start the match although this had a wider range and more power.
What was with this guy? All Sakura really wanted to do today was become a captain to say the least and all she had done so far was get involved in a fight. She wanted to prove her worth and this guy wanted to kill her for it. What a joke. And the man had aimed at his shadow. A part of Sakura had been hiding there and the blast at the most stung a little, but now it was time. She stood in front of him on the roof tops and dropped her zanpaktuo.

"What did I do?" Sakura said coldly.

Sakura appeared to be vulnerable with her blade on the ground and her guard seemingly down. He still didn't know which one was the real her as she had distributed out her power evenly. However that shadow he had ignored started melting down on his skin. Just as she had hoped he targeted his own shadow. Once a shadow latched a piece of itself on you... it stained you with its taint and amongst other things. That blast from earlier left her a little weakened. She was glad she had chosen to move from his shadow when she did. Bleeding from her leg yes, but still functional? Of course.

"All I did was try to at least become a co-captain and then you come in and ruin it! What do you take me for? Some kind of spy?" Sakura hissed.

Sakura wasn't an enemy at all. She may lurk in the shadows and find comfort in the dark, but that didn't mean she was evil. It was just how her life was. Always hiding in the dark, always waiting, always watching. Those who observe gain wisdom and knowledge and sometimes even power over others. Observing things is the reason she had come so far. Her attacks themselves weren't extremely powerful, but her swiftness and stealth often made up for it. Sakura eyed the shadow carefully as it melted. A piece of it laying directly over his rib cage.

”蛇の目。” Sakura whispered.

The piece of shadow over the man's rib cage became thin as a snake and started working it's way inside him. It was a small piece and that was only an experiment.
Still standing high above the court yard, seeing the destruction of the courtyard, he beard witness to some of the most intense fighting between comrades he has ever seen. As he went to leave the scene and go to speak to one of the retired captains, a large red fireball came firing towards him. Leaping away from the kido spell, it exploded. With an angered look upon his face, he looked down upon the battlefield to witness another take place. As he went to make his move down towards the newest combatants, he witnessed the male cast another kido and disappear from sight.

So, he is a kido user huh? Well, i know how to deal with that. Riyoshi thought to himself.

With a quick twist of his foot, he appeared just outside the range of the kido barrier. Reaching his hand down upon the barrier, Riyoshi focused upon the souls inside. He was keen at perception of reiatsu, and in this inclosed space, it would be easy for him. His eyes widened as he was shocked to sense what he did.

Interesting. There is more then the two i saw, but it seems as the multiple are the same? But how can this be? They can’t possibly be the same. One can’t be in multiple places at the same time. Riyoshi thought to himself as he stood up.

Placing his zanpakutou back into it’s sheath, he placed hands together and then took a deep breath. Crouching down, Riyoshi exhaled his breath and when he did so, he leaped from his spot and vanished from sight. Appearing in front of the 9th division Captain’s barracks, he knocked upon the door. Entering the captain’s quarters, he spoke with the previous captain about what was going on.
Zieru Spirit

"As i expected"

Spoke the man as he stood within the darkness feeling a pressence form upon his body. This darkness began to move as zieru stood not moving a single muscle. He felt the pressence of this shadow upon his flesh, but now he found out what sort of power sakura possesed. True that she didn't release her zanpaktuo's abilties but she did show him what he needed to see. With an explosion of light the man that sakura infected exploded. In a cloud of smoke the man faded, but was this truly the man after all. One Zieru used the bending light, he cast a second spell of bending light concealing only himself in a darkness beyond the darkness. This kido hid not only him but his reaitsu, once zieru used this kido spell he used another technique he learned from a small clan of ninja.

This technique allowed him to replicate a clone of himself, this clone would have the same knowledge as him and when it dissolved all the knowledge it obtained would be sent back to the user. But that was not all, the clones usually didnt posses reiatsu unless given, zieru placed the kido spell within him waiting for sakura to make her move. Originally he was going to attack with a deadly blow if she revealed her true self, but that wasnt the case. Zieru had gotten tired of these games and wanted no more of this battle, he had obtained the information he needed and now he was going to report back to Jing. With a wave of his hand the bent light dissapeared uncasting the shadow from the court yard. With but one step zeiru moved using the flash step moving himself away form the court yard.
-Darq stood not flinching an inch with grim launching a new attack from a distance. She knew that Grim was tring to stay away from the woman after all her attacks have all been hand to hand combat. But that was all about to change, she had capabilities within her bankai that she didnt posses with her shikai. Standing tall her shoulder crystals began to glow with a green light. Energy began to vibrate around her with a great deal of rieatsu charging. With the impending attack comming closer Darq reached to her waist with her left hand. Upon her waist was a knife, but this wasnt any knife. It was just as much a part of her bankai as her armor and blade. Pointing the knife outwards darq stood. A orb formed around the woman covering her in a sphere shield of light. Flames impacted against the sphere covering the sphere in a orange haze. -

-Once the flames disburst darq lowered the shield with her green crystals glowing brightly. It seemed as most if not all of her reiatsu was put within theese crystals. Then with a giant burst of power, the first crystal fired its reiatsu, this attack was called crystal cannon. A very powerful offensive attack that took ones reiatsu and amplified its power into a giant stream blast. The first attack would fire straight for Grim, while the second blast firing moments later waiting to see grim's movements. If he'd move shed fire the blast where he moved to. If he tried to block the blast she'd simply fire ontop of her last strike increasing the force so it would explode in case grim tried to absorb the attack.-
Grim Kazimoto

-Grims eyes widened seeing the power of darq's bankai, he had no idea the extent of her power. Not only offensively but its defense properties were -excellent. He watched darq pull a knife that created a sphere of reiatsu to block the flames grim produced. The flaming shinigami clutched his zanpaktuo seeing yet another move from darq, a crystal upon her shoulders. They began to shine brightly with reiatsu resonating, then with a strong blast reiatsu fired out at grim. One blast headed straight for grim while his flaming wings closed forming a shield infront of his body. The blast pushed grim far backwards out of the sky crashing him down into the court yard. Flames withered as grim stood up proping himself from the ground with his zanpaktuo. Blood trickled down his forehead seeing darq's cystal cannon fire once more heading straight for him.-

Jing Mizumori

A giant stone wall rose upwards blocking the crystal cannon fired from dark. The blue haired shinigami stood looking at the court yard that was broken into pieces and scortched with flames. Such damage had been made upon the yard and much potential had been made by each shinigami. Jing looked at darq with a smile sensing her reiatsu had gone up much further than before, he turned looking at grim with seeing a smile on his face.
"I can see i have found me a few more captain today" said Jing mizumori as he waved his hand reducing the stone wall into the ground. "Sakura Mogami, you are now captain of the second division. Grim Kazimoto, you are the captain of the eleventh division. Darq Paradox you are captain of the ninth division and Zieru Spirit you are captain of the twelfth division. That is all for now. Rest up, your going to need it when begging your day as captain tommorow."
Sakura didn't say anything. She simply disappeared into the shadows and disappated. She actually didn't have a place to stay for the night. She would probably sleep outside like she normally did when she was far away from society. Seeing as Sakura is rejected most of the time and reasonably so, it is natural for her to be stand-offish at times. On the roof is where she decided to stay. She stared up into the sky and thinking of everything. She had completed her goal, yet the hole inside her heart had yet to be filled. So that what wasn't her life goal it seemed. She sighed. What was going to fill it was a mystery. Sakura curled up in a ball and lay awake. Sleep would soon come to her. She'd need her rest for the future missions.
Riyoshi left the previous captains quarters, he bent down and with a push of his feet, he was gone. Appearing back above the court yard, he was just in time to hear Jing declare the combatants the new captains. Seeing this agrrivated him. How can people that are willing to destroy their home become captains. Placing his hand upon his zanpakutou, Riyoshi took a deep breath and called out to jing.

"How can you promote these people to captains when they are willing to destroy their own home?" Riyoshi called out as he kept his blade sheathed upon his back.
Darq released her bankai falling to her knees as she sighed. Blood trickled down her arms while hair fell infront of her face. A smile moved across her lips seeing grim impaled by her attack, but the intervention Jing she didnt get a solid victory. Although this battle wasnt a complete waste of time, Jing quickly spoke announcing the new captains within soul society. Darq had earned the captain position of ninth divison captain, a position that might prove tough in the future. Ninth division was the division that responded to invasions within soul society, it was the first response team. Although surely it was a honor to have this position showing Jing respected her strength. Darq walked up to grim kazimoto with a smile as she sheathed her zanpaktuo. Standing infront of him she bowed.

"it was an honor fighting you 11th division captain."
Jing Mizumori

Upon a roof top Jing Mizumori laid looking at the sun that hung over soul society. Raising his hand in the path of the light he smiled, although there was wreckage throughout the court yard. The captain had sent many shinigami to repair the yard as the captain lounged back looking at the sun. His blue hair swayed in the wind as he relaxed under the light of the sun. Upon his back the man placed a pipe within his mouth with tabbaco, he lit the pipe and took a puff. Right after he stood up looking at the almost fully repaired court yard. Soul society was changing and soon it would be restored to its former glory. Its special opps divisions had been set. But soul society still needed captains, although he had two shinigami that he were to meet today. They were comming to the newly fixed court yard to speak with jing. There names Ashley barsett and Reiko Shingan.
Ashley Barsett

A woman walked by the court yard gates with a nice smile upon her lips. She made all shinigami she passed by blush under her beauty, for she truly had an amazing figure. The woman had soft long black hair up to her shoulders. She had shinning bright green eyes that no man could resist. She was almost six foot tall and very tan. Ashley had a tattoo on her body of a black dragon starting at her lower right leg, it spiraled around her leg all the way up to her waist, spiraled around once more moving across right under her chest and then spiraled around up to her right arm. The Head of the dragon was on her arm while the tail was on her leg. Ashley wore a black kimono with a blue sash tied around her waist and blue sandals on her feet. Her zanpaktuo was tucked within her sash. She walked up to jing with a bright smile stopping only a foot away from the man as she spoke with a bright smile on her soft lips.

"i believe you requested me?"
Riyoshi did not get the response from the new captain commander that he wanted, he was ignored which infuriated him. After the courtyard was repaired, Riyoshi went to find the captain commander and get some answers. After some searching, both physically and mentally, Riyoshi spotted the captain’s location and flash stepped near his location. Walking upon the captain, Riyoshi kept his hands in his pockets and took a deep breath.

“Can i speak with you Captain Commander?” Riyoshi asked in a polite tone.
Jing watched as the shinigami restored the court yard, there was way to much trouble occuring in this paticular region of soul society. Pushing his thoughts aside he stood with his hands within his pockets as he spotted Ashley Barsett in the distance. He stood as the woman walked up to him but just as quickly as the woman stood before him another shinigami had appeared. Turning his attention to him he smiled "Eh Riyoshi" Spoke Jing once he saw Riyoshi. The captain nodded hearing the fellow shinigami's request. "Walk with me" said Jing to Riyoshi while also asking Ashley to wait. Jing would walk forwards with his hands within his pockets through the court yard so the two could have a private discussion. "Whats on your mind Riyoshi?"
“Well, the last time that i seen you, You ignored my question.” Riyoshi replied as he followed close to the Captain commander.

Riyoshi kept a steady pase, just one step behind the Captain as to show respect. Taking his right hand out of his pocket, he placed it upon the back of his head and exhaled deeply.

“I don’t want to be a nuisance or anything. I was only wondering why you promoted those shinigami to captain when they were willing to shed each others blood over you becoming captain commander.” Riyoshi continued with the polite tone.
Jing kept walking forwards with his sandals clinking against the new foundation of the court yard. His blue hair swayed in the wind as he walked silently for just a moment before speaking. "Well as you know soul society has been falling apart for quite some time now. Hollows have infected our ranks inflicting wounds that cannot be healed. Well until Mayuri Kurotsuchi developed a serum of immunity to those who werent infected. Those shinigami who i promoted weren't as vicious as you might think. True they fought with vast strength they didn't give it there all. Darq i promoted for she was a strong warrior, i placed her in the Ninth division because her strength and will power. Her division acts as the response team protecting all of us in soul society. Grim Kazimoto, i placed him in the eleventh division for he was once of kenpachi's subordinates. He followed the same code as the former captain, to fight no matter what cause because if he goes down he will go down fighting gloriously. Zieru Spirit, a close friend of mine, a rather smart shinigami so i placed him in the twelfth division. He is personally working with Kurotsuchi on finding a cure to this infection. As for sakura she is the perfect fir to guide the second division and stealth force. Dont get these shinigami wrong they might fight and shed blood but there no killers. In these times we need strong and honorable shinigami to fill our ranks. Dont worry i wont promote anyone into our rank, its gotta feel right. And i gotta tell you it feels just right to me." Said Jing still walking through the court yard.
“All right. I understand. But why didn’t you promote me? I mean, I did not throw my power out there for all to see because my power is not one to throw at comrades. If it means becoming captain to fight a comrade, then i would like to face you and only show you the power i have. I do not with to face another Captain if they can not handle it. I would hate for it to get out of control.” Riyoshi replied as he continued to follow Jing.

Taking in a deep breath, Riyoshi placed his hand above his eyes and shielded them from the sun light. Exhaling his breath, he closed his eyes and stopped walking.
Hearing the foot steps of Riyoshi Jing stopped with his sandals firm upon the ground. He stood with his back turned to the fellow shinigami as he placed his right hand from his pocket scratching his chin. The captain though for a second before turning around at Ryioshi with a grin on his face. "A promotion eh?" replied jing as he removed his other arm from his pocket crossing his arms. "A true shinigami doesnt unleash his full power on a comrade, a true shinigami finds honor in himself and his opponent. A true shinigami fights for not himself but for his people." Said jind with booth arms crossed as his sandals remained firm on the ground as a gust of reiatsu formed around his body. "Now Riyoshi, this will be your test. Attack me. i can read a man's soul through there attack. With but one strike i will see if your captain worthy." said Jing with his arms cross awaiting a response from the fellow shinigami.
Hearing the captain stop walking, Riyoshi kept his eyes closed and took deep breaths. He listened to captain’s explanation and his final decision. He opened his eyes at the final statement of the captain and his reiatsu greatly rose. Placing his hand upon his zanpakutou, Riyoshi unsheathed it and pointed it at Jing. Taking in another deep breath, Riyoshi gripped the blade tightly.

Are you ready for this Ryujin? Riyoshi thought to his blade.

It’s about time boy! Attack him! Ryujin yelled out as he mixed his reiatsu with Riyoshi’s.

“All right Captain, prepare yourself.” Riyoshi said as he leaped at the captain and sliced his zanpakutou horizontally at the left side of Jing’s neck.
Jing rose his hand upwards blocking the attack Riyoshi threw towards him. A clash of reiatsu formed with high winds pushing outwards from the two energy sources colliding. Between the two the court yard began to crack once more. For about a few seconds the winds pushed out until they finally faded away. On Jing's palm was a crack, for jing used a ability called Hierro. Hierro was a arrancar technique he learned and modified for his own use. This technique was also called steel skin for it condenses reiatsu around ones body forming a hard like skin capable of blocking a zanpaktuo with ones bare hand. One he blocked the strike jing would turn away from Riyoshi. The man began to walk away from him with his sandals clacking against the court yard once more. But then Jing suddenly stoped, "Riyoshi report to the third division. Your there new captain." said jing.
Riyoshi's eyes widened as he seen the result of his sealed attack. It merely cracked the skin of Jing.

Do you see that? It didn't do a thing! Riyoshi thought to his blade.

What is that man. There is no way he is normal. But you got what we wanted. Ryujin replied as he halted his reiatsu transfer.

Nodding his head, Riyoshi removed his blade from the side of Jing and placed it back into it's sheath upon his back.

"Thank you sir. I hope to be of assistance with protecting soul society." Riyoshi replied to the captain as he stepped back.

"I will report to the third division right now and get to know the others." Riyoshi said as he flash stepped over to the third division barracks.

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