Soul Society Instantly Changes! BLEACH RP

Shinning eyes remained on the espada, his reiatsu and size may have grown but that didnt matter to darq. The last battle she had fought was brought to a stop within soul society but this battle she would prove herself worthy of her rank. Grasping Dark Light darq placed her sword above her head holding the hilt of her sword with booth hands. With her feet slid apart she held her blade in the path of the espadas attack. She braced herself with the enormous blade bearing down at her. Her muscles locked bearing the force of jarikans attack as her feet began to sink into the sands. "Son of a bi*ch" said the Darq.Sweat trickled down her cheek with while she held off the force of jarikan. Then with all her might Darq pushed her zanpaktuo upwards then pushed off her feet. Her feet slid backwards with jarikan's blade crashing into the sands. The shinigami sighed then looked back at the tall espada.

"The bigger they are the harder they fall"

Darq looked at the giant pondering a way to take down the monster. She then remembered something Grim had taught her during there last bout. She remembered each detail of each swing of his blade. With that in mind she proceeded to attack jarikan racing forwards as she placed her sword within its scabbard. She used battojutsu once again, although this battojutsu is what was reffered to as god like speed. This speed reffered to the quick combat reflexes and movement one needed to utilize the battojutsu. Moving forwards she held the hilt with her right hand and held the scabbard with her left. As she moved forwards her hands glowed with reiatsu, this reiatsu glowed onto boot the hilt and the scabbard. Pressing off his right foot she leaped towards the giant espada as she slightly pulled her sword from its scabbard. Reiatsu formed within the gap of the scabbard and the blade, once formed darq slammed the blade downwards into the scabbard. The speed and force of the closing of the sword caused a sonic boom that would effect the entire area. This sonic boom would effect ones equilibrium and distort it. That includes Audiitory, visionary and balance. Darq used rieatsu around her body to defend herself against the attack, but as she was very close to jarikan, it would appear he was completely vunerable. This move was known as Dragon Howl Flash.

But as Darq used the technique her hands still had reiatsu upon them, she pointed booth hands at each of jarikans shoulders. Yet another Hado formed, this hado was number thirty one. Red fire cannon, she blasted booth shoulders with force capable to cut off his arms. The force was capable since that if her Dragon howl flash effected jarikan then his rieatsu would be misused giving a drop of his reiatsu shielding. But the two red fire cannon's wouldnt be the end to Darqs strike. She would once more draw her sword aiming the blade at the stomach of jarikan. With booth hands and all of her body weight put into it darq would thrust her zanpaktuo to pierce into jarikans stomach. If this was successful she would use her body weight to pull down and drag a large gash in his stomach capable of pouring out his organs.
Grim Kazimoto

The shinigami gripped his zanpaktuo tightly with his flamming wings stretched outwards. A crimson glare in his eyes looking at the warrior who stood before him. With a sigh Grim tightened the grip on his blade as the flames began to expand around him. This shinigami had a unique bankai, it had multiple stages. Each stage dependent on the heat of the flame. Flames spiraled around Grim enclosing him in a sphere of raging flames. Winds spiraled around the flames with grims increasing reiatsu. Shortly the flames faded revealing grim standing with his appearance drastically changed. Grim now stood with black like skin that appeared to be molten hot. Streaks of crimson lava ran through the cracks of his skin, his upper body clothes were burnt to ashes from the heat. On his right shoulder was a Black and Crimson pauldron . On his right arm was a protruding blade. Chains wrapped and floated around Grims body while his hair grew long up to his shoulders. The man's hollow mask became black with streaks of molten lava running through it. The shinigami's zanpaktuo looked the same as he clutched it firmly as the golden blade shinned.

Grim stepped forwads using the flash step suddenly appearing infront of Dark. He struck his sword down at him with sparks flying from the warriors swords. They booth retracted there swords and moved again. Strike for strike Grim and Dark's swords clashed against one another, until Dark used his speed moving just a second infront of Grim preparing his attack with a wide grin on his face. Darkness formed on darks zanpaktuo as he swung his zanpaktuo at Grim. Once again the Darkness Tendrill was released. But once Dark used the darkness tendrill, Grim swung his zanpaktuo with his rieatsu exploding out. Slamming his blade down towards dark, flames exploded with tremendous force. "Wild Fire Tsunami" A giant wall of flames clashed against the darkness tendrill with a giant explosion sphere forming from the two forces colliding.

Dark flash stepped into the sky as so did grim. They booth stood floating in the sky of hueco mundo as fire and ash rose from the damage the two were creating. Dark grinned at Grim before chuckling as he lowered his zanpaktuo the Grinding Fang. "Your stronger than i thought you were, this fight has entertained me but im afraid all your efforts are futile. Ive been holding back.... But thats not all, once i show you my true power. The fight shall not only change for you but all your comrades.... Prepare yourself for i am Dark The Darkness Hollow" Placing his left hand over his face dark formed a vizard mask. As the mask formed waves of reiatsu pulsated pushing out. With each one formed a sonic boom as the hollow mask covered dark's face. The mask was entirely black and once the mask was formed a great darkenss reiatsu covered dark.

But this darkness didnt just cover dark, it also spread to others in hueco mundo and others in soul society. Dark had given certain espada and arrancar a implant in there body. This implant would receive the darkness energy and with just the feeling they would be able to turn there reiatsu into darkness reiatsu. Slowly it spread while dark laughed with his voice changed under the darkness hollow mask. As he laughed grim was hit from behind, now Dark's speed was even greater, his sonido, flash step movement was faster than ever. His speed was so great he had a prolonged after image with seconds of lag to the present location Dark stood. Once moving grim was decieved to dark's pressence. Dark slashed at grim causing blood to splash from his back. Then in a instant Dark moved appearing infront of him. Grim coughed up blood as he fell to his knees, he couldnt image a tougher opponent other than jing. But as quickly as Grim fell to his knees he stood with blood on the side of his mouth. Grim pointed his blade at Dark ready to go another bout. He wasnt about to call it quits, grim was in the eleventh divison. A division that was known for sword skill and bravery. A division that would rather go down fighting in glory than give up. Grim was the captain, and this was his way of doing things. So standing tall he pointed his blade at Dark.

"Is that all you got?"

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Jing Mizumori

The shinigami captain commander began to walk away as the hellish flames swirled in a vortex burning the espada. But just as jing thought his bout was over the flames vanished leaving one pissed off espada. Vingsun stood with blood and cuts throughout his body and anger in his eyes. The espada aimed his blade above his head as the blade itself glowed brightly, it seemed all the reiatsu within Vingsun's arms was converted into his blade. The massive blade glowed brightly until Vingsun slammed it downwards. "Stardust Sabre" Energy lashed outwards creating a massive crescent wave heading straight for jing. This wave was made out of raw electricity. This electricity acted like a beam sabre that could melt through steel. The blast hurtled towards jing as he reached grasping the hilt of his sword the reiko daichi. With a low tone he said "Bankai" as pointed the hilt with no blade towards vingsun's attack. Within a flash of light Jing's bankai was activated as his blade formed into a white shinning blade. This blade was composed of the toughest diamonds and minerals from the earth. Stepping forwards jing used the flash step, heading directly towards the attack. His reiatsu formed along the edge of his blade. Jing made two strikes, first one cutting through the Stardust sabre, then second cutting through Vingsun. His blade cut deep into his enemy as he fell before jing's blade.

Jing began to walk away from vingsun as he fell to the ground from the might of jing's sword. Blood splattered across the ground with vingsun dropping his blade and feeling the wounds jing inflicted. His life had almost vanished when something effected him. A sudden reiatsu began to enter vingsun's body. A darkenss spread across him giving him strength an allowing him to use the abiliity of ultra fast regeneration. Suddenly the espada stood gripping his sword with darkness stretching out from his body while his partial hollow mask turned black. The ground began to crack under vingsun's might as he once more stood with his zanpaktuo resting upon his shoulders. Jing turned around feeling a great disturbance placing his hand on the hilt of his zanpaktuo. "I see where not done yet then" Jing used the flash step once more drawling his zanpaktuo and slashing at Vingsun in the same motion. But as jing moved with great speed, so did vingsun as he placed his blade infront of Jings to block his strike.

A evil grin moved across vingsun's lips, a grin of taint, blood lust, and evil. Darkness reiatsu pushed down from the espada's blade onto jings as he blocked the strike. Vingsun wanted to show jing he was stronger, and jing could tell. So he stepped backwards pulling his blade back as vingsun's zanpaktuo hit the ground. A evil chuckle escaped the mouth of vingsun as he looked towards jing blinded by jings real attack. Jing's zanpaktuo bankai was unique, not only was the blade strong but with each strike he didnt only inflict damage but he could create. Within that second he struck his blade towards jing created a thorn vine that vingsun didnt notice. The thorns immediately incased vingsun's sword then his body. They rapidlly expanded and grew thicker and sharper thorns. And once more Vingsun fell to jing, but he didnt stay down. "Electrify these pests Cleansing light" said vingsun activating his zanpaktuo's release.

(OOc: Started writting and got writers block, ill post jarikans reply tommorow plus more to add to the plot, what do you think of grims new bankai power and appearance?)
Holding his left hand out, he gripped his zanpakutou. Riyoshi took in a few deep breaths and looked upon Grimmjow. The speed that grimmjow used was far faster then his speed before his transformation, but there was a trick that Riyoshi had up his sleeve to keep him up to par.

"You seem a little slower then your last attack, arrancar." Riyoshi said as he leaped backwards.

As he leaped backwards, he kept the same distance as grimmjow's next step.

What are you planning? Don't try to study that beast. Just annihilate him! Ryujin ordered Riyoshi in thought.

I am just looking for an opening. Just support me this one time. we need to cooperate so we do not lose this bankai, even if it is incomplete. Riyoshi replied in thought.

It’s only incomplete because you were unable to finish the training. Ryujin said in a demeaning manner.

With a more focused look upon his face, Riyoshi let his blade hover inches from his left hand. It started to spin and Riyoshi clinched his right hand while keeping his distance.

The espada grimmjow struck the ground with sands flying upwards. Grimmjows blue eyes glared at the shinigami as he clenched his fists and pulled his body upwards. His fist clenched the sands of hueco mundo as tendrills fell from his claws. The espada slid his right foot further with disturbing force running through his body. Grimmjow clenched his jaw revealing his fangs as he placed his hand over his head. The man began to sway with his feet staggering. Grimmjow fell to his knees as the color of his body began to changee. A terrible reiatsu began to expand from grimmjow's body as his gaze looked up at riyoshi. Darkness reiatsu formed around Grimmjow as his body turned from white to black. This was the power Dark Haru had used and sent throughout soul society to the hollows he implanted, grimmjow being one of them. Grimmjow stood with power running throughout his body as he grinned at riyoshi with blood lust covering him. He launched forwards with great speed much faster than his last movement, as he moved forwards he slashed his claws at Riyoshi. If riyoshi was to evade the attack once more Grimmjow would aim his claws at Riyoshi using the claw of the panther. This attack would launch five high speed claw shaped bombs from grimmjows hand. These bombs have devistating effects, they can destroy a column over thirty meters in diameter. Hollow ichigo was somehow able to take five of them and still somewhat be able to fight.
Riyoshi stopped his movements as he seen Grimmjow fall to the sand. He did not know what to make of this situation, So he kept on his toes, ready for anything.

“Grimmjow! What the hell is happening!” Riyoshi yelled out in question.

Just as he yelled out, Grimmjow leaped once again, this time, his speed outmatched Riyoshi’s steps. He had no other choice but try to deflect the attack. Grabbing his large shuriken blade, Riyoshi spun it in front of his body and prepared for the attack. As the blade spun, Grimmjow passed what seemed like through the blade, and struck the left side of Riyoshi’s ribs. As Grimmjow’s claws ripped through the skin, he fractured a couple of ribs and tore the skin open. Riyoshi cringed in pain as the ribs fractured and he flash stepped to behind Grimmjow. Holding his wounded side, Riyoshi collapsed to his knees.

What speed, and power. I am not sure if i can maintain my part in this. Riyoshi thought to himself.

Riyoshi! Step aside and let me take front seat for a while. Ryujin said as he awaited the response.

Riyoshi pondered for a minute about the outcome of that action. As his knees hit the sand, he felt a sharp pain in his back. The pain started just right of his spine and right below the shoulder blade. The combination of pain sent Riyoshi into shock.

OK. Go ahead Riyoshi replied in thought.

Reiatsu began to swell from deep inside Riyoshi. This reiatsu varied from Riyoshi’s own. This reiatsu was very sinister and dark. Getting back to his feet, Ryujin turned to look at Grimmjow. Cracking his neck, he forced reiatsu to his wound. As the blood stopped pouring from the wound, Ryujin held his right hand up and his zanpakutou came flying at him. The blade spun as it was aimed for going through the chest of Grimmjow.
Grim Kazimoto

Dark looked at Grim with his zanpaktuo tightly grasped his cold dark eyes looked at the shinigami who stood before with his darkness vizard mask on his face. He lowered his blade as the sands of hueco mundo slowly gathered upwards in the sky under the gravity of his incredible reiatsu. Grim stared at the man feeling a power similar if not stronger than the captain commander jing. Grim couldnt believe someone outside of soul society had so much power, but there was more that questioned him. This man didnt to be full hollow, he had booth shinigami and hollow powers alike. Grim knew since he also was that way, because he to was different. "Theres something ive been wondering, who are you exactly. I can sense the power of a shinigami from you, and you dont exactly look like an espada." Dark laughed as the sands continually rose from the grounds below.

"You are correct, i am a former shinigami. I left many years ago when aizen left to hueco mundo. But i stumbled across something so much bigger and stronger. When soul society invaded those many years ago i hid and continued my research. Then i found the legendary Darkness hollow. I devoured the beast and absorbed its powers... There i learned of one of its abilities, a toxin the hollow can emmit. This toxin can be used to infect shinigami and humans alike. The toxin makes any wounds untreatable, but i see you have found a cure for that well at least to those unaffected. But that is one iota of the effects of the darkness hollow. And now im afraid you will never be able to stop us. So ill give you a choice shinigami, you are a vizard so ill let you choose. Join me or Die!"

Grim looked at dark with his blade held close, blood was falling from his back as his glaring red eyes watched dark. Heat began to radiate from his body once more engulfing the sands that were lifted into the sky. Instantly the heat fused the sands into glass, dropping them out of the sky. "Your offer may be tempting, What would i get out of such a deal." With a pulse of reiatsu the darkness moved outwards in a wave crushing the glass into thousands of particles. These particles rose upwards into the sky forming small spheres of darkness reiatsu. "Hmmm life is what you would get... well that and the power of darkness...Now ill ask you once more shinigami.... Join me or Die"

Grim closed his eyes but for a brief moment with his blade held firm in his hands. The man was but stalling, to get some strength build up for the next attack. The shinigami captain knew he could not defeat such an enemy so he stalled. Stalled for time for another captain to come aid him in defeating such an enemy, but Grim wasnt sure if he could relay such a message in person about what he discovered about this enemy of soul society. A large wave of reiatsu poured outwards from the body of grim as waves of flames ripped through the darkenss. These flames would keep grim out of dark's for just a moment. Grim place his left hand forwards with a scroll peering before his body. This scroll was a kido spell, this spell was kido number 77, heavy void net. This spell allowed grim to send mental messages to another shinigami. Grim sent the message of the information of Dark to every soul society captain. With that message sent every captain knew dark was the source of the darkness and the infection on the previous captains. Which made him enemy number one. Dark glanced at grim with a smirk. "I guess you choose to die"

Dark but waved his hand as flames pushed forwards, he knocked them aside with his spiritual pressure. Darkness began to cover darks zanpaktuo once more as his reiatsu expanded. while at the same time Grim attempted to match his power as heat expanded, the chains that covered him began to glow blazing red. Due to the great heat that poured off his body, he held his zanpaktuo pointed forwards as he dashed towards Dark. Flames ensnared his sword as the grew to temperatures most men couldnt handle, the mere heat would melt flesh and bone. Winds of reiatsu wrapped around the sword of grim as he struck it towards Dark. "Soloar Wind Destroyer" yelled Grim. Dark extended his blade in place of grims. The black jagged steel clashed against the flamming blade ofgrim. Darkness clashed into the flames of grim, a black smoke swirled into the flames with there powers clashing. "Ash of the Dragon" spoke Dark as his darkness smoke began to cover the area around the two warriors like a black fog. But this wasnt any fog, it was a toxin, a ability of his zanpaktuo.

This toxin was unlike the one of the hollow, it was a poision that effect ones immune system and brain. It would bring fourth dizziness first then paraylesis then death. Depending on the amount taken in. An explosion formed as the two warriors were pushed backwards. Booth stared at one another as they clashed forwards once more, although this time something was wrong with grim. He slashed towards dark but missed him. Not only that but dark avoided the strike and sent the hilt of his sword at grim's jaw. Sending him out of the sky and into the sands of hueco mundo. Grim looked upwards with his eyes unable to focus on Dark. "Dammit" spoke grim as his senses were begging to fail.


The espada howled as darq was successful in her attempt to distort the beasts equilibrium. Jarikan stumbled being hearing impaired and visuall impaired. He roared in pain as booth reiatsu blasts his his shoulders. Blood began to pour out his arms with the monster falling to his knees. Then another strike hit the espada, his stomach was cut open by the blade of Darq. A tendrill of pain moved throughout his entire body but then something more began to spread through his body. A power, something evil and twisted. Suddenly as the espada's stomach was opened, it sealed itself as a terrible power expanded. Darness rose from the monster as it stood up again with its wounds sowing shut. Its eyes glared down at darq as its jaw opened up, there fired a cero. But not just any cero. This blast was continuous, it continued firing at darq as it poured out reiatsu. The reiatsu was enough to level all of hueco mundo under its force. Jarikan would fire for at least two minutes to insure his opponent was dead. Smoke and debris would fill the sands as the espada clutched the hilt of his sword with a grin. "Release, and swarm my predator."

Once jarikan spoke he released his zanpaktuo, changing his bodies mass, size and apearance. Moving from a giant into the size he was before. He stood at 5 foot six, he had partial hollow armor on his body that was all black. He had a long black cape with crows within it. On each arm of the espada he had a gauntlet, these gauntlets had six points around the wrist. Each that could hold a cero blast. "Cero Roulette" spoke jarikan as each gauntlet lit up holding six cero spheres around each wrist. He pointed his arms at darq or what was left of her as he said "Fire" with index fingers pointed at her he fired the cero blasts one after another. With twelve moving forwards they would surely explode upon her causing a massive explosion around her body.


The espada howled as riyoshi's blade grazed his stomach. Grimmjow was fast enough to evade most of the strike aimed to cut through him but he wasnt able to avoid it completely. Blood trickled down his stomach while his cold eyes glared at the shinigami in anger. Sliding backwards on his feet hie grinned with darkness reiatsu pouring out of his body. This darkness was actually making the espada insane. Grimmjow bent his knees as reiatsu formed around his feet. Grimmjow pushed forwards with another explosion of speed as he prepared his claws to rip through his opponent once more. But as he ran forwards grimmjow became obssesed with rage, "Shinigami!!!" he yelled become entranced in the darkenss reiatsu that flowed through his vains. Grimmjows claws glowed bright blue with reiatsu as he raced forwards at riyoshi. This was grimmjow's strongest atttack, panter kings claws. His claws would glow then he would make a slashing motion. Each claw could become long and sharp, a sharp blade composed of reishi (the main component, material of souls. All things in soul society are made of reishi) that canbe hurled at a enemy. He can swing a maximum of ten blades at a enemy. The attack acts as a ranged claw attack, which he controls like his regular claw attacks by using slashing motions. The power and force behind them is considerable and ichigo was only able to deflect them through shear will. Grimmjow would strike out with ten clawbs all with great force, speed and momentum behind them.
As the blade hurdled towards Riyoshi’s hand, he smiled just a bit and watched the attack grimmjow was preparing. Taking in a deep breath, Riyoshi grabbed the zanpakutou and his reiatsu exploded outwards once more.

“That attack is not going to be good enough.” Riyoshi said aloud as liquid poured from his blade.

As the liquid gathered at his feet, it started to rise upwards in a colum and cover him from sight. The liquid changed from clear to a dark black tint, and just as it fully changed, the liquid exploded outwards in every direction. This liquid was one of the abilities of Ryujin.

”That’s better.” Ryujin said towards Grimmjow. Standing there, Riyoshi’s form changed from the normal shinigami attire to that of ryujin’s completed bankai form.

As the large ten claw attack headed towards Ryujin, He smiled and vanished from sight. Appearing right next to Grimmjow, Ryujin placed his right hand upon the chest of Grimmjow, and spoke a few words.

“Bakudo 61, six rods prison of light.” Ryujin said aloud as he gripped his zanpakutou firmly in his off hand.

(completed bankai: )
Darq pressed backwards with her feet slidding across the sands of hueco mundo. The girls eyes glanced at the falling beast as blood dripped into the sands below. Lowering her right arm her zanpaktuo touched the surface as the espada crashed its knees into the ground. The woman chuckled lightly seeing how this espada was numeral uno and yet he had fallen to her power. But just as she thought the beast was soon to be destroyed a large reiatsu filled the beast. A power so different than what he had shown, but darq was good at sensing spiritual pressence. She could feel that same energy around hueco mundo and within soul society. But that wasnt all it was spreading from a strong source. It was most likely where grim was fighting, she thought either she could defeat the espada or grim would kill the source thus ending the darkness.

Suddenly the beast stood up on two legs as its mouth glowed bright red. She picked up her zanpaktuo and placed it infront of her as the beast sent down a stream of reiatsu. This was a cero blast darq defended against, but it was unlike and cero she had previously faced. Darq increased her reiatsu blocking the strike with the blade of her zanpaktuo as she was pushed into the sands of hueco mundo. Smoke and debris scattered under the force of the hollows blast as she continued to hold off the attack. After about two minutes the beast stopped blasting the cero at darq as she vanished under the sands of hueco mundo. Smoke rose from its breath while it still could sense her pressence. Then it spoke its command release of the zanpaktuo. The espada changed its size mass and appearance changing to a normal size. His reiatsu glowed with his power rissing as darq yet came fourth from the sands.

With a explosion of reiatsu she rose upwards with her shingami robes scortched from the cero blasts. She rose from the ground ten feet away from jarikan, she held her sword above her head with booth hands moving towards jarikan. Once above the ground she pressed off her feet launching upwards into the air using the force of her weight and momentum to bring the blade down upon jarikan. But as she closed in the espada pointed its arms at darq with his fingers pointed towards her. Cero Roulette spoke the espada launching the hollow bullet rounds at the woman. Slidding her hand from the hilt of her sword she grabed the fabric begging to twirl the blade over her head. Spinning it once more, she used the dark light flash. Although this time in a different fashion. She pressed her feet down into the ground infront of jarikan while she moved the blade to spin infront of her, using its momentum as a shield. Reiatsu formed around the blade with the hollow bullets crashing at darq. Each blast was blocked by darq until she clutched the hilt of her sword. Her hand shook from the recoil of jarikans attack.

"Sorry to dissapoint but this ends now....Bankai!"

A blinding light wrapped around darq as her reiatsu increased, waves of wind pushed away from her with dirt and debris pushing outwards from her power. The light lasted for about a minute until it diminished. Then she stood six feet tall in a shinning bright white suit of armor. On each of the arms were gauntlets with protruding blades. Large shoulder armor with green crystals were upon the armor. At each side of Darq's waist lied a knife, the blade was about half a foot long. A torn black cape fluttered behind the woman with a large claymore sword mounted on her back. A white helm on her head as she gazed at jarikan. With her right arm she reached behind her placing her fingers upon the blade. Slowly she pulled the blade fourth, the blade was black and the hilt was white. With the blade held above her head she struck the blade down with a white and black reiatsu swirling around the sword. "Dark Light Ripple!" The blade hit the ground exploding. Waves of black and white reaitsu ripped forwards to engulf jarikan.
Zieru Spirit

In soul sociey two arrancars lied dead on the grounds of soul society along with many menos and average hollows. The shinigami began healing one another and working to close the garganta that still lied in the skies. But as that hole remained opened, something peered through hueco mundo. A sudden terrible reaitsu was felt throughout soul society all in one instant. But a single chill was the least of there worries. Suddenly this darkness spread through the dead hollows, they began floating in the sky. Suddenly the hollows began attaching to the arrancars. Within seconds booth arrancars had changed with new bodies. Each exploded with reiatsu as the grounds of soul society shook once more. Two arrancars stood with darkness pouring out of them, they were much stronger than they were before.

A red haired arrancar stood with spikey red hair and hollow mask covering most of his face. He had a white arracnar uniform just like the others but his power was far from the rest. His heart and mind was filled with darkness along with his power. The man went by the name Xen. Nearby another arrancar stood with the same arrancar uniform, he had black skin and a partial hollow mask on his left side. This arrancar went by the name Darrendo Chivare. The two began attacking soul society and slaughtering the weaker shinigami. Within a instant multiple shingami appeared before the powerful arrancars. They appeared right before zeiru's side. The first was Velleron, zeiru's vice captain. Velleron was a short shingami who was calm and collective for the most part. He wore a normal shinigami uniform with a white haori overrop. A green obi was tied around his waist holding his zanpaktuo. The man had long black hair and pointy ears."Zieru we need your help." Zieru remained focused on concentrating his rieatsu in creating his seal for the garganta. "Ill help when i can, i need to finish the seal." Spoke zieru.

As Zieru spoke three shingami appeared, each was a vice captain. There names were Naka Kamura, Koi Kasai and Ine Shizuka. Naka kamura was a pride filled shinigami who was known for his skilled hand to hand combat. This man wore an unique shinigami uniform, he had the design of a sun on his uniform. A black bandana wrapped around his head and a sleeveles haori on his upper body. Koi Kasai was unique individual, he was a blade master. He didnt use much of his reiatsu in a battle, just his strength alone. This warrior was said to be one of the toughest in soul society although his mind set is what made him unworthy of a captains position. He believed that he would only use what power he needed to defeat a opponent. If someone was unworthy he would never show them more than needed. Ine Shizuka had long brown hair and blue eyes, she wore a standard shinigami uniform with a sleeveless haori. She had a black spiraling bracelet around her right wrist. Ine was known throughout soul society for being a brilliant stragegist.

Velleron looked at zieru with a calm look on his face "Ive brought three other vice captains all trained in sealing, We can take over for you". Zieru nodded passing off his focused reiatsu to the four vice captains. Each captain moved to a corner of the garganta as they focused there reiatsus to begin sealing off the garganta. Zieru pressed his feet against the ground using the flash step as he proceeded to the location of the arrancars. Xen held his zanpaktuo above his head laughing as he swung down his sword at a shinigami. In but a flash zieru appeared before xen as he pulled his enormous zanpaktuo infront of the strike. Zieru's zanpaktuo was already in its shikai state, it was a large broad sword with a blue blade. "Looks like i got a challenge finally" snickered xen. But as zieru and xens blades clashed Darrendo saw the two engaged in battle. He pointed his left hand at zieru firing a cero blast at him. Zieru stepped backwards evading the attack as the other arrancar moved closer to him. Now it was a two on one battle.

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Jing Mizumori

Reiatsu exploded form vingsun as his energy thrashed outwards around him. Once he spoke his release command the espada was covered in light, in seconds the light surrounded him pushing away the vines and thorns created by jings zanpaktuo. But a moment later vingsun walked from the light with a evil smirk on his face. His body was incased in what appeared to be a cool blue cascade metal. Above the metal what a black skeleton exoskeleton around his body. The hollow roared with his reiatsu still expanding as he bent his knees staring at jing. Then pressing off his feet he launched himself forwards with a explosion of force. Ripping through the sky with his hands opening as claws protruded from his finger tips. Vingsun hit jing's zanpaktuo and pushed him deep into a cavern wall as he roared in excitement. From Vingsun's back side a skeleton tail formed as he whiped his body and hit tail at jing before stepping backwards and preparing his next strike.

The beasts eyes glowed looking to see what remained of jing after the last strike until suddenly jings reiatsu pushed outwards. With a giant thud, unlike anything vingsun had felt before. A heavy gravity seemed to lift from the man as vingsun's eyes stared in shook. Jing placed his zanpaktuo's blade point along the floor as the ground shifted once more. Something aross upwards from below, it was a zanpaktuo along a stand. Once it rose from below jing placed his zanpaktuo relentless earth within its scabbard. Jing didnt have just one zanpaktuo, but two. He hid his second blade with his first. Since the relentless earth manipulated the ground it was the perfect way to hide his power.

Jing stepped forwards clutching the hilt of his second zanpaktuo. Once he clutched the blade, jing immediately pulled it from its scabbard. "Stomp... Spartan" said jing as the zanpaktuo formed into its shikai state. The blade was a large great sword, it had dark silver steel and heavy mass. This zanpaktuo had a very special ability , every time it struck a heavy mass. The spartan blade would absorb the mass from the object and gain power. Although the spartan would remain the same weight. Taking a step forwards jing held the spartan above his head and crashed it down against vingsuns skull. Blood poured out as he diced straight threw vingsun then turned as he formed a sphere of rieatsu infront of vingsun and blasted away his remains. Jing placed away his zanpaktuo the spartan and began to move back to soul society.


Jarikan unleashed many crows from his back to block the attack as he jumped into the sky. The espada began laughing with insanity as unleashed all the crows he had in his possesion. They circled all around him as a huge explosion occured below. Flames ripped in the sands of hueco mundo but this was going to be the last time this girl did such to his home. With a evil grin Jarikan once again activated the cero roulette, although this time it was not only around booth wrist gauntlets. It was upon every bird jarkian had in his arsenal. He had precisely one hundred and eighty two birds. Without any hesitation the espada shouted out "cero roulette" as booth he and the crows fired out many soul roulette rounds. Precisely one thousand and ninty two rounds were comming down at darq.
Darkness Blade

Hollow after hollow Darkness blade struck down his enemies. Although with eacht minute ticking the hollows he faced grew smarter and more aware of the powers darkness blade used. They began watching his move ments and using them against him. Cero was fired by menos at darkness blade, each menos attacked one shinigami duplicate at a time. Then one by one as darkness lost strength they took out clone by clone. The menos grew into darkness menos with raging reiatsu as soon darkness blade was the lone warrior facing many hollows all tring to escape hueco mundo and invade soul society. Rips covered darkness blades body as he stared forwards at the many hollows approaching. He had little to no choice about his next move. So with a sigh the man spoke the words Bankai. Each blade the fallen duplicates held floated within the air and floated around Darkness Blade. Each blade he could control with his mind. Darkness blade used each blade to block and make strikes while he waited for his shinigami comrades to defeat the enemy.

Reiko Shingan

Chaos had surely filled soul society with darkness spreading like wild fire. Reiko was finishing his training in a under ground chamber deep below soul society. It was tough to feel spiritual pressure form such a low depth. Although once the darkness reiatsu began to surface reiko knew he had to find the source of this power. Quickly the warriror moved to the source, he saw a wide gaping garganta in the sky. Reiko was inclined to stop the source when he saw four shinigami standing preparing to seal it away. He also felt two hollow like pressences of a strong calibur under the garganta. Although not only were two strong calibur hollows below, there was a strong shinigami below. Reiko turned his attention to the source of the garganta, the man of darkenss. Quickly Reiko stepped into the garganta moving forwards, he passed darkness blade as he bashed down hollows with his bare hands on his way towards dark.

Quickly Reiko stepped infront of Grim as he stood with booth arms at his sides. Reiko's spikey red hair began to lift upwards under the rise of the reiatsu within the warriior known as reiko. He clenched his fists with a smirk on his face, reiko was a born warrior. The man wore a black kimono with a black sleeveless haori. Over that haori was a white captains jacket. Reiko took off the captains jacket and placed it on the sands of hueco mundo, that jacket reiko didnt want torn or ripped. A warrior who enjoyed a good fight, and in this scenario reiko was going to be the one to defeat Dark. Spiritual pressure wasnt what reiko was lacking to win a fight, it was brute force. But reiko found a cure for that. He had a capsule tied into the sash around his waist. This capsule would take but ten minutes to activate, it would boost his strength and reiatsu. But Reiko had another one, he tossed it at grim while keeping his gaze upon dark. "So your the guy who is causing all this eh? No matter i dont care what your about, its the fight i care for!" Reiko said as a hellish crimson red reiatsu began spiraling around him.
Endou walked out of the 3rd division barracks and looked around at all the destruction of Soul society.

”Looks like i am going to need to join in on this fight.” Endou said aloud but to no specific person.

Flash stepping from his position, he arrived directly in front of the garganta. Looking at the 4 shinigami there, he spoke up.

”Which captains went in there?” Endou said as he awaited the response of the other shinigami.

The grounds of hueco mundo exploded with riyoshi evading the attack of the grimmjow. Sands exploded up to fifty feet tall from the might of the espada as he struck the ground below. Anger filled his eyes as he yelled in rage, the darkness reiatsu whiped outwards as winds pushed sands outwards. But as grimmjow's claws hit the ground riyoshi appeared beside grimmjow with a kido spell. Suddenly grimmjow was trapped in a spell of six prisms of light. Pressed down into the sands of hueco mundo by the legs, arms neck and back the man was trapped. Darkness lashed out at the rods as the espada roared. His eyes began to grow darker changing from a blue hue to complete black. Once incased in complete darkness his reaitsu ripped outwards breaking the six rods of light. Once free from the six rods he rose his right hand at riyoshi, a black sphere formed at the palm of his hand. With a terrible force the attack expanded with increasing power. This was a cero, but a very unique one, it was a darkness cero. With a burst of pressure the attack was fired at riyoshi with great force send hurtling towards him.


Velleron looked back at the new shinigami who stood before him as he continued concentrating his reiatsu to form a seal to block of the garganta. It was nearly ready but he still needed a bit more reiatsu to finish the seal and await confirmation from grim kazimoto about the situation. He looked back at the shinigami as he spoke with a calm voice. "Third captain Riyoshi, Fifth captain Reiko, Sixth captain Darkness Blade, Ninth captain Darq and Eleventh captain Grim are in Hueco Mundo."

Grim Kazimoto

Grim grinned as reiko arrived to the battle, he anticipated that another captain would soon arrive. He took a capsule from Reiko and swallowed it once his comrade gave it to him. "It took you long enough" spoke grim as he tried to stand up. He was staggering as he still felt the effect of Dark's power. He placed his zanpaktuo on the ground using it like a cane to keep his balance while he waited the effect of the capsule to kick in.


The being of darkness looked down to see yet another shinigami come to battle with him, and it was another captain. Dark thought how lucky he must have been to get the attention of yet another captain so quickly. Although his luck would surely soon run out as he would defeat every captain in his path. Dark's hand still upon his zanpktuo he grinned. His reiatsu once more would expand as smoke began to gather from the blade of Dark's Grinding Fang. Soon the smoke would twist and form, the smoke would form into the shape of multiple dragons. With a swing of his sword he sent down the toxic smoke dragons at reiko. The dragons would swoop down to devour reiko, they have the same effect as the attack just used against grim.

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(ooc: check out a pic i just did for the thread, group)
Vlocking the attack with his sword, Ryujin placed his hand behind the blade for added stability. The cero was powerful yes, but Ryujin was not going to lose to this monster. As the cero continued, it pushed him back towards a large pillar. Slamming into the pillar, the power of him and the cero combined just obliterated the pillar. The rubble of the pillar fell around the body of Ryujin and smoke covered a large area around Ryujin. From within the cloud of sand, great reiatsu began to condense. It condensed to a point that it started to solidify around Ryujin.

~~~~~Raiken looked at the shinigami as he told him that all of those captains went in there. The large shinigami grunted a little at the sound of Riyoshi's name being said. After all, they were rivaling for the same position.

"So Riyoshi made captain. If you plan on closing this thing, then close it. We will open th senkai gate from within hueco mundo when we are done. If we are able to close this down now, we cqn at least stop the hollows from barging in from this spot. And plus, if we are to send more troops into their home, we can at least divert some of their forces. I will be heading in there now so if mayori or the current 12th division captain is still here, they can lock onto my reiatsu signature and open a senkai gate themselves." Raiken said long windedly towards Velleron.

Leaping from his spot and going through the garganta, he arrived high above hueco mundo just in time to witness a pillar explode. Looking around at the landscape, he tried to assess the battles and find one the needed his assisstance. sensing the fight near the pillar, he found something that caught his attention. A being that only somewhat outmatched his own reiatsu. Flash stepping to the ground, he landed in front of Grimmjow. As Raiken landed, the sands of hueco mundo exploded into a large cloud of sand. this sand would more then likely blind the ones who were not shielding their eyes.

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